/// <summary>
        /// Checks out who the current speaker is, and adjusts the state of every character.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="candidateSpeaker"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public InformSpeakerReturn InformSpeaker(string candidateSpeaker)
            // find out who is the active speaker
            // arrange accordingly
            bool shouldRearrange = false;

            // extract description
            var speakingParts = candidateSpeaker.Split(',');

            candidateSpeaker = speakingParts[0];
            var description = speakingParts.Length != 2 ? "" : speakingParts[1];

            if (_narratingCharacter.IsSimilar(candidateSpeaker))
                currentSpeaking = _narratingCharacter;
            else if (_mainCharacter.IsSimilar(candidateSpeaker))
                currentSpeaking = _mainCharacter;
                foreach (var character in _activeCharacterList)
                    if (character.IsSimilar(candidateSpeaker))
                        currentSpeaking = character;
                        shouldRearrange = true;

                if (!shouldRearrange)
                    Debug.LogWarning($"Speaker not found: {candidateSpeaker}");

            if (shouldRearrange)
                _activeCharacterList.Insert(0, currentSpeaking);


            foreach (var character in _activeCharacterList)

            informSpeakerReturnValue.character = currentSpeaking;
            informSpeakerReturnValue.realName  = currentSpeaking.RealName;

        private void Awake()
            Debug.Assert(gameConfiguration != null);

            var characterPrefabList = gameConfiguration.characterPrefabList;

            _characterList = new UnifiedCharacterScript[characterPrefabList.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < characterPrefabList.Length; i++)
                _characterList[i] = InstantiateCharacter(characterPrefabList[i]);

            _narratingCharacter = InstantiateCharacter(gameConfiguration.narratingCharacterPrefab);
            _mainCharacter      = InstantiateCharacter(gameConfiguration.mainCharacterPrefab);

            if (_saveClient == null)
                _saveClient = gameConfiguration.RequestSaveAccess(this);
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks what the index is for an active character in the stack of characters who last spoke.
 /// This is useful for determining their position when there are multiple side characters active in the scene.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="unifiedCharacterScript"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public int GetSideCharacterIndex(UnifiedCharacterScript unifiedCharacterScript)