Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of a received Type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="classType">The Type of the new class instance to return.</param>
        /// <returns>An Object containing the new instance.</returns>
        public static object CreateNewInstance(System.Type classType)
            if (classType == null) throw new Exception("Class not found");
            object instance = null;
            System.Type[] constructor = new System.Type[] {};
            ConstructorInfo[] constructors = null;

            constructors = classType.GetConstructors();

            if (constructors.Length == 0)
                throw new UnauthorizedAccessException();
                for (int i = 0; i < constructors.Length; i++)
                    ParameterInfo[] parameters = constructors[i].GetParameters();

                    if (parameters.Length == 0)
                        instance = classType.GetConstructor(constructor).Invoke(new Object[] {});
                    else if (i == constructors.Length - 1)
                        throw new MethodAccessException();
            return instance;
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines which constructor implementation should be used from a given <see cref="IDependencyContainer"/> instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetType">The target type that contains list of constructors to be resolved.</param>
        /// <param name="container">The dependency container that holds the current set of dependencies.</param>
        /// <returns>An implementation that can instantiate the object associated with the constructor.</returns>
        public virtual IImplementation<ConstructorInfo> ResolveFrom(System.Type targetType, IDependencyContainer container)
            IImplementation<ConstructorInfo> result = null;

            var constructors = new List<IImplementation<ConstructorInfo>>();
            foreach(var constructor in targetType.GetConstructors())
                var constructorCall = CreateConstructorCall(constructor);

            var bestParameterCount = 0;
            foreach (var constructor in constructors)
                var missingDependencies = constructor.GetMissingDependencies(container);
                var missingItems = new List<IDependency>(missingDependencies);
                var hasMissingDependencies = missingDependencies == null || missingItems.Count > 0;
                if (hasMissingDependencies)

                var targetConstructor = constructor.Target;
                var parameters = targetConstructor.GetParameters();
                var parameterCount = parameters.Length;

                if (result == null || parameterCount > bestParameterCount)
                    result = constructor;
                    bestParameterCount = parameterCount;

            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of a received Type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="classType">The Type of the new class instance to return</param>
        /// <returns>An Object containing the new instance</returns>
        public static System.Object CreateNewInstance(System.Type classType)
            System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo[] constructors = classType.GetConstructors();

            if (constructors.Length == 0)
                return null;

            System.Reflection.ParameterInfo[] firstConstructor = constructors[0].GetParameters();
            int countParams = firstConstructor.Length;

            System.Type[] constructor = new System.Type[countParams];
            for( int i = 0; i < countParams; i++)
                constructor[i] = firstConstructor[i].ParameterType;

            return classType.GetConstructor(constructor).Invoke(new System.Object[]{});
		public QueryModelDescription (System.Type aModel, QueryModelAttribute aDescription)
			if (aModel == null)
				throw new NullReferenceException ("QueryModelDescription: Model type can't be null");
			if (aDescription == null)
				throw new NullReferenceException ("QueryModelDescription: Attribute must be specified");

			foreach (ConstructorInfo info in aModel.GetConstructors()) 
				if (info.GetParameters().Length == 1)
					if (TypeValidator.IsCompatible(info.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType, typeof(MappingsImplementor)) == true) {
						constructor = info;
			if (constructor == null)
				throw new NotImplementedException ("QueryModelDescription: QueryImplementor needs public .ctor (MappingsImplementor)");
			model = aModel;
			definition = aDescription;
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the constructor that takes the parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">The <see cref="System.Type"/> to find the constructor in.</param>
        /// <param name="types">The <see cref="IType"/> objects to use to find the appropriate constructor.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// An <see cref="ConstructorInfo"/> that can be used to create the type with
        /// the specified parameters.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="InstantiationException">
        /// Thrown when no constructor with the correct signature can be found.
        /// </exception>
        public static ConstructorInfo GetConstructor(System.Type type, IType[] types)
            ConstructorInfo[] candidates = type.GetConstructors(AnyVisibilityInstance);

            foreach (ConstructorInfo constructor in candidates)
                ParameterInfo[] parameters = constructor.GetParameters();

                if (parameters.Length == types.Length)
                    bool found = true;

                    for (int j = 0; j < parameters.Length; j++)
                        bool ok = parameters[j].ParameterType.IsAssignableFrom(

