Exemple #1
        void IDriver.Run()
            var inputArray = new[]
                "Hello, Andy",
                "Hello, andy",
                "Hello, why doesn't this work!",
                "Hello, Andy",
                "Hello, chickenface",
                "Hello, Andy"
            var output = StreamingUnit.Execute <WCMapper, WCReducer>(inputArray);

            Console.WriteLine("Mapper Result");
            foreach (var mapperResult in output.MapperResult)

            Console.WriteLine("Reducer Result");
            foreach (var reducerResult in output.ReducerResult)

Exemple #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var inputArray = new[]
                "Hello, Andy",
                "Hello, andy",
                "Hello, why doesn't this work!",
                "Hello, Andy",
                "Hello, chickenface",
                "Hello, Andy"
            var output = StreamingUnit.Execute <HelloWorldMapper, HelloWorldReducer>(inputArray);

            foreach (var mapperResult in output.MapperResult)

            foreach (var reducerResult in output.ReducerResult)

Exemple #3
        public void AggregatePurchaseMapper_ViewProduct_NoDataEmitted()
            const string inputLine = "04/03/2013 14:21:27	199472	New	USA	Adword	View Product";

            var actualOutput = StreamingUnit.Execute <AggregatePurchaseMapper>(new string[] { inputLine });

            Assert.IsTrue(actualOutput.MapperResult.Count == 0);
Exemple #4
        public void AggregatePurchaseMapper_BadDataWithTimestampMissing_NoDataEmitted()
            const string inputLine = "199472	New	USA	Adword	View Product";

            var actualOutput = StreamingUnit.Execute <AggregatePurchaseMapper>(new string[] { inputLine });

            Assert.IsTrue(actualOutput.MapperResult.Count == 0);
        public static void _Mapper()
            const string inputline = "ID::585304696325328896	Text::The Easter rush has passed and I can function like a normal human being again. #ILoveBeingALineCook #Kinda	Time::2015-04-06 9:54:48 PM	Lattitude::32.745723	Longitude::-80.045119";

            var actualOutput = StreamingUnit.Execute <Mapper>(new[] { inputline });

            //var mapperResult = actualOutput.MapperResult;
            foreach (var mapperResult in actualOutput.MapperResult)
Exemple #6
        public void ContinentMapper_PurchaseOnGermanSite_ResultForGermany()
            const string inputLine = "USA	10	50";

            var actualOutput = StreamingUnit.Execute <NewUserPurchasesByContinentMapper>(new string[] { inputLine });

            var mapperResult = actualOutput.MapperResult.Single().Split('\t');

            Assert.AreEqual("North America", mapperResult[0]); // The Streaming unit emits the key as the first tab separated value in the MapperResult
            Assert.AreEqual("5", mapperResult[1]);
Exemple #7
        public void ContinentMapper_ViewProduct_NoDataEmitted()
            const string inputLine = "France	5	20";

            var actualOutput = StreamingUnit.Execute <NewUserPurchasesByContinentMapper>(new string[] { inputLine });

            var mapperResult = actualOutput.MapperResult.Single().Split('\t');

            Assert.AreEqual("Europe", mapperResult[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual("1", mapperResult[1]);
        public static void _Reducer()
            const string neutralInputLine   = "ID::585304696325328896	Text::The Easter rush has passed and I can function like a normal human being again. #ILoveBeingALineCook #Kinda	Time::2015-04-06 9:54:48 PM	Lattitude::32.745723	Longitude::-80.045119";
            const string positiveInputLine1 = "ID::585305245741293568	Text::Nasty Easter joke...LMFAO!!!  Brilliant...	Time::2015-04-06 9:56:59 PM	Lattitude::34.10362	Longitude::-118.326781";
            const string positiveInputLine2 = "ID::585305558930104320	Text::I am happy I was in the camp with JPM chief economist on this no cut call and playing GBPAUD short was the Easter bonus.	Time::2015-04-06 9:58:14 PM	Lattitude::51.525835	Longitude::-0.569526";

            var actualOutput = StreamingUnit.Execute <Mapper, Reducer>(
                new[] { neutralInputLine, positiveInputLine1, positiveInputLine2 });

            foreach (var reducerResult in actualOutput.ReducerResult)
        public void AggregatePurchaseMapper_ViewProduct_NoDataEmitted()
            const string inputLine = "62	328	3	879371909";

            var actualOutput = StreamingUnit.Execute <MovieLensMapper>(new string[] { inputLine });

            var result = actualOutput.MapperResult.Single().Split('\t');

