Exemple #1
 public RodModel(PlayerType _Player, RodType _Type, string rodTag, int _Column, RodPosition _Position = RodPosition.Middle)
     Player           = _Player;
     Type             = _Type;
     Column           = _Column;
     Position         = _Position;
     PlayersPositions = new List <int> {
         0, 0, 0
     View = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(rodTag).GetComponent <RodView>();
Exemple #2
 public void Kick(RodType Rod, DIRECTION KickDirection, int Power)
     if (Rod == RodType.Defense)
         DefenseAction           = ActionType.KICK;
         DefenseActionParameters = new List <int>(new int[] { Power, (int)KickDirection });
         OffenceAction           = ActionType.KICK;
         OffenceActionParameters = new List <int>(new int[] { Power, (int)KickDirection });
Exemple #3
 public void NoAction(RodType Rod)
     if (Rod == RodType.Defense)
         DefenseAction           = ActionType.NO_ACTION;
         DefenseActionParameters = null;
         OffenceAction           = ActionType.NO_ACTION;
         OffenceActionParameters = null;
Exemple #4
 public void MoveDown(RodType Rod)
     if (Rod == RodType.Defense)
         DefenseAction           = ActionType.MOVEROD;
         DefenseActionParameters = new List <int>(new int[] { (int)DIRECTION.RIGHT });
         OffenceAction           = ActionType.MOVEROD;
         OffenceActionParameters = new List <int>(new int[] { (int)DIRECTION.RIGHT });
Exemple #5
    void Start()
        switch (type)
        case ItemChoice.bait:
            if (itemID >= 0 && itemID < FindObjectOfType <ItemDatabase>().baits.Count)
                BaitType curB = FindObjectOfType <ItemDatabase>().baits[itemID];
                nameText.text  = curB.name;
                priceText.text = curB.price.ToString() + "g";
                nameText.text  = "";
                priceText.text = "";

        case ItemChoice.lure:
            if (itemID >= 0 && itemID < FindObjectOfType <ItemDatabase>().lures.Count)
                LureType curL = FindObjectOfType <ItemDatabase>().lures[itemID];
                nameText.text  = curL.name;
                priceText.text = curL.price.ToString() + "g";
                nameText.text  = "";
                priceText.text = "";

        case ItemChoice.rod:
            if (itemID >= 0 && itemID < FindObjectOfType <ItemDatabase>().rods.Count)
                RodType curR = FindObjectOfType <ItemDatabase>().rods[itemID];
                nameText.text  = curR.name;
                priceText.text = curR.price.ToString() + "g";
                nameText.text  = "";
                priceText.text = "";

Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the maximum swing angle for the specified type of rod.
        /// </summary>
        private float GetSwingSweep(RodType rod)
            switch (rod)
            case RodType.Bronze: return(MathHelper.Pi / 3f);

            case RodType.Silver: return(MathHelper.Pi / 2f);

            case RodType.Gold: return(MathHelper.Pi / 1.4f);

            case RodType.Legendary: return(MathHelper.Pi / 1.25f);

            default: return(0f);
Exemple #7
    public void Buy(int amount)
        int money = FindObjectOfType <Inventory>().money;

        switch (type)
        case ItemChoice.bait:
            BaitType curB = FindObjectOfType <ItemDatabase>().baits[itemID];
            if ((curB.price * amount) < money)
                FindObjectOfType <Shop>().BuyBait(curB, amount);
                int maxAmount = Mathf.FloorToInt(money / curB.price);
                maxAmount = Mathf.Clamp(maxAmount, 0, amount);
                FindObjectOfType <Shop>().BuyBait(curB, maxAmount);

        case ItemChoice.lure:
            LureType curL = FindObjectOfType <ItemDatabase>().lures[itemID];
            if ((curL.price * amount) < money)
                FindObjectOfType <Shop>().BuyLure(curL, amount);
                int maxAmount = Mathf.FloorToInt(money / curL.price);
                maxAmount = Mathf.Clamp(maxAmount, 0, amount);
                FindObjectOfType <Shop>().BuyLure(curL, maxAmount);

        case ItemChoice.rod:
            RodType curR = FindObjectOfType <ItemDatabase>().rods[itemID];
            FindObjectOfType <Shop>().BuyRod(curR);

Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the sprites necessary to display this state.
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadContent(ContentManager content)
            RodSprites = new Dictionary <RodType, Sprite>();
            for (RodType rod = RodType.Bronze; rod <= RodType.Legendary; rod++)
                Sprite rodSprite = content.Load <SpriteDescriptorTemplate>("Sprites/Fishing/Rod" + rod.ToString()).Create().Sprite;
                rodSprite.Position += _scene.PlayerPosition;
                RodSprites.Add(rod, rodSprite);

