public static void Resize(Projector[] projectors, ScalingType scaling, float scale, float width) { foreach (Projector p in projectors) { Resize(p, scaling, scale, width); } }
public Chart3d(IStreamReader reader, RecordType id, UInt16 length) : base(reader, id, length) { // assert that the correct record type is instantiated Debug.Assert(this.Id == ID); // initialize class members from stream this.anRot = reader.ReadInt16(); this.anElev = reader.ReadInt16(); this.pcDist = reader.ReadInt16(); this.pcHeight = reader.ReadUInt16(); this.pcDepth = reader.ReadInt16(); this.pcGap = reader.ReadUInt16(); UInt16 flags = reader.ReadUInt16(); this.fPerspective = Utils.BitmaskToBool(flags, 0x0001); this.fCluster = Utils.BitmaskToBool(flags, 0x0002); this.f3DScaling = (ScalingType)Utils.BitmaskToUInt16(flags, 0x0004); // 0x0008 is skipped this.fNotPieChart = Utils.BitmaskToBool(flags, 0x0010); this.fWalls2D = Utils.BitmaskToBool(flags, 0x0020); // assert that the correct number of bytes has been read from the stream Debug.Assert(this.Offset + this.Length == this.Reader.BaseStream.Position); }
public static RendererCommon.ScalingType ToNative(this ScalingType self) { switch (self) { case ScalingType.AspectFit: return(RendererCommon.ScalingType.ScaleAspectFit); case ScalingType.AspectFill: return(RendererCommon.ScalingType.ScaleAspectFill); case ScalingType.AspectBalanced: return(RendererCommon.ScalingType.ScaleAspectBalanced); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(self), self, null); } }
public override View OnCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { // Use this to return your custom view for this Fragment // return inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.YourFragment, container, false); var controlView = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.fragment_call, container, false); _contactView = controlView.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.contact_name_call); var disconnectButton = controlView.FindViewById <ImageButton>(Resource.Id.button_call_disconnect); _cameraSwitchButton = controlView.FindViewById <ImageButton>(Resource.Id.button_call_switch_camera); _videoScalingButton = controlView.FindViewById <ImageButton>(Resource.Id.button_call_scaling_mode); _toggleMuteButton = controlView.FindViewById <ImageButton>(Resource.Id.button_call_toggle_mic); _captureFormatText = controlView.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.capture_format_text_call); _captureFormatSlider = controlView.FindViewById <SeekBar>(Resource.Id.capture_format_slider_call); disconnectButton.Click += (sender, args) => _callEvents.OnCallHangUp(); _cameraSwitchButton.Click += (sender, args) => _callEvents.OnCameraSwitch(); _videoScalingButton.Click += (sender, args) => { if (_scalingType == ScalingType.AspectFill) { _videoScalingButton.SetBackgroundResource(Resource.Drawable.ic_action_full_screen); _scalingType = ScalingType.AspectFill; } else { _videoScalingButton.SetBackgroundResource(Resource.Drawable.ic_action_return_from_full_screen); _scalingType = ScalingType.AspectFit; } _callEvents.OnVideoScalingSwitch(_scalingType); }; _scalingType = ScalingType.AspectFill; _toggleMuteButton.Click += (sender, args) => { var enabled = _callEvents.OnToggleMic(); _toggleMuteButton.Alpha = enabled ? 1f : 0.3f; }; return(controlView); }
public static void Resize(Projector projector, ScalingType scaling, float scale, float width) { if (projector != null) { if (scaling != ScalingType.None) { if (scaling == ScalingType.LengthOnly) { projector.aspectRatio = width / scale; } else { projector.aspectRatio = 1f; } projector.orthographicSize = scale / 2; } } }
public float GetScalingDamage(Obj_AI_Base target, DamageType Type, ScalingType Stat, float percentScaling) { float amount = ScalingFunc[Stat.ToString()](percentScaling); if (Type == DamageType.Magical) { return((float)Magic_damage_m * (float)source.CalcDamage(target, Damage.DamageType.Magical, amount)); } else if (Type == DamageType.Physical) { return((float)Physical_damage_m * (float)source.CalcDamage(target, Damage.DamageType.Physical, amount)); } else if (Type == DamageType.True) { return(amount); } return(0f); }
public ResizeCommand(ScalingType scalingType, int size) { _size = size; switch (scalingType) { case ScalingType.CropScaling: _scaling = new CropScaling(_size, _size); break; case ScalingType.FitScaling: _scaling = new FitScaling(_size, _size); break; case ScalingType.PadScaling: _scaling = new PadScaling(_size, _size); break; } }
public void OnVideoScalingSwitch(ScalingType scalingType) { _fullscreenRenderer.SetScalingType(scalingType.ToNative()); }
