public static Image GetQRCode(byte[] data, ErrorCorrectionLevel level = ErrorCorrectionLevel.M)
            bool requires16BitLength    = false;
            int  maxBytesInVersion9Code = QRErrorCorrections.GetQRVersionInfo(9).GetCorrectionInfo(level).TotalDataBytes;

            if (maxBytesInVersion9Code - 2 < data.Length)
                // This data requires a version 10 or higher code; will not fit in version 9 or lower.
                // Version 10 and higher codes require 16-bit data lengths.
                requires16BitLength = true;

            StreamHelper sh = new StreamHelper();

            sh.WriteNibble(0x04); // byte mode
            if (requires16BitLength)
            sh.WriteBytes(new ArraySegment <byte>(data));
            sh.WriteNibble(0x00); // terminator
            byte[] binaryData = sh.ToArray();

            int qrCodeVersion;
            ErrorCorrectionLevel errorCorrectionLevel;

            byte[] finalMessageSequence = QRErrorCorrections.GetMessageSequence(binaryData, level, out qrCodeVersion, out errorCorrectionLevel);

            SymbolTemplate template = SymbolTemplate.CreateTemplate(qrCodeVersion);

            template.ErrorCorrectionLevel = errorCorrectionLevel;

        public static Image GetQRCode(byte[] data, ErrorCorrectionLevel level = ErrorCorrectionLevel.M)
            bool requires16BitLength = false;
            int maxBytesInVersion9Code = QRErrorCorrections.GetQRVersionInfo(9).GetCorrectionInfo(level).TotalDataBytes;
            if (maxBytesInVersion9Code - 2 < data.Length)
                // This data requires a version 10 or higher code; will not fit in version 9 or lower.
                // Version 10 and higher codes require 16-bit data lengths.
                requires16BitLength = true;

            StreamHelper sh = new StreamHelper();
            sh.WriteNibble(0x04); // byte mode
            if (requires16BitLength)
            sh.WriteBytes(new ArraySegment<byte>(data));
            sh.WriteNibble(0x00); // terminator
            byte[] binaryData = sh.ToArray();

            int qrCodeVersion;
            ErrorCorrectionLevel errorCorrectionLevel;
            byte[] finalMessageSequence = QRErrorCorrections.GetMessageSequence(binaryData, level, out qrCodeVersion, out errorCorrectionLevel);

            SymbolTemplate template = SymbolTemplate.CreateTemplate(qrCodeVersion);
            template.ErrorCorrectionLevel = errorCorrectionLevel;

            return template.ToImage();
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Called after an inbound message has been received but before the message is dispatched to the intended operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">The request message.</param>
        /// <param name="channel">The incoming channel.</param>
        /// <param name="instanceContext">The current service instance.</param>
        /// <returns>The object used to correlate state. This object is passed back in the <see cref="M:System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.IDispatchMessageInspector.BeforeSendReply(System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message@,System.Object)" /> method.</returns>
        public object AfterReceiveRequest(ref Message request, IClientChannel channel, InstanceContext instanceContext)
            if (!request.Properties.ContainsKey("Via"))
                return(request);                                        // Nothing much we can do here
            if (!request.Properties.ContainsKey("httpRequest"))
                return(request);                                                // Same here
            var httpRequest = request.Properties["httpRequest"] as HttpRequestMessageProperty;

            if (httpRequest == null)
            var httpMethod = httpRequest.Method.ToUpper();

            var uri = request.Properties["Via"] as Uri;

            if (uri == null)
                return(request);             // Still nothing much we can do
            var url         = uri.AbsoluteUri;
            var urlFragment = url;

            if (urlFragment.ToLower().StartsWith(_rootUrlLower))
                urlFragment = urlFragment.Substring(_rootUrlLower.Length);
            var operationInfo = RestHelper.GetMethodNameFromUrlFragmentAndContract(urlFragment, httpMethod, _contractType);
            var urlParameters = RestHelper.GetUrlParametersFromUrlFragmentAndContract(urlFragment, httpMethod, _contractType);

            if (httpMethod == "GET")
                // TODO: Support GET if at all possible
                throw new Exception("REST-GET operations are not currently supported in the chosen hosting environment. Please use a different HTTP Verb, or host in a different environment (such as WebApi). We hope to add this feature in a future version.");

                // This is a REST GET operation. Therefore, there is no posted message. Instead, we have to decode the input parameters from the URL
                var parameters = operationInfo.GetParameters();
                if (parameters.Length != 1)
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Only service methods/operations with a single input parameter can be mapped to REST-GET operations. Method " + operationInfo.Name + " has " + parameters.Length + " parameters. Consider changing the method to have a single object with multiple properties instead.");
                var parameterType     = parameters[0].ParameterType;
                var parameterInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(parameterType);
                foreach (var propertyName in urlParameters.Keys)
                    var urlProperty = parameterType.GetProperty(propertyName);
                    if (urlProperty == null)
                    urlProperty.SetValue(parameterInstance, urlParameters[propertyName], null);

                // Seralize the object back into a new request message
                // TODO: We only need to do this for methods OTHER than GET
                var format = GetMessageContentFormat(request);
                switch (format)
                case WebContentFormat.Xml:
                    var xmlStream     = new MemoryStream();
                    var xmlSerializer = new DataContractSerializer(parameterInstance.GetType());
                    xmlSerializer.WriteObject(xmlStream, parameterInstance);
                    var xmlReader     = XmlDictionaryReader.CreateTextReader(StreamHelper.ToArray(xmlStream), XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas.Max);
                    var newXmlMessage = Message.CreateMessage(xmlReader, int.MaxValue, request.Version);
                    if (format == WebContentFormat.Default)
                        if (newXmlMessage.Properties.ContainsKey(WebBodyFormatMessageProperty.Name))
                        newXmlMessage.Properties.Add(WebBodyFormatMessageProperty.Name, WebContentFormat.Xml);
                    request = newXmlMessage;

                case WebContentFormat.Default:
                case WebContentFormat.Json:
                    var jsonStream = new MemoryStream();
                    var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(parameterInstance.GetType());
                    serializer.WriteObject(jsonStream, parameterInstance);
                    var jsonReader = JsonReaderWriterFactory.CreateJsonReader(StreamHelper.ToArray(jsonStream), XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas.Max);
                    var newMessage = Message.CreateMessage(jsonReader, int.MaxValue, request.Version);
                    if (format == WebContentFormat.Default)
                        if (newMessage.Properties.ContainsKey(WebBodyFormatMessageProperty.Name))
                        newMessage.Properties.Add(WebBodyFormatMessageProperty.Name, WebContentFormat.Json);
                    request = newMessage;

                    throw new NotSupportedException("Mesage format " + format.ToString() + " is not supported form REST/JSON operations");
