Exemple #1
        public void BakeGeometry(RhinoDoc doc, ObjectAttributes att, List <System.Guid> obj_ids)
            System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator = new List <GuanacoListItem> .Enumerator();

            if (att == null)
                att = doc.CreateDefaultAttributes();
                enumerator = this.m_data.GetEnumerator();
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    object item = System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(enumerator.Current);
                    if (item != null)
                        if (item is IGH_BakeAwareData)
                            IGH_BakeAwareData bake_item = (IGH_BakeAwareData)item;
                            System.Guid       id;
                            if (bake_item.BakeGeometry(doc, att, out id))
Exemple #2
 public void BakeGeometry(RhinoDoc doc, ObjectAttributes att, List<Guid> obj_ids)
     List<Text3d>.Enumerator tag;
     if (att == null)
     att = doc.CreateDefaultAttributes();
     tag = this.m_tags.GetEnumerator();
     while (tag.MoveNext())
         Text3d tag3d = tag.Current;
         Guid id = doc.Objects.AddText(tag3d, att);
         if (!(id == Guid.Empty))
Exemple #3
        public override void BakeGeometry(RhinoDoc doc, List <Guid> obj_ids)
            var attr = doc.CreateDefaultAttributes();

            attr.ColorSource = Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectColorSource.ColorFromObject;
            attr.ObjectColor = this.FillColor;
            doc.Objects.AddTextDot(this.Dot, attr);
Exemple #4
 public override void BakeGeometry(RhinoDoc doc, List <Guid> obj_ids)
     base.BakeGeometry(doc, obj_ids);
     for (int i = 0; i < c_Pose.Geometries.Count(); i++)
         var attributes = doc.CreateDefaultAttributes();
         attributes.ColorSource = Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectColorSource.ColorFromObject;
         attributes.ObjectColor = c_Pose.Colors[i];
         obj_ids.Add(doc.Objects.AddMesh(c_Pose.Geometries[i], attributes));
Exemple #5
        public override void BakeGeometry(RhinoDoc doc, ObjectAttributes att, List <Guid> obj_ids)
            if (att == null)
                att = doc.CreateDefaultAttributes();
            var layerIndex = doc.Layers.CurrentLayerIndex;

            foreach (var line in _explicitLines)
                var lineAttributes = att.Duplicate();
                lineAttributes.ObjectColor = line.Color;
                lineAttributes.ColorSource = ObjectColorSource.ColorFromObject;
                lineAttributes.LayerIndex  = layerIndex;
                obj_ids.Add(doc.Objects.AddLine(line.Line, lineAttributes));

            foreach (var line in _typedLines)
                var lineAttributes = att.Duplicate();
                lineAttributes.ObjectColor = line.Color;
                lineAttributes.ColorSource = ObjectColorSource.ColorFromObject;
                lineAttributes.LayerIndex  = layerIndex;
                obj_ids.Add(doc.Objects.AddLine(line.Line, lineAttributes));

                var oneQuarterPoint = line.Line.From + (line.Line.To - line.Line.From) / 4;

                var dotAttributes = att.Duplicate();
                dotAttributes.ObjectColor = line.Color;
                dotAttributes.ColorSource = ObjectColorSource.ColorFromObject;
                dotAttributes.LayerIndex  = layerIndex;
                obj_ids.Add(doc.Objects.AddTextDot(line.Type, oneQuarterPoint, dotAttributes));

            foreach (var line in _outLines)
                var lineAttributes = att.Duplicate();
                lineAttributes.ObjectColor = line.Color;
                lineAttributes.ColorSource = ObjectColorSource.ColorFromObject;
                lineAttributes.LayerIndex  = layerIndex;
                obj_ids.Add(doc.Objects.AddLine(line.Line, lineAttributes));

                var dotAttributes = att.Duplicate();
                dotAttributes.ObjectColor = line.Color;
                dotAttributes.ColorSource = ObjectColorSource.ColorFromObject;
                dotAttributes.LayerIndex  = layerIndex;
                obj_ids.Add(doc.Objects.AddTextDot(Config.OUTER_MODULE_NAME, line.Line.To, dotAttributes));
Exemple #6
 public void BakeGeometry(RhinoDoc doc, ObjectAttributes att, List <Guid> obj_ids)
     if (att == null)
         att = doc.CreateDefaultAttributes();
     foreach (object obj in m_data)
         Guid guid;
         if (obj != null && obj is IGH_BakeAwareData && ((IGH_BakeAwareData)obj).BakeGeometry((RhinoDoc)doc, (ObjectAttributes)att, out guid))
            bool IGH_BakeAwareData.BakeGeometry(RhinoDoc doc, ObjectAttributes att, out Guid id)
                id = Guid.Empty;
                if (m_value == null)

