Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a Generic Message, check ActiveHardware
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ID"></param>
        /// <param name="PID"></param>
        /// <param name="DID"></param>
        /// <param name="SID"></param>
        /// <param name="Data"></param>
        public void WriteMessage(uint ID, uint PID, uint DID, uint SID, Byte[] Data)
            #region ValCheck
            if ((int)console.GetActiveHardware() == -1)

            TCLightMsg       newMsg  = new TCLightMsg();
            TCLightTimestamp newTime = new TCLightTimestamp();

            newMsg.ID = ID | PID | DID | SID;

            newMsg.MsgType = MsgTypes.MSGTYPE_EXTENDED;

            newMsg.Len = 8;

            newMsg.Data = Data;

            newTime.millis = 1002;

            console.AddOutsideMessage(newMsg, newTime);
            PCANLight.Write(console.GetActiveHardware(), newMsg);
Exemple #2
        private void SetupStepBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region ValCheck
            if ((int)console.GetActiveHardware() == -1)

            #region Declarations
            TCLightMsg msg = writer.BuildMessage((uint)MSG.CAN_SET_NODE_TEST_FUNCTION,

            #region Data

            msg.Data[0] = 0x5;
            msg.Data[1] = (byte)BitConverter.GetBytes((short)StepStartAbsNtb.Value)[1];
            msg.Data[2] = (byte)BitConverter.GetBytes((short)StepStartAbsNtb.Value)[0];
            msg.Data[3] = (byte)BitConverter.GetBytes((short)StepIncrNtb.Value)[1];
            msg.Data[4] = (byte)BitConverter.GetBytes((short)StepIncrNtb.Value)[0];
            msg.Data[5] = (byte)TriggerComboBox1.SelectedIndex;
            msg.Data[6] = 0;
            msg.Data[7] = 0;

            #region Write
Exemple #3
        public void RequestSettings()
            #region ValCheck
            if ((int)console.GetActiveHardware() == -1)

            #region Declarations
            TCLightMsg msg = writer.BuildMessage((uint)MSG.CAN_SET_NODE_TEST_FUNCTION,

            #region Data

            msg.Data[0] = 0x7;


            #region Write
Exemple #4
        private void ExecuteStepIncrBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region ValCheck
            if ((int)console.GetActiveHardware() == -1)

            #region Declarations
            TCLightMsg msg = writer.BuildMessage((uint)MSG.CAN_SET_NODE_TEST_FUNCTION,

            #region Data

            msg.Data[0] = 0x4;
            msg.Data[1] = 0;
            msg.Data[2] = 0;
            msg.Data[3] = 0;
            msg.Data[4] = 0;
            msg.Data[5] = 0;
            msg.Data[6] = 0;
            msg.Data[7] = 0;

            #region Write
Exemple #5
        private void StepDelayDownBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region ValCheck
            if ((int)console.GetActiveHardware() == -1)

            #region Declarations
            TCLightMsg msg = writer.BuildMessage((uint)MSG.CAN_SET_NODE_TEST_FUNCTION,

            #region Data
            msg.Data[0] = (byte)CanTestFuncVals.gbiTestFunctions.GBI_TEST_FUNCTION_INDEX_ADJ_STEP_START_DELAY;
            msg.Data[1] = 0;
            msg.Data[2] = 0;
            msg.Data[3] = 0;
            msg.Data[4] = 0;
            msg.Data[5] = 0;
            msg.Data[6] = 0;
            msg.Data[7] = 0;

Exemple #6
        private void TriggerComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TCLightMsg msg = writer.BuildMessage((uint)MSG.CAN_SET_NODE_TEST_FUNCTION, (uint)PID.CAN_PID_COMMAND, (uint)DID.CAN_DID_THD, (uint)SID.CAN_SID_EXT);

            msg.Len = 3;

            msg.Data[0] = 6;

            if (sender == TriggerComboBox2)
                msg.Data[1] = (byte)TriggerComboBox2.SelectedIndex;
            else if (sender == TriggerComboBox1)
                msg.Data[1] = (byte)TriggerComboBox1.SelectedIndex;
            else if (sender == TriggerComboBox3)
                msg.Data[1] = (byte)TriggerComboBox3.SelectedIndex;
            else if (sender == TriggerComboBox4)
                msg.Data[1] = (byte)TriggerComboBox4.SelectedIndex;

Exemple #7
        private void NPTModeBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region Declarations

            TCLightMsg NPTMsg = writer.BuildMessage((uint)MSG.CAN_SET_NODE_OPMODE,


            #region Data

            NPTMsg.Data[0] = 0x01;//Mode to enter

            NPTMsg.Data[1] = (byte)DateTime.Now.Month;
            NPTMsg.Data[2] = (byte)DateTime.Now.Day;
            NPTMsg.Data[3] = (byte)(DateTime.Now.Year - 2000);
            NPTMsg.Data[4] = (byte)DateTime.Now.Hour;
            NPTMsg.Data[5] = (byte)DateTime.Now.Minute;
            NPTMsg.Data[6] = (byte)DateTime.Now.Second;


            #region Write


Exemple #8
        // how is this different???

        private void StepSendBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region ValCheck
            if ((int)console.GetActiveHardware() == -1)

            #region Declarations
            TCLightMsg msg = writer.BuildMessage((uint)MSG.CAN_SET_NODE_TEST_FUNCTION,

            #region Data

            msg.Data[0] = 0x2;
            msg.Data[1] = 0x1;
            msg.Data[2] = (byte)BitConverter.GetBytes((short)StartValNtb.Value)[1];
            msg.Data[3] = (byte)BitConverter.GetBytes((short)StartValNtb.Value)[0];
            msg.Data[4] = (byte)BitConverter.GetBytes((short)StepValNtb.Value)[1];
            msg.Data[5] = (byte)BitConverter.GetBytes((short)StepValNtb.Value)[0];
            msg.Data[6] = (byte)BitConverter.GetBytes((short)StepCountNtb.Value)[0];
            msg.Data[7] = 0;

            #region Write
Exemple #9
        private void btnWrite_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            TCLightMsg MsgToSend;
            TextBox    CurrentTextBox;
            CANResult  Res;

