/// <summary>
        /// Launch the app
        /// </summary>
        public static CalculatorAppLfm Launch()
            Log.Comment("Launching Calculator and waiting for first page load...");

            // Need to set this for the MITALite Tap~ methods to work on high DPI screens.

            // We want to be able to see any element in the tree

            // Set default wait timeout.
            MS.Internal.Mita.Foundation.Waiters.Waiter.DefaultTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30);

            // Enable Mita internal logging.
            MS.Internal.Mita.Foundation.Utilities.Log.OutImplementation = (s, a) => { Log.Comment($"- [MitaLite] { string.Format(s, a) }"); };

            using (EtwWaiter appLaunchWaiter = new EtwWaiter(Constants.CalculatorETWProviderGUID, Constants.AppLaunchEndETWEventName))
                var viewDescriptor = NavigationHelper.LaunchApplication(Constants.PackageAppUserModelId);

                Window calculatorWindow = new Window(UIObject.Root.Descendants.Find(CoreWindowUICondition));
                Debug.Assert(calculatorWindow.ClassName == CoreWindowClassName);

                // Move our window to the foreground.

                return(new CalculatorAppLfm(new CalculatorAppPom(calculatorWindow), viewDescriptor));
        private UIObject LaunchUWPApp(string packageName)
            var nameCondition           = UICondition.CreateFromName(packageName);
            var topLevelWindowCondition = CreateTopLevelWindowCondition().AndWith(nameCondition);

            return(UAPApp.Launch(_appName, topLevelWindowCondition));
        private UIObject LaunchNonUWPApp(string packageName)
            var      nameCondition           = UICondition.CreateFromName(packageName);
            var      topLevelWindowCondition = UICondition.CreateFromClassName("Window").AndWith(nameCondition);
            UIObject coreWindow = null;

                coreWindow = UAPApp.Launch(_appName, topLevelWindowCondition);
                // UAP.Launch launches the app, but fails trying to find a CoreWindow in the launched app. If the
                // App is not UWP (as in the case of WPF app hosting a XAML Island), We can fallback to looking for
                // just a window and use it as the root for future queries.
                // not a uwp app, see if we can find any window with the condition that matches.
                coreWindow = FindCore.ByNameAndClassName(root: UIObject.Root, name: packageName, className: "Window", shouldWait: true);