                if (att == null)
                    att = doc.CreateDefaultAttributes();

                id = doc.Objects.AddText(m_value, att);
Exemple #8
        public void BakeGeometry(RhinoDoc doc, ObjectAttributes att, List <Guid> obj_ids)
            if (att == null)
                att = doc.CreateDefaultAttributes();

            foreach (IGH_BakeAwareObject item in m_data)
                if (item != null)
                    var idsOut = new List <Guid>();
                    item.BakeGeometry(doc, att, idsOut);
Exemple #9
        protected override Result RunCommand(RhinoDoc doc, RunMode mode)
            Point3d[] corners;
            var       rc = RhinoGet.GetRectangle(out corners);

            if (rc != Result.Success)

            var plane = new Plane(corners[0], corners[1], corners[2]);

            var plane_surface = new PlaneSurface(
                new Interval(0, corners[0].DistanceTo(corners[1])),
                new Interval(0, corners[1].DistanceTo(corners[2]))

            rc = Result.Cancel;
            if (plane_surface.IsValid)
                var layer_name = doc.Layers.GetUnusedLayerName();
                rc = RhinoGet.GetString("Name of layer to create", true, ref layer_name);
                if (rc == Result.Success && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(layer_name))
                    var layer_index = doc.Layers.FindByFullPath(layer_name, -1);
                    if (-1 == layer_index)
                        layer_index = doc.Layers.Add(layer_name, System.Drawing.Color.Black);

                    if (layer_index >= 0)
                        var attribs = doc.CreateDefaultAttributes();
                        attribs.LayerIndex = layer_index;
                        attribs.Name       = layer_name;
                        doc.Objects.AddSurface(plane_surface, attribs);
                        rc = Result.Success;

Exemple #10
        protected override Result RunCommand(RhinoDoc doc, RunMode mode)

            // Define a line
            var line = new Rhino.Geometry.Line(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(0, 0, 0), new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(10, 0, 0));

            // Make a copy of Rhino's default object attributes
            var attribs = doc.CreateDefaultAttributes();

            // Modify the object decoration style
            attribs.ObjectDecoration = Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectDecoration.StartArrowhead;

            // Create a new curve object with our attributes
            doc.Objects.AddLine(line, attribs);

Exemple #11
        public static ObjectAttributes GetAttributes(RhinoDoc document, JObject data)
            var attributes = document.CreateDefaultAttributes();

            if (data.TryGetValue <string>("key", out var key))
                attributes.Name = key;

            if (data.TryGetValue <string>("color", out var color))
                var argb = int.Parse(color.Replace("#", ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);

                attributes.ColorSource = ObjectColorSource.ColorFromObject;
                attributes.ObjectColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(argb);

            if (data.TryGetValue <string>("layer", out var layer))
                attributes.LayerIndex = CreateLayer(document, layer).Index;

            if (data.TryGetValue <string>("arrowhead", out var arrowhead))
                if (arrowhead == "start")
                    attributes.ObjectDecoration = ObjectDecoration.StartArrowhead;
                if (arrowhead == "end")
                    attributes.ObjectDecoration = ObjectDecoration.EndArrowhead;
                if (arrowhead == "both")
                    attributes.ObjectDecoration = ObjectDecoration.BothArrowhead;

Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Bakes the <see cref="Cage"/> in color hinting its entropy. Required
        /// by Grasshopper.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doc">The doc.</param>
        /// <param name="att">The att.</param>
        /// <param name="obj_ids">The obj_ids.</param>
        public void BakeGeometry(RhinoDoc doc, ObjectAttributes att, List <Guid> obj_ids)
            if (att == null)
                att = doc.CreateDefaultAttributes();

            var color = Config.CAGE_UNKNOWN_COLOR;

            if (AllowsAnyModule)
                color = Config.CAGE_EVERYTHING_COLOR;

            if (IsContradictory || !IsValid)
                color = Config.CAGE_NONE_COLOR;

            var partsCount = AllowedPartNames.Count;

            if (partsCount == 1 && AllPartsCount != 0)
                color = Config.CAGE_ONE_COLOR;

            if (partsCount != 1 && AllPartsCount != 0)
                var t = (double)partsCount / AllPartsCount;
                color = InterpolateColor(Config.CAGE_TWO_COLOR, Config.CAGE_EVERYTHING_COLOR, t);

            var cageAttributes = att.Duplicate();

            cageAttributes.ObjectColor = color;
            cageAttributes.ColorSource = ObjectColorSource.ColorFromObject;

            obj_ids.Add(doc.Objects.AddBox(Cage, cageAttributes));
Exemple #13
        protected override Result RunCommand(RhinoDoc doc, RunMode mode)
            // Create a circle curve
            var circle = new Circle(Plane.WorldXY, 5.0);
            var curve0 = new ArcCurve(circle);

