Exemple #1
        public MovingAverage(ref TickerClient tickerClient, string ProductName, int timeInterValInMin = 3, int smaSlices = 40, int serverDownloadAmount = 10, bool updateDb = true, bool clearDataOnDispose = true)
            //var a = tickerClient.CurrentPrice;
            clearSharedExDataOnDispose = clearDataOnDispose;

            UpdateJasonDB = updateDb;

            AmountOfDataToDownload = serverDownloadAmount;

            //Logger.WriteLog("Starting moving avg calculations");
            isBusyCalculatingSMA = false;

            Product = ProductName;

            isBusyUpdatingMA = false;

            //ForceRedownloadData = false;

            if (SharedRawExchangeData == null)
                SharedRawExchangeData = new List <CandleData>();

            TIME_INTERVAL = timeInterValInMin;

            SMA_UPDATE_INTERVAL_SEC = TIME_INTERVAL * 60; //time interval in seconds

            SLICES = smaSlices;

            TickerPriceClient = tickerClient;

            //Task.Run(() => Init(timeInterValInMin)).Wait();
Exemple #2
        public MyOrderBook(CBAuthenticationContainer authContainer, string product, ref TickerClient inputTickerClient) : base(authContainer)
            isUpdatingOrderList = false;

            isBusyCancelAndReorder    = false;
            BusyWithWithCancelReorder = false;

            OrderRetriedCount  = 0;
            OrderStartingPrice = 0;

            AvoidExFees = true; //avoid fees by default

            ProductName = product;
            _auth       = authContainer;
            orderList   = new OrderList(_auth);

            MyChaseOrderList = new List <MyOrder>();

            lastTickTIme = DateTime.UtcNow;

            PriceTicker = inputTickerClient; //new TickerClient(product); //no need to create two different ticker, use one global ticker
            PriceTicker.PriceUpdated            += PriceUpdateEventHandler;
            PriceTicker.TickerConnectedEvent    += TickerConnectedEventHandler;
            PriceTicker.TickerDisconnectedEvent += TickerDisconnectedEventHandler;

            fillsClient              = new FillsClient(_auth, this);
            fillsClient.FillUpdated += OrderFilledEventHandler;
        public MainWindow()
            var instanceContext = new InstanceContext(new ClientCallBack(time_block, clock_image));

            Closing += new CancelEventHandler(ClosingEvent);
            proxy    = new TickerClient(instanceContext);
Exemple #4
        public Simulator2(ref TickerClient ticker, string productName, int CommonInterval = 30, int LargeSmaLen = 50, int SmallSmaLen = 12, int BasePriceSma = 10, bool downloadLatestData = false)
            COMMON_INTERVAL = CommonInterval;
            LARGE_SMA_LEN   = LargeSmaLen;
            SMALL_SMA_LEN   = SmallSmaLen;

            BASE_SMA_LEN = BasePriceSma;

            BasePrices_MA = new MovingAverage(ref ticker, productName, COMMON_INTERVAL, BASE_SMA_LEN, 10, downloadLatestData, false);

            //BigSma_MA = new MovingAverage(ref ticker, productName, COMMON_INTERVAL, LARGE_SMA_LEN, 10, downloadLatestData, false);
            //SmallSma_MA = new MovingAverage(ref ticker, productName, COMMON_INTERVAL, SMALL_SMA_LEN, 10, downloadLatestData, false);

            var smaDtPoints_BasePrice = getSmaWithDataPts(BasePrices_MA, BASE_SMA_LEN);

            //var t = smaDtPoints_BasePrice.Select(d=>d.SmaValue)

            var SmaDtPoints_Big = getSmaWithDataPts(smaDtPoints_BasePrice, LARGE_SMA_LEN);

            var SmaDtPoints_Small = getSmaWithDataPts(smaDtPoints_BasePrice, SMALL_SMA_LEN);

            var maxdate = DateTime.Now;

            if (SmaDtPoints_Big.First().Time > SmaDtPoints_Small.First().Time)
                maxdate = SmaDtPoints_Big.First().Time;
                maxdate = SmaDtPoints_Small.First().Time;

            if (maxdate < smaDtPoints_BasePrice.First().Time)
                maxdate = smaDtPoints_BasePrice.First().Time;

            var firstCommonDate = maxdate; //SmaDtPoints_Big.First().Time;

            ActualPriceList = BasePrices_MA.SmaDataPts_Candle.Where(c => c.Time >= firstCommonDate).Select(d => new SmaData {
                ActualPrice = d.Close, SmaValue = (double)d.Close, Time = d.Time

