/// <summary>
 /// Places the torn object.
 /// To do this, touch a torn piece from the inventory.
 /// This should set the inventory state to "PLACING".
 /// After placing, inventory state should be set to "ROTATING".
 /// </summary>
 public void PlaceTornObject(TornObject pickedTornObject, TouchInfo tapInfo)
     /*if(tapInfo.touchPos == pickedTornObject.TearableGameObject.rigidbody.position)
         //holy shit I don't actually know what this does, good luck
     ///TODO: Learn how to get Touch Controller to give me a point
     ///corresponding to a certain box in the inventory
    /// <summary>
    /// Cutts the paper object along cutt verts ('tearLine').
    /// </summary>
    private void FindNewCutPieces()
        //The following initialize the storages holding the new vertices and faces for the two new citt paper objects
        CuttPieceOneVerts = Clone.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices;
        CuttPieceTwoVerts = Clone_2.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices;
        CuttPieceOneFaces = Clone.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.triangles;
        CuttPieceTwoFaces = Clone_2.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.triangles;

        //First, we update the paperGrid_1 DICT for determining whether a vertex has been hit be the user input
        for(int itor = 0; itor < CuttPieceOneVerts.Length; itor++)
                paperGrid_1[new Vector2(CuttPieceOneVerts[itor].y, CuttPieceOneVerts[itor].x)] = true;
                paperGrid_1[new Vector2(CuttPieceOneVerts[itor].y, CuttPieceOneVerts[itor].x)] = false;

        //Now we know which verticies are selected and how to distinguish both islands thanks to
        // the organized paper vert grid found previously

        //Now, we create two lists of verticies to determine which vertices belong to which 'island'
        island1 = new List<Vector2>();
        island2 = new List<Vector2>();

        //The following is used to switch in between both new meshes for data transfer after cutt/tear
        addingToPieceOne = true;

        //This flags is we are currently at a tear vertice to add to both islands
        bool currentlyInTransition = false;

        //This is used for testing, printing the number of torn vertices being created
        int numEdgeTearVerts = 0;

        //This points to the vertex in the current row where the tear section begins
        int startingVertIndice = 0;

        //We looop through the sorted paperGrid to create two new mesh based of tearLine
        for(int iterator = 0; iterator < paperGrid.Values.Count; iterator++)//each(List<Vector3> tempList in paperGrid.Values)
            //This is used for correctly assigning the beginning and ending tear sections of a tear region within
            //the currect row being raversed.
            bool haveHitTearLine = false;

            //This represents the tear vertex's position at the beginning of the current row's tear region
            //This is the first one hit
            Vector3 startTearPos = Vector3.zero;

            //This represents the tear vertex's position at the end of the current row's tear region
            //This is the last one hit ebfore another non-torn vertex is reached in the current row
            Vector3 endTearPos = Vector3.zero;

            //This is triggered true once we reach the end of one of the current row's tear regions,
            // this is when the critical decision is made, deciding which island to add to next for the next
            // non- torn vertex within the current row
            bool readyToDeterminShape = false;

            //First we see if the begginning of the current row is a NON torn vertex and the beggginning
            //of the last row IS a torn vertex

            //We make sure we are already past the first row because the following logic
            //is dependent upon the last row looked at
            if(iterator - 1 >= 0)
                //If the current row's first vertex is not torn and the last row's first vertex is torn
                if (!tearLine.ContainsKey(paperGrid.Values.ElementAt(iterator)[0]) &&
                    tearLine.ContainsKey(paperGrid.Values.ElementAt(iterator - 1)[0]))
                    //We increase the numEdgeTearVerts to keep track of which island we are adding to when
                    //the first row's veretex IS NOT a torn vertex

            //Now we change which island we are adding to, rotating between each one
            if(numEdgeTearVerts % 2 == 0)
                addingToPieceOne = true;
            else if(numEdgeTearVerts % 2 == 1)
                addingToPieceOne = false;

            //Iterate through every single value in the current row being observed
            for(int jtor = 0; jtor < paperGrid.Values.ElementAt(iterator).Count; jtor++)
                //Now, we need to remember the starting and ending vertices
                // in each of the current row's torn regions, this allows us
                // to accuratly find the incoming and outgoing directions of
                // the tear curve to then determine if we are rotating which
                // island we are adding to in the current row

