private bool GuessFormatFromSignature(string filePath, out SevenZipFormat format) { using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)) { return(GuessFormatFromSignature(fileStream, out format)); } }
private bool GuessFormatFromExtension(string fileExtension, out SevenZipFormat format) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileExtension)) { format = SevenZipFormat.Undefined; return(false); } fileExtension = fileExtension.TrimStart('.').Trim().ToLowerInvariant(); if (fileExtension.Equals("rar")) { // 7z has different GUID for Pre-RAR5 and RAR5, but they have both same extension (.rar) // If it is [0x52 0x61 0x72 0x21 0x1A 0x07 0x01 0x00] then file is RAR5 otherwise RAR. // // We are unable to guess right format just by looking at extension and have to check signature format = SevenZipFormat.Undefined; return(false); } if (!Formats.ExtensionFormatMapping.ContainsKey(fileExtension)) { format = SevenZipFormat.Undefined; return(false); } format = Formats.ExtensionFormatMapping[fileExtension]; return(true); }
public ArchiveFile(string archiveFilePath, string libraryFilePath = null) { this.libraryFilePath = libraryFilePath; this.InitializeAndValidateLibrary(); if (!File.Exists(archiveFilePath)) { throw new SevenZipException("Archive file not found"); } string extension = Path.GetExtension(archiveFilePath); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(extension)) { throw new SevenZipException("Unable to guess format for file: " + archiveFilePath); } string fileExtension = extension.Trim('.').ToLowerInvariant(); if (!Formats.ExtensionFormatMapping.ContainsKey(fileExtension)) { throw new SevenZipException(fileExtension + " is not a known archive type"); } SevenZipFormat format = this.GuessFormatFromExtension(archiveFilePath, fileExtension); this.archive = this.sevenZipHandle.CreateInArchive(Formats.FormatGuidMapping[format]); this.archiveStream = new InStreamWrapper(File.OpenRead(archiveFilePath)); }
private bool GuessFormatFromSignature(Stream stream, out SevenZipFormat format) { int longestSignature = Formats.FileSignatures.Values.OrderByDescending(v => v.Length).First().Length; byte[] archiveFileSignature = new byte[longestSignature]; int bytesRead = stream.Read(archiveFileSignature, 0, longestSignature); stream.Position -= bytesRead; // go back o beginning if (bytesRead != longestSignature) { format = SevenZipFormat.Undefined; return(false); } foreach (KeyValuePair <SevenZipFormat, byte[]> pair in Formats.FileSignatures) { if (archiveFileSignature.Take(pair.Value.Length).SequenceEqual(pair.Value)) { format = pair.Key; return(true); } } format = SevenZipFormat.Undefined; return(false); }
public static bool GuessFormatFromSignature(Stream stream, out SevenZipFormat format) { FileSignature longestSig = FileSignatures.Values.OrderByDescending(v => v.Magic.Length + v.Offset).First(); int longestSignatureLen = longestSig.Magic.Length + longestSig.Offset; byte[] archiveFileSignature = new byte[longestSignatureLen]; int bytesRead = stream.Read(archiveFileSignature, 0, longestSignatureLen); stream.Position -= bytesRead; // go back o beginning if (bytesRead != longestSignatureLen) { format = SevenZipFormat.Undefined; return(false); } foreach (KeyValuePair <SevenZipFormat, FileSignature> pair in FileSignatures) { if (archiveFileSignature.Skip(pair.Value.Offset).Take(pair.Value.Magic.Length).SequenceEqual(pair.Value.Magic)) { format = pair.Key; return(true); } } format = SevenZipFormat.Undefined; return(false); }
public static SevenZipFormat?FindSevenZipFormat(this string fileExtension, Stream data, SevenZipFormat?fallback = null) { data.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); SevenZipFormat szf = new SevenZipFormat(); if (GuessFormatFromSignature(data, out szf)) { return(szf); } return(fallback); }
