Exemple #1
        private static int ProcessNormal(FormattedText text, Queue <string> lineParts, int documentOffset)
            // Format: any line that isn't one of the other types.  Can contain a mixture of keywords
            // and non-keyword text.  Probably doesn't contain entities.
            // Parse the line for keywords only

            // Only need to get this if a keyword is actually found.
            TextStyle keywordStyle = null;

            while (lineParts.Count > 0)
                var item = lineParts.Dequeue();
                if (Keywords.IsKeyword(item))
                    if (keywordStyle == null)
                        keywordStyle = TextStyles.GetStyleForTokenType(TokenType.Keyword);

                    keywordStyle.Apply(text, documentOffset, item.Length);

                documentOffset += item.Length + (lineParts.Count == 0 ? LINE_SEPARATOR_LENGTH : 1);

Exemple #2
        private static int ApplyStyleToEntireLine(TokenType tokenType, FormattedText text, string line, int documentOffset)
            var textStyle = TextStyles.GetStyleForTokenType(tokenType);

            textStyle.Apply(text, documentOffset, line.Length);

            return(documentOffset + line.Length + LINE_SEPARATOR_LENGTH);
Exemple #3
        private int ProcessDeclaration(FormattedText text, Queue <string> lineParts, int documentOffset)
            // TODO: Potential IndexOutOfRange exceptions; needs validation

            // Format: entity_type entity_name as entity_alias {
            // Everything after entity_name is optional

            var entityTypeStyle = TextStyles.GetStyleForTokenType(TokenType.Keyword);
            var entityNameStyle = TextStyles.GetStyleForTokenType(TokenType.Entity);

            // Part 0 is always the entity type
            documentOffset = ApplyStyleToNextItem(entityTypeStyle, lineParts, text, documentOffset);

            // Part 1 is always the entity name
            documentOffset = ApplyStyleToNextItem(entityNameStyle, lineParts, text, documentOffset);

            // We could be done here
            if (lineParts.Count == 0)

            if (lineParts.Peek() == "as")
                // If they exist, parts 2 and 3 are always "as" and the alias
                documentOffset = ApplyStyleToNextItem(entityTypeStyle, lineParts, text, documentOffset);
                documentOffset = ApplyStyleToNextItem(entityNameStyle, lineParts, text, documentOffset);

            // Tack the rest on as normal text
            if (lineParts.Count > 0)
                while (lineParts.Any())
                    var item = lineParts.Dequeue();
                    documentOffset += item.Length + (lineParts.Count == 0 ? LINE_SEPARATOR_LENGTH : 1);

Exemple #4
        private int ProcessLink(FormattedText text, Queue <string> lineParts, int documentOffset)
            // Format: entity_name arrow entity_name : message
            // The message is optional.

            // TODO: Potential IndexOutOfRange errors
            var entityStyle = TextStyles.GetStyleForTokenType(TokenType.Entity);

            // Part 0 is always an entity
            documentOffset = ApplyStyleToNextItem(entityStyle, lineParts, text, documentOffset);

            // Part 1 is always an arrow and no format is necessary
            var currentItem = lineParts.Dequeue();

            documentOffset += currentItem.Length + (lineParts.Count == 0 ? LINE_SEPARATOR_LENGTH : 1);

            // Part 2 is always an entity
            documentOffset = ApplyStyleToNextItem(entityStyle, lineParts, text, documentOffset);

            if (lineParts.Count != 0)
                // If part 3 is not a colon, just format the rest of the line as normal text
                TextStyle remainingStyle;
                if (lineParts.Peek() == ":")
                    remainingStyle = TextStyles.GetStyleForTokenType(TokenType.Message);
                    remainingStyle = TextStyles.GetStyleForTokenType(TokenType.Normal);

                while (lineParts.Count > 0)
                    documentOffset = ApplyStyleToNextItem(remainingStyle, lineParts, text, documentOffset);
