private SKBitmap BuildSquareCollageBitmap(IReadOnlyList <string> paths, int width, int height)
            var bitmap     = new SKBitmap(width, height);
            var imageIndex = 0;
            var cellWidth  = width / 2;
            var cellHeight = height / 2;

            using var canvas = new SKCanvas(bitmap);
            for (var x = 0; x < 2; x++)
                for (var y = 0; y < 2; y++)
                    using var currentBitmap = SkiaHelper.GetNextValidImage(_skiaEncoder, paths, imageIndex, out int newIndex);
                    imageIndex = newIndex;

                    if (currentBitmap == null)

                    // Scale image. The FromBitmap creates a copy
                    var imageInfo = new SKImageInfo(cellWidth, cellHeight, currentBitmap.ColorType, currentBitmap.AlphaType, currentBitmap.ColorSpace);
                    using var resizedBitmap = SKBitmap.FromImage(SkiaEncoder.ResizeImage(currentBitmap, imageInfo));

                    // draw this image into the strip at the next position
                    var xPos = x * cellWidth;
                    var yPos = y * cellHeight;
                    canvas.DrawBitmap(resizedBitmap, xPos, yPos);

Exemple #2
        public void GpuTextureSurfaceCanBeRead()
            DrawGpuTexture((surface, texture) =>
                var canvas = surface.Canvas;


                using (var image = surface.Snapshot())

                    using (var raster = image.ToRasterImage())

                        using (var bmp = SKBitmap.FromImage(raster))
                            Assert.Equal(SKColors.Red, bmp.GetPixel(0, 0));
Exemple #3
 public static Bitmap ToBitmap(this SKImage skiaImage)
     return(new Bitmap()
         nativeSkBitmap = SKBitmap.FromImage(skiaImage)
        public WindowDataModel(Process process, IColorQuantizerService quantizerService)
            Process     = process;
            ProcessName = process.ProcessName;

            // Accessing MainModule requires admin privileges, this way does not
            ProgramLocation = process.GetProcessFilename();

            // Get Icon colors
            if (!File.Exists(ProgramLocation))
            using MemoryStream stream = new();
            stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            using SKBitmap bitmap = SKBitmap.FromImage(SKImage.FromEncodedData(stream));
            if (bitmap == null)

            SKColor[] colors = quantizerService.Quantize(bitmap.Pixels, 256);
            Colors = quantizerService.FindAllColorVariations(colors, true);
Exemple #5
        public ProcessImage Encode(SKImage img, ProcessImageType toType, bool flipHorizontal, bool flipVertical)
            if (flipHorizontal || flipVertical)
                using SKBitmap bmp     = new SKBitmap(img.Width, img.Height);
                using SKCanvas surface = new SKCanvas(bmp);
                surface.Scale(flipHorizontal ? -1 : 1, flipVertical ? -1 : 1, flipHorizontal ? img.Width / 2f : 0, flipVertical ? img.Height / 2f : 0);
                surface.DrawImage(img, 0, 0);
                img = SKImage.FromBitmap(bmp);

            if (toType == ProcessImageType.JPEG)
                return(new ProcessImage {
                    Load = img.Encode(SKEncodedImageFormat.Jpeg, 95).ToArray(), Type = toType, Width = img.Width, Height = img.Height
            if (toType == ProcessImageType.PNG)
                return(new ProcessImage {
                    Load = img.Encode(SKEncodedImageFormat.Png, 95).ToArray(), Type = toType, Width = img.Width, Height = img.Height
            if (toType == ProcessImageType.RGBA8)
                SKBitmap bmp = SKBitmap.FromImage(img);
                return(new ProcessImage {
                    Load = bmp.Bytes, Height = bmp.Height, Type = toType, Width = bmp.Width
            throw new FormatException("Format conversion not implemented");
Exemple #6
        SKBitmap RenderThumbnailInternal(SKBitmap bitmap)
            SKBitmap resizedBitmap = null;

            if (base.CalculateNewSize(new Int2(bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), this.DesiredSize, out Int2 size, out IntRect cropArea))
                // generate new cropped bitmap
                using (var surface = SKSurface.Create(new SKImageInfo(size.X, size.Y, SKColorType.Bgra8888)))
                    // the the canvas and properties
                    var canvas = surface.Canvas;

