public static ReplicatedTableQuorumWriteResult TryWriteBlobQuorum <T>(List <CloudBlockBlob> blobs, T configuration, Func <string, T> ParseBlobFunc, Func <T, T, bool> ConfigIdComparer, Func <T, T> GenerateConfigId)
            where T : ReplicatedTableConfigurationBase, new()
            // Fetch all blobs ...
            List <T>      valuesArray;
            List <string> eTagsArray;
            List <ReplicatedTableReadBlobResult> resultArray = TryReadAllBlobs(blobs, out valuesArray, out eTagsArray, ParseBlobFunc);

            // Find majority ...
            int quorumIndex;
            ReplicatedTableQuorumReadResult majority = FindMajority(resultArray, valuesArray, out quorumIndex);
            string readDetails = majority.ToString();

            switch (majority.Code)
            case ReplicatedTableQuorumReadCode.NotFound:
                // Create blobs ...

            case ReplicatedTableQuorumReadCode.UpdateInProgress:
                return(new ReplicatedTableQuorumWriteResult(ReplicatedTableQuorumWriteCode.ConflictDueToUpdateInProgress, readDetails));

            case ReplicatedTableQuorumReadCode.Exception:
                return(new ReplicatedTableQuorumWriteResult(ReplicatedTableQuorumWriteCode.ReadExceptions, readDetails));

            case ReplicatedTableQuorumReadCode.NullOrLowSuccessRate:
                return(new ReplicatedTableQuorumWriteResult(ReplicatedTableQuorumWriteCode.ReadNoQuorum, readDetails));

            case ReplicatedTableQuorumReadCode.Success:
                // Blob has changed since ...
                if (ConfigIdComparer(valuesArray[quorumIndex], configuration) == false)
                    return(new ReplicatedTableQuorumWriteResult(ReplicatedTableQuorumWriteCode.ConflictDueToBlobChange, readDetails));

                // Update blobs ...

            case ReplicatedTableQuorumReadCode.BlobsNotInSyncOrTransitioning:
                return(new ReplicatedTableQuorumWriteResult(ReplicatedTableQuorumWriteCode.BlobsNotInSyncOrTransitioning, readDetails));

                var msg = string.Format("Unexpected value majority=\'{0}\' ", majority.Code);
                throw new Exception(msg);

            // Generate a new Id for the copy of the input configuration
            T      newConfiguration = GenerateConfigId(configuration);
            string content          = newConfiguration.ToString();

            // Update blobs ...
            int numberOfBlobs = blobs.Count;

            ReplicatedTableWriteBlobResult[] writeResultArray = new ReplicatedTableWriteBlobResult[numberOfBlobs];

            Parallel.For(0, numberOfBlobs, index =>
                T currentValue     = valuesArray[index];
                string currentETag = eTagsArray[index];

                if (currentValue == null)
                    currentETag = null;
                else if (!ConfigIdComparer(currentValue, configuration))
                    currentETag = "*";

                writeResultArray[index] = TryWriteBlob(blobs[index], content, currentETag);

            int successRate = writeResultArray.Count(e => e.Success == true);
            int quorum      = (numberOfBlobs / 2) + 1;

            if (successRate >= quorum)
                // Return new config Id to the caller for record
                string newConfId = newConfiguration.GetConfigId().ToString();
                return(new ReplicatedTableQuorumWriteResult(ReplicatedTableQuorumWriteCode.Success, newConfId, writeResultArray.ToList()));

            return(new ReplicatedTableQuorumWriteResult(ReplicatedTableQuorumWriteCode.QuorumWriteFailure, writeResultArray.ToList()));
Exemple #2
        public void TurnReplicaOn(string storageAccountName, List <string> tablesToRepair, out List <ReplicatedTableRepairResult> failures)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(storageAccountName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("storageAccountName");

            if (tablesToRepair == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tablesToRepair");

            ReplicatedTableConfiguration configuration = null;

            failures = new List <ReplicatedTableRepairResult>();

            // - Retrieve configuration ...
            ReplicatedTableQuorumReadResult readResult = RetrieveConfiguration(out configuration);

            if (readResult.Code != ReplicatedTableQuorumReadCode.Success)
                var msg = string.Format("TurnReplicaOn={0}: failed to read configuration, \n{1}", storageAccountName, readResult.ToString());

                throw new Exception(msg);

            /* - Phase 1:
             *      Move the *replica* to the front and set it to None.
             *      Make the view ReadOnly.
            #region Phase 1


            // - Write back configuration, refresh its Id with the new one,
            //   but don't validate it is loaded bcz if all views of the config are empty, the config won't be refreshed by RefreshReadAndWriteViewsFromBlobs() thread!
            SaveConfigAndRefreshItsIdAndValidateIsLoaded(configuration, "Phase 1", false);


             * Chain is such: [None] -> [RO] -> ... -> [RO]
             *            or: [None] -> [None] -> ... -> [None]

            // - Wait for L + CF to make sure no pending transaction working on old views
            Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Constants.LeaseDurationInSec + Constants.ClockFactorInSec));

            /* - Phase 2:
             *      Set the *replica* (head) to WriteOnly and other active replicas to ReadWrite.
             *   Or, in case of one replic chain
             *      Set only the *replica* (head) to ReadWrite.
            #region Phase 2


            // - Write back configuration, refresh its Id with the new one,
            //   and then validate it is loaded now (it has to be working since next Phase is "Repair")
            SaveConfigAndRefreshItsIdAndValidateIsLoaded(configuration, "Phase 2");


             * Chain is such: [W] -> [RW] -> ... -> [RW]
             *            or: [RW] -> [None] -> ... -> [None]

            // To be safe:
            // - Wait for L + CF to make sure no pending transaction working on old views
            Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Constants.LeaseDurationInSec + Constants.ClockFactorInSec));

            /* - Phase 3:
             *      Repair all tables
            #region Phase 3

            foreach (var tableName in tablesToRepair)
                ReplicatedTableRepairResult result = RepairTable(tableName, storageAccountName, configuration);
                if (result.Code != ReplicatedTableRepairCode.Error)


                // List of tables (and corresponding views) failed to repair!


            /* - Phase 4:
             *      Set the *replica* (head) to ReadWrite.
            #region Phase 4

            // TODO: re-evaluate if we will support this API for partitioned tables ?
            configuration.EnableReadWriteOnReplicas(storageAccountName, failures.Select(r => r.ViewName).ToList());

            // - Write back configuration, refresh its Id with the new one,
            //   and then validate it is loaded now (i.e. it is a working config)
            SaveConfigAndRefreshItsIdAndValidateIsLoaded(configuration, "Phase 4");


             * Chain is such: [RW] -> [RW] -> ... -> [RW] if all configured table repaired
             *            or:  [W] -> [RW] -> ... -> [RW] if at least one configured table failed repair !