/// <summary>
        /// get a list of upcoming events
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult GetUpcomingEvents()
            //creae the initial model
            var model = new UpcomingEventsListModel();

            //get the current context
            var contextItem = RenderingContext.Current.ContextItem;

            //get the events landing page id from the config, to use to get the logo image from
            var eventsLandingPageId = _standardHelpers.GetItemIdFromConfig("EventsLandingPageID", contextItem);

            if (eventsLandingPageId != ID.Null)
                var eventsLandingPage = _database.GetItem(eventsLandingPageId);
                if (eventsLandingPage != null)
                    //get the events landing template id from the config
                    var eventsLandingTemplateId = _standardHelpers.GetTemplateIdFromConfig("EventsLandingTemplateID", contextItem);
                    //check if the events landing page uses that template
                    var isEventsLandingTemplate = eventsLandingPage.TemplateID == eventsLandingTemplateId;
                    if (isEventsLandingTemplate)
                        //set the url for the events landing page
                        model.EventsLandingUrl = LinkManager.GetItemUrl(eventsLandingPage);

                        //get the index to use
                        var index = GetEventsSearchIndex();
                        //check the index
                        if (index != null)
                            //use the indexes search
                            using (var context = index.CreateSearchContext())
                                // get the results
                                var results = context.GetQueryable <EventDetails>()
                                              .Where(eventDetailItem => eventDetailItem.Paths.Contains(eventsLandingPage.ID) &&
                                                     eventDetailItem.Date != DateTime.MinValue &&
                                                     eventDetailItem.Date >= DateTime.Now)
                                              .OrderBy(eventDetailItem => eventDetailItem.Date)
                                // assing them to our model
                                model.Events = results.Hits.Select(hit => hit.Document).ToList();
Exemple #2
        public async Task <ViewResult> AttributesImporter(string attributeType, AttributesModel model)
            //create a the counter for the imported attributes
            var attributeCounter = 0;

            //check if we have a selected attribute type
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.SelectedAttributeType))
                //prefill the model with dropdown items
                model.ErrorMessage = "Please select the attribute type to import";

            //get the selected attribute type
            var selectedAttributeType = model.SelectedAttributeType;

            //create the http client to request the json with
            var httpClient = new HttpClient();

            //create the initial response attributes
            IEnumerable <AttributesJsonModel> responseAttributes;

            // create the api response
            var response =
                await httpClient.GetAsync(
                    "http://atlas.atdw-online.com.au/api/atlas/attributes?key=996325374125&types=" + selectedAttributeType + "&out=json");

            //check if we get a successs status back
            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                //trya and read the contents and convert them into a json object
                    var responseStream = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
                    //assign the json response to our attributes model
                    responseAttributes = JsonConvert
                                         .DeserializeObject <IEnumerable <AttributesJsonModel> >(responseStream.Result).ToList();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //catch the error
                    //prefill the model with dropdown items
                    model.ErrorMessage = "There was an error reading the data from ATDW, please try again, see :" + ex.Message;
                //get the response status code
                var errorStatusCode = response.StatusCode;
                var responseError   = errorStatusCode.ToString();

                model.ErrorMessage = "There was an error reading the data from ATDW, please try again, see :" + responseError;

            //now get the attributes from the model
            if (responseAttributes.Any())
                //get the attribute templates to use late
                var atdwSettingsItemId            = _standardHelper.GetItemIdFromConfig("ATDWSettingsItemID");
                var atdwAttributeTemplateId       = _standardHelper.GetTemplateIdFromConfig("ATDWAttributeTemplateID");
                var atdwAttributeParentTemplateId =

                //check if the templates are valid
                if (atdwAttributeTemplateId.ID != ID.Null && atdwAttributeParentTemplateId.ID != ID.Null)
                    var database = Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase("master");
                    //get the atdw settings item to look for the parent with
                    var atdwSettingsItem = database.GetItem(atdwSettingsItemId);
                    if (atdwSettingsItem != null)
                        var atdwAttributeParentItem = atdwSettingsItem.Children
                                                      .FirstOrDefault(item => item["AttributeTypeId"].ToString() == selectedAttributeType &&
                                                                      item.TemplateID == atdwAttributeParentTemplateId);

                        //check if the parent to insert on is not null
                        if (atdwAttributeParentItem != null)
                            var attributeTemplateId = new TemplateID(atdwAttributeTemplateId);
                            // use the security disabler to creae or update items
                            using (new SecurityDisabler())
                                //go through the attributes to add
                                foreach (var attributeTypeItem in responseAttributes)
                                        //initiate the editing
                                        // fill in the parents type and description
                                        atdwAttributeParentItem["AttributeTypeId"] = attributeTypeItem.AttributeTypeId;
                                        atdwAttributeParentItem["Description"]     = attributeTypeItem.Description;
                                        //terminate the editing