                    // make sure the canvas is blank

                        new SKRect(cropArea.Left, cropArea.Top, cropArea.Width, cropArea.Height),
                        new SKRect(0, 0, size.X, size.Y),
                        new SKPaint {
                        FilterQuality = SKFilterQuality.High, IsAntialias = true

                    using (var image = surface.Snapshot())
                        resizedBitmap = SKBitmap.FromImage(image);
Exemple #7
        public static bool CompareBitmaps(Stream?bitmapStream1, Stream?bitmapStream2, int allowedColorDistance = 0, double proportionCorrect = 1)
            // The bitmaps in WPF can slightly differ from test to test. No idea why. So introduced proportion correct.

            long trueCount  = 0;
            long falseCount = 0;

            if (bitmapStream1 == null && bitmapStream2 == null)

            if (bitmapStream1 == null || bitmapStream2 == null)

            bitmapStream1.Position = 0;
            bitmapStream2.Position = 0;

            using var skData1 = SKData.Create(bitmapStream1);
            var bitmap1 = SKBitmap.FromImage(SKImage.FromEncodedData(skData1));

            using var skData2 = SKData.Create(bitmapStream2);
            var bitmap2 = SKBitmap.FromImage(SKImage.FromEncodedData(skData2));

            if (bitmap1.Width != bitmap2.Width || bitmap1.Height != bitmap2.Height)

            for (var x = 0; x < bitmap1.Width; x++)
                for (var y = 0; y < bitmap1.Height; y++)
                    var color1 = bitmap1.GetPixel(x, y);
                    var color2 = bitmap2.GetPixel(x, y);
                    if (color1 == color2)
                        if (CompareColors(color1, color2, allowedColorDistance))

            var proportion = (double)(trueCount) / (trueCount + falseCount);

            return(proportionCorrect <= proportion);
        /// <summary>
        /// Transform the images ready for download, optionally adding a watermark.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <param name="output"></param>
        /// <param name="waterMarkText"></param>
        public void TransformDownloadImageSync(string input, Stream output, IExportSettings config)
            using SKImage img = SKImage.FromEncodedData(input);
            using var bitmap  = SKBitmap.FromImage(img);

            float maxSize      = config.MaxImageSize;
            var   resizeFactor = 1f;

            if (bitmap.Width > maxSize)
                resizeFactor = maxSize / bitmap.Width;
            else if (bitmap.Height > maxSize)
                resizeFactor = maxSize / bitmap.Height;

            var targetWidth  = (int)Math.Round(bitmap.Width * resizeFactor);
            var targetHeight = (int)Math.Round(bitmap.Height * resizeFactor);

            // First create a bitmap the right size.
            using var toBitmap = new SKBitmap(targetWidth, targetHeight, bitmap.ColorType, bitmap.AlphaType);
            using var canvas   = new SKCanvas(toBitmap);

            // Draw a bitmap rescaled
            canvas.SetMatrix(SKMatrix.CreateScale(resizeFactor, resizeFactor));
            canvas.DrawBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.WatermarkText))
                using var font  = SKTypeface.FromFamilyName("Arial");
                using var brush = new SKPaint
                          Typeface    = font,
                          TextSize    = 64.0f,
                          IsAntialias = true,
                          Color       = new SKColor(255, 255, 255, 255)

                var textWidth       = brush.MeasureText(config.WatermarkText);
                var textTargetWidth = targetWidth / 6f;
                var fontScale       = textTargetWidth / textWidth;

                brush.TextSize *= fontScale;