            Price = smaDtPoints_BasePrice.Where(d => d.Time >= firstCommonDate).ToList();

            BigSma = SmaDtPoints_Big.Where(d => d.Time >= firstCommonDate).ToList();

            SmallSma = SmaDtPoints_Small.Where(d => d.Time >= firstCommonDate).ToList();
        public void Initialize(string username, string server)
            var concurrencyService = new ConcurrencyService();

            context = NetMQContext.Create();

            var tickerClient         = new TickerClient(context, server);
            var netMQHeartBeatClient = NetMQHeartBeatClient.CreateInstance(context, server);

            HeartBeatClient = new HeartBeatClient();

            var tickerFactory = new TickerFactory();

            TickerRepository = new TickerRepository(tickerClient, tickerFactory);
Exemple #6
        public ContextValues(ref MyOrderBook orderBook, ref TickerClient inputTicker)
            MyOrderBook = orderBook;

            CurrentTicker = inputTicker;

            UserStartedTrading = false;
            TradeActionList    = new List <string>();
            //ForceSold = false;

            BuySellAmount = 0.01m;//default

            //CurrentLargeSmaTimeInterval = 3; //default
            //CurrentLargeSmaSlices = 60; //default

            CurrentAction = "NOT_SET";

            //CurrentSmallSmaTimeInterval = 3; //default
            //CurrentSmallSmaSlices = 55; //default

            PriceBuffer = 0.05m; //default

            CurrentRealtimePrice = 0;
            CurrentBufferedPrice = 0;
            //CurrentLargeSmaPrice = 0;

            BuyOrderFilled  = false;
            SellOrderFilled = false;

            WaitingSellFill  = false;
            WaitingBuyFill   = false;
            WaitingBuyOrSell = false;

            WaitTimeAfterBigSmaCrossInMin = 5; //buy sell every time interval

            MaxBuy  = 5;
            MaxSell = 5;

            StartAutoTrading = false;
            //AutoTradingStoppedEvent?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);

            LastLargeSmaCrossTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToLocalTime();
            //LastSmallSmaCrossTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToLocalTime();
Exemple #7
        public static void ManualSimulate2()
            int lastCommonInterval = 0;
            int lastBigSma         = 0;
            int lastSmallSma       = 0;

            Simulator2 S = null;

            var          ProductName = "LTC-USD";
            TickerClient Ticker      = new TickerClient(ProductName);

            //wait for ticker to get ready
            Thread.Sleep(2 * 1000);

                Console.WriteLine("Enter simulation start date:");
                var      inDt = Console.ReadLine();
                DateTime dt;
                DateTime.TryParse(inDt, out dt);

                Console.WriteLine("Enter Common time interval in minutes");
                var inputCommonInterval = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine());

                Console.WriteLine("Enter base price sma len: ");
                var basePriceSma = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine());

                Console.WriteLine("Enter big sma length");
                var inputBigSmaLen = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine());

                Console.WriteLine("Enter small sma length");
                var inputSmallSmaLen = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine());

                //Console.WriteLine("Enter signal len: ");
                //var inputSmaLen = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine());

                if (S == null)
                    S             = new Simulator2(ref Ticker, ProductName, inputCommonInterval, inputBigSmaLen, inputSmallSmaLen, basePriceSma, true);
                    S.GraphWindow = _GraphingWindow;
                    if (!(lastCommonInterval == inputCommonInterval && lastBigSma == inputBigSmaLen && lastSmallSma == inputSmallSmaLen))
                        S             = null;
                        S             = new Simulator2(ref Ticker, ProductName, inputCommonInterval, inputBigSmaLen, inputSmallSmaLen, basePriceSma);
                        S.GraphWindow = _GraphingWindow;

                S.Calculate(dt, DateTime.Now, true, true);

                lastCommonInterval = inputCommonInterval;
                lastBigSma         = inputBigSmaLen;
                lastSmallSma       = inputSmallSmaLen;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("invalid input / error in calc: " + ex.Message);
Exemple #8
        private static List <ResultData> RunSim_ThreadSafe(ref TickerClient inputTicker, DateTime startDt, DateTime endDt, int inputSimCount)
            int lastCommonInterval = 0;
            int lastBigSma         = 0;
            int lastSmallSma       = 0;

            Simulator2 S = null;

            TickerClient Ticker = inputTicker;

            DateTime autoStartDate = startDt;

            DateTime autoEndDate = endDt;

            List <ResultData> resultList = new List <ResultData>();

            int simCount = inputSimCount;