            // We create a TCLightMsg message structure
            MsgToSend = new TCLightMsg();

            // We configurate the Message.  The ID (max 0x1FF),
            // Length of the Data, Message Type (Standard in
            // this example) and die data
            MsgToSend.ID      = Convert.ToUInt32(txtID.Text, 16);
            MsgToSend.Len     = Convert.ToByte(nudLength.Value);
            MsgToSend.MsgType = (chbExtended.Checked) ? MsgTypes.MSGTYPE_EXTENDED : MsgTypes.MSGTYPE_STANDARD;
            // If a remote frame will be sent, the data bytes are not important.
            if (chbRemote.Checked)
                MsgToSend.MsgType |= MsgTypes.MSGTYPE_RTR;
                // We get so much data as the Len of the message
                CurrentTextBox = txtData0;
                for (int i = 0; i < MsgToSend.Len; i++)
                    MsgToSend.Data[i] = Convert.ToByte(CurrentTextBox.Text, 16);
                    if (i < 7)
                        CurrentTextBox = (TextBox)this.GetNextControl(CurrentTextBox, true);

            // The message is sent to the configured hardware
            Res = PCANLight.Write(ActiveHardware, MsgToSend);

            // The Hardware was successfully sent
            if (Res == CANResult.ERR_OK)
                txtInfo.Text = "Message was successfully SENT.\r\n";
            // An error occurred.  We show the error.
                txtInfo.Text = "Error: " + Res.ToString();
Exemple #10
        public void WriteMessage(TCLightMsg msg)
            #region ValCheck
            if ((int)console.GetActiveHardware() == -1)

            console.AddOutsideMessage(msg, BuildMessageTime());
            PCANLight.Write(console.GetActiveHardware(), msg);
Exemple #11
        public TCLightMsg BuildMessage(uint ID, uint PID, uint DID, uint SID)
            TCLightMsg newMsg = new TCLightMsg();

            newMsg.ID = ID | PID | DID | SID;

            newMsg.MsgType = MsgTypes.MSGTYPE_EXTENDED;

            newMsg.Len = 8;

Exemple #12
        private void AlignMotorBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TCLightMsg MsgToSend = new TCLightMsg();

            MsgToSend.ID      = 0x013E20E0 | 0x00000001;
            MsgToSend.MsgType = MsgTypes.MSGTYPE_EXTENDED;
            TCLightTimestamp q = new TCLightTimestamp();

            q.millis = 1000;
            console.AddOutsideMessage(MsgToSend, q);
            PCANLight.Write(ActiveHardware, MsgToSend);
Exemple #13
        public void SendStartResponse(TCLightMsg msg)
            //Start Send Seg

            //foreach (TCLightMsg msg in BootLoader.ParsedMsgs)
            //    console.AddOutsideMessage(msg, writer.BuildMessageTime());

            console.AddMsgToResponse((uint)MSG.CAN_BLK_SEND_SEG, SendSegResponse);
            //writer.WriteMessage(BootLoader.GetMsg(), writer.BuildMessageTime());
Exemple #14
        public TCLightMsg BuildCanBlkSendSegResponse()
            TCLightMsg newMsg = new TCLightMsg();

            newMsg.ID = (uint)MSG.CAN_BLK_SEND_SEG |
                        (uint)PID.CAN_PID_OTHER |
                        (uint)DID.CAN_DID_EXT |

            newMsg.MsgType = MsgTypes.MSGTYPE_EXTENDED;

            newMsg.Len = 8;

Exemple #15
 public static TCLightMsg GetMsg()
         TCLightMsg msg = new TCLightMsg();
         msg.ID      = 0;
         msg.Data[0] = 0;
         msg.MsgType = MsgTypes.MSGTYPE_EXTENDED;
         msg.Len     = 8;
Exemple #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends the Execute Command over the CAN Bus
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void ExecuteProfileBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region execute
            TCLightMsg MsgToSend = new TCLightMsg();
            MsgToSend.ID      = 0x013EF0E0 | 0x00000001;
            MsgToSend.Len     = 0;
            MsgToSend.MsgType = MsgTypes.MSGTYPE_EXTENDED;

            PCANLight.Write(ActiveHardware, MsgToSend);

            TCLightTimestamp q = new TCLightTimestamp();
            q.millis = 1000;
            console.AddOutsideMessage(MsgToSend, q);

            SendProfileBtn.Enabled    = false;
            ExecuteProfileBtn.Enabled = false;
Exemple #17
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region setup

            TCLightMsg MsgToSend = new TCLightMsg();
            MsgToSend.ID      = 0x013EE8E0 | 0x00000001;
            MsgToSend.Len     = 1;
            MsgToSend.MsgType = MsgTypes.MSGTYPE_EXTENDED;
            MsgToSend.Data[0] = numPackets;

            TCLightTimestamp q = new TCLightTimestamp();
            q.millis = 1000;
            console.AddOutsideMessage(MsgToSend, q);

            PCANLight.Write(ActiveHardware, MsgToSend);

Exemple #18
        public void SendSegResponse(TCLightMsg msg)
            //remove the message

            #region Declarations

            TCLightMsg currMsg;

            TCLightMsg DescMsg = writer.BuildMessage((uint)MSG.CAN_BLK_SEG_DESC, (uint)PID.CAN_PID_OTHER,
                                                     BootLoader.GetDID(), (uint)SID.CAN_SID_EXT);

            bool finished = false;


            //Send the segment
            while (true)
                currMsg = BootLoader.GetMsg();

                if (currMsg.Data[0] == currMsg.Data[1] && console.MsgEqual((uint)MSG.CAN_BLK_SEG_DATA, currMsg.ID))
                    if (finished)
                        console.AddMsgToResponse((uint)MSG.CAN_BLK_SEND_SEG, SendSegResponse);
Exemple #19
        private void NPTModeBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TCLightMsg MsgToSend = new TCLightMsg();

