public override ICodeBlock GenerateFields(ICodeBlock codeBlock, SaveClasses.IElement element)

            var currentBlock = codeBlock;

            if (element.HasStates)
                List<StateSave> statesForThisCategory = GetSharedVariableStates(element);

                const string enumName = "VariableState";

                currentBlock = AppendEnum(currentBlock, statesForThisCategory, enumName, element);
                GenerateCurrentStateProperty(element, codeBlock, "VariableState", statesForThisCategory);

                //Build State Categories
                var stateCategories = GetAllStateCategoryNames(element, false);

                foreach (var stateCategory in stateCategories)
                    var states = GetAllStatesForCategory(element, stateCategory);

                    AppendEnum(currentBlock, states, stateCategory, element);
                    GenerateCurrentStateProperty(element, codeBlock, stateCategory, states);

            return codeBlock;
 public override ICodeBlock GenerateInitialize(ICodeBlock codeBlock, SaveClasses.IElement element)
     // Before August 23, 2010 Custom Variables used to be set
     // here in Initialize before the AddToManagers method.  This
     // is problematic because:
     // 1.   We probably want these
     //      variables reset whenever
     //      this object is recycled. 
     // 2.   If we set the position of 
     //      the Entity before its children
     //      have been attached, then the attachment
     //      will not work as expected.  Therefore, I've
     //      decided to move custom variable code to AddToManagers.
     // UPDATE:  Actually, we do want variables set here so that they
     // are available in Custom Initialize.
     // UPDATE2:  This was moved to its own method so that inheritance works.
     // UPDATE3:  It turns out there's 2 types of variables.  
     // 1.   Variables that are not set by derived.  These variables should get set
     //      in the base class or else they'll never get set for derived objects.
     // 2.   Variables that are set by derived.  These variables should get set in the
     //      "SetCustomVariables" method so that they get overridden by derived objects.
     // This means that we're going to set variables that are not set by derived here, and the
     // rest will get set in SetCustomVariables.
     // UPDATE4:  This has all moved to PostInitialize, which is called
     //           bottom-up.  This means there is no more split on variables.
     // UPDATE5:  This has been moved out of BaseElementTreeNode int CustomVariableCodeGenerator.
     return codeBlock;
        public override ICodeBlock GenerateInitialize(ICodeBlock codeBlock, SaveClasses.IElement element)

            // Do the named object saves

            // We're going to do all "Entire File" NOS's first so that they aren't null before 
            for (int i = 0; i < element.NamedObjects.Count; i++)
                NamedObjectSave nos = element.NamedObjects[i];

                if (nos.IsEntireFile)
                    WriteCodeForNamedObjectInitialize(nos, element, codeBlock, null);

            // Now do non-entire files:
            for (int i = 0; i < element.NamedObjects.Count; i++)
                NamedObjectSave nos = element.NamedObjects[i];

                if (!nos.IsEntireFile)
                    WriteCodeForNamedObjectInitialize(nos, element, codeBlock, null);


            return codeBlock;
        public override ICodeBlock GenerateFields(ICodeBlock codeBlock,  SaveClasses.IElement element)
            #region Get the ContentManager variable to use

            string contentManagerName = "ContentManagerName";

            if (element is ScreenSave)
                contentManagerName = (element as ScreenSave).ContentManagerForCodeGeneration;


            if (element is EntitySave)
                codeBlock.Line("static object mLockObject = new object();");
                codeBlock.Line("static System.Collections.Generic.List<string> mRegisteredUnloads = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>();");

                #region Keep track of whether we've already registered an unload method and if StaticContent has been loaded
                codeBlock.Line("static System.Collections.Generic.List<string> LoadedContentManagers = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>();");

            for (int i = 0; i < element.ReferencedFiles.Count; i++)
                    element.ReferencedFiles[i], element.Name, element, contentManagerName);



            return codeBlock;
        public override ICodeBlock GenerateFields(ICodeBlock codeBlock, SaveClasses.IElement element)
            codeBlock.Line("#if DEBUG");
            codeBlock.Line("static bool HasBeenLoadedWithGlobalContentManager = false;");