                // Offset by text width + 10%
                var rightOffSet = (textTargetWidth * 1.1f);

                canvas.DrawText(config.WatermarkText, targetWidth - rightOffSet, targetHeight - brush.TextSize, brush);


            using var image = SKImage.FromBitmap(toBitmap);
            using var data  = image.Encode(SKEncodedImageFormat.Jpeg, 90);

        private SKBitmap Scale(SKBitmap input, int width, int height)
            var info   = new SKImageInfo(width, height);
            var newImg = SKImage.Create(info);

            input.ScalePixels(newImg.PeekPixels(), SKFilterQuality.Medium);
        // Draw on canvas
        void OnCanvasViewPaintSurface(object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs args)
            SKImageInfo info    = args.Info;
            SKSurface   surface = args.Surface;
            SKCanvas    canvas  = surface.Canvas;

            // Initialize canvas if resetcanvas is true
            if (resetcanvas)
                // Delete paths
                while (paths.Count > 0)

                // Clear canvas in white

                // Reset flag for erasing canvas
                resetcanvas = false;
            // Draw all paths (if resetcanvas is not set)
                // Define paint brush
                var touchPathStroke = new SKPaint
                    IsAntialias = true,
                    Style       = SKPaintStyle.Stroke,
                    Color       = SKColors.Black,
                    StrokeWidth = 0.05f * Math.Min(info.Width, info.Height),
                    StrokeCap   = SKStrokeCap.Round

                // Draw paths (currently "in drawing" and finalized)
                foreach (var touchPath in temporaryPaths)
                    canvas.DrawPath(touchPath.Value, touchPathStroke);
                foreach (var touchPath in paths)
                    canvas.DrawPath(touchPath, touchPathStroke);

            // Save canvas to bitmap in page "CameraTestPage"
            // This coding is not elegant / robust but it works
            if (savetobitmap)
                Application    app  = Application.Current;
                CameraTestPage page = app.MainPage.Navigation.NavigationStack[1] as CameraTestPage;

                var image = surface.Snapshot();
                page.bitmap = SKBitmap.FromImage(image);

                savetobitmap = false;
Exemple #11
        public static Image FromStream(Stream ms)
            var ans = new Bitmap()
                nativeSkBitmap = SKBitmap.FromImage(SKImage.FromEncodedData(ms))

        public static void mergeTiles(string folderPath)
            if (folderPath.Last() == '/' || folderPath.Last() == '\\')
                folderPath = folderPath.Remove(folderPath.Length - 1);

            Dictionary <string, SKImage> images = new Dictionary <string, SKImage>();
            int maxNumOfLevels = 3;

            for (int level = maxNumOfLevels; level > 0; --level)
                int numOfTiles   = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Pow(4, level - 1));
                int tilesToASide = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Sqrt(numOfTiles));
                for (int globaly = 0; globaly < tilesToASide; ++globaly)
                    for (int globalx = 0; globalx < tilesToASide; ++globalx)
                        var tempSurface = SKSurface.Create(new SKImageInfo(512, 512));
                        var canvas      = tempSurface.Canvas;
                        for (int tiley = 0; tiley < 2; ++tiley)
                            for (int tilex = 0; tilex < 2; ++tilex)
                                int    imgx     = (globalx * 2 + tilex);
                                int    imgy     = (globaly * 2 + tiley);
                                string tilePath = $"{folderPath}/aqlatestL{level}T{(globalx * 2 + tilex).ToString("D2")}{(globaly * 2 + tiley).ToString("D2")}.png";
                                string tileKey  = $"L{level}T{(globalx * 2 + tilex).ToString("D2")}{(globaly * 2 + tiley).ToString("D2")}";
                                if (images.ContainsKey(tileKey))
                                    SKBitmap tile = SKBitmap.FromImage(images[tileKey]);
                                    canvas.DrawBitmap(tile, SKRect.Create(tilex * 256, tiley * 256, tile.Width, tile.Height));
                                else if (File.Exists(tilePath))
                                    SKBitmap tile = SKBitmap.Decode(File.OpenRead(tilePath));
                                    canvas.DrawBitmap(tile, SKRect.Create(tilex * 256, tiley * 256, tile.Width, tile.Height));
                        SKBitmap bigTile    = SKBitmap.FromImage(tempSurface.Snapshot());
                        SKBitmap littleTile = SKBitmap.FromImage(SKImage.Create(new SKImageInfo(256, 256)));
                        bigTile.ScalePixels(littleTile, SKFilterQuality.High);
                        SKImage outTile = SKImage.FromBitmap(littleTile);
                        images.Add($"L{level - 1}T{globalx.ToString("D2")}{globaly.ToString("D2")}", outTile);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, SKImage> file in images)
                var data   = file.Value.Encode();
                var stream = File.OpenWrite($"{folderPath}/aqlatest{file.Key}.png");
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the Oled Bytes needed to render. Does not keep aspect ratio, consider using GetOledBytesMaxSize(x,y);
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newWidth"></param>
        /// <param name="newHeight"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public OledImageData GetOledBytes(int newWidth, int newHeight)
            var skImageInfo = new SKImageInfo(newWidth, newHeight, SKColorType.Gray8, SKAlphaType.Unpremul);