            MsgToSend.ID      = 0x01745400 | 0x00000001 | 0x000000E0;
            MsgToSend.Len     = 8;
            MsgToSend.Data[0] = (byte)0x01;
            MsgToSend.Data[1] = (byte)0x00;
            MsgToSend.Data[2] = (byte)0x00;
            MsgToSend.Data[3] = (byte)0x00;
            MsgToSend.Data[4] = (byte)0x00;
            MsgToSend.Data[5] = (byte)0x00;
            MsgToSend.Data[6] = (byte)0x00;
            MsgToSend.Data[7] = (byte)0x00;
            MsgToSend.MsgType = MsgTypes.MSGTYPE_EXTENDED;
            TCLightTimestamp q = new TCLightTimestamp();

            q.millis = 1000;
            console.AddOutsideMessage(MsgToSend, q);
            PCANLight.Write(ActiveHardware, MsgToSend);
Exemple #20
        private void JumpBtLdrBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region Declarations

            TCLightMsg BtLdJmpMsg = writer.BuildMessage((uint)MSG.CAN_BTLD_JMP_TO_BOOTLDR,
            //TCLightMsg DnldJmpMsg = writer.BuildMessage((uint)MSG.CAN_DNLD_JMP_TO_BOOTLDR,
            //                    (uint)PID.CAN_PID_COMMAND,
            //                    (uint)DID.CAN_DID_THD,
            //                    (uint)SID.CAN_SID_EXT);


            #region Write


            //writer.WriteMessage(DnldJmpMsg, writer.BuildMessageTime());

Exemple #21
        private void ProcessMessage(TCLightMsg MyMsg, TCLightTimestamp MyTimeStamp)
            bool          bFound = false;
            MessageStatus CurrMessage;

            // Initialization
            CurrMessage = new MessageStatus();

            // We search if a message (Smae ID and Type) is
            // already received or if this is a new message
            for (int i = 0; i < LastMsgsList.Count; i++)
                CurrMessage = (MessageStatus)LastMsgsList[i];
                if (CurrMessage.CANMessage.ID == MyMsg.ID)
                    if (CurrMessage.CANMessage.MsgType == MyMsg.MsgType)
                        bFound = true;
            if (bFound)
                // Messages of this kind are already received; we make an update
                ModifyMsgEntry(CurrMessage, MyMsg, MyTimeStamp);
                // Messages of this kind are not received; we make a new entry
                InsertMsgEntry(MyMsg, MyTimeStamp);
Exemple #22
      /// <summary>
      /// PCANLight ReadEx function
      /// This function get the next message or the next error from the Receive Queue of 
      /// the CAN Hardware and the time when the message arrived.  
      /// REMARK:
      ///		- Check always the type of the received Message (MSGTYPE_STANDARD,MSGTYPE_RTR,
      ///		- The function will return ERR_OK always that you receive a CAN message successfully 
      ///		  although if the messages is a MSGTYPE_STATUS message.  
      ///		- When a MSGTYPE_STATUS mesasge is got, the ID and Length information of the message 
      ///		  will be treated as indefined values. Actually information of the received message
      ///		  should be interpreted using the first 4 data bytes as follow:
      ///			*	Data0	Data1	Data2	Data3	Kind of Error
      ///				0x00	0x00	0x00	0x02	CAN_ERR_OVERRUN		0x0002	CAN Controller was read to late
      ///				0x00	0x00	0x00	0x04	CAN_ERR_BUSLIGHT	0x0004  Bus Error: An error counter limit reached (96)
      ///				0x00	0x00	0x00	0x08	CAN_ERR_BUSHEAVY	0x0008	Bus Error: An error counter limit reached (128)
      ///				0x00	0x00	0x00	0x10	CAN_ERR_BUSOFF		0x0010	Bus Error: Can Controller went "Bus-Off"
      ///		- If a CAN_ERR_BUSOFF status message is received, the CAN Controller must to be 
      ///		  initialized again using the Init() function.  Otherwise, will be not possible 
      ///		  to send/receive more messages.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="HWType">From which hardware should be read a CAN Message</param>
      /// <param name="Msg">The TCLightMsg structure to store the CAN message</param>
      /// <param name="RcvTime">The TCLightTimestamp structure to store the timestamp of the CAN message</param>
      /// <returns>A CANResult value - Error/status of the hardware after execute the function</returns>
      public static CANResult ReadEx(HardwareType HWType, out TCLightMsg Msg, out TCLightTimestamp RcvTime)
         PCAN_ISA.TPCANMsg MsgIsa;
         PCAN_2ISA.TPCANMsg MsgIsa2;
         PCAN_PCI.TPCANMsg MsgPci;
         PCAN_2PCI.TPCANMsg MsgPci2;
         PCAN_PCC.TPCANMsg MsgPcc;
         PCAN_2PCC.TPCANMsg MsgPcc2;
         PCAN_USB.TPCANMsg MsgUsb;
         PCAN_2USB.TPCANMsg MsgUsb2;
         PCAN_DNP.TPCANMsg MsgDnp;
         PCAN_DNG.TPCANMsg MsgDng;

         PCAN_ISA.TPCANTimestamp RcvTimeIsa;
         PCAN_2ISA.TPCANTimestamp RcvTimeIsa2;
         PCAN_PCI.TPCANTimestamp RcvTimePci;
         PCAN_2PCI.TPCANTimestamp RcvTimePci2;
         PCAN_PCC.TPCANTimestamp RcvTimePcc;
         PCAN_2PCC.TPCANTimestamp RcvTimePcc2;
         PCAN_USB.TPCANTimestamp RcvTimeUsb;
         PCAN_2USB.TPCANTimestamp RcvTimeUsb2;
         PCAN_DNP.TPCANTimestamp RcvTimeDnp;
         PCAN_DNG.TPCANTimestamp RcvTimeDng;

         CANResult resTemp;

