Exemple #1
        private void LoadCrossLinks(RealGeometryFile rgf)
            if (Compiler.Options["xlink"] != null)
                FileStream   fs = new FileStream(Compiler.Options["xlink"], FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs);
                string       line;
                int          lineNum = 0;
                    line = sr.ReadLine();
                    if (line != null)
                        if (line.StartsWith("#") || line.StartsWith("//") || line.StartsWith(";"))
                            // comment
                            if (line.IndexOf('=') > -1)
                                string[] split      = line.Split('=');
                                string   nameOrig   = ResolveRealNameForce(split[0].Trim());
                                uint     hashOrig   = RealHash(nameOrig);
                                string   nameTarget = ResolveRealNameForce(split[1].Trim());
                                int      partIndex  = rgf.FindPartIndex(RealHash(nameTarget));

                                if (partIndex > -1)
                                    if (rgf.FindPartIndex(hashOrig) > -1)
                                        Compiler.WarningOutput(string.Format(" + Part already exists: {0} at line {1}", split[1], lineNum));
                                        Compiler.VerboseOutput(string.Format(" + Crosslink from {0} to {1}", split[0], split[1]));
                                        RealGeometryPart partTarget = rgf[partIndex];
                                        RealGeometryPart partOrig   = new RealGeometryPart();
                                        partOrig.PartData = partTarget.PartData;
                                        partOrig.PartInfo = partTarget.PartInfo;

                                        partOrig.PartInfo.PartName = new FixedLenString(nameOrig);
                                        partOrig.PartInfo.Hash     = hashOrig;

                                    Compiler.WarningOutput(string.Format(" + No such target part: {0} at line {1}", split[1], lineNum));
                }while (line != null);

Exemple #2
        public RealGeometryFile Collect(AseFile aseFile)
            RealGeometryFile geom   = new RealGeometryFile();
            Hashtable        MatTex = new Hashtable();


            for (int i = 0; i < aseFile.MaterialList.Count; i++)
                MatTex.Add(i.ToString(), GetMatTexPair(aseFile.MaterialList[i].Name));
                if (aseFile.MaterialList[i].HasSubMaterials)
                    for (int j = 0; j < aseFile.MaterialList[i].SubMaterialCount; j++)
                        MatTex.Add(string.Format("{0}/{1}", i, j), GetMatTexPair(aseFile.MaterialList[i][j].Name));

            ArrayList mountPointObjects = new ArrayList();
            //ArrayList transparentObjects = new ArrayList(new string[] {"base_a","kit00_front_window_a","kit00_left_headlight_a"});
            ArrayList transparentObjects = new ArrayList();
            int       diffuse;

            ArrayList basePartObjects = new ArrayList();

            for (int i = 0; i < aseFile.ObjectCount; i++)
                Compiler.VerboseOutput(string.Format("Compiling object {0}: {1}", i + 1, aseFile[i].Name));

                if (aseFile[i].Name.StartsWith("#"))
                    string mountName;
                    uint   mountHash;
                    mountName = aseFile[i].Name.Substring(1).ToUpper();
                    if (mountName.IndexOf("[") > -1)
                        mountName = mountName.Substring(0, mountName.IndexOf("["));
                    if (mountName.StartsWith("0x"))
                        mountHash = uint.Parse(mountName.Substring(2), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                        mountHash = RealHash(mountName);
                    Compiler.VerboseOutput(string.Format(" + Mount Point Name: {0}", mountName));
                    Compiler.VerboseOutput(string.Format(" + Compiled Hash: 0x{0:x}", mountHash));
                    RealMountPoint mp = new RealMountPoint();
                    mp.Hash        = mountHash;
                    mp.Transform   = new RealMatrix();
                    mp.Transform.m = new float[16];
                    float[] transform = aseFile[i].Transform.Matrix;
                    mp.Transform.m[0]  = 1.0f;
                    mp.Transform.m[5]  = 1.0f;
                    mp.Transform.m[10] = 1.0f;
                    mp.Transform.m[15] = 1.0f;
                    mp.Transform.m[12] = -transform[13];                    //y
                    mp.Transform.m[13] = transform[12];                     //x
                    mp.Transform.m[14] = transform[14];                     //z