            Assert.AreEqual("328", result[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual("879371909", result[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual("3", result[2]);
        private static void RunUsingStreamingUnit()
            using (var reader = new StreamReader(@"../../../clickStream.log"))
                string sample = reader.ReadToEnd();
                StreamingUnitOutput output =
                    StreamingUnit.Execute <AggregatePurchaseMapper, AggregatePurchaseReducer>(sample.Split(new[] { '\r', '\n' }));

                foreach (string result in output.ReducerResult)
        private static void RunUsingStreamingUnit()
            using (var reader = new StreamReader(@"../../ua.base"))
                string sample = reader.ReadToEnd();
                StreamingUnitOutput output =
                    StreamingUnit.Execute <MovieLensMapper>(sample.Split(new[] { '\r', '\n' }));

                const string path = "C:\\Data\\MovieLensData.log";

                File.WriteAllLines(path, Enumerable.ToArray(output.MapperResult));

                Console.WriteLine("Written to {0}", path);
Exemple #12
        public void AggregatePurchaseMapper_PurchaseOnUSASite_ResultForUSA()
            // Define a tab separated row of data for a purchase in Germany by a new user
            const string inputLine = "01/03/2013 11:30:08	155990	New	USA	Adword	Purchase";

            var actualOutput = StreamingUnit.Execute <AggregatePurchaseMapper>(new[] { inputLine });

            var mapperResult = actualOutput.MapperResult.Single().Split('\t');

            // NB: The Streaming unit emits the key as the first tab separated value in the MapperResult
            Assert.AreEqual("USA", mapperResult[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual("New", mapperResult[1]);
Exemple #13
        public void AggregatePurchaseMapper_PurchaseOnGermanSite_ResultForGermany()
            // Define a tab separated row of data for a purchase in Germany by a new user
            const string inputLine = "04/03/2013 12:17:36	193902	New	Germany	No Referrer	Purchase";

            var actualOutput = StreamingUnit.Execute <AggregatePurchaseMapper>(new[] { inputLine });

            var mapperResult = actualOutput.MapperResult.Single().Split('\t');

            // NB: The Streaming unit emits the key as the first tab separated value in the MapperResult
            Assert.AreEqual("Germany", mapperResult[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual("New", mapperResult[1]);
        public void AggregatePurchaseReducer_TwoPurchasesUSAOneNewUser_50percentFigureEmitted()
            // arrange
            const string newUserinputLine     = "01/04/2013 14:21:27	199572	New	USA	Adword	Purchase";
            const string regularUserinputLine = "01/04/2013 14:26:27	399572	Regular	USA	Organic Search	Purchase";
            const string infrequentInputLine  = "01/04/2013 15:21:27	369572	Infrequent	France	Adword	Purchase";

            var actualOutput = StreamingUnit.Execute <AggregatePurchaseMapper, AggregatePurchaseReducer>(
                new [] { newUserinputLine, regularUserinputLine, infrequentInputLine });

            var reducerResult = actualOutput.ReducerResult.Single(v => v.Split('\t')[0] == "USA").Split('\t');

            Assert.AreEqual("2", reducerResult[1]);  // Checking that the number of purchases for USA was 2
            Assert.AreEqual("50", reducerResult[2]); // Checking that 50% of purchases for USA were from new visitors
 private StreamingUnitOutput run(string[] data)
     return(StreamingUnit.Execute <LoveCleanStreetsMapper, LoveCleanStreetsReducer>(data));