private static float Scale(int maxPixel, float maxSkeleton, float position, ScalingType scalingType) { int value = 0; if (scalingType == ScalingType.paddleBig) { //smaller area for the arm to swing up and down for the paddle to move //Make sure the hand position is within the boundaries of the 0.5 - 0.0 scaled set if (position > 0.5f) return 0; if (position < 0) return maxPixel; //Get the percentage of the hand position within the 0.5 to 0.0 scaled set float percent = position / maxSkeleton; //Get the new position of the bat using the scaled hand position value = (int)(maxPixel - (maxPixel * percent)); } else if (scalingType == ScalingType.paddleSmall) { //bigger area for the arm to swing up and down for the paddle to move //Make sure the hand position is within the boundaries of the 0.75 to -0.5 scaled set if (position > 0.75f) return 0; if (position < -0.5f) return maxPixel; //Change the range so that we can work with the negative values of the hand position position += 0.5f; //Get the percentage of the hand position within the 2 to 0.5 (1 to -0.5) scaled set float percent = position / (maxSkeleton + 0.5f); //Get the new position of the bat using the scaled hand position value = (int)(maxPixel - (maxPixel * percent)); } //Return the new postion of the paddle scaled return value; }
public static Joint ScaleTo(this Joint joint, int width, int height, float skeletonMaxX, float skeletonMaxY, ScalingType scalingType) { Microsoft.Kinect.SkeletonPoint pos = new SkeletonPoint() { X = Scale(width, skeletonMaxX, joint.Position.X, scalingType), Y = Scale(height, skeletonMaxY, joint.Position.Y, scalingType), //-joint.Position.Y Z = joint.Position.Z }; joint.Position = pos; return joint; }
/// <summary> /// Storleksändrar bild med en maxstorlek som påverkar både höjd och bredd beroende på val av ScalingType /// </summary> /// <param name="image">Bild</param> /// <param name="width">Max Storlek Bredd</param> /// <param name="height">Max Storlek höjd</param> /// <param name="scalingType">Välj vilken scalingType för storleksändring som ska gälla.</param> /// <returns>Returnerar bildobjekt</returns> private static Image ResizeImage(Image image, float width, float height, ScalingType scalingType) { // Undersök om bilden redan är mindre än önskat if (scalingType == ScalingType.Max && (Math.Abs(width) < float.Epsilon || image.Width <= width) && (Math.Abs(height) < float.Epsilon || image.Height <= height)) { return(image); } // Tag reda på storleksförhållande för bilden var aspectRatioBild = (float)image.Width / image.Height; // Tag reda på önskat storleksförhållande för önskad bild var aspectRatioUt = aspectRatioBild; // Anpassa storleksförhållandet om man uteslutit något av höjd/bredd if (Math.Abs(width) > float.Epsilon && Math.Abs(height) > float.Epsilon) { aspectRatioUt = width / height; } // Storleksförändra beroende på vald scalingType. if (scalingType == ScalingType.Max) { if (Math.Abs(height) < float.Epsilon) { height = width / aspectRatioUt; } if (Math.Abs(width) < float.Epsilon) { width = height * aspectRatioUt; } if (image.Width > width) { if (width / aspectRatioBild < height) { height = width / aspectRatioBild; } } if (image.Height > height) { if (height * aspectRatioBild < width) { width = height * aspectRatioBild; } } var bitmap = new Bitmap((int)width, (int)height); bitmap.SetResolution(image.HorizontalResolution, image.VerticalResolution); using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)) { graphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality; graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBilinear; graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality; graphics.DrawImage(image, 0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height); } return(bitmap); } #region Force if (scalingType == ScalingType.Force) { if (Math.Abs(height) < float.Epsilon) { height = width / aspectRatioBild; } if (Math.Abs(width) < float.Epsilon) { width = height * aspectRatioBild; } var bitmap = new Bitmap((int)width, (int)height); using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)) { graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic; graphics.DrawImage(image, new Rectangle(-1, -1, (int)width + 2, (int)height + 2), 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } return(bitmap); } #endregion if (scalingType == ScalingType.Center) { // Make sure it works even if no width/height is specified if (Math.Abs(height) < float.Epsilon) { height = width / aspectRatioUt; } if (Math.Abs(width) < float.Epsilon) { width = height * aspectRatioUt; } // Create the target image var thumbnail = new Bitmap((int)width, (int)height); // Make target paint area heigh based on aspect ratio if (width / aspectRatioBild < height) { height = width / aspectRatioBild; } // Make target paint area width based on aspect ratio if (height * aspectRatioBild < width) { width = height * aspectRatioBild; } using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(thumbnail)) { // Set