                        if (!ok)
                            found = false;

                    if (found)
                        return constructor;

            throw new InstantiationException(FormatConstructorNotFoundMessage(types), null, type);
	/// <summary>
	/// Creates a new property attribute instance.
	/// </summary>
	/// <returns>An unbound property attribute.</returns>
	/// <param name="propertyAttributeType">Property attribute type.</param>
	/// <param name="constructorArguments">Constructor arguments.</param>
	public static PropertyAttribute CreateNew(
		System.Type propertyAttributeType, params object[] constructorArguments
		// try to find the matching constructor
		ConstructorInfo constructor = null;
		System.Type[] suppliedArgTypes =
			(from param in constructorArguments select param == null ? typeof(object) : param.GetType()).ToArray();
		foreach (ConstructorInfo ctor in propertyAttributeType.GetConstructors())
			ParameterInfo[] ctorParams = ctor.GetParameters();
			System.Type paramArrayType = (
				ctorParams.LastOrDefault() != null &&
				ctorParams.Last().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(System.ParamArrayAttribute), false).Length > 0
			) ? ctorParams.Last().ParameterType : null;
			constructor = ctor;
			// first check explicitly supplied arguments
			for (int i=0; i<suppliedArgTypes.Length; ++i)
				// if there are more supplied arguments than parameter types, see if they match param type
				if (
					i >= ctorParams.Length &&
					(paramArrayType == null || !paramArrayType.IsAssignableFrom(suppliedArgTypes[i]))
					constructor = null;
				// if supplied argument type is mismatch, then constructor is a bad match
				if (
					!ctorParams[i].ParameterType.IsAssignableFrom(suppliedArgTypes[i]) ||
					(suppliedArgTypes[i] == null && !ctorParams[i].ParameterType.IsClass)
					constructor = null;
			// if candidate is a match, see if it has any further parameters
			if (constructor != null && ctorParams.Length > suppliedArgTypes.Length)
				List<object> newArgs = new List<object>(constructorArguments);
				for (int i=suppliedArgTypes.Length; i<ctorParams.Length; ++i)
					// candidate is a mistmatch if the argument is not optional, or is not the params argument
					if (!ctorParams[i].IsOptional && !(paramArrayType != null && i == ctorParams.Length - 1))
						constructor = null;
					else if (ctorParams[i].IsOptional)
				// if candidate is still a match, append missing arguments
				if (constructor != null)
					constructorArguments = newArgs.ToArray();
			// break out if the candidate is still valid
			if (constructor != null)
		if (constructor == null)
			System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
			foreach (System.Type type in suppliedArgTypes)
				sb.AppendFormat(", {0}", type);
			throw new System.ArgumentException(
					"No constructor found for {0} matching method signature [{1}].",
					propertyAttributeType, sb.Length > 0 ? sb.ToString().Substring(2) : ""
		return constructor.Invoke(constructorArguments) as PropertyAttribute;
		/// <summary>
		/// Finds the constructor that takes the parameters.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="type">The <see cref="System.Type"/> to find the constructor in.</param>
		/// <param name="types">The <see cref="IType"/> objects to use to find the appropriate constructor.</param>
		/// <returns>
		/// An <see cref="ConstructorInfo"/> that can be used to create the type with
		/// the specified parameters.
		/// </returns>
		/// <exception cref="InstantiationException">
		/// Thrown when no constructor with the correct signature can be found.
		/// </exception>
		public static ConstructorInfo GetConstructor( System.Type type, IType[] types )
			ConstructorInfo[] candidates = type.GetConstructors( BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic );

			foreach( ConstructorInfo constructor in candidates )
				ParameterInfo[] parameters = constructor.GetParameters();

				if( parameters.Length == types.Length )
					bool found = true;

					for( int j = 0; j < parameters.Length; j++ )
						bool ok = parameters[ j ].ParameterType.IsAssignableFrom(
							types[ j ].ReturnedClass );

						if( !ok )
							found = false;

					if( found )
						return constructor;
			throw new InstantiationException( "no appropriate constructor in class: ", null, type );
Exemple #8
    public static void DisposCtor(System.Type type, Dictionary<string, ClassMethodInfo> cmfDict)
        string fullNamePrefix = type.Namespace + "." + type.Name + "." +  "New";
        string newStr = "New";
        ConstructorInfo[] ctorArray = type.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags);
        foreach (ConstructorInfo cInfo in ctorArray)
            ClassMethodInfo ctorCmf = !cmfDict.ContainsKey(newStr) ? new ClassMethodInfo() : cmfDict[newStr];
            ctorCmf.fullName = fullNamePrefix + newStr;
            ctorCmf.className = type.Name;
            ctorCmf.name = newStr;
            ctorCmf.returnName = type.Name;
            ctorCmf.isStatic = true;
            cmfDict[newStr] = ctorCmf;

        private System.Type CreateUncachedProxyType(System.Type baseType, System.Type[] baseInterfaces)
            var currentDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;
            var typeName = string.Format("{0}Proxy", baseType.Name);
            var assemblyName = string.Format("{0}Assembly", typeName);
            var moduleName = string.Format("{0}Module", typeName);
            var name = new AssemblyName(assemblyName);
            //rippo: the [*]commented lines allow the serialize of the assembly containing the proxy
            //you can then run PEVERIFY to check the IL for type safety