         Msg = null;
         RcvTime = null;

            switch (HWType)
               case HardwareType.ISA_1CH:
                  resTemp = (CANResult)PCAN_ISA.ReadEx(out MsgIsa, out RcvTimeIsa);
                  Msg = new TCLightMsg(MsgIsa);
                  RcvTime = new TCLightTimestamp(RcvTimeIsa);
                  return resTemp;

               case HardwareType.ISA_2CH:
                  resTemp = (CANResult)PCAN_2ISA.ReadEx(out MsgIsa2, out RcvTimeIsa2);
                  Msg = new TCLightMsg(MsgIsa2);
                  RcvTime = new TCLightTimestamp(RcvTimeIsa2);
                  return resTemp;

               case HardwareType.PCI_1CH:
                  resTemp = (CANResult)PCAN_PCI.ReadEx(out MsgPci, out RcvTimePci);
                  Msg = new TCLightMsg(MsgPci);
                  RcvTime = new TCLightTimestamp(RcvTimePci);
                  return resTemp;

               case HardwareType.PCI_2CH:
                  resTemp = (CANResult)PCAN_2PCI.ReadEx(out MsgPci2, out RcvTimePci2);
                  Msg = new TCLightMsg(MsgPci2);
                  RcvTime = new TCLightTimestamp(RcvTimePci2);
                  return resTemp;

               case HardwareType.PCC_1CH:
                  resTemp = (CANResult)PCAN_PCC.ReadEx(out MsgPcc, out RcvTimePcc);
                  Msg = new TCLightMsg(MsgPcc);
                  RcvTime = new TCLightTimestamp(RcvTimePcc);
                  return resTemp;

               case HardwareType.PCC_2CH:
                  resTemp = (CANResult)PCAN_2PCC.ReadEx(out MsgPcc2, out RcvTimePcc2);
                  Msg = new TCLightMsg(MsgPcc2);
                  RcvTime = new TCLightTimestamp(RcvTimePcc2);
                  return resTemp;

               case HardwareType.USB_1CH:
                  resTemp = (CANResult)PCAN_USB.ReadEx(out MsgUsb, out RcvTimeUsb);
                  Msg = new TCLightMsg(MsgUsb);
                  RcvTime = new TCLightTimestamp(RcvTimeUsb);
                  return resTemp;

               case HardwareType.USB_2CH:
                  resTemp = (CANResult)PCAN_2USB.ReadEx(out MsgUsb2, out RcvTimeUsb2);
                  Msg = new TCLightMsg(MsgUsb2);
                  RcvTime = new TCLightTimestamp(RcvTimeUsb2);
                  return resTemp;

               case HardwareType.DNP:
                  resTemp = (CANResult)PCAN_DNP.ReadEx(out MsgDnp, out RcvTimeDnp);
                  Msg = new TCLightMsg(MsgDnp);
                  RcvTime = new TCLightTimestamp(RcvTimeDnp);
                  return resTemp;

               case HardwareType.DNG:
                  resTemp = (CANResult)PCAN_DNG.ReadEx(out MsgDng, out RcvTimeDng);
                  Msg = new TCLightMsg(MsgDng);
                  RcvTime = new TCLightTimestamp(RcvTimeDng);
                  return resTemp;

               // Hardware is not valid for this function
                  return CANResult.ERR_ILLHW;
         catch (EntryPointNotFoundException Ex)
            // Function is not available in the loaded Dll
            Tracer.WriteError(TraceGroup.CANBUS, null, "ReadEx wrong version {0}", Ex.Message + "\"");
            return CANResult.ERR_NO_DLL;
         catch (Exception Ex)
            // Error: Dll does not exists or the function is not available
            Tracer.WriteError(TraceGroup.CANBUS, null, "ReadEx {0}", Ex.Message + "\"");
            return CANResult.ERR_NO_DLL;
Exemple #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an enumeration of Messages to be sent
        /// </summary>
        private IEnumerable <TCLightMsg> DownloadParser()
            #region Declarations

            StreamReader DwnldFile;

                DwnldFile = new StreamReader(openFileDialog1.FileName);
            catch (ArgumentException)
                yield break;

            #region FileValCheck

            if (DwnldFile.Peek() == -1)
                yield break;


            //TCLightMsg SendMsg = writer.BuildCanBlkSendSeg();

            TCLightMsg StartMsg = writer.BuildMessage((uint)MSG.CAN_BTLD_SVCE_START,

            yield return(StartMsg);

            String segment;


            while ((segment = DwnldFile.ReadLine()) != null)//for each line/segment
                //yield return SendMsg;

                #region Description Message

                TCLightMsg DescMsg = writer.BuildMessage((uint)MSG.CAN_BLK_SEG_DESC,

                DescMsg.Data[0] = Byte.Parse("" + segment.ElementAt(1));
                DescMsg.Data[2] = Byte.Parse("" + segment.ElementAt(2) +

                //3 and 4 here.  change 5 and 6 maybe.  Change start position

                // 1 == 2-bytes, 2 == 3-bytes, 3 == 4-bytes

                //if desc[0] == 1, 2, or 3
                if (DescMsg.Data[0] == 1 || DescMsg.Data[0] == 2 || DescMsg.Data[0] == 3)
                    //for each byte
                    for (int i = 0; i < DescMsg.Data[0] + 1; i++)
                        DescMsg.Data[DescMsg.Data.Length - 2 - i] = Byte.Parse("" + segment.ElementAt(4 + ((DescMsg.Data[0] - i) * 2)) +
                                                                               segment.ElementAt(5 + ((DescMsg.Data[0] - i) * 2)),

                //DescMsg.Data[5] = Byte.Parse("" + segment.ElementAt(4) +
                //                                  segment.ElementAt(5),
                //                                  System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
                //DescMsg.Data[6] = Byte.Parse("" + segment.ElementAt(6) +
                //                                  segment.ElementAt(7),
                //                                  System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
                DescMsg.Data[7] = Byte.Parse("" + segment.ElementAt(segment.Length - 2) +
                                             segment.ElementAt(segment.Length - 1),     //Length -1 == last index

                yield return(DescMsg);


                #region Data Message

                int position = 0;

                for (byte messageNum = 0; messageNum < (byte)Math.Ceiling(((decimal)(DescMsg.Data[2] - 3) / 6)); messageNum++)//for each message
                    TCLightMsg DataMsg = writer.BuildMessage((uint)MSG.CAN_BLK_SEG_DATA,

                    for (byte byteNum = 0; byteNum < 6; byteNum++)//for each byte in message
                        //the "* 2" is so that we record a byte then move one byte (instead of one character, a half byte) each iteration
                        //in other words, the "* 2" is so that we operate in bytes, not characters
                        position = (3 + DescMsg.Data[0] + messageNum * 6 + byteNum) * 2; //DescMsg.Data[0] = number of bytes stolen by DescMsg for the address