                //if the current vertex being looked at is a tear vertex and we have not hit one of the tear
                // region within the current row yet.
                if(tearLine.ContainsKey(paperGrid.Values.ElementAt(iterator)[jtor]) && !haveHitTearLine)
                    //Set flag to true, for proper assignment of ending poisiton in the current row's tear region
                    haveHitTearLine = true;

                    //Assign the starting position of the current row's tear region being traversed.
                    startTearPos = paperGrid.Values.ElementAt(iterator)[jtor];

                    //This is a pointer to the row's list stored within the dictionary for proper direction of curve calculation
                    startingVertIndice = jtor;

                    //This is flagged to false because we are not yet ready to make the decision of which island to transition to
                    readyToDeterminShape = false;

                    //Testing printing
                    //Debug.LogWarning("Current vert = " + paperGrid.Values.ElementAt(iterator)[jtor].ToString() + " has hit tearvert in row = " + iterator.ToString());

                //If we have started a tear region
                    //If we are not at the last position in the row AND
                    //If the next vertex in row in not torn, then we know
                    //	we have finally hit the end of one of the current row's
                    //	tear regions
                    if((jtor + 1) < paperGrid.Values.ElementAt(iterator).Count &&
                        !tearLine.ContainsKey(paperGrid.Values.ElementAt(iterator)[jtor + 1]))
                        //This is set to false for triggering true for the possibility of the current
                        //row containing another torn vertice region
                        haveHitTearLine = false;

                        //Flag we are now ready to make a decision based on incoming and outgoing direction
                        //of curve about this tear region
                        readyToDeterminShape = true;

                    //Assign the end position in the current row's tear region to be the current vertex
                    //because we know that the next vertex in the row is not torn
                    endTearPos = paperGrid.Values.ElementAt(iterator)[jtor];

                //Now, at this point, we are ready to determine the incoming and outgoing
                //directions of the curve about one of the current row's tear regions

                //In the following, the x==y and y==x already, these components have already been switched
                TraverseGridAddToNewPiece(paperGrid.Values.ElementAt(iterator)[jtor], new Vector2(paperGrid.Values.ElementAt(iterator)[jtor].y, paperGrid.Values.ElementAt(iterator)[jtor].x), currentlyInTransition,
                    jtor, paperGrid.Values.ElementAt(iterator), startTearPos, endTearPos, readyToDeterminShape, startingVertIndice);

        //Make the second clone visible
        Clone_2.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().enabled = true;

        //Initialize the length of each new triangle storage for the new objects faces
        island1Indicies = new int[CuttPieceOneFaces.Length];
        island2Indicies = new int[CuttPieceTwoFaces.Length];

        //This is used to properly index the above new triangle face data for the
        // two new objects after tear
        indexor1 = 0;
        indexor2 = 0;

        //Now we have the associates vertices stored within island1 and island 2
        //We can now determine the new faces for each mesh by FIRST finding the indices for each vertice

        //Loop through every single face in the originial object to determine
        // which new faces belong on which island based of the vertex seperation
        // logic performed above
        for(int itor = 0; itor < CuttPieceOneFaces.Length; itor += 3)
            //The following is used to add a specific face to one island or the other

        Vector3[] newIsland1 = new Vector3[island1.Count()];
        Vector3[] newIsland2 = new Vector3[island2.Count()];

        int indexIsland1 = 0;
        int indexIsland2 = 0;

        for(int itor = 0; itor < Clone.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices.Count(); ++itor)
            if(island1.Contains(new Vector2(Clone.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices[itor].x, Clone.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices[itor].y)))
                Debug.LogError("test 1");
                newIsland1[indexIsland1] = Clone.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices[itor];

            if(island2.Contains(new Vector2(Clone.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices[itor].x, Clone.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices[itor].y)))
                Debug.LogError("test 2");
                newIsland2[indexIsland2] = Clone.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices[itor];//new Vector3(island1.ElementAt(itor1).y, island2.ElementAt(itor1).x, 0);


        int[] newIsland1indicies = island1Indicies;
        int inderIsland1 = 0;
        int[] newIsland2indicies = island2Indicies;
        int inderIsland2 = 0;

        for(int finder = 0; finder < island1Indicies.Length; finder += 1)
            for(int finder2 = 0; finder2 < newIsland1.Length; finder2++)
                if(Clone.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices[island1Indicies[finder]] == newIsland1[finder2])
                    newIsland1indicies[inderIsland1] = finder;
        island1Indicies = newIsland1indicies;