quality for new image graphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality; graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic; graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality; // Fill the destination image with white graphics.Clear(Color.White); var startX = 0; var startY = 0; // Set start patinging for Y if (thumbnail.Width > height * aspectRatioUt) { startY = (int)((thumbnail.Width - height * aspectRatioUt) / 2f); } // Set start patinging for X if (thumbnail.Height > width / aspectRatioUt) { startX = (int)((thumbnail.Height - width / aspectRatioUt) / 2f); } // Create painting rectangle var destRect = new Rectangle(startX, startY, (int)width, (int)height); graphics.DrawImage(image, destRect, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } return(thumbnail); } { var bitmap = new Bitmap((int)width, (int)height); using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)) { graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic; if ((float)image.Width / image.Height >= width / height) { // Önskad bildutsnitt kräver att vi kapar till höger och vänster // "Liggande" var newWidth = (int)(image.Height * (width / height)); var widthDiff = image.Width - newWidth; graphics.DrawImage(image, new Rectangle(-1, -1, (int)width + 2, (int)height + 2), widthDiff / 2, 0, newWidth, image.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } else if (scalingType == ScalingType.Top) { // Önskad bildutsnitt kräver att vi kapar i botten (vi vill ha toppen) // Porträtt-bild, stående var newHeight = (int)(image.Width * (height / width)); graphics.DrawImage(image, new Rectangle(-1, -1, (int)width + 2, (int)height + 2), 0, 0, image.Width, newHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } else { // Önskad bildutsnitt kräver att vi kapar i toppen och botten // Stående // Porträtt-bild, stående var newHeight = (int)(image.Width * (height / width)); var heightDiff = image.Height - newHeight; graphics.DrawImage(image, new Rectangle(-1, -1, (int)width + 2, (int)height + 2), 0, heightDiff / 2, image.Width, newHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } } return(bitmap); } }
/// <summary> /// Storleksändrar bild med en maxstorlek som påverkar både höjd och bredd beroende på val av ScalingType /// </summary> /// <param name="originalImage">The original image.</param> /// <param name="maxWidth">Width of the max.</param> /// <param name="maxHeight">Height of the max.</param> /// <param name="scalingType">Välj vilken scalingType för storleksändring som ska gälla.</param> /// <returns> /// Returnerar bildobjekt /// </returns> private static Image ResizeIndexedImage(Image originalImage, float maxWidth, float maxHeight, ScalingType scalingType) { Bitmap sourceBitmap; Bitmap targetBitmap; BitmapData sourceData, targetData; // Convert the image to an 8bpp image using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) { originalImage.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Gif); stream.Position = 0; sourceBitmap = new Bitmap(stream); } // Undersök om bilden redan är mindre än önskat if (scalingType == ScalingType.Max && (Math.Abs(maxWidth) < float.Epsilon || originalImage.Width <= maxWidth) && (Math.Abs(maxHeight) < float.Epsilon || originalImage.Height <= maxHeight)) { return(originalImage); } // Tag reda på storleksförhållande för bilden var aspectRatioBild = (float)originalImage.Width / originalImage.Height; // Tag reda på önskat storleksförhållande för önskad bild var aspectRatioUt = aspectRatioBild; // Anpassa storleksförhållandet om man uteslutit något av höjd/bredd if (Math.Abs(maxWidth) > float.Epsilon && Math.Abs(maxHeight) > float.Epsilon) { aspectRatioUt = maxWidth / maxHeight; } // Storleksförändra beroande på vald scalingType. if (scalingType == ScalingType.Max || scalingType == ScalingType.Force) { if (scalingType == ScalingType.Max) { if (Math.Abs(maxHeight) < float.Epsilon) { maxHeight = maxWidth / aspectRatioUt; } if (Math.Abs(maxWidth) < float.Epsilon) { maxWidth = maxHeight * aspectRatioUt; } if (originalImage.Width > maxWidth) { if (maxWidth / aspectRatioBild < maxHeight) { maxHeight = maxWidth / aspectRatioBild; } } if (originalImage.Height > maxHeight) { if (maxHeight * aspectRatioBild < maxWidth) { maxWidth = maxHeight * aspectRatioBild; } } } else // scalingType == ScalingType.Force { if (Math.Abs(maxHeight) < float.Epsilon) { maxHeight = maxWidth / aspectRatioBild; } if (Math.Abs(maxWidth) < float.Epsilon) { maxWidth = maxHeight * aspectRatioBild; } } targetBitmap = new Bitmap((int)maxWidth, (int)maxHeight, sourceBitmap.PixelFormat) { Palette = sourceBitmap.Palette }; sourceData = sourceBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, sourceBitmap.Width, sourceBitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, sourceBitmap.PixelFormat); targetData = targetBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)maxWidth, (int)maxHeight), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, targetBitmap.PixelFormat); var xFactor = (double)sourceBitmap.Width / targetBitmap.Width; var yFactor = (double)sourceBitmap.Height / targetBitmap.Height; for (var y = 0; y < targetBitmap.Height; ++y) { for (var x = 0; x < targetBitmap.Width; ++x) { var yPosition = (int)Math.Floor(y * yFactor); var xPosition = (int)Math.Floor(x * xFactor); var origByte = Marshal.ReadByte(sourceData.Scan0, sourceData.Stride * yPosition + xPosition); Marshal.WriteByte(targetData.Scan0, targetData.Stride * y + x, origByte); } } targetBitmap.UnlockBits(targetData); sourceBitmap.UnlockBits(sourceData); } else //( scalingType == ScalingType.CutOut ) // Eller Top { int sourceX, sourceY; int sourceWidth, sourceHeight; if ((float)originalImage.Width / originalImage.Height >= maxWidth / maxHeight) { // Önskad bildutsnitt kräver att vi kapar till höger och vänster // "Liggande" var newWidth = (int)(originalImage.Height * (maxWidth / maxHeight)); var widthDiff = originalImage.Width - newWidth; sourceX = widthDiff / 2; sourceY = 0; sourceWidth = newWidth; sourceHeight = originalImage.Height; } else { // Önskad bildutsnitt kräver att vi kapar i toppen och botten // "Stående" // Porträtt-bild, stående var newHeight = (int)(originalImage.Width * (maxHeight / maxWidth)); var heightDiff = originalImage.Height - newHeight; sourceX = 0; sourceY = heightDiff / 2; // Om vi vill ha top, ta toppen på bilden, istället för "centrerad" yta if (scalingType == ScalingType.Top) { sourceY = 0; } //else //{ // // Ta centrerad yta // sourceY = (int)(heightDiff / 2); // // om den dynamiska egenskapen "ImageHandlerUseTopWhenCroping" är satt, använd toppen ändå. // PageBase CurrentPage = HttpContext.Current.Handler as PageBase; // if (CurrentPage != null) // { // if (CurrentPage.IsValue("ImageHandlerUseTopWhenCroping")) // sourceY = 0; // } //} sourceWidth = originalImage.Width; sourceHeight = newHeight; } targetBitmap = new Bitmap((int)maxWidth, (int)maxHeight, sourceBitmap.PixelFormat) { Palette = sourceBitmap.Palette }; sourceData = sourceBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, sourceBitmap.Width, sourceBitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, sourceBitmap.PixelFormat); targetData = targetBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, targetBitmap.Width, targetBitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, targetBitmap.PixelFormat); var xFactor = (double)sourceWidth / targetBitmap.Width; var yFactor = (double)sourceHeight / targetBitmap.Height; for (var y = 0; y < maxHeight; ++y) { for (var x = 0; x < maxWidth; ++x) { var yPosition = (int)Math.Floor(y * yFactor) + sourceY; var xPosition = (int)Math.Floor(x * xFactor) + sourceX; var origByte = Marshal.ReadByte(sourceData.Scan0, sourceData.Stride * yPosition + xPosition); Marshal.WriteByte(targetData.Scan0, targetData.Stride * y + x, origByte); } } targetBitmap.UnlockBits(targetData); sourceBitmap.UnlockBits(sourceData); } return(targetBitmap); }
public ScalingStatAttribute(ScalingType type) { scaling = type.ToString(); }
public void SetDisplay(ScalingType scaling) { Display.Scaling = scaling; }
public void OnVideoScalingSwitch(ScalingType _scalingType) => FullScreenRenderer.SetScalingType(_scalingType.ToNative());
public RegistedDamage(DamageType DamageType, float baseDamage, float perLevel, DamageType ScalingType, ScalingType ScalingStat, float percentScaling, Func <Obj_AI_Base, bool> condition, Func <Obj_AI_Base, float> extra) { this.DamageType = DamageType; this.baseDamage = baseDamage; this.ScalingType.Add(ScalingType); this.ScalingStat.Add(ScalingStat); this.percentScaling.Add(percentScaling); this.condition = condition; this.extra = extra; }
public void RegistDamage(string spellId, DamageType damageType, float baseDamage, float perLevel, DamageType scalingType, ScalingType scalingStat, float percentScaling, Func <Obj_AI_Base, bool> condition, Func <Obj_AI_Base, float> extra) { sources.Add(spellId, new RegistedDamage(damageType, baseDamage, perLevel, scalingType, scalingStat, percentScaling, condition, extra)); }
public void OnVideoScalingSwitch(ScalingType _scalingType) => FullScreenRenderer.SetScalingType(RendererCommon.ScalingType.ScaleAspectFill);
public KWP2000ScalingTableRecordEntry(ScalingType scalingType, byte numScalingBytes) { RecordScalingType = scalingType; NumScalingBytes = numScalingBytes; }
/// <summary> /// Techniques the specified technique. /// </summary> /// <param name="technique">The technique.</param> /// <returns>FluentImageProviderImage.</returns> public FluentImageProviderImage Technique(ScalingType technique) { _technique = technique; return(this); }