            //[*]const AssemblyBuilderAccess access = AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave;

            const AssemblyBuilderAccess access = AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run;
            var assemblyBuilder = currentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(name, access);
            //[*]var moduleBuilder = assemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule("generatedAssembly.dll", "generatedAssembly.dll", true);
            var moduleBuilder = assemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule(moduleName);
            const TypeAttributes typeAttributes =
                TypeAttributes.AutoClass |
                TypeAttributes.Class |
                TypeAttributes.Public |
            var interfaces = new HashSet<System.Type>();
            var parentType = baseType;
            if (baseType.IsInterface)
                parentType = typeof (ProxyDummy);
            var computedInterfaces = interfaces.ToArray();
            foreach (var interfaceType in computedInterfaces)
            interfaces.Add(typeof (ISerializable));
            var typeBuilder = moduleBuilder.DefineType(typeName, typeAttributes, parentType, interfaces.ToArray());
            var implementor = new ProxyImplementor();
            var interceptorField = implementor.InterceptorField;
            var constructors = baseType.GetConstructors();
            foreach (var constructorInfo in constructors)
                var constructorBuilder = DefineConstructor(typeBuilder, constructorInfo);
                DefineSerializationConstructor(typeBuilder, interceptorField, constructorBuilder, constructorInfo);	
            ImplementGetObjectData(baseType, baseInterfaces, typeBuilder, interceptorField);
            foreach (var method in GetProxiableMethods(baseType, interfaces).Where(method => method.DeclaringType != typeof(ISerializable)))
                ProxyMethodBuilder.CreateProxiedMethod(interceptorField, method, typeBuilder);
            var proxyType = typeBuilder.CreateType();
            return proxyType;
		public static object InstantiateClassByType(System.Type type)
			object obj = null;
			//cant call the entry method if the assembly is null
			ConstructorInfo[] constructors = type.GetConstructors();

			foreach (ConstructorInfo constructor in constructors) 
				if (constructor.GetParameters().Length == 0) 
					obj =  constructor.Invoke(BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, new object[] {}, null);

			return obj;
        private RubyMethod FindCLRMethod(string methodId, System.Type clrtype)
            BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public;
            if (this._type == Type.IClass)
                // static methods
                if (methodId == "new")
                    if (clrtype.IsSubclassOf(typeof(System.Delegate)))
                        return new RubyMethod(new DelegateConstructor(clrtype), 0, Access.Public, this);
                        ConstructorInfo[] ci = clrtype.GetConstructors();

                        if (ci == null || ci.Length == 0)
                            return null;

                        MethodBase[] mi = new MethodBase[ci.Length];
                        System.Array.Copy(ci, mi, ci.Length);
                        return new RubyMethod(new MultiMethod(mi), -1, Access.Public, this);
                else if (methodId == "allocator")
                    return new RubyMethod(Methods.rb_class_allocate_instance.singleton, 0, Access.Private, this);
                else if (methodId == "[]")
                    // instantiate a generic type
                    // ruby: type = ns::List[System::Int32]
                    if (clrtype.IsGenericType)
                        // clrtype is Type`n+Inner but we are looking for Type`n+Inner`n
                        // we need to strip generic arguments from the name, but supply
                        // them to the GenericTypeGetter
                        return new RubyMethod(
                            new GenericTypeGetter(
                            -1, Access.Public, this);
                        return new RubyMethod(
                            new GenericTypeGetter(clrtype.Assembly, clrtype.FullName, null),
                            -1, Access.Public, this);

                flags = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public;

            bool is_setter = false;
            // methods ending with "=" are expected to be either
            // field or property setters
            if (methodId.EndsWith("="))
                is_setter = true;
                methodId = methodId.Substring(0, methodId.Length - 1);

            // default member access, an Indexer in C#
            if (methodId == "[]")
                object[] attributes = clrtype.GetCustomAttributes(
                    typeof(System.Reflection.DefaultMemberAttribute), true);

                if (attributes.Length > 0)
                    methodId = ((DefaultMemberAttribute)attributes[0]).MemberName;