        Mesh newMesh1 = Clone.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;
        Mesh newMesh2 = Clone_2.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;


        newMesh1.vertices = newIsland1;
        newMesh2.vertices = newIsland2;

        newMesh1.triangles = island1Indicies;
        newMesh2.triangles = island2Indicies;


        Clone.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = newMesh1;
        Clone_2.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = newMesh2;
        //Reassign new mesh triangles, defining the new faces for the cloned object

        List<int> newIsland1indTempList = new List<int>();
        int numOfvertsIsland1 = 0;
        bool haveStarted = false;
        for(int itor = island1Indicies.Count() - 1; itor >  -1; --itor)
            if(island1Indicies[itor] != 0 || haveStarted)
                haveStarted = true;
        int[] newIsland1Ind = new int[numOfvertsIsland1];
        int indexer = 0;
        for(int itor = newIsland1indTempList.Count() - 1; itor >  -1; --itor)
            newIsland1Ind[indexer] = newIsland1indTempList[itor];
        island1Indicies = newIsland1Ind;

        List<int> newIsland2indTempList = new List<int>();
        int numOfvertsIsland2 = 0;
        bool haveStarted2 = false;
        for(int itor = island2Indicies.Count() - 1; itor >  -1; --itor)
            if(island2Indicies[itor] != 0 || haveStarted2)
                haveStarted2 = true;
        int[] newIsland2Ind = new int[numOfvertsIsland2];
        int indexer2 = 0;
        for(int itor = newIsland2indTempList.Count() - 1; itor >  -1; --itor)
            newIsland2Ind[indexer2] = newIsland2indTempList[itor];
        island2Indicies = newIsland2Ind;

        Clone.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.triangles = island1Indicies;
        Clone_2.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.triangles = island2Indicies;

        Clone.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices = newIsland2;
        Clone_2.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices = newIsland1;

        Clone.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.triangles = island1Indicies;
        Clone_2.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.triangles = island2Indicies;

        //Update the clone's mesh collider
        Clone.GetComponent<MeshCollider>().sharedMesh = Clone.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;
        Clone_2.GetComponent<MeshCollider>().sharedMesh = Clone_2.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;

        //Rename the object based on the number of faces in each of the new meshs
        if(island2.Count > island1.Count)
            //Assign pointer towards object currently being moved and rotated by player
            CurrentCuttPiece = Clone_2;
            //Now move the piece being moved up a layer
            Clone_2.transform.position = new Vector3(Clone_2.transform.position.x, Clone_2.transform.position.y, Clone_2.transform.position.z + 0.001f);

            //Now we add the new clones to list of tearbleObjects
            TornObject newTornPiece = new TornObject(Clone_2, Clone_2.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh, MESH_VERT_OFFSET, false);
            TearableObjects.Add (newTornPiece);

            TornObject newTornPiece2 = new TornObject(Clone, Clone.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh, MESH_VERT_OFFSET, true);
            TearableObjects.Add (newTornPiece2);

            Clone_2.name = "paper_CuttPieceOfPaper";
            Clone.name = "paper_LargerPiece";
            Clone_2.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.color = Color.green;
            //Assign pointer towards object currently being moved and rotated by player
            CurrentCuttPiece = Clone;
            //Now move the piece being moved up a layer
            Clone.transform.position = new Vector3(Clone.transform.position.x, Clone.transform.position.y, Clone.transform.position.z + 0.001f);

            //Now we add the new clones to list of tearbleObjects
            TornObject newTornPiece = new TornObject(Clone, Clone.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh, MESH_VERT_OFFSET, false);
            TearableObjects.Add (newTornPiece);
            TornObject newTornPiece2 = new TornObject(Clone_2, Clone_2.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh, MESH_VERT_OFFSET, true);
            TearableObjects.Add (newTornPiece2);

            Clone.name = "paper_CuttPieceOfPaper";
            Clone_2.name = "paper_LargerPiece";
            Clone.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.color = Color.green;

        //Turn true to flag that we are now done calculating the cut line
        doneCalculatingCuttLine = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// Updates the piece of paper original piece of paper
    /// </summary>
    private void Update_PieceOfPaper(TornObject to)
            Debug.LogError("done calculating tear original");
            //This flag is for testing purposes only,
            //this flag is intented to be enabled from within unity to visuall debug and test tear line
                //This is used to parse through the mesh to determine which vertices and faces
                //belong to which cut piece