            using var bmp  = SKBitmap.FromImage(_image);
            using var bmp1 = bmp.Resize(skImageInfo, SKFilterQuality.High);

            return(new OledImageData(newWidth, newHeight, bmp1.GetPixelSpan().ToArray()));
 public static SKImage CopyBitmapRegion(SKBitmap bmp, int width, int height, SKRectI srcRegion)
     using (var output = new SKBitmap(width, height))
         bmp.ExtractSubset(output, srcRegion);
         var img = SKImage.FromBitmap(output);
Exemple #15
 public override Image Scale(float scale)
     using (var oldBitmap = SKBitmap.FromImage(SKImage))
         SKImageInfo resizeInfo = new SKImageInfo((int)(SKImage.Width * scale), (int)(SKImage.Height * scale));
         using (var resizedSKBitmap = oldBitmap.Resize(resizeInfo, SKFilterQuality.High))
             return(new SkiaImage(SKImage.FromBitmap(resizedSKBitmap)));
        // Convert bitmap to grayscale and apply contrast to emphasize lines
        // For conversion SKColorFilter is used
        // However, SKColorFilter is usually set in SKPaint object and applied to canvas when drawn
        // To apply it to the bitmap, we have to convert bitmap to image because it's possible to apply filters to images
        SKBitmap ConvertBitmapToGray(SKBitmap bitmap, float contr = contrast)
            SKImage       image       = SKImage.FromBitmap(bitmap);
            SKImageFilter imagefilter = SKImageFilter.CreateColorFilter(SKColorFilter.CreateHighContrast(true, SKHighContrastConfigInvertStyle.NoInvert, contrast));
            SKRectI       rectout     = new SKRectI();
            SKPoint       pointout    = new SKPoint();

            image = image.ApplyImageFilter(imagefilter, new SKRectI(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height), new SKRectI(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height), out rectout, out pointout);

Exemple #17
        private async Task <byte[]> CreateMapImageAsync(
            int width,
            int height,
            Models.Bounds boundingBox,
            string mediaType,
            bool isTransparent,
            uint backgroundColor,
            IList <string> layerNames)
            var imageInfo = new SKImageInfo(
                width: width,
                height: height,
                colorType: SKColorType.Rgba8888,
                alphaType: SKAlphaType.Premul);

            using var surface = SKSurface.Create(imageInfo);
            using var canvas  = surface.Canvas;
            canvas.Clear(new SKColor(backgroundColor));

            foreach (var layerName in layerNames)
                if (this.tileSourceFabric.Contains(layerName))
                    await WmsHelper.DrawLayerAsync( // TODO: ? pass required format to avoid conversions

            using SKImage image = surface.Snapshot();