                                        //get the attribute items from the parent
                                        if (attributeTypeItem.Attributes.Any())
                                            foreach (var attribute in attributeTypeItem.Attributes)
                                                //check if the parent doesnt alread have the attribute
                                                var attributeCode = attribute.AttributeId;
                                                var hasAttribute  = atdwAttributeParentItem.Children
                                                                    .Any(attributeItem => attributeItem.Fields["Attribute-Id"].Value ==
                                                if (!hasAttribute)
                                                    //get a valid name from the description
                                                    var name = ItemUtil.ProposeValidItemName(attribute.Description);
                                                    //create the new attribute to add
                                                    Item attributeItem =
                                                        atdwAttributeParentItem.Add(name, attributeTemplateId);

                                                    //initiate the editing
                                                    // fill in the attribute properties
                                                    attributeItem["Attribute-Type-Id"] =
                                                    attributeItem["Attribute-Id"]          = attribute.AttributeId;
                                                    attributeItem["Attribute-Description"] = attribute.Description;
                                                    attributeItem["Attribute-ATDW-Id"]     = attribute.AttributeId;
                                                    //initiate the editing
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        //prefill the model with dropdown items
                                        model.ErrorMessage = "There was an error reading the data from ATDW, please try again, see :" + ex.Message;

            model.SuccessMessage = attributeCounter + " attributes for the type: " + model.SelectedAttributeType +
                                   " have been imported successfully";
        public ActionResult GetPageCommentsList(int page = 1)
            // get the current context item
            var contextItem = RenderingContext.Current.ContextItem;

            //create the default model
            var model = new EventCommentsListModel();

            //get the database name, should be lower anyway but just in case
            //var databaseName = _database.Name.ToLower();

            //get the index name
            //var indexName = string.Format("sitecore_{0}_index", databaseName);
            //var indexName = $"sitecore_{databaseName}_index";

            //get the index to use
            //var sitecoreIndex = ContentSearchManager.GetIndex(indexName);

            //get the comments template id
            var eventCommentsTemplateId = _standardHelpers.GetTemplateIdFromConfig("EventCommentsTemplateID", contextItem);

            //check the index and the template id, testing how to use the standard index
            //if (sitecoreIndex != null && eventCommentsTemplateId != new TemplateID().ID)
            //    //use the indexes search  to get the comments, need to adjust the index to have the properties we need to populate comment list item model
            //    using (var context = sitecoreIndex.CreateSearchContext())
            //    {
            //        // get the results
            //        var results = context.GetQueryable<CommentListItemModel>()
            //            .Where(item => item.Paths.Contains(contextItem.ID)
            //                         && item.Language == contextItem.Language.Name
            //                         && item.TemplateId == eventCommentsTemplateId.ID)
            //            .Page(page - 1, PageSize)
            //            .GetResults();
            //        // assing them to our model
            //        model.PageComments = results.Hits.Select(hit => hit.Document).ToList();

            //    }

            //use the standard get children method
            if (eventCommentsTemplateId != new TemplateID().ID)
                //get any child comments
                var eventComments = contextItem.GetChildren()
                                    .Where(item => item.TemplateID == eventCommentsTemplateId.ID).ToList();

                // add them to the model
                if (eventComments.Any())
                    model.PageComments = eventComments.Select(
                        comment => new CommentListItemModel()
                        CommentorName = comment.Fields["Name"].ToString(),
                        CommentText   = comment.Fields["Comment"].ToString(),
                        CommentDate   = comment.Created

            //retunr the model with any comments
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the default menu items and other settings
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult Index()
            //get the current context
            var contextItem = RenderingContext.Current.ContextItem;

            //get the master database to use to get items from
            var database = contextItem.Database;

            //create a new model
            var model = new PageHeaderModel();

            //get the project settings id from the config, to use to get the logo image from
            var projectSettingsPageId = _standardHelpers.GetItemIdFromConfig("ProjectSettingsPageID", contextItem);

            if (projectSettingsPageId != ID.Null)
                var projectSettingsPage = database.GetItem(projectSettingsPageId);
                if (projectSettingsPage != null)
                    //get the project settings template id from the config
                    var projectSettingsTemplateId = _standardHelpers.GetTemplateIdFromConfig("ProjectSettingsTemplateID", contextItem);
                    //check if the project settings page uses that template
                    var isProjectSettingsTemplate = projectSettingsPage.TemplateID == projectSettingsTemplateId;
                    if (isProjectSettingsTemplate)
                        model.LogoImage = new HtmlString(FieldRenderer.Render(projectSettingsPage, "Project_Logo", "mw=400"));

            // get the homepage id set in the config to use to get the menu items
            var homePageId = _standardHelpers.GetItemIdFromConfig("HomePageID", contextItem);

            if (homePageId != ID.Null)
                //get the home item from the config id
                var homePage = database.GetItem(homePageId);
                //check if the home item in not null
                if (homePage != null)
                    //check if the homepage's template is the same as the one set in our config
                    var homeTemplateId     = _standardHelpers.GetTemplateIdFromConfig("HomeTemplateID", contextItem);
                    var isHomePageTemplate = homePage.TemplateID == homeTemplateId;
                    //if the homepage template matches then we can now use it to get the navigation items
                    if (isHomePageTemplate)
                        //add the verified home page to the model
                        model.HomePageUrl = LinkManager.GetItemUrl(homePage);