            return codeBlock;
Exemple #6
 public string GetAbsoluteFileName(SaveClasses.ReferencedFileSave rfs)
     if(rfs == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("rfs", "The argument ReferencedFileSave should not be null");
     return ProjectManager.MakeAbsolute(rfs.Name, true);
 public override CodeGeneration.CodeBuilder.ICodeBlock GenerateActivity(CodeGeneration.CodeBuilder.ICodeBlock codeBlock, SaveClasses.IElement element)
     // We used to call TimedEmit here
     // but we only want to call it if the
     // NOS is non-null. That means we are going
     // to call the TimedEmit generating code from
     // within the NamedObjectSaveCodeGenerator's GenerateActivity
     return codeBlock;
        private static CodeBuilder.ICodeBlock GenerateSetToIgnorePausing(CodeBuilder.ICodeBlock codeBlock, SaveClasses.IElement element, bool hasBase)

            string virtualOrOverride = "virtual";
            if (hasBase)
                virtualOrOverride = "override";

            codeBlock = codeBlock.Function("public " + virtualOrOverride + " void", "SetToIgnorePausing", "");

            if (hasBase)


            foreach (NamedObjectSave nos in element.AllNamedObjects)
                if (nos.IsFullyDefined && !nos.IsDisabled && !nos.IsContainer)
                    NamedObjectSaveCodeGenerator.AddIfConditionalSymbolIfNecesssary(codeBlock, nos);

                    bool shouldWrapInNullCheck = nos.SetByDerived || nos.SetByContainer || nos.Instantiate == false;

                    if (shouldWrapInNullCheck)
                        codeBlock = codeBlock.If(nos.InstanceName + " != null");

                    if (nos.GetAssetTypeInfo() != null && nos.GetAssetTypeInfo().CanIgnorePausing)
                        codeBlock.Line("FlatRedBall.Instructions.InstructionManager.IgnorePausingFor(" + nos.InstanceName + ");");
                    else if (nos.SourceType == SourceType.Entity)
                        codeBlock.Line(nos.InstanceName + ".SetToIgnorePausing();");

                    if (shouldWrapInNullCheck)
                        codeBlock = codeBlock.End();

                    NamedObjectSaveCodeGenerator.AddEndIfIfNecessary(codeBlock, nos);

            codeBlock = codeBlock.End();
            return codeBlock;
        public override CodeBuilder.ICodeBlock GenerateInitialize(CodeBuilder.ICodeBlock codeBlock, SaveClasses.IElement element)
                codeBlock.Line("mSavedTargetElapedTime = FlatRedBallServices.Game.TargetElapsedTime.TotalSeconds;");
                codeBlock.Line("FlatRedBall.FlatRedBallServices.Game.TargetElapsedTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(.1);");

            return codeBlock;
        private static void GenerateInterpolationAdditionalMethods(ICodeBlock codeBlock, SaveClasses.IElement element, List<StateSave> sharedVariableStates)
            StateCodeGenerator.GenerateInterpolateToStateMethod(element, codeBlock, "VariableState", sharedVariableStates);
            StateCodeGenerator.GenerateInterpolateBetweenMethod(element, codeBlock, "VariableState", sharedVariableStates);

            foreach (StateSaveCategory category in element.StateCategoryList.Where((category)=> category.SharesVariablesWithOtherCategories == false))
                StateCodeGenerator.GenerateInterpolateToStateMethod(element, codeBlock, category.Name, category.States);
                StateCodeGenerator.GenerateInterpolateBetweenMethod(element, codeBlock, category.Name, category.States);
Exemple #11
        private void UpdateTabTitle(SaveClasses.ReferencedFileSave file)
            int count = file.ProjectsToExcludeFrom.Count;

            if (count == 0)
                pluginTab.Text = "Platform Inclusions";
                pluginTab.Text = "Excluded from " + count + " platforms";
        public override ICodeBlock GenerateFields(ICodeBlock codeBlock, SaveClasses.IElement element)
            for (int i = 0; i < element.CustomVariables.Count; i++)
                CustomVariable customVariable = element.CustomVariables[i];

                if (CodeWriter.IsVariableHandledByCustomCodeGenerator(customVariable, element) == false)
                    AppendCodeForMember(element, codeBlock, customVariable);
            return codeBlock;
        public override CodeBuilder.ICodeBlock GenerateFields(CodeBuilder.ICodeBlock codeBlock, SaveClasses.IElement element)

            if (element is EntitySave)
                EntitySave asEntity = element as EntitySave;

                if (asEntity.CreatedByOtherEntities && asEntity.GetAllBaseEntities().Count(item=>item.CreatedByOtherEntities) == 0)
                    codeBlock.AutoProperty("public int", "Index");
                    codeBlock.AutoProperty("public bool", "Used");

            return codeBlock;
        public override ICodeBlock GenerateFields(ICodeBlock codeBlock, SaveClasses.IElement element)
            #region Generate NamedObject Fields


            for (int i = 0; i < element.NamedObjects.Count; i++)
                var namedObject = element.NamedObjects[i];

