public SimplSharpString analogToEis5(int analogIn) { float myFloatVariable = (float)analogIn / 100; SimplSharpString strFormattedDate = myFloatVariable.ToString("n2"); return(strFormattedDate); }
public void Initialize(ushort _coreID, SimplSharpString _namedControl, ushort _controlType) { eControlType t = (eControlType)Enum.Parse(typeof(eControlType), Convert.ToString(_controlType), true); = new QsysNamedControl((int)_coreID, _namedControl.ToString(), t); += new EventHandler <QsysEventsArgs>(namedControl_QsysNamedControlEvent); }
public void Initialize(SimplSharpString setToken) { apiToken = setToken.ToString(); debug("PBServer.Initialize"); checkPushes(); openWebsocket(); }
void ServerHttpRequestHandler(object sender, OnHttpRequestArgs e) { Trace("ServerHttpRequestHandler() received request. Path: " + e.Request.Path); SimplSharpString answer = RequestCallbackNotify(e.Request.Path); CrestronConsole.PrintLine("ANSWER: " + answer.ToString()); e.Response.ContentString = answer.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// send data to server /// </summary> /// <param name="tx">data</param> public void DataTransmit(SimplSharpString tx) { var err = new SocketErrorCodes(); byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(tx.ToString()); err = _tcpClient.SendData(bytes, bytes.Length); Debug("Data transmitted: " + tx.ToString(), ErrorLevel.None, err.ToString()); }
public void broadcast(SimplSharpString data) { foreach (uint clientIdex in this.clients) { byte[] db = this.trans(System.Text.Encoding.BigEndianUnicode.GetBytes(data.ToString())); this.server.SendData(clientIdex, db, db.Length); } }
private void sendTrace(SimplSharpString msg) { if (this.SendTrace == null) { return; } this.SendTrace(msg); }
public void SendData(SimplSharpString dataToSend) { byte[] pBufferToSend = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(dataToSend.ToString()); SocketErrorCodes returnCode = tcpClient.SendData(pBufferToSend, pBufferToSend.Length); if (debug > 0) { CrestronConsole.PrintLine("\n TCPClientClass SendData returnCode: " + returnCode.ToString()); } }
public void OnDataReceiveEventCallback(TCPClient myTCPClient, int numberOfBytesReceived) { if (numberOfBytesReceived > 0) { SimplSharpString data = new SimplSharpString(); data = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(tcpClient.IncomingDataBuffer, 0, numberOfBytesReceived); OnDataReceiveEvent(data); } tcpClient.ReceiveDataAsync(OnDataReceiveEventCallback); }
public void ONTRACE(SimplSharpString STRACE) { try { SplusExecutionContext __context__ = SplusSimplSharpDelegateThreadStartCode(); __context__.SourceCodeLine = 61; /* Trace( "{0}", STRACE .ToString() ) */; } finally { ObjectFinallyHandler(); } }
public void Send(SimplSharpString data) { if (client != null) { Pacer.EnqueueTX(data); } else { Logger.Log("Error: Send() to a Null client!"); } }
public void CALLBACKEVENTHANDLER(SimplSharpString KEY, ushort VALUE) { try { SplusExecutionContext __context__ = SplusSimplSharpDelegateThreadStartCode(); __context__.SourceCodeLine = 144; OUT.Value = (ushort)(VALUE); } finally { ObjectFinallyHandler(); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="str"></param> /// <param name="delim"></param> /// <returns>string</returns> public void SplitString(string str, string delim) { var strings = str.Split(delim.ToCharArray()); SimplSharpString[] splitStrs = new SimplSharpString[strings.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < strings.Length; i++) { splitStrs[i] = (SimplSharpString)strings[i]; CallbackEvent(splitStrs[i], (ushort)i); } }
public void FROMSSHARP(SimplSharpString _TITLE) { try { SplusExecutionContext __context__ = SplusSimplSharpDelegateThreadStartCode(); __context__.SourceCodeLine = 15; TITLE.UpdateValue("S+ Callback. Movie title: " + _TITLE.ToString()); } finally { ObjectFinallyHandler(); } }
public void UPDATETWOBYTEEIS5DECIMALVALUETEXTCALLBACK(SimplSharpString VALUE) { try { SplusExecutionContext __context__ = SplusSimplSharpDelegateThreadStartCode(); __context__.SourceCodeLine = 144; EIS5DECIMALVALUETEXT.UpdateValue(VALUE.ToString()); } finally { ObjectFinallyHandler(); } }
public void RECEIVEERROR(SimplSharpString SERROR) { try { SplusExecutionContext __context__ = SplusSimplSharpDelegateThreadStartCode(); __context__.SourceCodeLine = 36; STATUS.UpdateValue(SERROR.ToString()); } finally { ObjectFinallyHandler(); } }
public void NEWSTRINGCHANGE(ushort X, SimplSharpString VALUE) { try { SplusExecutionContext __context__ = SplusSimplSharpDelegateThreadStartCode(); __context__.SourceCodeLine = 34; STRINGVALUE.UpdateValue(VALUE.ToString()); } finally { ObjectFinallyHandler(); } }
public void NEWINTEGERCHANGE(ushort VALUE, SimplSharpString X) { try { SplusExecutionContext __context__ = SplusSimplSharpDelegateThreadStartCode(); __context__.SourceCodeLine = 34; INTEGERVALUE.Value = (ushort)(VALUE); } finally { ObjectFinallyHandler(); } }
public void NEWCURRENTCALLSTATUSCHANGE(SimplSharpString STATUS) { try { SplusExecutionContext __context__ = SplusSimplSharpDelegateThreadStartCode(); __context__.SourceCodeLine = 151; CALLSTATUS.UpdateValue(STATUS.ToString()); } finally { ObjectFinallyHandler(); } }