            LureSprites = new Dictionary <Lure, Sprite>();
            for (int i = 0; i < FishingGirl.Gameplay.Lures.AllLures.Length; i++)
                Lure   lure       = FishingGirl.Gameplay.Lures.AllLures[i];
                Sprite lureSprite = content.Load <SpriteDescriptorTemplate>("Sprites/Fishing/" + lure.SpriteName).Create().Sprite;
                LureSprites.Add(lure, lureSprite);

            LineSprite = content.Load <SpriteDescriptorTemplate>("Sprites/Fishing/Line").Create().Sprite;

            // set up the lure now that we know what the rod looks like
            _lurePosition = GetRodTipPosition() + new Vector2(5f, 15f);
Exemple #9
 public void BuyRod(RodType rod)
     FindObjectOfType <Inventory>().money -= rod.price;
Exemple #10
 public CastDistanceBadge(RodType rod, float distance)
     Rod      = rod;
     Distance = distance;
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// 计算燃料棒稳态温度场
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Nj">轴向分段数</param>
        /// <param name="Nk">燃料棒数</param>
        /// <param name="coolent">冷却剂</param>
        /// <param name="channels">通道结合</param>
        /// <param name="rods">燃料棒集合</param>
        /// <param name="rodTypes">燃料棒类型集合</param>
        /// <param name="materials">材料集合</param>
        /// <param name="channelsFlow">已经得到的子通道稳态流体计算结果</param>
        /// <param name="gasGap">气体间隙模型对象</param>
        /// <param name="options">计算选项集合</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <RodTemperature> Caculate_Rods_Temperature_Steady(
            int Nj, int Nk,
            Fluid coolent,
            List <Channel> channels,
            List <Rod> rods,
            List <RodType> rodTypes,
            List <Material> materials,
            List <ChannelFlow> channelsFlow,
            GasGap gasGap,
            Options options)
            //燃料棒温度集合 返回数据
            List <RodTemperature> RodsTemperature = new List <RodTemperature>();

            var CladSegment = options.CladSegment;
            var PelletSegment = options.PelletSegment;
            var powerFactor = options.PowerFactor.Multiplier;
            var cladShare = options.PowerFactor.CladShare;
            var pelletShare = options.PowerFactor.PelletShare;
            var fluidShare = options.PowerFactor.FluidShare;
            var acc = options.Precision;

            Matrix <double> Tf = Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(Nj, Nk, 0);

            Matrix <double> h = Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(Nj, Nk, 0);

            Matrix <double> massFlowDensity = Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(Nj, Nk, 0);

            for (int k = 0; k < Nk; k++)
                RodTemperature RodkTemperature = new RodTemperature
                    Index   = rods[k].Index,
                    SubRods = new List <SubRodTemperature>(),
                int size = CladSegment + PelletSegment + 2;
                //燃料棒k的温度场 矩阵
                Matrix <double> RodTField = Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(Nj, size, 0);

                bool    isTypeFound = false;
                RodType rodType     = new RodType();
                foreach (RodType type in rodTypes)
                    if (type.Index == rods[k].Type)
                        rodType = type;
                        isTypeFound = true;
                if (!isTypeFound)
                    Main.MsgCenter.ShowMessage(String.Format("燃料棒{0}未找到匹配的{1}燃料棒类型", k, rods[k].Type));
                Material Clad   = new Material();
                Material Pellet = new Material();
                foreach (var material in materials)
                    if (material.Index == rodType.CladMaterialIndex)
                        Clad = material;
                    else if (material.Index == rodType.PelletMaterialIndex)
                        Pellet = material;
                double d_rod = rodType.Diameter;
                double d_pellet = rodType.PelletDiameter;
                double clad_thickness = rodType.CladThickness;
                double gap_thickness = (d_rod - d_pellet) * 0.5 - clad_thickness;
                for (int j = 0; j < Nj; j++)
                    double Lj = rods[0].SubPowerCollection[j].To - rods[0].SubPowerCollection[j].From;
                    double    TotalAngle = 0;
                    double    Xe         = 0;
                    FluidData FluidJ;
                    //遍历与[燃料棒k] 接触的 子通道,找到流体外部边界条件
                    foreach (ContactedChannel EachContactedChannel in rods[k].ContactedChannel)
                        ChannelFlow ChannelFlowOfContactChannel = new ChannelFlow();
                        foreach (ChannelFlow channelFlow in channelsFlow)
                            //通道数据 index和连接的通道 index相同
                            if (channelFlow.ChannelIndex == EachContactedChannel.Index)
                                ChannelFlowOfContactChannel = channelFlow;
                        FluidJ    = ChannelFlowOfContactChannel.FluidDatas[j];
                        h[j, k]  += FluidJ.h * EachContactedChannel.Angle;
                        Tf[j, k] += FluidJ.Temperature * EachContactedChannel.Angle;
                        Xe        = FluidJ.Xe * EachContactedChannel.Angle;
                        massFlowDensity[j, k] += FluidJ.Velocity * FluidJ.Density * EachContactedChannel.Angle;
                        TotalAngle += EachContactedChannel.Angle;
                    h[j, k] = h[j, k] / TotalAngle;
                    Tf[j, k] = Tf[j, k] / TotalAngle;
                    Xe = Xe / TotalAngle;
                    massFlowDensity[j, k] = massFlowDensity[j, k] / TotalAngle;

