Exemple #1
        public double[] ColorReflection(IMaterial material, Vector3d normal, Vector3d input, Vector3d output, ReflectionComponent comp)
            if (!(material is PhongMaterial))

            PhongMaterial mat   = (PhongMaterial)material;
            int           bands = mat.Color.Length;

            double[] result  = new double[bands];
            bool     viewOut = Vector3d.Dot(output, normal) > 0.0;
            double   coef;

            if (input.Equals(Vector3d.Zero))  // ambient term only..
                // dim ambient light if viewer is inside
                coef = viewOut ? mat.Ka : (mat.Ka * mat.Kt);
                for (int i = 0; i < bands; i++)
                    result[i] = coef * mat.Color[i];


            // directional light source:
            double cosAlpha = Vector3d.Dot(input, normal);
            bool   lightOut = cosAlpha > 0.0;
            double ks       = mat.Ks;
            double kd       = mat.Kd;
            double kt       = mat.Kt;

            Vector3d r = Vector3d.Zero;

            coef = 1.0;
            if (viewOut == lightOut)        // viewer and source are on the same side..
                if ((comp & ReflectionComponent.SPECULAR_REFLECTION) != 0)
                    double cos2 = cosAlpha + cosAlpha;
                    r = normal * cos2 - input;

                    if (!lightOut &&          // total reflection check
                        -cosAlpha <= mat.cosTotal)
                        if ((ks += kt) + kd > 1.0)
                            ks = 1.0 - kd;
            else                            // opposite sides => use specular refraction
                if ((comp & ReflectionComponent.SPECULAR_REFRACTION) != 0)
                    r = Geometry.SpecularRefraction(normal, mat.n, input);
                coef = kt;

            double diffuse = (comp & ReflectionComponent.DIFFUSE) == 0 ? 0.0 : coef *kd *Math.Abs(cosAlpha);

            double specular = 0.0;

            if (r != Vector3d.Zero)
                double cosBeta = Vector3d.Dot(r, output);
                if (cosBeta > 0.0)
                    specular = coef * ks * Arith.Pow(cosBeta, mat.H);

            for (int i = 0; i < bands; i++)
                result[i] = diffuse * mat.Color[i] + specular;

Exemple #2
        public double[] ColorReflection( IMaterial material, Vector3d normal, Vector3d input, Vector3d output, ReflectionComponent comp )
            if ( !(material is PhongMaterial) ) return null;

              PhongMaterial mat = (PhongMaterial)material;
              int bands = mat.Color.Length;
              double[] result = new double[ bands ];
              bool viewOut = Vector3d.Dot( output, normal ) > 0.0;
              double coef;

              if ( input.Equals( Vector3d.Zero ) )    // ambient term only..
            // dim ambient light if viewer is inside
            coef = viewOut ? mat.Ka : (mat.Ka * mat.Kt);
            for ( int i = 0; i < bands; i++ )
              result[ i ] = coef * mat.Color[ i ];

            return result;

              // directional light source:
              double cosAlpha = Vector3d.Dot( input, normal );
              bool   lightOut = cosAlpha > 0.0;
              double ks = mat.Ks;
              double kd = mat.Kd;
              double kt = mat.Kt;

              Vector3d r = Vector3d.Zero;
              coef       = 1.0;
              if ( viewOut == lightOut )            // viewer and source are on the same side..
            if ( (comp & ReflectionComponent.SPECULAR_REFLECTION) != 0 )
              double cos2 = cosAlpha + cosAlpha;
              r = normal * cos2 - input;

              if ( !lightOut &&                   // total reflection check
               -cosAlpha <= mat.cosTotal )
            if ( (ks += kt) + kd > 1.0 )
              ks = 1.0 - kd;
              else                                  // opposite sides => use specular refraction
            if ( (comp & ReflectionComponent.SPECULAR_REFRACTION) != 0 )
              r = Geometry.SpecularRefraction( normal, mat.n, input );
            coef = kt;

              double diffuse = (comp & ReflectionComponent.DIFFUSE) == 0 ? 0.0 : coef * kd * Math.Abs( cosAlpha );
              double specular = 0.0;

              if ( r != Vector3d.Zero )
            double cosBeta = Vector3d.Dot( r, output );
            if ( cosBeta > 0.0 )
              specular = coef * ks * Arith.Pow( cosBeta, mat.H );

              for ( int i = 0; i < bands; i++ )
            result[i] = diffuse * mat.Color[i] + specular;

              return result;
Exemple #3
 public double[] ColorReflection(Intersection intersection, Vector3d input, Vector3d output, ReflectionComponent comp)
     return(ColorReflection(intersection.Material, intersection.Normal, input, output, comp));
Exemple #4
 public double[] ColorReflection( Intersection intersection, Vector3d input, Vector3d output, ReflectionComponent comp )
     return ColorReflection( intersection.Material, intersection.Normal, input, output, comp );