            //Parallel.For(0, simCount, i =>
            for (int i = 0; i < simCount; i++)
                IntervalData interval = null;
                interval = getIntervalData();
                    if (S == null)
                        S             = new Simulator2(ref Ticker, ProductName, interval.interval, interval.bigSmaLen, interval.smallSmaLen, interval.basePriceSmaLen, true);
                        S.GraphWindow = _GraphingWindow;
                        if (!(lastCommonInterval == interval.interval && lastBigSma == interval.bigSmaLen && lastSmallSma == interval.smallSmaLen))
                            S             = null;
                            S             = new Simulator2(ref Ticker, ProductName, interval.interval, interval.bigSmaLen, interval.smallSmaLen, interval.basePriceSmaLen);
                            S.GraphWindow = _GraphingWindow;

                    var plResult = S.Calculate(autoStartDate, autoEndDate, false, true);

                    resultList.Add(new ResultData {
                        Pl = plResult, intervals = interval

                    lastCommonInterval = interval.interval;
                    lastBigSma         = interval.bigSmaLen;
                    lastSmallSma       = interval.smallSmaLen;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("invalid input / error in calc");

Exemple #9
        public static void AutoSimulate2()

            TickerClient Ticker = new TickerClient(ProductName);

            //wait for ticker to get ready
            Thread.Sleep(2 * 1000);

            DateTime dtStart = DateTime.MinValue;

            while (dtStart == DateTime.MinValue)
                Console.WriteLine("Enter simulation start date:");
                var inDt = Console.ReadLine();
                DateTime.TryParse(inDt, out dtStart);

            DateTime autoStartDate = dtStart;// new DateTime(2017, 10, 1);

            //DateTime autoEndDate = new DateTime(2018, 2, 13);//DateTime.Now;

            DateTime dtEnd = DateTime.MinValue;

            while (dtEnd == DateTime.MinValue)
                Console.WriteLine("Enter simulation end date, enter n to use todays date:");
                var inDt = Console.ReadLine();

                if (inDt == "n")
                    dtEnd = DateTime.Now;
                DateTime.TryParse(inDt, out dtEnd);

            DateTime autoEndDate = dtEnd; //DateTime.Now;

            List <ResultData> allCombinedResultList = new List <ResultData>();

            var startTime = DateTime.Now;

            int simCount = 0;

            int Each_Sim_Count = 50;//50;

            while (simCount == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Enter number of simulation count, " + Each_Sim_Count + " minimun");
                simCount = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            List <Task> allSimTasks = new List <Task>();

            var eachBatchCount = 1000;

            var lastBatchCompletionTime = DateTime.Now;

            Int32 SLEEP_TIME_SEC = 30 * 1000;

            for (int batch = eachBatchCount; batch < simCount + eachBatchCount; batch += eachBatchCount)
                Console.WriteLine("starting batch: " + (batch - eachBatchCount) + " - " + batch);

                if (batch > eachBatchCount)

                var threadCount = Math.Ceiling((eachBatchCount / (double)Each_Sim_Count));

                for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++)
                    var curTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                        var returnedResult = RunSim_ThreadSafe(ref Ticker, autoStartDate, autoEndDate, Each_Sim_Count);



                if (batch >= eachBatchCount)
                    var timeTakenLastBatch = (DateTime.Now - lastBatchCompletionTime).TotalMinutes;
                    Console.WriteLine("Time taken to complete last batch (min): " + timeTakenLastBatch);

                    var expectedCompletionTime = (timeTakenLastBatch + ((SLEEP_TIME_SEC / 1000) / 60)) * ((simCount - batch) / eachBatchCount);
                    Console.WriteLine("Expected completion time: " + expectedCompletionTime + " min, " + DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(expectedCompletionTime));
                    lastBatchCompletionTime = DateTime.Now;

            Console.WriteLine("\nTop 5 profit results\n");

            IntervalData bestValues = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                var best = allCombinedResultList.Where(d => d.Pl == allCombinedResultList.Max(a => a.Pl)).First();

                if (bestValues == null)
                    bestValues = best.intervals;

                var resMsg = "best result: " + i + "\n"
                             + "PL: " + best.Pl + "\n"
                             + "Interval: " + best.intervals.interval + "\n"
                             + "Base price sma: " + best.intervals.basePriceSmaLen + "\n"
                             + "big sma: " + best.intervals.bigSmaLen + "\n"
                             + "small sma: " + best.intervals.smallSmaLen + "\n";

                Logger.WriteLog("\n" + resMsg);


            var S = new Simulator2(ref Ticker, ProductName, bestValues.interval, bestValues.bigSmaLen, bestValues.smallSmaLen, bestValues.basePriceSmaLen, false);