            // Add an instance defintion that uses the circle curve
            var attrib      = doc.CreateDefaultAttributes();
            var idef0_index = doc.InstanceDefinitions.Add("Circle", "Circle", Point3d.Origin, curve0, attrib);

            // Create a reference to the instance definition
            var idef0_id = doc.InstanceDefinitions[idef0_index].Id;
            var iref0    = new InstanceReferenceGeometry(idef0_id, Transform.Identity);

            // Create a polyline curve
            var rect = new Point3d[5];

            rect[0] = new Point3d(-5.0, -5.0, 0.0);
            rect[1] = new Point3d(5.0, -5.0, 0.0);
            rect[2] = new Point3d(5.0, 5.0, 0.0);
            rect[3] = new Point3d(-5.0, 5.0, 0.0);
            rect[4] = rect[0];
            var curve1 = new PolylineCurve(rect);

            // Add another instance definition that uses the polyline curve
            // and the instance reference
            var geometry    = new GeometryBase[] { curve1, iref0 };
            var attributes  = new[] { attrib, attrib };
            var idef1_index = doc.InstanceDefinitions.Add("Rectangle and Circle", "Rectangle and Circle", Point3d.Origin, geometry, attributes);

            // Add an instace of the new defintion to the document and redraw
            doc.Objects.AddInstanceObject(idef1_index, Transform.Identity);

        public bool BakeGeometry(RhinoDoc doc, ObjectAttributes att, out Guid obj_guid)
            obj_guid = Guid.Empty;

            if (att == null)
                att = doc.CreateDefaultAttributes();

            string id    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            int    idxGr = doc.Groups.Add("IG-" + id);
            int    idxLy = doc.Layers.Add("IG-" + id, Color.Aqua);

            ObjectAttributes att1 = att.Duplicate();

            att1.LayerIndex = idxLy;

            Line        ln;
            List <long> edgesID = new List <long>();
            long        data1, data2;
            Point3d     p1, p2;
            int         next, count;

            int[] hf;

            foreach (int elementID in ElementsKeys)
                IElement e = GetElementWithKey(elementID);

                for (int halfFacetID = 1; halfFacetID <= e.HalfFacetsCount; halfFacetID++)
                    e.GetHalfFacet(halfFacetID, out hf);

                    count = 1;
                    if (e.TopologicDimension == 3)
                        count = hf.Length;
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        next = i + 1;
                        if (i == count - 1)
                            if (count > 1)
                                next = 0;
                                next = 1;
                        data1 = (Int64)hf[i] << 32 | (Int64)hf[next];
                        data2 = (Int64)hf[next] << 32 | (Int64)hf[i];
                        if (!edgesID.Contains(data1) && !edgesID.Contains(data2))
                            p1 = GetVertexWithKey(hf[i]).RhinoPoint;
                            p2 = GetVertexWithKey(hf[next]).RhinoPoint;
                            ln = new Line(p1, p2);
                            doc.Objects.AddLine(ln, att1);
Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Command.RunCommand override
        /// </summary>
        protected override Result RunCommand(RhinoDoc doc, RunMode mode)

            // Prompt the user for the name of the image file to vectorize.
            string path = GetImageFileName(mode);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))

            // Creates a bitmap from the specified file.
            var bitmap = Image.FromFile(path) as Bitmap;

            if (null == bitmap)
                RhinoApp.WriteLine("The specified file cannot be identifed as a supported type.");

            // Verify bitmap size
            if (0 == bitmap.Width || 0 == bitmap.Height)
                RhinoApp.WriteLine("Error reading the specified file.");

            // Calculate scale factor so curves of a reasonable size are added to Rhino
            var unit_scale = (doc.ModelUnitSystem != UnitSystem.Inches)
        ? RhinoMath.UnitScale(UnitSystem.Inches, doc.ModelUnitSystem)
        : 1.0;
            var scale = (double)(1.0 / bitmap.HorizontalResolution * unit_scale);

            // I'm not convinced this is useful...
            if (true)
                var format = $"F{doc.DistanceDisplayPrecision}";