            MemberInfo[] members = clrtype.GetMember(methodId, flags);

            if (members.Length == 0)
                // we didn't find a member with the exact name
                // but we still need to check for nested types with
                // additional type parameters
                string genericNestedId = methodId + "`";
                foreach (System.Type nested in clrtype.GetNestedTypes(flags))
                    if (nested.Name.StartsWith(genericNestedId))
                        return new RubyMethod(
                            new ValueMethod(
                                new GenericContainer(
                                    clrtype.Assembly, clrtype.Name + "+" + methodId,
                            0, Access.Public, this);

                return null;

            if (members[0] is MethodBase)
                if (is_setter)
                    return null;

                MethodBase[] methods = new MethodBase[members.Length];
                System.Array.Copy(members, methods, members.Length);
                return new RubyMethod(new MultiMethod(methods), -1, Access.Public, this);

            if (members[0] is PropertyInfo)
                // not all the property overloads may have the getter/setter
                // we're looking for, so we maintain a count and resize
                // the methods array later if necessary
                int count = 0;
                MethodBase[] methods = new MethodBase[members.Length];
                foreach (PropertyInfo pi in members)
                    MethodInfo method = is_setter ? pi.GetSetMethod() : pi.GetGetMethod();
                    if (method != null)
                        methods[count++] = method;
                if (count == 0)
                    return null;

                if (count < members.Length)
                    System.Array.Resize(ref methods, count);

                return new RubyMethod(new MultiMethod(methods), -1, Access.Public, this);

            FieldInfo field = members[0] as FieldInfo;
            if (field != null)
                if (is_setter)
                    return new RubyMethod(new FieldSetter(field), 1, Access.Public, this);
                    return new RubyMethod(new FieldGetter(field), 0, Access.Public, this);

            //EventInfo eventinfo = members[0] as EventInfo;
            //if (eventinfo != null)
            //    return ...;

            // nested types
            System.Type type = members[0] as System.Type;
            if (type != null)
                // see section 10.7.1 of ECMA
                if (type.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
                    type = type.MakeGenericType(clrtype.GetGenericArguments());

                return new RubyMethod(
                    new NestedTypeGetter(Load(type, null, false)),
                    0, Access.Public, this);