            S.GraphWindow = _GraphingWindow;
            S.Calculate(autoStartDate, autoEndDate, true, true);

            //Console.WriteLine("\nTop 5 loss results\n");
            //for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            //    var best = allCombinedResultList.Where(d => d.Pl == allCombinedResultList.Min(a => a.Pl)).First();
            //    var resMsg = "best result: " + i + "\n"
            //        + "PL: " + best.Pl + "\n"
            //        + "Interval: " + best.intervals.interval + "\n"
            //        + "Base price sma: " + best.intervals.basePriceSmaLen + "\n"
            //        + "big sma: " + best.intervals.bigSmaLen + "\n"
            //        + "small sma: " + best.intervals.smallSmaLen + "\n";

            //    Logger.WriteLog("\n" + resMsg);

            //    allCombinedResultList.Remove(best);


            Console.WriteLine("time taken for " + allSimTasks.Count() * Each_Sim_Count + " iterations (min): " + (DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalMinutes);

Exemple #10
        private void InitManager(string ProductName, IntervalValues intervalValues)
            //try to get ticker first

            //Logger.WriteLog("Init Manager Thread ID: " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString());

                Logger.WriteLog("Initializing ticker");
                ProductTickerClient = new TickerClient(ProductName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.WriteLog("Manager cant initialize ticker");

            ProductTickerClient.PriceUpdated += ProductTickerClient_UpdateHandler;

            AvoidExchangeFees = true;

            ProductTickerClient.TickerConnectedEvent    += TickerConnectedHandler;
            ProductTickerClient.TickerDisconnectedEvent += TickerDisconnectedHandler;

            MyAuth             = new CBAuthenticationContainer(MyKey, MyPassphrase, MySecret);
            MyProductOrderBook = new MyOrderBook(MyAuth, ProductName, ref ProductTickerClient);
            MyProductOrderBook.OrderUpdateEvent += FillUpdateEventHandler;

            CurContextValues             = new ContextValues(ref MyProductOrderBook, ref ProductTickerClient);
            CurContextValues.ProductName = ProductName;

            CurContextValues.Auth = MyAuth;

            CurContextValues.AutoTradingStartEvent += autoTradeStartEventHandler;
            CurContextValues.AutoTradingStopEvent  += autoTradeStopEventHandler;

            ////update ui with initial prices
            ProductTickerClient_UpdateHandler(this, new TickerMessage(ProductTickerClient.CurrentPrice));

            CurrentDisplaySmaTimeInterval = intervalValues.LargeIntervalInMin;
            CurrentDisplaySmaSlices       = intervalValues.LargeSmaSlices; //default large sma slice value

            //SmaSmall = new MovingAverage(ref ProductTickerClient, ProductName, CurContextValues.CurrentSmallSmaTimeInterval, CurContextValues.CurrentSmallSmaSlices);
            //SmaSmall.MovingAverageUpdated += SmaSmallChangedEventHandler;

            Logger.WriteLog(string.Format("{0} manager started", ProductName));

            //currentTradeStrategy = new TradeStrategyA(ref CurContextValues);
            //currentTradeStrategy = new TradeStrategyB(ref CurContextValues);
            //currentTradeStrategy = new TradeStrategyC(ref CurContextValues);
            //currentTradeStrategy = new TradeStrategyB(ref CurContextValues);
            //currentTradeStrategy = new TradeStrategyD(ref CurContextValues);

            if (intervalValues == null)
                intervalValues = new IntervalValues(30, 15, 5);//IntervalValues(5, 3, 1);
            //currentTradeStrategy = new TradeStrategyE(ref CurContextValues, intervalValues);

            CreateUpdateStrategyInstance(intervalValues, true).Wait();

            currentTradeStrategy.CurrentActionChangedEvent += CUrrentActionChangeEventHandler;

            //save the interval values for later use
            //CurContextValues.CurrentIntervalValues = intervalValues;

            DisplaySma = new MovingAverage(ref ProductTickerClient, ProductName, CurrentDisplaySmaTimeInterval, CurrentDisplaySmaSlices);
            DisplaySma.MovingAverageUpdatedEvent += DisplaySmaChangedEventHandler;

            UpdateDisplaySmaParameters(CurrentDisplaySmaTimeInterval, CurrentDisplaySmaSlices);

            UpdateBuySellAmount(0.01m); //default
            //UpdateBuySellBuffer(0.03m); //default

            catch (Exception)
                Logger.WriteLog("Error getting available funds details, please check your gdax credentials");

            AppSettings.MajorSettingsChangEvent += MajorSettingsChangedEventHandler;