                        if (position < segment.Length - 2)                               //clips off the Checksum from the DataMsg (stolen by the DescMsg)
                            DataMsg.Data[2 + byteNum] = Byte.Parse(segment.ElementAt(position).ToString() +
                                                                   segment.ElementAt(1 + position).ToString(),
                        else if (DataMsg.Data[0] == (DataMsg.Data[1]))//if last of seg
                            if (DescMsg.Data[0] > 3)
                                DataMsg.Len = (byte)(2 + ((DescMsg.Data[2] - 3) % 6));
                            //total len minus the bytes stolen by DescMsg, add two (the first two bytes of data are always used for size), all minus ("total divided by 6" floored) x 6 (gets difference ) = len
                            DataMsg.Len = (byte)(2 + ((DescMsg.Data[2] - DescMsg.Data[0] - 2) % 6));// - ((int)Math.Floor(((decimal)DescMsg.Data[2] - 3) / 6) * 6));

                        #region CASE: End of Line

                        //if (i == DescMsg.Data[2] - 4)//OR if Last
                        //    DataMsg.Data[0] = (byte)Math.Ceiling(((decimal)i));
                        //    DataMsg.Data[1] = (byte)Math.Ceiling(((decimal)DescMsg.Data[2] - 3) / 6);

                        //    if (DataMsg.Data[0] != DataMsg.Data[1])
                        //    {
                        //        //console.AddMiscMsg("Error: Improper Format.  Reached end of line and Lengths do not match (Data[0] and Data[1] are not equal).");
                        //    }

                        //    yield return DataMsg;
                        //    //console.AddMiscMsg("wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww");


                    #region Full Message

                    if (DescMsg.Data[0] == 1 || DescMsg.Data[0] == 2 || DescMsg.Data[0] == 3)
                        DataMsg.Data[0] = (byte)(messageNum + 1);
                        DataMsg.Data[1] = (byte)Math.Ceiling(((decimal)DescMsg.Data[2] - DescMsg.Data[0] - 2) / 6);

                        yield return(DataMsg);
                    else if (DescMsg.Data[0] == 0)
                    else if (DescMsg.Data[0] > 3)
                        DataMsg.Data[0] = (byte)(messageNum + 1);
                        DataMsg.Data[1] = (byte)Math.Ceiling(((decimal)DescMsg.Data[2] - 3) / 6);
                        DataMsg.Data[2] = DescMsg.Data[0];

                        yield return(DataMsg);

            yield break;
Exemple #24
        private void InsertMsgEntry(TCLightMsg NewMsg, TCLightTimestamp MyTimeStamp)
            string        strNewData, strTemp;
            ListViewItem  CurrItem;
            MessageStatus CurrMsg;

            strTemp = strNewData = "";

            // Add the new ListView Item with the Type of the message
            if ((NewMsg.MsgType & MsgTypes.MSGTYPE_EXTENDED) != 0)
                strTemp = "EXTENDED";
                strTemp = "STANDARD";

            if ((NewMsg.MsgType & MsgTypes.MSGTYPE_RTR) == MsgTypes.MSGTYPE_RTR)
                strTemp += "/RTR";

            CurrItem = lstMessages.Items.Add(strTemp);

            // We format the ID of the message and show it
            if ((NewMsg.MsgType & MsgTypes.MSGTYPE_EXTENDED) != 0)
                CurrItem.SubItems.Add(string.Format("{0:X8}h", NewMsg.ID));
                CurrItem.SubItems.Add(string.Format("{0:X3}h", NewMsg.ID));

            // We set the length of the Message

            // We format the data of the message. Each data is one
            // byte of Hexadecimal data
            if ((NewMsg.MsgType & MsgTypes.MSGTYPE_RTR) == MsgTypes.MSGTYPE_RTR)
                strNewData = "Remote Request";
                for (int i = 0; i < NewMsg.Len; i++)
                    strNewData += string.Format("{0:X2} ", NewMsg.Data[i]);


            // The message is the First, so count is 1 and there
            // is not any time difference between messages.

            // Add time stamp information if need be
            if (MyTimeStamp != null)
                CurrItem.SubItems.Add(MyTimeStamp.millis.ToString() + "." + MyTimeStamp.micros.ToString());

            // We add this status in the last message list
            CurrMsg = new MessageStatus(NewMsg, CurrItem.Index);
Exemple #25
 public MessageStatus(TCLightMsg CanMsg, int Index)
     Msg    = CanMsg;
     iIndex = Index;
Exemple #26
      public static CANResult SendSync(BusInterfaces busInterface)
         CANResult result = CANResult.ERR_BUSOFF;

         int busIndex = (int)busInterface;

         if (null == context[busIndex])
            context[busIndex] = new BusContext();
         if (false != context[busIndex].active)
            TCLightMsg msg;

            msg = new TCLightMsg();

            msg.ID = (uint)0x080;
            msg.Len = (byte)0;
            msg.MsgType = MsgTypes.MSGTYPE_STANDARD;

            result = PCANLight.Write(context[busIndex].activeHardware, msg);

            if (CANResult.ERR_OK != result)
               Tracer.WriteError(context[busIndex].traceGroup, "", "sync send failure {0}", result.ToString());
               Tracer.WriteError(context[busIndex].traceGroup, "", "sync");

         return (result);
Exemple #27
      public static CANResult SendTimestamp(BusInterfaces busInterface, UInt32 timeStamp)
         CANResult result = CANResult.ERR_BUSOFF;

         int busIndex = (int)busInterface;

         if (null == context[busIndex])
            context[busIndex] = new BusContext();
         if (false != context[busIndex].active)
            TCLightMsg msg;

            msg = new TCLightMsg();

            msg.ID = (uint)0x100;
            msg.Len = (byte)4;
            msg.MsgType = MsgTypes.MSGTYPE_STANDARD;