                // Print image size in pixels
                RhinoApp.WriteLine("Image size in pixels: {0} x {1}",

                // Print image size in inches
                var width  = (double)(bitmap.Width / bitmap.HorizontalResolution);
                var height = (double)(bitmap.Height / bitmap.VerticalResolution);
                RhinoApp.WriteLine("Image size in inches: {0} x {1}",
                                   width.ToString(format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                   height.ToString(format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

                // Image size in in model units, if needed
                if (doc.ModelUnitSystem != UnitSystem.Inches)
                    width  = (double)(bitmap.Width / bitmap.HorizontalResolution * unit_scale);
                    height = (double)(bitmap.Height / bitmap.VerticalResolution * unit_scale);
                    RhinoApp.WriteLine("Image size in {0}: {1} x {2}",
                                       width.ToString(format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                       height.ToString(format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

            // Convert the bitmap to an Eto bitmap
            var eto_bitmap = ConvertBitmapToEto(bitmap);

            if (null == eto_bitmap)
                RhinoApp.WriteLine("Unable to convert image to Eto bitmap.");

            // 12-Jan-2021 Dale Fugier
            // This should prevent Eto.Drawing.BitmapData.GetPixels() from throwing an exception
            if (!IsCompatibleBitmap(eto_bitmap))
                RhinoApp.WriteLine("The image has an incompatible pixel format. Please select an image with 24 or 32 bits per pixel, or 8 bit indexed.");

            // This bitmap is not needed anymore, so dispose of it

            // Gets the Potrace settings from the plug-in settings file

            // Create the conduit, which does most of the work
            var conduit = new VectorizeConduit(
          ? Rhino.ApplicationSettings.AppearanceSettings.SelectedObjectColor
          : doc.Layers.CurrentLayer.Color
                Enabled = true

            if (mode == RunMode.Interactive)
                // Show the interactive dialog box
                var dialog = new VectorizeDialog(doc, conduit);
                var result = dialog.ShowSemiModal(doc, RhinoEtoApp.MainWindow);
                if (result != Result.Success)
                    conduit.Enabled = false;
                // Show the command line options
                var go = new GetOption();
                go.SetCommandPrompt("Vectorization options. Press Enter when done");
                while (true)


                    // IgnoreArea
                    var turdsize_opt = new OptionInteger(Potrace.turdsize, 2, 100);
                    var turdsize_idx = go.AddOptionInteger("FilterSize", ref turdsize_opt, "Filter speckles of up to this size in pixels");

                    // TurnPolicy
                    var turnpolicy_idx = go.AddOptionEnumList("TurnPolicy", Potrace.turnpolicy);

                    // Optimizing
                    var curveoptimizing_opt = new OptionToggle(Potrace.curveoptimizing, "No", "Yes");
                    var curveoptimizing_idx = go.AddOptionToggle("Optimizing", ref curveoptimizing_opt);

                    // Tolerance
                    var opttolerance_opt = new OptionDouble(Potrace.opttolerance, 0.0, 1.0);
                    var opttolerance_idx = go.AddOptionDouble("Tolerance", ref opttolerance_opt, "Optimizing tolerance");

                    // CornerThreshold
                    var alphamax_opt = new OptionDouble(Potrace.alphamax, 0.0, 100.0);
                    var alphamax_idx = go.AddOptionDouble("CornerRounding", ref alphamax_opt, "Corner rounding threshold");

                    // Threshold
                    var threshold_opt = new OptionDouble(Potrace.Treshold, 0.0, 100.0);
                    var threshold_idx = go.AddOptionDouble("Threshold", ref threshold_opt, "Threshold");

                    // RestoreDefaults
                    var defaults_idx = go.AddOption("RestoreDefaults");

                    var res = go.Get();

                    if (res == GetResult.Option)
                        var option = go.Option();
                        if (null != option)
                            if (turdsize_idx == option.Index)
                                Potrace.turdsize = turdsize_opt.CurrentValue;

                            if (turnpolicy_idx == option.Index)
                                var list = Enum.GetValues(typeof(TurnPolicy)).Cast <TurnPolicy>().ToList();
                                Potrace.turnpolicy = list[option.CurrentListOptionIndex];

                            if (curveoptimizing_idx == option.Index)
                                Potrace.curveoptimizing = curveoptimizing_opt.CurrentValue;

                            if (opttolerance_idx == option.Index)
                                Potrace.opttolerance = opttolerance_opt.CurrentValue;

                            if (alphamax_idx == option.Index)
                                Potrace.alphamax = alphamax_opt.CurrentValue;