                    double Linearpower = rods[k].SubPowerCollection[j].Value * powerFactor;
                    double fi_pellet = Linearpower * pelletShare / (0.25 * PI * d_pellet * d_pellet);
                    double cladArea = 0.25 * PI * (d_rod * d_rod - (d_rod - 2 * clad_thickness) * (d_rod - 2 * clad_thickness));
                    //包壳 体热流密度
                    double fi_clad = Linearpower * cladShare / cladArea;
                    double deltaR_clad = clad_thickness / CladSegment;
                    double deltaR_pellet = d_pellet * 0.5 / PelletSegment;
                    //包壳外表面 - 热流密度
                    double q = Linearpower * (1 - fluidShare) / (PI * d_rod);
                    //包壳外表面 - 温度
                    double Tw = q / h[j, k] + Tf[j, k];
                    RodTField[j, 0] = Tw;
                    for (int layer = 0; layer < CladSegment; layer++)
                        double r_outside = 0.5 * d_rod - deltaR_clad * layer;
                        double r_inside = 0.5 * d_rod - deltaR_clad * (layer + 1);
                        double r_av = (r_inside + r_outside) * 0.5;
                        double layerArea = PI * (d_rod * d_rod * 0.25 - r_inside * r_inside);
                        double layerHeat = layerArea * fi_clad;
                        //层导热热阻ln(d2/d1)/2π lamd l   Clad.K.Get(vectorT[layer])
                        double R_layer = Math.Log(r_outside / r_inside) / (2 * PI * Clad.GetK(RodTField[j, layer]) * Lj);
                        RodTField[j, layer + 1] = (Linearpower - layerHeat) * Lj * R_layer + RodTField[j, layer];

                    double q_gap = Linearpower * pelletShare / (PI * d_pellet);
                    RodTField[j, CladSegment + 1] = RodTField[j, CladSegment] + q_gap / gasGap.Get_h();
                    for (int layer = 0; layer < PelletSegment; layer++)
                        double r_outside = 0.5 * d_pellet - deltaR_pellet * layer;
                        double r_inside = 0.5 * d_pellet - deltaR_pellet * (layer + 1);
                        double r_av = (r_inside + r_outside) * 0.5;
                        double layerArea = PI * (0.25 * d_pellet * d_pellet - r_inside * r_inside);
                        double layerHeat = layerArea * fi_pellet;
                        //层导热热阻ln(d2/d1)/2π*lamd*l   Clad.K.Get(vectorT[layer])
                        double R_layer = Math.Log(r_outside / r_inside) / (2 * PI * Clad.GetK(RodTField[j, layer]) * Lj);
                        RodTField[j, layer + CladSegment + 2] = (Linearpower * pelletShare - layerHeat) * Lj * R_layer + RodTField[j, layer + CladSegment + 1];
                    RodTField[j, PelletSegment + CladSegment + 1] = RodTField[j, PelletSegment + CladSegment] + 0.25 * fi_pellet / Pellet.GetK(RodTField[j, PelletSegment + CladSegment]) * deltaR_pellet * deltaR_pellet;
                    double q_critical = Q_Critical(Xe, d_rod, massFlowDensity[j, k], coolent.GetHf(Tf[j, k]), coolent.GetH(Tf[j, k]), options.DNBR_Formula);
                    SubRodTemperature subRodTemperature = new SubRodTemperature
                        Index = j,
                        CladOutsideT   = Math.Round(RodTField[j, 0], acc.T),
                        CladInsideT    = Math.Round(RodTField[j, CladSegment], acc.T),
                        PelletOutsideT = Math.Round(RodTField[j, CladSegment + 1], acc.T),
                        PelletCenterT  = Math.Round(RodTField[j, PelletSegment + CladSegment + 1], acc.T),
                        h = Math.Round(h[j, k], acc.h),
                        Q = Math.Round(q, 1),
                        Qc = Math.Round(q_critical, 1),
                        DNBR = Math.Round(q_critical / q, 3),
                        TemperatureVector = RodTField.Row(j),

                Main.MsgCenter.ShowMessage(String.Format("燃料棒{0}:", rods[k].Index));
                Main.MsgCenter.ShowMessage(RodTField.ToMatrixString(Nj, PelletSegment + CladSegment + 2));
