public DatabaseTable Load(string tableName, CancellationToken ct)
            if (ct.IsCancellationRequested)
                return(new DatabaseTable());
            ReaderEventArgs.RaiseEvent(ReaderProgress, this, ProgressType.ReadingSchema, SchemaObjectType.Tables, tableName, null, null);

            var           schemaOwner = _schemaReader.Owner;
            DatabaseTable table;

            using (var ds = _schemaReader.Table(tableName))
                if (ds == null)
                if (ds.Tables.Count == 0)
                ReaderEventArgs.RaiseEvent(ReaderProgress, this, ProgressType.Processing, SchemaObjectType.Tables, tableName, null, null);

                table = _databaseSchema.FindTableByName(tableName, schemaOwner);
                if (table == null)
                    table = new DatabaseTable();
                table.Name        = tableName;
                table.SchemaOwner = schemaOwner;
                //columns must be done first as it is updated by the others
                schemaOwner = AddColumns(schemaOwner, tableName, table, ds);
                AddConstraints(ds, table);
                AddOthers(schemaOwner, tableName, table, ds);
