Exemple #1
    private static ResourceDropdown Create(Transform parent, Vector3 localPosition, ResourceQuantityQualityList choiceRqqList, string taskName, Domain domain, bool isStatic)
        GameObject       newGo            = new GameObject("Resource Dropdown");
        ResourceDropdown resourceDropdown = newGo.AddComponent <ResourceDropdown>();

        resourceDropdown.choiceRqqList = choiceRqqList;
        resourceDropdown.taskName      = taskName;
        resourceDropdown.domain        = domain;

        int resInd = 0;

        foreach (ResourceQuantityQuality rqq in choiceRqqList.rqqList)
            Dictionary <string, Sprite> stringSprite = rqq.GetImageOptions(rqq.minTier);

            // Create the button
            resourceDropdown.elements.Add(UIElementFunctions.Dropdown(parent, null, "", localPosition, new Vector2(64, 64)));
            //resourceDropdown[resInd].transform.localPosition = localPosition;

            localPosition.x += imageSize * 3 / 2;
            resourceDropdown.elements[resInd].thisGo.name = "Resource Dropdown Item";
            resourceDropdown.elements[resInd].childHeight = imageSize;

            int ind = 0;
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Sprite> entry in stringSprite)
                ResourceNameQuantityQuality nqq = new ResourceNameQuantityQuality(entry.Key, QualityEnum.any, rqq.quantity);

                if (ind == 0)
                    resourceDropdown.elements[resInd].imageGo.sprite = entry.Value;
                    resourceDropdown.elements[resInd].textGo.text    = "";
                    resourceDropdown.elements[resInd].defName        = entry.Key;
                if (!isStatic)
                    resourceDropdown.elements[resInd].children[ind].tooltipData    = entry.Key;
                    resourceDropdown.elements[resInd].children[ind].defName        = entry.Key;
                    resourceDropdown.elements[resInd].children[ind].imageGo.sprite = entry.Value;

                if (!nqq.CheckResource(domain.stock))
                    if (ind == 0)
                        resourceDropdown.elements[resInd].imageGo.color = Color.red;
                        resourceDropdown.elements[resInd].allowed       = false;
                    if (!isStatic)
                        resourceDropdown.elements[resInd].children[ind].imageGo.color         = Color.red;
                        resourceDropdown.elements[resInd].children[ind].buttonGo.interactable = false;
                        resourceDropdown.elements[resInd].children[ind].allowed = false;
                if (!isStatic)
                    resourceDropdown.elements[resInd].children[ind].textGo.text = "";

                // Add a quantity text
                string          quantityString = rqq.quantity.ToString();
                CustomUIElement temp           = UIElementFunctions.TextOnly(resourceDropdown.elements[resInd].thisGo.transform, quantityString, new Vector3(0, imageSize - 20), new Vector2(imageSize, 20F));
                temp.textGo.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;

Exemple #2
    // Constructor
    public JobDef(string csvLine, Dictionary <string, List <int> > column)
        guid = Guid.NewGuid();

        inputResources        = new ResourceQuantityQualityList();
        outputName            = new List <string>();
        defaultOutputQuantity = new List <int>();

        string[] values = csvLine.Split(',');

        // Job Name
        if (values[column["Job Name"][0]].Length > 0)
            name = values[column["Job Name"][0]];

        // Description
        if (values[column["Description"][0]].Length > 0)
            description = values[column["Description"][0]];

        if (values[column["Industry"][0]].Length > 0)
            industry = values[column["Industry"][0]];

        if (values[column["Skill"][0]].Length > 0)
            skill = values[column["Skill"][0]];

        // Tier
        if (values[column["Tier"][0]].Length > 0)
            if (!Int32.TryParse(values[column["Tier"][0]], out tier))
                Debug.Log("Cannot Parse Job Tier");

        // Tiles Required
        if (values[column["Tiles Required"][0]].Length > 0)
            tileRequired = values[column["Tiles Required"][0]];

        // Max Workers
        if (values[column["Work PMU"][0]].Length > 0)
            if (!Single.TryParse(values[column["Work PMU"][0]], out defaultPMUs))
                Debug.Log("Cannot Parse Work PMU");

        // Resources to Craft
        List <int> inputName  = column["Input Name"];
        List <int> inputType  = column["Input Type"];
        List <int> inputTier  = column["Input Tier"];
        List <int> inputQuant = column["Input Quantity"];

        for (int i = 0; i < inputName.Count; i++)
            // Check for NQQ
            if (values[inputName[i]].Length > 0)
                string name = values[inputName[i]];
                int    quantity;
                if (!Int32.TryParse(values[inputQuant[i]], out quantity))
                    Debug.Log("Cannot Parse Input Quantity: " + values[inputQuant[i]]);
                ResourceNameQuantityQuality nqq = new ResourceNameQuantityQuality(name, QualityEnum.any, quantity);
                // Error check
                if (values[inputType[i]].Length > 0)
                    Debug.LogWarning("Job Definition file should not have both Name and Type of a Job Input Resource");
            // check for TQQ
            else if (values[inputType[i]].Length > 0)
                string type = values[inputType[i]];
                int    quantity, minTier;
                if (!Int32.TryParse(values[inputQuant[i]], out quantity))
                    Debug.Log("Cannot Parse Input Quantity: " + values[inputQuant[i]]);
                if (!Int32.TryParse(values[inputTier[i]], out minTier))
                    Debug.Log("Cannot Parse Input Tier: " + values[inputTier[i]]);
                ResourceTypeQuantityQuality tqq = new ResourceTypeQuantityQuality(type, QualityEnum.any, quantity, minTier);

        // Output Resources
        List <int> outputNameC     = column["Output Name"];
        List <int> outputQuantityC = column["Output Quantity"];

        for (int i = 0; i < outputNameC.Count; i++)
            // Output Name
            if (values[outputNameC[i]].Length > 0)             // There is an output in this column
                outputName.Add(values[column["Output Name"][0]]);
                int q = 0;
                if (!Int32.TryParse(values[outputQuantityC[i]], out q))
                    Debug.Log("Cannot Parse Output Quantity");