            if (String.Compare(mediaType, MediaTypeNames.Image.Tiff, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                using var bitmap = SKBitmap.FromImage(image);
                // TODO: improve performance of pixels processing, maybe using unsafe/pointers
                var pixels = bitmap.Pixels.SelectMany(p => new byte[] { p.Red, p.Green, p.Blue, p.Alpha }).ToArray();
                var tiff   = ImageHelper.CreateTiffImage(pixels, image.Width, image.Height);
                var imageFormat = U.ImageHelper.SKEncodedImageFormatFromMediaType(mediaType);
                using SKData data = image.Encode(imageFormat, 90); // TODO: ? quality parameter
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads an image from a disk file, decoding for the optimal required
        /// size so that we don't load the entire image for a smaller target,
        /// and auto-orienting the bitmap according to the codec origin.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="desiredWidth"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private SKBitmap SlowLoadOrientedBitmap(FileInfo source, int desiredWidth)
            Stopwatch load = new Stopwatch("SkiaSharpLoad");

            using SKImage img = SKImage.FromEncodedData(source.FullName);

            var bmp = SKBitmap.FromImage(img);

            Logging.LogTrace($"Loaded {source.Name} - loaded size = W: {bmp.Width}, H: {bmp.Height}");


Exemple #19
        private static string CreateInputFile()
            var inputPath = GetTempPath();

            using (var stream = File.OpenWrite(inputPath))
                SKBitmap.FromImage(SKImage.Create(new SKImageInfo(100, 100)))

Exemple #20
        public GlobalCache(PakIndex index)
            Index      = index;
            VBucksIcon = index.GetPackage("/FortniteGame/Content/UI/Foundation/Shell/Textures/T-Icon-VBucks-L").GetExport <Texture2D>().Image;

            var img = index.GetPackage("/FortniteGame/Content/VisualThreatManager/StormVisuals/Test/SpawnParticles/Streamers/LowResBlurredNoise").GetExport <Texture2D>().Image; // don't dispose objects given by exports

            using (var b = SKBitmap.FromImage(img))
                using (var b2 = new SKBitmap(new SKImageInfo(b.Width * 2, b.Height * 2), SKBitmapAllocFlags.ZeroPixels))
                    using (var c = new SKCanvas(b2))
                        using (var s = SKShader.CreateColorFilter(SKShader.CreateBitmap(b, SKShaderTileMode.Repeat, SKShaderTileMode.Repeat), SKColorFilter.CreateLighting(new SKColor(160, 160, 160), new SKColor(15, 15, 15))))
                            c.DrawRect(0, 0, b2.Width, b2.Height, new SKPaint {
                                Shader = s
                    using (var borderNoiseBig = b2.Resize(new SKImageInfo(b2.Width * 16, b2.Height * 16), SKFilterQuality.Medium))
                        using (var borderNoise = new SKBitmap(b.Width * 16, b.Width * 16))
                            borderNoiseBig.ExtractSubset(borderNoise, new SKRectI(b2.Width * 4, b2.Width * 4, b2.Width * 12, b2.Width * 12));
                            BaseBorderShader = SKShader.CreateBitmap(borderNoise, SKShaderTileMode.Repeat, SKShaderTileMode.Repeat);

            NameTypeface             = SKTypeface.FromStream(index.GetFile("/FortniteGame/Content/UI/Foundation/Fonts/BurbankBigCondensed-Black.ufont").AsStream());
            ShortDescriptionTypeface = SKTypeface.FromStream(index.GetFile("/FortniteGame/Content/UI/Foundation/Fonts/NotoSans-Regular.ufont").AsStream());
            PriceTypeface            = SKTypeface.FromStream(index.GetFile("/FortniteGame/Content/UI/Foundation/Fonts/NotoSans-Bold.ufont").AsStream());
            CategoryTypeface         = SKTypeface.FromStream(index.GetFile("/FortniteGame/Content/UI/Foundation/Fonts/NotoSans-Bold.ufont").AsStream());

