Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Function that adds a given tester to the system
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="NewTester">Tester to add to the system</param>
        public void AddTester(Tester NewTester)
            if (NewTester.Age() > Configuration.MaximumTesterAge)
                throw new Exception("Tester is too old.");
            if (NewTester.Age() < Configuration.MinimumTesterAge)
                throw new Exception("Tester is too young.");
            int Sum  = 0;
            int Temp = int.Parse(NewTester.IDNumber) / 10;

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                Sum  += (Temp % 10) * (Utilities.FuncForID(i)) / 10 + ((Temp % 10) * Utilities.FuncForID(i)) % 10;
                Temp /= 10;
            Temp = (((Sum / 10) * 10 + 10) - Sum) % 10;
            if (Temp != int.Parse(NewTester.IDNumber) % 10)
                throw new Exception("The ID number is not valid.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to update a Tester in the system
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="updatedTester">Tester to be updated</param>
        public void UpdateTester(Tester updatedTester)
            Tester tester = (from t in ReturnTesters()
                             where t.IDNumber == updatedTester.IDNumber
                             select t).FirstOrDefault();
            List <Test> testList = new List <Test>();

                testList = ReturnTests();
                testList = new List <Test>();
            var k = (from t in testList
                     where t.TesterId == updatedTester.IDNumber
                     select t);

            if (tester == null)
                throw new Exception("Tester does not exist.");
            if (tester.TestsSignedUpFor > updatedTester.MaximumWeeklyTests)
                throw new Exception(tester.Name.ToString() + " is already signed up to more tests then will be possible. Please manually cancel those tests before changing the amount of tests possible.\n At least " + (tester.TestsSignedUpFor - updatedTester.MaximumWeeklyTests).ToString() + " will need to be canceled to allow this action.");
            if (/*tester.MyVehicles != updatedTester.MyVehicles && tester.MyVehicles != updatedTester.MyVehicles && */ k.Any(t => updatedTester.hasVehicle(t.TestVehicle) == false))
                throw new Exception(tester.Name.ToString() + " is signed up to tests they will not be able to do because they will no longer specialize in the needed vehicle.\n Please manually cancel those tests before updating the tester.");
            if ((tester.MaxDistanceFromTest > updatedTester.MaxDistanceFromTest || tester.MyAddress != updatedTester.MyAddress) && k.Any(t => CalcDistance(updatedTester.MyAddress, t.AddressOfDeparture) > updatedTester.MaxDistanceFromTest))
                throw new Exception(tester.Name.ToString() + " is signed up to tests they will not be able to do because their address will be too far from the test.\n Please manually cancel those tests before updating the tester.");
            if (updatedTester.Age() > Configuration.MaximumTesterAge)
                throw new Exception(tester.Name.ToString() + " is too old.");
            if (updatedTester.Age() < Configuration.MinimumTesterAge)
                throw new Exception(tester.Name.ToString() + " is too young.");
            //if (k.Any(t => !updatedTester.hasTestByDate(t.DateAndTime)))
            //    throw new Exception(tester.Name.ToString() + " is signed up to Tests that need to be canceled in order to change their schedule.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;