                            if (threshold_idx == option.Index)
                                Potrace.Treshold = threshold_opt.CurrentValue;

                            if (defaults_idx == option.Index)

                    if (res != GetResult.Nothing)
                        conduit.Enabled = false;


            // Group curves
            var attributes = doc.CreateDefaultAttributes();

            for (var i = 0; i < conduit.OutlineCurves.Count; i++)
                var rhobj_id = doc.Objects.AddCurve(conduit.OutlineCurves[i], attributes);
                if (m_select_output)
                    var rhobj = doc.Objects.Find(rhobj_id);
                    if (null != rhobj)

            conduit.Enabled = false;

            // Set the Potrace settings to the plug -in settings file.

        protected override Result RunCommand(RhinoDoc doc, RunMode mode)
            // A properties of a Rhino material define what is required to draw an
            // object using OpenGL. Most rendering plug-ins require a much richer
            // defintion than this. And, not all rendering  plug-ins support the
            // same material properties. This is where Render materials come in.
            // An Render material is an abstract material - one that is defined
            // by the the owning render plug-in. But a basic Render material does
            // share some properties with a Rhino material.

            // This example demonstrates how to create a basic Render material.
            // This material will appear in Rhino's Materials panel. It it called
            // basic material because it does not target any particular rendering
            // plug-in.

            // 1.) Create some Rhino materials
            var red_material = new Material
                DiffuseColor = Color.Red,
                Name         = "Red"

            var green_material = new Material
                DiffuseColor = Color.Green,
                Name         = "Green"

            var blue_material = new Material
                DiffuseColor = Color.Blue,
                Name         = "Blue"

            // 2.) Create basic Render materials from Rhino materials
            var red_render_material   = RenderMaterial.CreateBasicMaterial(red_material);
            var green_render_material = RenderMaterial.CreateBasicMaterial(green_material);
            var blue_render_material  = RenderMaterial.CreateBasicMaterial(blue_material);

            // 3.) Add basic Render materials to the RDK document

            // At this point, you will see render materials show up in Rhino's
            // Materials panel. Note, doc.Materials.Count will equal 0. This is
            // because we have not added any Rhino materials. We've only added
            // Render materials. When you assign a Render material to an object
            // or a layer, a compatible Rhino material will be added doc.Materials,
            // and this materiall will be referenced by the Render material.

            // Note, it is possible to add Rhino materials to the document. However,
            // they will not appear in the Materials panel until they are assigned
            // to objects or layers. Here is an example of this.

            // 1.) Create a Rhino material
            var magenta_material = new Material
                DiffuseColor = Color.Magenta,
                Name         = "Magenta"

            // 2.) Add the Rhino material to the document
            var magenta_material_index = doc.Materials.Add(magenta_material);

            // 3.) Create an object and assign the Rhino material to it.
            var sphere     = new Sphere(Plane.WorldXY, 5);
            var attributes = doc.CreateDefaultAttributes();

            attributes.MaterialSource = ObjectMaterialSource.MaterialFromObject;
            attributes.MaterialIndex  = magenta_material_index;
            doc.Objects.AddSphere(sphere, attributes);


        public Guid Bake(RhinoDoc doc, ObjectAttributes att = null, bool flipYZ = false)
            if (att == null)
                att = doc.CreateDefaultAttributes();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Layer))
                var layer = doc.Layers.FindName(Layer, RhinoMath.UnsetIntIndex);

                if (layer == null)
                    att.LayerIndex = doc.Layers.Add(new Layer()
                        Name = Layer
                    att.LayerIndex = layer.Index;

            var geometry = Geometry;

            if (Geometry is Mesh)
                if (flipYZ)
                    geometry = (Geometry as Mesh).FlipYZ();

                if (Material != null)
                    att.ColorSource    = ObjectColorSource.ColorFromMaterial;
                    att.MaterialSource = ObjectMaterialSource.MaterialFromObject;

                    double transparency = Material.Transparency;
                    if (flipYZ)
                        transparency = 1 - transparency;

                    var material = new Material
                        DiffuseColor  = Material.Diffuse,
                        EmissionColor = Material.Emission,
                        Transparency  = transparency

                    var texture = Material.GetBitmapTexture(true);

                    if (texture != null)

                    var matIndex = doc.Materials.Add(material);
                    att.MaterialIndex = matIndex;
            else if (Material != null)
                att.ColorSource = ObjectColorSource.ColorFromObject;
                att.ObjectColor = Material.Diffuse;

            return(doc.Objects.Add(geometry, att));