            msg.Data[0] = (byte)((timeStamp >> 0) & 0xFF);
            msg.Data[1] = (byte)((timeStamp >> 8) & 0xFF);
            msg.Data[2] = (byte)((timeStamp >> 16) & 0xFF);
            msg.Data[3] = (byte)((timeStamp >> 24) & 0xFF);

            result = PCANLight.Write(context[busIndex].activeHardware, msg);

            if (CANResult.ERR_OK != result)
               Tracer.WriteError(context[busIndex].traceGroup, "", "timestamp send failure {0}", timeStamp);
               Tracer.WriteError(context[busIndex].traceGroup, "", "timestamp");

         return (result);
Exemple #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends the Command List over the CAN Bus
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cmds"></param>
        /// <param name="numPackets"></param>
        private void SendCommandList(List <String> cmds, byte numPackets)
            #region ValCheck
            if (cmds == null || numPackets == 0)

            #region setup

            TCLightMsg MsgToSend = new TCLightMsg();
            MsgToSend.ID      = 0x013EE8E0 | 0x00000001;
            MsgToSend.Len     = 1;
            MsgToSend.MsgType = MsgTypes.MSGTYPE_EXTENDED;
            MsgToSend.Data[0] = numPackets;

            TCLightTimestamp q = new TCLightTimestamp();
            q.millis = 1000;
            console.AddOutsideMessage(MsgToSend, q);

            PCANLight.Write(ActiveHardware, MsgToSend);


            #region move

            MsgToSend.ID      = 0x013EE0E0 | 0x00000001;
            MsgToSend.Len     = 8;
            MsgToSend.MsgType = MsgTypes.MSGTYPE_EXTENDED;
            byte count = 0;
            foreach (String cmd in cmds)
                String[] cmd2 = cmd.Split('~');

                for (int i = 0; i < MsgToSend.Len; i++)
                    #region Data
                    switch (i)
                    case 0:
                        ProfileParamsTb.AppendText(cmd + "\r\n");
                        MsgToSend.Data[0] = count;

                    case 1:
                        MsgToSend.Data[1] = numPackets;

                    case 2:
                        MsgToSend.Data[2] = BitConverter.GetBytes(Int16.Parse(cmd2[0]))[1];

                    case 3:
                        MsgToSend.Data[3] = BitConverter.GetBytes(Int16.Parse(cmd2[0]))[0];

                    case 4:
                        MsgToSend.Data[4] = BitConverter.GetBytes(UInt16.Parse(cmd2[1]))[1];

                    case 5:
                        MsgToSend.Data[5] = BitConverter.GetBytes(UInt16.Parse(cmd2[1]))[0];

                    case 6:

                        MsgToSend.Data[6] = BitConverter.GetBytes(UInt16.Parse(cmd2[2]))[1];

                    case 7:
                        MsgToSend.Data[7] = BitConverter.GetBytes(UInt16.Parse(cmd2[2]))[0];
                console.AddOutsideMessage(MsgToSend, q);
                PCANLight.Write(ActiveHardware, MsgToSend);

            #region Delete
            //prevents sending repeats, consider disabling if you want such a feature
            cmds = null;

            numPackets = 0;
Exemple #29
        private void SendFileBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region ValCheck
            if ((int)console.GetActiveHardware() == -1)

            #region File Len

            char[] currByte = new char[2];

            System.IO.StreamReader inFile = new System.IO.StreamReader(openFileDialog1.FileName);
            UInt32 fileCharLen            = (UInt32)(new System.IO.FileInfo(openFileDialog1.FileName)).Length;

            //while (inFile.Read() >= 0)//feels wrong
            //    fileCharLen++;

            Byte Len = (Byte)(Math.Ceiling((Decimal)((fileCharLen / 12) + 1)));//cast city woo woo

            inFile = new System.IO.StreamReader(openFileDialog1.FileName);


            #region Message Setup

            TCLightMsg msg = writer.BuildMessage((uint)MSG.CAN_VAL_DBG_INFO,


            #region Data Setup

            String temp          = "";
            Byte   currPacketNum = 1;
            int    count         = 2;

            #region Data Loop

            msg.Data[1] = Len;

            while (currPacketNum <= Len)     //until end
                inFile.Read(currByte, 0, 2); //get a Byte

                //convert Byte-halves to a String
                temp += currByte[0];
                temp += currByte[1];

                //convert string to a byte (yes this is inefficient) then add it to the payload at 'count' position
                msg.Data[count] = Byte.Parse(temp, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);

                //write latest packet number to byte[0], only the last will be kept
                msg.Data[0] = currPacketNum;

                //reset the temporary string
                temp = "";

                if (count == 7)//if payload is full, write the message, reset, and increment the packet number
                    count          = 2;
                    currPacketNum += 1;
                else//else, increment count
            }//end loop

            //write any remaining values
            if (count > 2)
                for (; count < 7; count++)
                    msg.Data[count] = 0;
                msg.Data[0] = currPacketNum;
                //write last message