public string Extract(string archiveName, string folderToExtract, uint fileNumber, KnownSevenZipFormat ZipFormat, out bool isDirectory) { isDirectory = false; ZipFormatG = ZipFormat; string FileName = null; try { using (SevenZipFormat Format = new SevenZipFormat(SevenZipDllPath)) { IInArchive Archive = Format.CreateInArchive(SevenZipFormat.GetClassIdFromKnownFormat(ZipFormat)); if (Archive == null) { return(null); } try { using (InStreamWrapper ArchiveStream = new InStreamWrapper(File.OpenRead(archiveName))) { IArchiveOpenCallback OpenCallback = new ArchiveOpenCallback(); ulong CheckPos = 256 * 1024; if (Archive.Open(ArchiveStream, ref CheckPos, OpenCallback) != 0) { return(null); } PropVariant Name = new PropVariant(); Archive.GetProperty(fileNumber, ItemPropId.kpidPath, ref Name); FileName = (string)Name.GetObject(); Archive.GetProperty(fileNumber, ItemPropId.kpidIsFolder, ref Name); isDirectory = (bool)Name.GetObject(); if (!isDirectory) { Archive.Extract(new uint[] { fileNumber }, 1, 0, new ArchiveExtractCallback(fileNumber, folderToExtract + FileName)); } } } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(Archive); } } } catch { } return(FileName); }
private static void ListOrExtract(string archiveName, string extractLocation, bool extract) { using (SevenZipFormat Format = new SevenZipFormat(SevenZDllPath)) { IInArchive Archive = Format.CreateInArchive(SevenZipFormat.GetClassIdFromKnownFormat(KnownSevenZipFormat.SevenZip)); if (Archive == null) { return; } try { using (InStreamWrapper ArchiveStream = new InStreamWrapper(File.OpenRead(archiveName))) { IArchiveOpenCallback OpenCallback = new ArchiveOpenCallback(); // 32k CheckPos is not enough for some 7z archive formats ulong CheckPos = 128 * 1024; if (Archive.Open(ArchiveStream, ref CheckPos, OpenCallback) != 0) { return; } if (extract) { uint Count = Archive.GetNumberOfItems(); for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { PropVariant Name = new PropVariant(); Archive.GetProperty((uint)i, ItemPropId.kpidPath, ref Name); string FileName = (string)Name.GetObject(); Archive.Extract(new uint[] { (uint)i }, 1, 0, new ArchiveExtractCallback((uint)i, FileName, extractLocation)); } } else { //Console.WriteLine("List:"); String files = ""; uint Count = Archive.GetNumberOfItems(); for (uint I = 0; I < Count; I++) { PropVariant Name = new PropVariant(); Archive.GetProperty(I, ItemPropId.kpidPath, ref Name); files += String.Format("{0} - {1}\r\n", I, Name.GetObject()); } MessageBox.Show(files); } } } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(Archive); } } }
public ArchiveFile(Stream archiveStream, SevenZipFormat format, string libraryFilePath = null) { this.libraryFilePath = libraryFilePath; this.InitializeAndValidateLibrary(); if (archiveStream == null) { throw new SevenZipException("archiveStream is null"); } this.archive = this.sevenZipHandle.CreateInArchive(Formats.FormatGuidMapping[format]); this.archiveStream = new InStreamWrapper(archiveStream); }
static SevenZipExtractor() { if (IntPtr.Size == 4) { format = new SevenZipFormat(System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "x86", "7z.dll")); } else if (IntPtr.Size == 8) { format = new SevenZipFormat(System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "x64", "7z.dll")); } else { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(); } }
public FirebirdDataAccess(TCommonFireBirdDB manager) { if (manager == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("manager"); } this.manager = manager; this.connection = manager.Connection; XsltSettings settings = new XsltSettings(); this.xslt = new XslCompiledTransform(); this.xslt.Load("fb2_text_annotation.xsl", settings, new XmlResourceResolver()); format = new SevenZipFormat("other/7z.dll"); }
public List <string> List(string archiveName, KnownSevenZipFormat ZipFormat) { List <string> List = new List <string>(); using (SevenZipFormat Format = new SevenZipFormat(SevenZipDllPath)) { IInArchive Archive = Format.CreateInArchive(SevenZipFormat.GetClassIdFromKnownFormat(ZipFormat)); if (Archive == null) { return(List); } try { using (InStreamWrapper ArchiveStream = new InStreamWrapper(File.OpenRead(archiveName))) { IArchiveOpenCallback OpenCallback = new ArchiveOpenCallback(); ulong CheckPos = 256 * 1024; if (Archive.Open(ArchiveStream, ref CheckPos, OpenCallback) != 0) { return(List); } uint Count = Archive.GetNumberOfItems(); for (uint I = 0; I < Count; I++) { PropVariant Name = new PropVariant(); Archive.GetProperty(I, ItemPropId.kpidPath, ref Name); string[] T = Name.GetObject().ToString().Split('\\'); List.Add(T[T.Length - 1]); } } } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(Archive); } } return(List); }
public override FileFormat Match(FileFormatScanJob job) { if (FileFormatUtils.IsNullOrEmpty(job.StartBytes)) { return(null); } if (job.StartBytes.Length <= Signature.Length) { return(null); } if (!FileFormatUtils.MatchBytes(job.StartBytes, Signature)) { return(null); } var fingerprint = new SevenZipFormat(); return(fingerprint); }