                //Assign flag for moving cutt piece
                currentlyMovingCuttPiece = true;

                //Assign varaibles for moving piece
                screenPoint = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(CurrentCuttPiece.transform.position);
                offset = CurrentCuttPiece.transform.position - Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(
                    new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y, screenPoint.z));

                //Now we set the center of the cuttObject, used for rotation
                centerOfCuttPieceRotOffset =  FindCenterOfCuttPiece();
        else if (currentlyMovingCuttPiece)
            //Here the cuttPiece needs to be translated where ever the player desires

        //The OnMouse functions are only called when mouse collides with an objects collider,
        //The following
        if(Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && PlayerTouchingDeadSpace() && !cuttInProgress)//PlayerTouchingDeadSpace() PlayerTouchingOffPaper()
            //Debug.LogWarning("Updateing, Left Mouse DRAG");
            cuttInProgress = true;
            playerHasTouchedPaperThisTear = false;
            forceStopTear = false;
        if(Input.GetMouseButton(0) && !forceStopTear && cuttInProgress)// && !PlayerTouchingDeadSpace())
            //Debug.LogWarning("Updateing, Left Mouse DOWN");

                playerHasTouchedPaperThisTear = true;
            if(playerHasTouchedPaperThisTear &&  PlayerTouchingDeadSpace())//PlayerTouchingDeadSpace()  PlayerTouchingOffPaper()
                playerHasTouchedPaperThisTear = false;
                forceStopTear = true;
        if((Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)&& PlayerTouchingDeadSpace() && cuttInProgress) || forceStopTear)//PlayerTouchingDeadSpace()  PlayerTouchingOffPaper()
            //The following prevents mouseUp from being called if the player just cutts the dead space
            if(forceStopTear || playerHasTouchedPaperThisTear)
        else if(Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)&& !PlayerTouchingDeadSpace()&& cuttInProgress)
            Debug.LogError("REFRESHING MOUSE TEAR POSITIONS");
            mouseTearPositions = new List<Vector3>();
            mousePrevPos = Input.mousePosition;
            //Flag we are done finding cutt/tear line
            doneCalculatingCuttLine = false;
            cuttInProgress = false;

            gapPosiitons = null;
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates the new paper world clone and hides the original mesh renderer
    /// This function also sets flags handling which object is being manipulated
    /// </summary>
    private void CreateNewPaperWorld()
        //Assign the clone to be the new instance
        Clone = (GameObject) Instantiate(newPaper, newPaper.transform.position, newPaper.transform.rotation);

        Clone_2 = (GameObject) Instantiate(newPaper, newPaper.transform.position, newPaper.transform.rotation);
        Clone_2.GetComponent<TearPaper>().CloneObject = true;
        Clone_2.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().enabled = false;

        //Turn off the original object's meshRenderer to hide
        newPaper.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().enabled = false;

        //Set flag true to start deformations
        Clone.GetComponent<TearPaper>().CloneObject = true;

        //Loop through list storing any gameobject that can be torn
        foreach(GameObject go in ObjectsThatCanBeTorn)
            //Create and determine mesh offset
            float newMeshOffset = 0;
            if(go.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices.ElementAt(0).x != go.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices.ElementAt(1).x)
                newMeshOffset  = go.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices.ElementAt(0).x - go.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices.ElementAt(1).x;
                if(newMeshOffset < 0) newMeshOffset *= -1;
                newMeshOffset  = go.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices.ElementAt(0).y - go.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices.ElementAt(1).y;
                if(newMeshOffset < 0) newMeshOffset *= -1;

            //Now create new tearableObject
            TornObject newTearableObject = new TornObject(go, go.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh, newMeshOffset, false);

            //Now add the object to tearableObjetsList for correctly updating tear
            TearableObjects.Add (newTearableObject);
    /// <summary>
    /// Turns the input into torn vert curve on tear object, not dependent upon 
    /// the player touching the deadSpace first
    /// </summary>
    private void TurnInputIntoTornVertCurveOnTearObject(TornObject tornPiece)
        Vector3 screenDepth = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(mesh.vertices[0]);//Clone.GetComponent<MeshFilter>()
        List<Vector3> newMouseTearWorldPos = new List<Vector3>();
        //First the mouseTearPositions needs to be translated into world positions
        for(int indexr = 0; indexr < mouseTearPositions.Count - 1; indexr++)
            Vector3 curPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(
                new Vector3(mouseTearPositions[indexr].x, mouseTearPositions[indexr].y, screenDepth.z));
            newMouseTearWorldPos.Add (curPosition);
        mouseTearPositions = newMouseTearWorldPos;