Exemple #30
      /// <summary>
      /// PCANLight Read function
      /// This function get the next message or the next error from the Receive Queue of 
      /// the CAN Hardware.  
      /// REMARK:
      ///		- Check always the type of the received Message (MSGTYPE_STANDARD,MSGTYPE_RTR,
      ///		- The function will return ERR_OK always that you receive a CAN message successfully 
      ///		  although if the messages is a MSGTYPE_STATUS message.  
      ///		- When a MSGTYPE_STATUS mesasge is got, the ID and Length information of the message 
      ///		  will be treated as indefined values. Actually information of the received message
      ///		  should be interpreted using the first 4 data bytes as follow:
      ///			*	Data0	Data1	Data2	Data3	Kind of Error
      ///				0x00	0x00	0x00	0x02	CAN_ERR_OVERRUN		0x0002	CAN Controller was read to late
      ///				0x00	0x00	0x00	0x04	CAN_ERR_BUSLIGHT	0x0004  Bus Error: An error counter limit reached (96)
      ///				0x00	0x00	0x00	0x08	CAN_ERR_BUSHEAVY	0x0008	Bus Error: An error counter limit reached (128)
      ///				0x00	0x00	0x00	0x10	CAN_ERR_BUSOFF		0x0010	Bus Error: Can Controller went "Bus-Off"
      ///		- If a CAN_ERR_BUSOFF status message is received, the CAN Controller must to be 
      ///		  initialized again using the Init() function.  Otherwise, will be not possible 
      ///		  to send/receive more messages.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="HWType">From which hardware should be read a CAN Message</param>
      /// <param name="Msg">The TCLightMsg structure to store the CAN message</param>
      /// <returns>A CANResult value - Error/status of the hardware after execute the function</returns>
      public static CANResult Read(HardwareType HWType, out TCLightMsg Msg)
         PCAN_ISA.TPCANMsg MsgIsa;
         PCAN_2ISA.TPCANMsg MsgIsa2;
         PCAN_PCI.TPCANMsg MsgPci;
         PCAN_2PCI.TPCANMsg MsgPci2;
         PCAN_PCC.TPCANMsg MsgPcc;
         PCAN_2PCC.TPCANMsg MsgPcc2;
         PCAN_USB.TPCANMsg MsgUsb;
         PCAN_2USB.TPCANMsg MsgUsb2;
         PCAN_DNP.TPCANMsg MsgDnp;
         PCAN_DNG.TPCANMsg MsgDng;
         CANResult resTemp;

         Msg = null;

            switch (HWType)
               case HardwareType.ISA_1CH:
                  resTemp = (CANResult)PCAN_ISA.Read(out MsgIsa);
                  Msg = new TCLightMsg(MsgIsa);
                  return resTemp;

               case HardwareType.ISA_2CH:
                  resTemp = (CANResult)PCAN_2ISA.Read(out MsgIsa2);
                  Msg = new TCLightMsg(MsgIsa2);
                  return resTemp;

               case HardwareType.PCI_1CH:
                  MsgPci = new PCAN_PCI.TPCANMsg();
                  MsgPci.DATA = new byte[8];
                  resTemp = (CANResult)PCAN_PCI.Read(out MsgPci);
                  Msg = new TCLightMsg(MsgPci);
                  return resTemp;

               case HardwareType.PCI_2CH:
                  resTemp = (CANResult)PCAN_2PCI.Read(out MsgPci2);
                  Msg = new TCLightMsg(MsgPci2);
                  return resTemp;

               case HardwareType.PCC_1CH:
                  resTemp = (CANResult)PCAN_PCC.Read(out MsgPcc);
                  Msg = new TCLightMsg(MsgPcc);
                  return resTemp;

               case HardwareType.PCC_2CH:
                  resTemp = (CANResult)PCAN_2PCC.Read(out MsgPcc2);
                  Msg = new TCLightMsg(MsgPcc2);
                  return resTemp;

               case HardwareType.USB_1CH:
                  resTemp = (CANResult)PCAN_USB.Read(out MsgUsb);
                  Msg = new TCLightMsg(MsgUsb);
                  return resTemp;

               case HardwareType.USB_2CH:
                  resTemp = (CANResult)PCAN_2USB.Read(out MsgUsb2);
                  Msg = new TCLightMsg(MsgUsb2);
                  return resTemp;

               case HardwareType.DNP:
                  resTemp = (CANResult)PCAN_DNP.Read(out MsgDnp);
                  Msg = new TCLightMsg(MsgDnp);
                  return resTemp;

               case HardwareType.DNG:
                  resTemp = (CANResult)PCAN_DNG.Read(out MsgDng);
                  Msg = new TCLightMsg(MsgDng);
                  return resTemp;

               // Hardware is not valid for this function
                  return CANResult.ERR_ILLHW;
         catch (Exception Ex)
            // Error: Dll does not exists or the function is not available
            Tracer.WriteError(TraceGroup.CANBUS, null, "Read {0}", Ex.Message + "\"");
            return CANResult.ERR_NO_DLL;
Exemple #31
      /// <summary>
      /// PCANLight Write function
      /// This function Place a CAN message into the Transmit Queue of the CAN Hardware
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="HWType">In which hardware should be written the CAN Message</param>3
      /// <param name="MsgToSend">The TCLightMsg message to be written</param>
      /// <returns>A CANResult value - Error/status of the hardware after execute the function</returns>
      public static CANResult Write(HardwareType HWType, TCLightMsg MsgToSend)
         PCAN_ISA.TPCANMsg MsgIsa;
         PCAN_2ISA.TPCANMsg MsgIsa2;
         PCAN_PCI.TPCANMsg MsgPci;
         PCAN_2PCI.TPCANMsg MsgPci2;
         PCAN_PCC.TPCANMsg MsgPcc;
         PCAN_2PCC.TPCANMsg MsgPcc2;
         PCAN_USB.TPCANMsg MsgUsb;
         PCAN_2USB.TPCANMsg MsgUsb2;
         PCAN_DNP.TPCANMsg MsgDnp;
         PCAN_DNG.TPCANMsg MsgDng;

            switch (HWType)
               case HardwareType.ISA_1CH:
                  MsgIsa = MsgToSend;
                  return (CANResult)PCAN_ISA.Write(ref MsgIsa);

               case HardwareType.ISA_2CH:
                  MsgIsa2 = MsgToSend;
                  return (CANResult)PCAN_2ISA.Write(ref MsgIsa2);

               case HardwareType.PCI_1CH:
                  MsgPci = MsgToSend;
                  return (CANResult)PCAN_PCI.Write(ref MsgPci);

               case HardwareType.PCI_2CH:
                  MsgPci2 = MsgToSend;
                  return (CANResult)PCAN_2PCI.Write(ref MsgPci2);

               case HardwareType.PCC_1CH:
                  MsgPcc = MsgToSend;
                  return (CANResult)PCAN_PCC.Write(ref MsgPcc);

               case HardwareType.PCC_2CH:
                  MsgPcc2 = MsgToSend;
                  return (CANResult)PCAN_2PCC.Write(ref MsgPcc2);

               case HardwareType.USB_1CH:
                  MsgUsb = MsgToSend;
                  return (CANResult)PCAN_USB.Write(ref MsgUsb);

               case HardwareType.USB_2CH:
                  MsgUsb2 = MsgToSend;
                  return (CANResult)PCAN_2USB.Write(ref MsgUsb2);

               case HardwareType.DNP:
                  MsgDnp = MsgToSend;
                  return (CANResult)PCAN_DNP.Write(ref MsgDnp);

               case HardwareType.DNG:
                  MsgDng = MsgToSend;
                  return (CANResult)PCAN_DNG.Write(ref MsgDng);