public IDisposable Subscribe(IObserver <SevenZipArchiveFile> observer) { var subject = new Subject <SevenZipArchiveFile>(); subject.Subscribe(observer); var archive = format.CreateInArchive(SevenZipFormat.GetClassIdFromKnownFormat(KnownSevenZipFormat.SevenZip)); try { using (var fileStream = File.OpenRead(this.Name)) { var maxCheckStartPosition = 128UL * 1024UL; if (archive.Open(new InStreamWrapper(fileStream), ref maxCheckStartPosition, new ArchiveOpenCallback()) != 0) { throw new IOException(); } var indices = Enumerable.Range(0, (int)archive.GetNumberOfItems()) .Select(index => (uint)index) .Where(index => { var value = new PropVariant(); archive.GetProperty(index, ItemPropId.kpidIsFolder, ref value); return(!(bool)value.GetObject()); }) .ToArray(); using (var callback = new ArchiveExtractCallback(archive)) { callback.Subscribe(subject); archive.Extract(indices, (uint)indices.Length, 0, callback); } } subject.OnCompleted(); return(subject); } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(archive); } }
/// <summary> /// Method to try opening an archive, based on an archive type /// </summary> /// <param name="stream">Memory stream of the archive</param> /// <param name="format">Predefined archive format</param> /// <param name="archive">Opened archive as out parameter. May be null in case of an error</param> /// <param name="error">Error message. May be empty, if no error occurred</param> /// <returns>True if the extraction was successful, otherwise false</returns> private static bool OpenArchive(ref MemoryStream stream, SevenZipFormat format, out ArchiveFile archive, out string error) { try { archive = new ArchiveFile(stream, format); if (archive.Entries.Count != 0) { error = string.Empty; return(true); } else // will be triggered when the archive is valid but empty { error = "Empty Archive"; return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { archive = null; stream.Position = 0; error = ex.Message; return(false); } }
private string ExtractFile(string fileName) { if (isMono) return fileName; SystemState old = state; state = SystemState.SystemPause; string ext = Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLower(); if (ext == ".7z" || ext == ".zip" || ext == ".rar") { string sevenZ = this.config["7z"]; if (IntPtr.Size == 8) sevenZ = this.config["7z64"]; //replace this with installer logic maybe? SevenZipFormat Format = new SevenZipFormat(sevenZ); KnownSevenZipFormat fileType; switch (ext) { default: case ".7z": fileType = KnownSevenZipFormat.SevenZip; break; case ".zip": fileType = KnownSevenZipFormat.Zip; break; case ".rar": fileType = KnownSevenZipFormat.Rar; break; } IInArchive Archive = Format.CreateInArchive(SevenZipFormat.GetClassIdFromKnownFormat(fileType)); try { InStreamWrapper ArchiveStream = new InStreamWrapper(File.OpenRead(fileName)); ulong checkPos = 32 * 1024; Archive.Open(ArchiveStream, ref checkPos, null); uint count = Archive.GetNumberOfItems(); string[] archiveContent = new string[count]; for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) { PropVariant name = new PropVariant(); Archive.GetProperty(i, ItemPropId.kpidPath, ref name); archiveContent[i] = name.GetObject().ToString(); } if (count == 1) { fileName = Path.Combine(this.config["tmpDir"], Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(archiveContent[0]) + ".tmp" + Path.GetExtension(archiveContent[0])); Archive.Extract(new uint[] { 0 }, 1, 0, new ArchiveCallback(0, fileName)); } else { ArchiveViewer viewer = new ArchiveViewer(archiveContent); if (viewer.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { fileName = Path.Combine(this.config["tmpDir"], Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(archiveContent[viewer.selectedFile]) + ".tmp" + Path.GetExtension(archiveContent[0])); Archive.Extract(new uint[] { (uint)viewer.selectedFile }, 1, 0, new ArchiveCallback((uint)viewer.selectedFile, fileName)); } else { fileName = ""; } } ArchiveStream.Dispose(); } finally { Archive.Close(); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(Archive); } Format.Dispose(); } state = old; return fileName; }
public SevenZipFileProvider() { sevenZip = new SevenZipFormat(@"other\7z.dll"); defaultListeners = new List<IFileSystemListener>(); }