                GenerateFieldAndPropertyForNamedObject(namedObject, codeBlock);


            return codeBlock;
        public override ICodeBlock GenerateFields(ICodeBlock codeBlock, SaveClasses.IElement element)
            EntitySave asEntitySave = element as EntitySave;
            if (asEntitySave != null && asEntitySave.ImplementsICollidable)

                codeBlock.Line("private FlatRedBall.Math.Geometry.ShapeCollection mGeneratedCollision;");
                var propBlock = codeBlock.Property("public FlatRedBall.Math.Geometry.ShapeCollection", "Collision");

                propBlock.Get().Line("return mGeneratedCollision;");

                return codeBlock;
                return base.GenerateFields(codeBlock, element);
        public override ICodeBlock GenerateLoadStaticContent(ICodeBlock codeBlock, SaveClasses.IElement element)
            #region For debugging record if we're using a global content manager

            codeBlock.Line("#if DEBUG");
            codeBlock.If("contentManagerName == FlatRedBall.FlatRedBallServices.GlobalContentManager")
                .Line("HasBeenLoadedWithGlobalContentManager = true;");
                .Line("throw new System.Exception(\"This type has been loaded with a Global content manager, then loaded with a non-global.  This can lead to a lot of bugs\");");


            return codeBlock;
        public override ICodeBlock GenerateLoadStaticContent(ICodeBlock codeBlock, SaveClasses.IElement element)

            for (int i = 0; i < element.CustomVariables.Count; i++)
                CustomVariable customVariable = element.CustomVariables[i];

                // If a CustomVariable references a CSV and if that CustomVariable is shared static,
                // we can't assign it until the CSV is loaded.  Therefore, we will do it in LoadStaticContent
                if (customVariable.IsShared && 
                    (!customVariable.DefinedByBase || customVariable.IsTunneling || customVariable.CreatesEvent) &&
                    ShouldAssignToCsv(customVariable, customVariable.DefaultValue as string) &&
                    string variableAssignment = " = " + GetAssignmentToCsvItem(customVariable, element, (string)customVariable.DefaultValue);

                    codeBlock.Line(customVariable.Name + variableAssignment + ";");

            return codeBlock;
        public override CodeBuilder.ICodeBlock GenerateAdditionalMethods(CodeBuilder.ICodeBlock codeBlock, SaveClasses.IElement element)
            if(element is EntitySave)
                bool hasBase = element.InheritsFromElement();
                if (hasBase == false)
                    codeBlock.Line("protected bool mIsPaused;");

                    var function = codeBlock.Function("public override void", "Pause", "FlatRedBall.Instructions.InstructionList instructions");

                    function.Line("mIsPaused = true;");

                    foreach (var nos in element.AllNamedObjects)
                        GeneratePauseForNos(nos, function);
                codeBlock = GenerateSetToIgnorePausing(codeBlock, element, hasBase);

            return codeBlock;
        public static List<StateSave> GetSharedVariableStates(SaveClasses.IElement element)
            if (element == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("element argument cannot be null");

            var statesForThisCategory = new List<StateSave>();

            var currentElement = element;

            //Get states for parent entities
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentElement.BaseElement))
                IElement baseElement = ObjectFinder.Self.GetIElement(currentElement.BaseElement);
                if (baseElement != null)

            for (int i = 0; i < element.States.Count; i++)

            statesForThisCategory.AddRange(element.StateCategoryList.Where(category => category.SharesVariablesWithOtherCategories).SelectMany(category => category.States));
            return statesForThisCategory;
        public override ICodeBlock GenerateAdditionalMethods(ICodeBlock codeBlock, SaveClasses.IElement element)
            if (element.HasStates)

                List<StateSave> sharedVariableStates = GetSharedVariableStates(element);

                if (sharedVariableStates.Count != 0)
                    #region Create the static state that should be set prior to loading

                    string propertyPrefix = "public static ";