               // Hardware is not valid for this function
                  return CANResult.ERR_ILLHW;
         catch (Exception Ex)
            // Error: Dll does not exists or the function is not available
            Tracer.WriteError(TraceGroup.CANBUS, null, "Write {0}", Ex.Message + "\"");
            return CANResult.ERR_NO_DLL;
Exemple #32
        private void ModifyMsgEntry(MessageStatus LastMsg, TCLightMsg NewMsg, TCLightTimestamp MyTimeStamp)
            string        strLastData, strNewData;
            MessageStatus NewStatus;
            ListViewItem  CurrItem;
            uint          iLen;
            int           iCount;

            strNewData = strLastData = "";

            // Values from the last messages
            CurrItem    = lstMessages.Items[LastMsg.Position];
            iCount      = Convert.ToInt32(CurrItem.SubItems[4].Text);
            strLastData = CurrItem.SubItems[3].Text;
            iLen        = LastMsg.CANMessage.Len;

            // New values
            if ((NewMsg.MsgType & MsgTypes.MSGTYPE_RTR) != 0)
                strNewData = "Remote Request";
                for (int i = 0; i < NewMsg.Len; i++)
                    strNewData += string.Format("{0:X2} ", NewMsg.Data[i]);

            // Count is updated
            iCount += 1;

            // Set the changes
            if (iLen != NewMsg.Len)
                iLen = NewMsg.Len;
                CurrItem.SubItems[2].Text = iLen.ToString();

            if (strLastData != strNewData)
                CurrItem.SubItems[3].Text = strNewData;

            CurrItem.SubItems[4].Text = iCount.ToString();

            // Update time stamp information if need be
            if (MyTimeStamp != null)
                String timeStamp = MyTimeStamp.millis.ToString() + "." + MyTimeStamp.micros.ToString();

                // Add new SubItem if it doesn't exists
                if (CurrItem.SubItems.Count == 5)
                // Else update existing SubItem
                    CurrItem.SubItems[5].Text = timeStamp;

            // Save the new Status of the message
            // NOTE: The objects are saved in the same index position which
            // they use in the Listview
            NewStatus = new MessageStatus(NewMsg, LastMsg.Position);
            LastMsgsList.Insert(LastMsg.Position, NewStatus);
Exemple #33
      public static CANResult Send(BusInterfaces busInterface, int id, byte[] data)
         CANResult result = CANResult.ERR_BUSOFF;

         int busIndex = (int)busInterface;

         if (null == context[busIndex])
            context[busIndex] = new BusContext();

         if (false != context[busIndex].active)
            TCLightMsg msg;

            msg = new TCLightMsg();

            msg.ID = (uint)id;
            msg.Len = (byte)data.Length;
            msg.MsgType = MsgTypes.MSGTYPE_STANDARD;

            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
               msg.Data[i] = data[i];

            result = PCANLight.Write(context[busIndex].activeHardware, msg);

            if (CANResult.ERR_OK != result)
               StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

               for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                  sb.AppendFormat("{0:X2}", data[i]);

               Tracer.WriteError(context[busIndex].traceGroup, "", "send failure {0} data {1}", result, sb.ToString());

         return (result);
Exemple #34
        /// <summary>
        /// On Trigger, updates the GBI Page with values directly from the node
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">triggering message</param>
        public void ValNodeTestFunctionResponse(TCLightMsg msg)
            if (msg.Data[0] == 8)    //Not sure what this signifies, but it needs to be 8 for the GBI page
                switch (msg.Data[1]) //literally just a switch value
                //updates control items with values directly from the node
                case 0:
                    console.GBICmd.IdleMv = BitConverter.ToUInt16(new byte[2] {
                        msg.Data[3], msg.Data[2]
                    }, 0);
                    console.GBICmd.StaticMv = BitConverter.ToUInt16(new byte[2] {
                        msg.Data[5], msg.Data[4]
                    }, 0);
                    console.GBICmd.type    = msg.Data[6];
                    console.GBICmd.trigger = msg.Data[7];

                case 1:
                    console.GBICmd.startMv = BitConverter.ToUInt16(new byte[2] {
                        msg.Data[3], msg.Data[2]
                    }, 0);
                    console.GBICmd.stopMv = BitConverter.ToUInt16(new byte[2] {
                        msg.Data[5], msg.Data[4]
                    }, 0);
                    console.GBICmd.time = BitConverter.ToUInt16(new byte[2] {
                        msg.Data[7], msg.Data[6]
                    }, 0);

                case 2:
                    console.GBICmd.RampUpTime        = msg.Data[2];
                    console.GBICmd.RampDownTime      = msg.Data[3];
                    console.GBICmd.GBIScanStartDelay = BitConverter.ToUInt16(new byte[2] {
                        msg.Data[5], msg.Data[4]
                    }, 0);
                    console.GBICmd.GBIDetReadyDelay = BitConverter.ToUInt16(new byte[2] {
                        msg.Data[7], msg.Data[6]
                    }, 0);

                case 3:
                    console.GBICmd.StepAbsMv = BitConverter.ToUInt16(new byte[2] {
                        msg.Data[3], msg.Data[2]
                    }, 0);
                    console.GBICmd.StepIncMv = BitConverter.ToUInt16(new byte[2] {
                        msg.Data[5], msg.Data[4]
                    }, 0);
                    console.GBICmd.StepTime = BitConverter.ToUInt16(new byte[2] {
                        msg.Data[7], msg.Data[6]
                    }, 0);

                case 4:
                    console.GBICmd.DACOffsetMv = BitConverter.ToUInt16(new byte[2] {
                        msg.Data[3], msg.Data[2]
                    }, 0);