                        //get the home page item and add it to the menu items from the verified home page
                        model.MenuItems.Add(_navigationHelpers.CreateSiteMenuModel(homePage, false));

                        //get the home page children and add them to the menu items
                        if (homePage.HasChildren)
                            foreach (Item childPage in homePage.Children)
                                //get the child page items from the verified home page
                                model.MenuItems.Add(_navigationHelpers.CreateSiteMenuModel(childPage, true));

            //get the site's languages for the dropdown language selector
            model.CurrentLanguage = _languageHelpers.GetActiveLanguageModel();
            model.Languages       = _languageHelpers.GetAllLanguages();

Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// get the page footer with the model populated
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult Index()
            //get the current context
            var contextItem = RenderingContext.Current.ContextItem;

            //get the master database to use to get items from
            var database = contextItem.Database;

            //create the intial model
            var model = new PageFooterModel();

            //get the project settings id from the config, to use to get the logo image from
            var projectSettingsPageId = _standardHelpers.GetItemIdFromConfig("ProjectSettingsPageID", contextItem);

            if (projectSettingsPageId != ID.Null)
                var projectSettingsPage = database.GetItem(projectSettingsPageId);
                if (projectSettingsPage != null)
                    //get the project settings template id from the config
                    var projectSettingsTemplateId = _standardHelpers.GetTemplateIdFromConfig("ProjectSettingsTemplateID", contextItem);
                    //check if the project settings page uses that template
                    var isProjectSettingsTemplate = projectSettingsPage.TemplateID == projectSettingsTemplateId;
                    if (isProjectSettingsTemplate)
                        //save the project settings path to use for the editor
                        model.EditorDatasourcePath = projectSettingsPage.Paths.FullPath;
                        //get the copyright text
                        model.CopyrightText = new HtmlString(FieldRenderer.Render(projectSettingsPage, "Copyright_Text"));

                        //get the page set for the details
                        var detailsPageId = projectSettingsPage.Fields["Info_Page"];
                        if (detailsPageId != null)
                            //get the details page
                            var detailsPage = database.GetItem(detailsPageId.ToString());
                            if (detailsPage != null)
                                model.FooterHeading = new HtmlString(FieldRenderer.Render(detailsPage, "ContentHeading"));
                                model.FooterIntro   = new HtmlString(FieldRenderer.Render(detailsPage, "ContentIntro"));

                        //get the footer links
                        MultilistField footerLinks = projectSettingsPage.Fields["Page-Links"];
                        if (footerLinks != null)
                            var footerLinksPages = footerLinks.GetItems();
                            if (footerLinksPages.Any())
                                model.FooterLinks = footerLinksPages.Select(linkPage => new NavigationItemModel()
                                    Title = linkPage.DisplayName,
                                    Url   = LinkManager.GetItemUrl(linkPage)

            // return the view with the model
        // GET: Carousel
        public ActionResult Index()
            //get the master database to use to get items from
            //var database = RenderingContext.Current.ContextItem.Database;
            var database = Sitecore.Context.Database;

            //create the  default model
            var model = new SiteCarouselModel();

            //get the current context
            var contextItem = RenderingContext.Current.ContextItem;

            //get the site settings id from the config, to use to get the carousel items
            var siteSettingsPageId = _standardHelpers.GetItemIdFromConfig("SiteSettingsPageID", contextItem);

            if (siteSettingsPageId != ID.Null)
                var siteSettingsPage = database.GetItem(siteSettingsPageId);
                if (siteSettingsPage != null)
                    //get the site settings template id from the config
                    var siteSettingsTemplateId = _standardHelpers.GetTemplateIdFromConfig("SiteSettingsTemplateID", contextItem);
                    //check if the site settings page uses that template
                    var isSiteSettingsTemplate = siteSettingsPage.TemplateID == siteSettingsTemplateId;
                    if (isSiteSettingsTemplate)
                        //get the tree list of carousel images
                        MultilistField carouselImagesList = siteSettingsPage.Fields["Carousel"];

                        if (carouselImagesList != null)
                            //get the carousel images from the tree list
                            var carouselImages = carouselImagesList.GetItems();
                            //create the carousel models if we have any images
                            if (carouselImages.Any())
                                foreach (var image in carouselImages)
                                    var carouselImageModel = new CarouselImageModel()
                                        CarouselHeading = image.Fields["Title"].ToString(),
                                        CarouselIntro   = image.Fields["Description"].ToString()
                                    //get the carousel image
                                    MediaItem carouselMedia = image;
                                    if (carouselMedia != null)
                                        var options = new MediaUrlOptions {
                                            Height = 1920, Width = 660
                                        carouselImageModel.CarouselImage = MediaManager.GetMediaUrl(carouselMedia, options);

                                    //get the content link
                                    var contentLinkField = image.Fields["ContentLink"].ToString();
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(contentLinkField))
                                        var contentLink = database.GetItem(contentLinkField);
                                        if (contentLink != null)
                                            carouselImageModel.CarouselLink = LinkManager.GetItemUrl(contentLink);

                                    //add it to the model items