public void NEWRECENTCALLLISTEVENT(SimplSharpString XSIG) { try { SplusExecutionContext __context__ = SplusSimplSharpDelegateThreadStartCode(); __context__.SourceCodeLine = 165; RECENTCALLXSIG.UpdateValue(XSIG.ToString()); } finally { ObjectFinallyHandler(); } }
public void NEWCURRENTLYCALLINGEVENT(SimplSharpString NEWCURRENTLYCALLING) { try { SplusExecutionContext __context__ = SplusSimplSharpDelegateThreadStartCode(); __context__.SourceCodeLine = 146; CURRENTLYCALLING.UpdateValue(NEWCURRENTLYCALLING.ToString()); } finally { ObjectFinallyHandler(); } }
public void RECEIVEGROUP(ushort NID, SimplSharpString SNAME) { try { SplusExecutionContext __context__ = SplusSimplSharpDelegateThreadStartCode(); __context__.SourceCodeLine = 46; GROUPNAME [NID].UpdateValue(SNAME.ToString()); } finally { ObjectFinallyHandler(); } }
public void CALLBACKEVENTHANDLER(SimplSharpString KEY, SimplSharpString VALUE) { try { SplusExecutionContext __context__ = SplusSimplSharpDelegateThreadStartCode(); __context__.SourceCodeLine = 142; OUT.UpdateValue(VALUE.ToString()); } finally { ObjectFinallyHandler(); } }
public void CALLBACKPULSEEVENTHANDLER(SimplSharpString KEY) { try { SplusExecutionContext __context__ = SplusSimplSharpDelegateThreadStartCode(); __context__.SourceCodeLine = 149; Functions.Pulse(20, OUT); } finally { ObjectFinallyHandler(); } }
public static void SubmoduleRx(SimplSharpString key, SimplSharpString value) { try { changeEventArgs.key = key; changeEventArgs.stringValue = value; onSubmoduleEvent(null, changeEventArgs); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorLog.Error("StaticClassTemplate SubmoduleRx Exception: " + e.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// create buffer for incoming data and pass to S+ /// </summary> /// <param name="client">tcp client</param> /// <param name="bytes">buffer size</param> private void OnDataReceiveEventCallback(TCPClient client, int bytes) { byte[] rxBuffer; var rxToSplus = new SimplSharpString(); if (bytes > 0) { rxBuffer = _tcpClient.IncomingDataBuffer; rxToSplus = Encoding.Default.GetString(rxBuffer, 0, bytes); ReceiveData(rxToSplus); } _tcpClient.ReceiveDataAsync(OnDataReceiveEventCallback); }
//-------------------------------------// // Function | AddMailRecipient // Description | ... //-------------------------------------// public static void AddMailRecipient(SimplSharpString addr) { if (mailRecipients == null) { mailRecipients = new List <string> (); } if (addr.ToString().Contains("@") && !mailRecipients.Contains(addr.ToString())) { mailRecipients.Add(addr.ToString()); CrestronConsole.PrintLine("Added new email recipient: {0}", addr.ToString()); } }
public void EnqueueTX(SimplSharpString data) { string sdata = data.ToString(); bMutex.WaitForMutex(); foreach (string s in data.ToString().Split(';')) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { SendQueue.Enqueue(s); } } bMutex.ReleaseMutex(); }
public void Initialize(ushort _coreID, SimplSharpString _host, ushort _port, SimplSharpString _user, SimplSharpString _pass) { this.core = QsysMain.AddOrGetCoreObject(_coreID); if (core.Initialize((int)_coreID, _host.ToString(), _port, _user.ToString(), _pass.ToString())) { core.setDebug(debug); core.RegisterSimplClient(Convert.ToString(_coreID)); core.SimplClients[Convert.ToString(_coreID)].OnNewEvent += new EventHandler <SimplEventArgs>(QsysProcessor_SimplEvent); this.isRegistered = true; } else { //TODO: Remove all changegroups and re-add all, re-sync } }
public void NEWCORESTATUS(SimplSharpString DNAME, ushort REDUNDANT, ushort EMULATOR) { try { SplusExecutionContext __context__ = SplusSimplSharpDelegateThreadStartCode(); __context__.SourceCodeLine = 46; DESIGNNAME.UpdateValue(DNAME.ToString()); __context__.SourceCodeLine = 47; ISREDUNDANT.Value = (ushort)(REDUNDANT); __context__.SourceCodeLine = 48; ISEMULATOR.Value = (ushort)(EMULATOR); } finally { ObjectFinallyHandler(); } }
public void Connect(SimplSharpString Address, int Port) { try { if (socket != null) Disconnect(); uniqueToken = (uint)System.DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.Milliseconds; socket = new UDPServer(Address.ToString(), Port, MAX_PACKET_SIZE); if (socket.EnableUDPServer() != SocketErrorCodes.SOCKET_OK) { ErrorLog.Error("Socket enable error Kodi SIMPL#: {0}", socket.EnableUDPServer()); } } catch (Exception e) { ErrorLog.Exception("Exception Kodi SIMPL#: {0}", e); } }
/************************************************************************/ /* SendAction - Payload format */ /* %c - action type */ /* %s - action message */ /************************************************************************/ public void SendAction(SimplSharpString MessageString) { string Message = MessageString.ToString(); byte[] payload = new byte[Message.Length + 2]; int offset = 0; payload[offset++] = (byte)0x01; for (int i = 0; i < Message.Length; i++) payload[offset++] = (byte)Message[i]; payload[offset++] = (byte)'\0'; Send(PacketType.PT_ACTION, payload); }