            ImagePaint = new SKPaint
                IsAntialias   = true,
                FilterQuality = SKFilterQuality.High

                var types = EnumHelper <DrawType> .Values;
                SectionCaches = new SectionCache[types.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++)
                    SectionCaches[i] = new SectionCache(types[i], this);

                RarityColors = new ColorPalette[]
                    new ColorPalette(this, default, new SKColor(150, 150, 150), new SKColor(50, 53, 58), new SKColor(212, 212, 212), new SKColor(249, 249, 249)),  // COMMON
Exemple #21
        public static Image FromStream(Stream ms)
            MemoryStream ms2 = new MemoryStream();

            ms2.Position = 0;
            var skimage  = SKImage.FromEncodedData(ms2);
            var skbitmap = SKBitmap.FromImage(skimage);
            var ans      = new Bitmap()
                nativeSkBitmap = skbitmap

 private Icon(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
     iconData = (byte[])info.GetValue("IconData", typeof(byte[]));
     iconSize = (Size)info.GetValue("IconSize", typeof(Size));
     if (iconSize.IsEmpty)
         //Initialize(0, 0);
         nativeSkBitmap = new SKBitmap();
         nativeSkBitmap = SKBitmap.FromImage(SKImage.FromEncodedData(new MemoryStream(iconData)));
         iconSize       = new Size(nativeSkBitmap.Width, nativeSkBitmap.Height);
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes all data to a new <see cref="SKBitmap"/> instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="Exception">Invalid length!</exception>
        public static SKBitmap ToSKBitmap(this ARGBImageData imageData)
            SKImageInfo imgInfo = new SKImageInfo(imageData.Width, imageData.Height, SKColorType.Rgba8888, SKAlphaType.Unpremul);
            var         bitmap  = SKBitmap.FromImage(SkiaSharp.SKImage.Create(imgInfo));
            IntPtr      len;
            IntPtr      ptr     = bitmap.GetPixels(out len);
            int         byteLen = imageData.Data.Length * 4;

            if (len.ToInt32() != byteLen)
                throw new Exception("Invalid length!");
            Marshal.Copy(imageData.Data, 0, ptr, imageData.Data.Length);
Exemple #24
        public void DrawText(float x = 0, float y = 0, string text = "", int size = 24, string font = "Arial", string color = "#ff000000")
            using (var surface = SKSurface.Create(new SKImageInfo(Context.Image.Width, Context.Image.Height)))
                using (var canvas = surface.Canvas)
                    using (var paint = new SKPaint()
                        TextSize = size, IsAntialias = true, Color = SKColor.Parse(color)
                        canvas.DrawBitmap(Context.Image, 0, 0);
                        canvas.DrawText(text, Context.Image.Width * x, Context.Image.Height * y, new SKFont(SKTypeface.FromFamilyName(font)), paint);

                        Context.Image = SKBitmap.FromImage(surface.Snapshot());
        private SKBitmap RemoveTransparency(SKImage orig)
            var original = SKBitmap.FromImage(orig);

            // create a new bitmap with the same dimensions
            // also avoids the first copy if the color type is index8
            var copy = new SKBitmap(original.Width, original.Height);

            using var canvas = new SKCanvas(copy);
            // clear the bitmap with the desired color for transparency

            // draw the bitmap on top
            canvas.DrawBitmap(original, 0, 0);

        private string ChekeResult()
            if (skimage == null)
            SKBitmap bitmap       = SKBitmap.FromImage(skimage);
            var      scaledBitmap = bitmap.Resize(new SKImageInfo(400, 400), SKBitmapResizeMethod.Triangle);

            skimage = SKImage.FromBitmap(scaledBitmap);
            bitmap  = SKBitmap.FromImage(skimage);

            SKData pngImage  = skimage.Encode();
            var    byteArray = pngImage.ToArray();
            Stream stream    = new MemoryStream(byteArray);