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(element.BaseElement))
                        IElement baseElement = ObjectFinder.Self.GetIElement(element.BaseElement);
                        if (baseElement != null && baseElement.DefinesCategoryEnumRecursive("VariableState"))
                            propertyPrefix += "new ";

                        .Line("static VariableState mLoadingState = VariableState.Uninitialized;")
                        .Property(propertyPrefix + "VariableState", "LoadingState")
                                .Line("return mLoadingState;")
                                .Line("mLoadingState = value;")


                GenerateInterpolationAdditionalMethods(codeBlock, element, sharedVariableStates);

                GeneratePreloadStateContent(codeBlock, element, sharedVariableStates);

            return codeBlock;
 public override ICodeBlock GenerateActivity(ICodeBlock codeBlock, SaveClasses.IElement element)
     //throw new NotImplementedException();
     return codeBlock;
Exemple #22
        public void ReactToNewFile(SaveClasses.ReferencedFileSave newFile)

        public override ICodeBlock GenerateInitialize(ICodeBlock codeBlock,  SaveClasses.IElement element)
            for (int i = 0; i < element.ReferencedFiles.Count; i++)
                ReferencedFileSave rfs = element.ReferencedFiles[i];

                // Only do non-static stuff
                if (!rfs.IsSharedStatic)
                    ReferencedFileSaveCodeGenerator.GetInitializationForReferencedFile(rfs, element, codeBlock, element.UseGlobalContent, LoadType.CompleteLoad);


            return codeBlock;
        public override ICodeBlock GenerateActivity(ICodeBlock codeBlock,  SaveClasses.IElement element)
            for (int i = 0; i < element.ReferencedFiles.Count; i++)
                codeBlock.InsertBlock(GetActivityForReferencedFile(element.ReferencedFiles[i], element));

            return codeBlock;
 public override ICodeBlock GenerateAdditionalMethods(ICodeBlock codeBlock, SaveClasses.IElement element)
     return codeBlock;
 public override ICodeBlock GenerateActivity(ICodeBlock codeBlock, SaveClasses.IElement element)
     return codeBlock;
        public override ICodeBlock GenerateAddToManagers(ICodeBlock codeBlock, SaveClasses.IElement element)
            return codeBlock;

        public override ICodeBlock GenerateAdditionalMethods(ICodeBlock codeBlock,  SaveClasses.IElement element)

            bool inherits = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(element.BaseElement) && !element.InheritsFromFrbType();

            ReferencedFileSaveCodeGenerator.GenerateGetStaticMemberMethod(element.ReferencedFiles, codeBlock, false, inherits);

            string functionName = "GetFile";

            GenerateGetFileMethodByName(element.ReferencedFiles, codeBlock, inherits, functionName, false);

            GenerateGetMember(codeBlock, element);
            return codeBlock;
        public override ICodeBlock GenerateInitialize(ICodeBlock codeBlock, SaveClasses.IElement element)
            return codeBlock;

        private static void GenerateGetMember(ICodeBlock codeBlock, SaveClasses.IElement element)
            #region GetMember (Instance members)

            // GlobalContent is a static class, so it can't have a non-static GetMember method
            // Update June 25, 2011:  This has been moved
            // to a code generator which only works on Elements
            // so we know we're not global content
            //if (!isGlobalContent)

            var func = codeBlock.Function("object", "GetMember", "string memberName");
            ICodeBlock switchBlock = null;

            bool hasPrependedSwitch = false;

            foreach (ReferencedFileSave rfs in element.ReferencedFiles)
                // Localization databases currently don't create members
                if (rfs.LoadedAtRuntime && !rfs.IsDatabaseForLocalizing &&
                    (rfs.GetAssetTypeInfo() == null || !string.IsNullOrEmpty( rfs.GetAssetTypeInfo().QualifiedRuntimeTypeName.QualifiedType))

                    if (!hasPrependedSwitch)
                        // We do the switch here 
                        // so that if there are no
                        // RFS's that the user can get,
                        // we don't want to generate a switch.
                        // This eliminates warnings.
                        hasPrependedSwitch = true;

                        switchBlock = func.Switch("memberName");

                    AddIfConditionalSymbolIfNecesssary(switchBlock, rfs);
                    string instanceName = rfs.GetInstanceName();

                    switchBlock.CaseNoBreak("\"" + instanceName + "\"")
                               .Line("return " + instanceName + ";");
                    AddEndIfIfNecessary(switchBlock, rfs);

            func.Line("return null;");
