Exemple #1
    private void Calibrate()
        /* The purpose of the calibration is to find the rotation offset between the orientation of the sensor
         * and the orientation of the bone. It assumes that the orientation of the IMU sensor is given in the
         * global (inertial/tracking) frame. The output is the orientation of the sensor in the SMPL body
         * frame.
         * To perform the calibration, the subject must stand still in the i-pose. Then, this method should
         * be invoked.
        if (!_MTWsInitialized)
            throw new UnityException("Cannot perform calibration, MTWs are not initialized.");

        if (!_connectedMtwData.ContainsKey(_headId))
            throw new UnityException("Cannot perform calibration, head sensor not connected.");

        // reset head quaternions in case we need to do calibration multiple times
        _connectedMtwData[_headId].calibrationQuat = Quaternion.identity;
        _connectedMtwData[_headId].boneQuat        = Quaternion.identity;

        // quaternion that rotates the sensor axes so that they align with the SMPL frame
        // this assumes that the sensor is placed correctly on the head
        Quaternion R = new Quaternion(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);

        // the quaternion that maps from inertial to SMPL frame
        Quaternion calib = Quaternion.Inverse(_connectedMtwData[_headId].quat * R);

        // set the calibration quat also on the head sensor for debugging
        // note that if we do this, we can only calibrate once when the system is running
        _connectedMtwData[_headId].calibrationQuat = calib;

        // put the model in i-Pose, so that we can read off the correct bone orientations

        for (int i = 0; i < _imuOrder.Count; i++)
            uint imuId = _imuOrder[i];

            if (!_connectedMtwData.ContainsKey(imuId))
            _connectedMtwData[imuId].calibrationQuat = calib;
            _connectedMtwData[imuId].boneQuat        = Quaternion.identity;

            Quaternion qBone   = _poseUpdater.GetGlobalBoneOrientation(_imuIdToBoneName[imuId]);
            Quaternion qSensor = _connectedMtwData[imuId].quat;

            _connectedMtwData[imuId].boneQuat = Quaternion.Inverse(qSensor) * qBone;