/// <summary>
        /// Calculate current opened position of bot.
        /// Call from:
        /// Plaza2Connector\CuserDealsPosBox.RefreshBotPos
        /// Plaza2Connector\CuserDealsPosBox.CalcCurrentPos
        /// TradingLib\CalcCurrentPos
        /// </summary>
        public void CalcCurrentPos()
            decimal openedAmount;

            AvPos = CalcAvPosHist(ListOpeningPosChanges, out openedAmount);

            //if no stock best price zero - calc is incorrect
            if (!m_userDealsPosBox.UserDealsPosBoxClient.IsStockOnline)
                return; //out
            //KAA 2016-Aug-05
            VMCurrent_Points = Mult * (GetBestPrice() - AvPos);

            VMCurrent_Steps = VMCurrent_Points / m_minStep;

            //VMCurrent_RUB_clean = _vmCalc.GetVMCurrent_RUB_clean(openedAmount);
            //VMCurrent_RUB_clean = VMCurrent_Steps * m_stepPrice * openedAmount;
            VMCurrent_RUB_clean = VMCalc.GetVMCurrent_RUB_clean(this, openedAmount);

            VMCurrent_RUB = VMCurrent_RUB_clean - Fee;
        /// <summary>
        /// Close position. Call when position fully closed or postion
        /// has changed the sign (in that case we close
        /// position and open it again in UserDealsPosBox).
        /// Call from
        /// -Plaza2Connector\UserDealsPosBox.CalculateBotsPos
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dtClose"></param>
        /// <param name="replIdClosed"></param>

        public void Close(DateTime dtClose, long replIdClosed)

            //replaced 2018-06-16
            //DtClose = dtClose;
            //ReplIdClosed = replIdClosed;
            SetDtCloseReplIdClose(dtClose, replIdClosed);

            decimal openedAmount;
            decimal closedAmount;

            decimal openedCost = CalcAvPosHist(ListOpeningPosChanges, out openedAmount);
            decimal closedCost = CalcAvPosHist(ListClosingPosChanges, out closedAmount);

            mx.WaitOne();                                       //TODO check if we need
            VMClosed_Points = Mult * (closedCost - openedCost); //calc points of profit

            Fee_Stock = CalcTotalFeeHist(); //calc fee from stock

            Fee = m_userDealsPosBox.BrokerFeeCoef * Fee_Stock;  //calc broker dealing fee,calc using stock fee mult by Coef

            if (m_minStep > 0)
                VMClosed_Steps = VMClosed_Points / m_minStep; //calc steps of profit
                //VMClosed_RUB_clean = VMClosed_Steps * m_stepPrice * openedAmount; //clean profit in RUB no fee
                VMClosed_RUB_clean = VMCalc.GetVMClosed_RUB_clean(this, openedAmount);
                VMClosed_RUB       = VMClosed_RUB_clean - Fee; //profit in rub with broker dealing
                CloseAmount        = closedAmount;
                PriceOpen          = openedCost;
                PriceClose         = closedCost;

                VMClosed_RUB_user = VMClosed_RUB;
                Fee_Total         = Fee;
