public Boolean DeactivateTerm(ShippingTerm shippingTerm)
     if (shippingTerm == null)
         throw new ArgumentException("The shipping term was null, therefore it cannot be set to inactive.");
     return(ShippingTermDAL.DeactivateTerm(shippingTerm, _connection));
        }//End of GetTerms()

        public List <ShippingTerm> GetShippingTermsByActive(Boolean activeState)
            ShippingTerms = ShippingTermDAL.FetchTermsByActive(activeState, _connection);
        }//End of GetTermById(.)

        public List <ShippingTerm> GetTerms()
            //Need to do error checking.
            ShippingTerms = ShippingTermDAL.GetAllShippingTerms(_connection);
        }//End of GetTerms()
        }//End of Update(..)

        public ShippingTerm GetTermById(int termId)
            //Need to do error checking.
            ShippingTerm = ShippingTermDAL.GetShippingTermsById(termId, _connection);
        }//End of GetTermById(.)
        }//End of Insert(.)

        public bool Update(ShippingTerm term, ShippingTerm originalTerm)
            //Need to do error checking.
            return(ShippingTermDAL.UpdateShippingTerms(term, originalTerm, _connection));
        }//End of Update(..)
        }//End of ShippingTerm sets/gets.

        public bool Insert(ShippingTerm term)
            //Need to do error checking.
            return(ShippingTermDAL.AddShippingTerm(term, _connection));
        }//End of Insert(.)