            ImageDim.Source = ImageSource.FromStream(() => { return(stream); });
            SKColor[]   arrColors = bitmap.Pixels;
            List <bool> boolImage = new List <bool>();

            foreach (var item in arrColors)
                boolImage.Add(item.ToFormsColor() == Color.Black);

            string answer = "no";
            double resultamountWeights = double.MinValue;

            foreach (var item in answers)
                double amountWeights = 0.1;
                for (int i = 0; i < item.Weights.Count; i++)
                    double valueImage = boolImage[i] ? 1 : 0;
                    amountWeights += valueImage * item.Weights[i];
                if (resultamountWeights < amountWeights)
                    resultamountWeights = amountWeights;
                    answer = item.Name;

Exemple #27
        public void Blur(int radius)
            using (var surface = SKSurface.Create(new SKImageInfo(Context.Image.Width, Context.Image.Height)))
            using (var canvas = surface.Canvas)
            using (var paint = new SKPaint())
                paint.ImageFilter = SKImageFilter.CreateBlur(radius, radius);

                SKRect rect = new SKRect(0, 0, Context.Image.Width, Context.Image.Height);
                rect.Inflate(10, 10); //removes black border

                canvas.DrawBitmap(Context.Image, rect, paint);

                // save
                Context.Image = SKBitmap.FromImage(surface.Snapshot());
Exemple #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Stacks the list of images vertically, stretching them to all have the same width
        /// Note that we stack them bottom-up (by reversing image order), because uv coordinate system has v=0 starting at the bottom
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="images">The images to stack</param>
        /// <returns>The stacked images</returns>
        public static SKImage StackImages(List <SKImage> images)
            SKBitmap newBitmap = new SKBitmap(images.Max(i => i.Width), images.Select(i => i.Height).Aggregate((h1, h2) => h1 + h2));

            using (SKCanvas canvas = new SKCanvas(newBitmap))
                var h = 0;
                foreach (var img in images)
                    var bitmap = SKBitmap.FromImage(img).Resize(new SKSizeI(newBitmap.Width, img.Height), SKFilterQuality.High);
                    canvas.DrawBitmap(bitmap, new SKPoint(0, h));
                    h += img.Height;
 public static PixelEnum[][] GetPixelsFromSKImage(SKImage Source, Func <SKColor, PixelEnum> PixelMapRoutine)
     PixelEnum[][] Result = new PixelEnum[Source.Height][];
     using (SKBitmap WorkMap = SKBitmap.FromImage(Source))
         for (int y = 0; y < Source.Height; y++)
             Result[y] = new PixelEnum[Source.Width];
             for (int x = 0; x < Source.Width; x++)
                 SKColor   currPixel = WorkMap.GetPixel(x, y);
                 PixelEnum result    = PixelMapRoutine(currPixel);
                 Result[y][x] = result;
Exemple #30
        public void Rotate(float angle)
            int w;
            int h;

            if (angle < 90)
                w = (int)(Math.Abs(Context.Image.Width * Math.Cos(angle)) + Math.Abs(Context.Image.Height * Math.Sin(angle)));
                h = (int)(Math.Abs(Context.Image.Width * Math.Sin(angle)) + Math.Abs(Context.Image.Height * Math.Cos(angle)));
            else if (angle == 90)
                w = Context.Image.Height;
                h = Context.Image.Width;
            else if (angle == 180)
                w = Context.Image.Width;
                h = Context.Image.Height;
            else if (angle == 270)
                w = Context.Image.Height;
                h = Context.Image.Width;
                throw new Exception();

            using (var surface = SKSurface.Create(new SKImageInfo(w, h)))
                using (var canvas = surface.Canvas)
                    canvas.Translate(Math.Abs(w - Context.Image.Width) / 2, Math.Abs(h - Context.Image.Height) / 2);
                    canvas.RotateDegrees(angle, Context.Image.Width / 2, Context.Image.Height / 2);

                    canvas.DrawBitmap(Context.Image, 0, 0);

                    // save
                    Context.Image = SKBitmap.FromImage(surface.Snapshot());