            return null;
 public Component CreateComponent(List<Control> controlList, System.Type type)
     System.Type[] typeArray = new System.Type[] { type };
     ConstructorInfo[] constructors = type.GetConstructors();
     object[] parameters = new object[0];
     Component component = (Component) constructors[0].Invoke(parameters);
     controlList.Add((Control) component);
     return component;
				public System.Object NewInstanceOf(System.Type clazz)
		                System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo constructor = null;
		                constructor = classPool.GetConstrutor(OdbClassUtil.GetFullName(clazz));
		                if (constructor == null)
		                    // Checks if exist a default constructor - with no parameters
		                    constructor = clazz.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
		                    //UPGRADE_ISSUE: Method 'java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.setAccessible' was not converted. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1000_javalangreflectAccessibleObject'"
		                    //c by cristi
		                    	classPool.AddConstrutor(OdbClassUtil.GetFullName( clazz), constructor);
		                if (constructor != null)
		                    System.Object o = constructor.Invoke(new System.Object[0]);
		                    return o;
		                if (clazz.IsValueType)
		                    return Activator.CreateInstance(clazz);
		                    // else take the constructer with the smaller number of parameters
		                    // and call it will null values
		                    // @TODO Put this info in cache !
		                    if (OdbConfiguration.IsDebugEnabled(LogId))
		                        DLogger.Debug(clazz + " does not have default constructor! using a 'with parameter' constructor will null values");
		                    System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo[] constructors = clazz.GetConstructors(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
		                    if (clazz.IsInterface)
		                        //@TODO This is not a good solution to manage interface
		                        return null;
		                    if (constructors.Length == 0)
		                            throw new ODBRuntimeException(NeoDatisError.ClassWithoutConstructor.AddParameter(clazz.AssemblyQualifiedName));
		                    int numberOfParameters = 1000;
		                    int bestConstructorIndex = 0;
		                    for (int i = 0; i < constructors.Length; i++)
		                        //UPGRADE_TODO: The equivalent in .NET for method 'java.lang.reflect.Constructor.getParameterTypes' may return a different value. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1043'"
		                        if (constructors[i].GetParameters().Length < numberOfParameters)
		                            bestConstructorIndex = i;
		                    constructor = constructors[bestConstructorIndex];
		                    //UPGRADE_TODO: The equivalent in .NET for method 'java.lang.reflect.Constructor.getParameterTypes' may return a different value. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1043'"
		                    System.Object[] nulls = new System.Object[constructor.GetParameters().Length];
		                    for (int i = 0; i < nulls.Length; i++)
		                        //UPGRADE_TODO: The equivalent in .NET for method 'java.lang.reflect.Constructor.getParameterTypes' may return a different value. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1043'"
		                        //m by cristi
		                        if (constructor.GetParameters()[i].ParameterType == System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"))
		                            nulls[i] = 0;
		                            //UPGRADE_TODO: The equivalent in .NET for method 'java.lang.reflect.Constructor.getParameterTypes' may return a different value. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1043'"
		                            if (constructor.GetParameters()[i].ParameterType == System.Type.GetType("System.Int64"))
		                                nulls[i] = 0;
		                                //UPGRADE_TODO: The equivalent in .NET for method 'java.lang.reflect.Constructor.getParameterTypes' may return a different value. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1043'"
		                                if (constructor.GetParameters()[i].ParameterType == System.Type.GetType("System.Int16"))
		                                    nulls[i] = System.Int16.Parse("0");
		                                    //UPGRADE_TODO: The equivalent in .NET for method 'java.lang.reflect.Constructor.getParameterTypes' may return a different value. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1043'"
		                                    //main by cristi
		                                    if (constructor.GetParameters()[i].ParameterType == System.Type.GetType("System.SByte"))
		                                        nulls[i] = System.SByte.Parse("0");
		                                        //UPGRADE_TODO: The equivalent in .NET for method 'java.lang.reflect.Constructor.getParameterTypes' may return a different value. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1043'"
		                                        //m by cristi
		                                        if (constructor.GetParameters()[i].ParameterType == System.Type.GetType("System.Single"))
		                                            //UPGRADE_WARNING: Data types in Visual C# might be different.  Verify the accuracy of narrowing conversions. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1042'"
		                                            nulls[i] = System.Single.Parse("0");
		                                            //UPGRADE_TODO: The equivalent in .NET for method 'java.lang.reflect.Constructor.getParameterTypes' may return a different value. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1043'"
		                                            //m by cristi
		                                            if (constructor.GetParameters()[i].ParameterType == System.Type.GetType("System.Double"))
		                                                //UPGRADE_TODO: The differences in the format  of parameters for constructor 'java.lang.Double.Double'  may cause compilation errors.  "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1092'"
		                                                nulls[i] = System.Double.Parse("0");
		                                                nulls[i] = null;
		                    System.Object object_Renamed = null;
		                    //UPGRADE_ISSUE: Method 'java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.setAccessible' was not converted. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1000_javalangreflectAccessibleObject'"
		                    //c by cristi
		                        object_Renamed = constructor.Invoke(nulls);
		                    catch (System.Exception e2)
		                             throw new ODBRuntimeException(NeoDatisError.NoNullableConstructor.AddParameter("[" + DisplayUtility.ObjectArrayToString(constructor.GetParameters()) + "]").AddParameter(clazz.AssemblyQualifiedName), e2);
		                    return object_Renamed;
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates an instance of a received Type. Looks for a constructor with no parameters
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="classType">The Type of the new class instance to return.</param>
		/// <returns>An Object containing the new instance.</returns>
		public static object CreateNewInstance(System.Type classType) {

			object instance = null;

			switch (classType.FullName) {
				case "System.Char":
				case "System.Byte":
				case "System.Int16":
				case "System.Int32":
				case "System.Int64":
				case "System.UInt16":
				case "System.UInt32":
				case "System.UInt64":
				case "System.DateTime":
				case "System.Boolean":
				case "System.Decimal":
				case "System.Double":
				case "System.Single":
				case "System.String":
				case "string":
				case "object":
				case "System.Object":
					return CreateNewInstance(classType, "");
					System.Type[] constructor = new System.Type[]{};
					System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo[] constructors = null;
					constructors = classType.GetConstructors();

					if (constructors.Length == 0)
						throw new System.UnauthorizedAccessException();
					else {
						for(int i = 0; i < constructors.Length; i++) {
							System.Reflection.ParameterInfo[] parameters = constructors[i].GetParameters();

							if (parameters.Length == 0) {
								instance = classType.GetConstructor(constructor).Invoke(new object[]{});
							else if (i == constructors.Length -1) {
								throw new System.MethodAccessException();
					return instance;