        Vector3 previousTornVert = Clone.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices[0];//Clone.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().
        int numberOfVerts = 0;

        Vector3 previousMousePos = mouseTearPositions.ElementAt(0);

        //foreach(Vector3 mousePos in mouseTearPositions)
        for(int jtor = 0; jtor < mouseTearPositions.Count - 1; jtor++)
            //Find change in position of the mouse
            float mouseMoveDistX = mouseTearPositions[jtor].x - previousMousePos.x;
            float mouseMoveDistY = mouseTearPositions[jtor].y - previousMousePos.y;

            if(mouseMoveDistX < 0) mouseMoveDistX *= -1;
            if(mouseMoveDistY < 0) mouseMoveDistY *= -1;

            //for(int jtor = 0; jtor <

            //If jtor == 0, we are at an edge, so we forsure add, else we only add every time
            // the mouse has moved the distance inbetween any two adjacent vertices on paper mesh
            if(jtor == 0 || mouseMoveDistX > (MESH_VERT_OFFSET * 1/3) || mouseMoveDistY > (MESH_VERT_OFFSET * 1/3))
                //Debug.LogWarning("Mouse Has Moved the offset amount to add new vert");
                //Now, we know here we need to find the vert closest to the mouse position to add to the
                // tearLine

                float distToClosestRow = MESH_VERT_OFFSET * 20;
                int rowNum = 0;

                //First, loop through grid to find row with closest y-component
                for(int itor = 0; itor < paperGrid.Keys.Count; itor++)
                    float tempDist = paperGrid.Keys.ElementAt(itor) - mouseTearPositions[jtor].y;
                    if(tempDist < 0) tempDist *= -1;

                    if(tempDist < distToClosestRow)
                        distToClosestRow = tempDist;
                        rowNum = itor;

                float distToClosestCol = MESH_VERT_OFFSET * 20;
                int colomnNum = 0;
                //Now, we loop through grid to find vert in colomn with closest x-component
                //Debug.LogWarning("Row Number = " + rowNum.ToString());
                for(int ktor = 0; ktor < paperGrid[paperGrid.Keys.ElementAt(rowNum)].Count; ktor++)//paperGrid[paperGrid.Keys.ElementAt(rowNum)]
                    float tempDist2 =  paperGrid[paperGrid.Keys.ElementAt(rowNum)][ktor].x - mouseTearPositions.ElementAt(jtor).x;
                    if(tempDist2 < 0) tempDist2 *= -1;

                    if(tempDist2 < distToClosestCol)
                        distToClosestCol = tempDist2;
                        colomnNum = ktor;

                //Now rowNum and Colomn Num point to the new tornVert, so we add to tearLine list


                    //THE FOLLOWING NEEDS OPTIMIZATION, here we need to add the indice of the new torn vertice into tearline,
                    // therefore the quickest, but slowest solution is to iterate through all mesh verts....
                    int meshIndex = -1;
                    for(int gtor = 0; gtor < mesh.vertices.Length; gtor++)
                        if(mesh.vertices.ElementAt(gtor) == paperGrid[paperGrid.Keys.ElementAt(rowNum)][colomnNum])
                            meshIndex = gtor;

                    tearLine.Add(paperGrid[paperGrid.Keys.ElementAt(rowNum)][colomnNum], meshIndex);
                    paperGrid_1[paperGrid[paperGrid.Keys.ElementAt(rowNum)][colomnNum]] = true;

                    //This maps a 'time' to the tear vertice
                    tearLineTime.Add (paperGrid[paperGrid.Keys.ElementAt(rowNum)][colomnNum], (float)tearLineTimer);
                    tearLinePositionTime.Add ((float)tearLineTimer, paperGrid[paperGrid.Keys.ElementAt(rowNum)][colomnNum]);
                    previousTornVert = paperGrid[paperGrid.Keys.ElementAt(rowNum)][colomnNum];

                //Set previous the the position we just looked at
                previousMousePos = mouseTearPositions.ElementAt(jtor);