                    Hashtable  subMeshes = new Hashtable();
                    UniqueList textures  = new UniqueList();
                    UniqueList materials = new UniqueList();

                    if (transparentObjects.Contains(aseFile[i].Name))
                        diffuse = 0x7FFFFFFF;
                        diffuse = -1;

                    for (int j = 0; j < aseFile[i].Mesh.FaceList.Count; j++)
                        SubMesh subMesh;
                        AseFace face = aseFile[i].Mesh.FaceList[j];

                        string matId = aseFile[i].MaterialReference.ToString();
                        if (aseFile.MaterialList[aseFile[i].MaterialReference].HasSubMaterials)
                            matId += string.Format("/{0}", face.MaterialID);

                        MatTexPair       pair    = new MatTexPair();
                        MatTexStringPair strPair = (MatTexStringPair)MatTex[matId];
                        pair.Material = materials.Add(strPair.Material);
                        pair.Texture  = textures.Add(strPair.Texture);

                        if (subMeshes.ContainsKey(pair))
                            subMesh = subMeshes[pair] as SubMesh;
                            subMesh            = new SubMesh();
                            subMesh.TextureId  = pair.Texture;
                            subMesh.MaterialId = pair.Material;
                            subMeshes.Add(pair, subMesh);

                        AseVertex v1  = aseFile[i].Mesh.VertexList[face.A];
                        AseVertex v2  = aseFile[i].Mesh.VertexList[face.B];
                        AseVertex v3  = aseFile[i].Mesh.VertexList[face.C];
                        AseVertex nv1 = face.NormalA;
                        AseVertex nv2 = face.NormalB;
                        AseVertex nv3 = face.NormalC;
                        AseVertex tv1 = aseFile[i].Mesh.TextureVertexList[face.TextureA];
                        AseVertex tv2 = aseFile[i].Mesh.TextureVertexList[face.TextureB];
                        AseVertex tv3 = aseFile[i].Mesh.TextureVertexList[face.TextureC];

                        RealVertex rv;

                        // rv.Z controls UP/DOWN from front view
                        // rv.Y controls LEFT/RIGHT from front view
                        // rv.X controls IN/OUT from front view

                        // v1
                        rv = new RealVertex();
                        rv.Initialize(true, 0);

                        rv.Position.x = -v1.Y;
                        rv.Position.y = v1.X;
                        rv.Position.z = v1.Z;
                        rv.Normal.x   = -nv1.Y;
                        rv.Normal.y   = nv1.X;
                        rv.Normal.z   = nv1.Z;

                        rv.Diffuse = diffuse;
                        rv.UV.u    = tv1.U;
                        rv.UV.v    = tv1.V;


                        // v2
                        rv = new RealVertex();
                        rv.Initialize(true, 0);

                        rv.Position.x = -v2.Y;
                        rv.Position.y = v2.X;
                        rv.Position.z = v2.Z;
                        rv.Normal.x   = -nv2.Y;
                        rv.Normal.y   = nv2.X;
                        rv.Normal.z   = nv2.Z;

                        rv.Diffuse = diffuse;
                        rv.UV.u    = tv2.U;
                        rv.UV.v    = tv2.V;


                        // v3
                        rv = new RealVertex();
                        rv.Initialize(true, 0);

                        rv.Position.x = -v3.Y;
                        rv.Position.y = v3.X;
                        rv.Position.z = v3.Z;
                        rv.Normal.x   = -nv3.Y;
                        rv.Normal.y   = nv3.X;
                        rv.Normal.z   = nv3.Z;

                        rv.Diffuse = diffuse;
                        rv.UV.u    = tv3.U;
                        rv.UV.v    = tv3.V;


                    Compiler.VerboseOutput(string.Format(" + Compiled into {0} submeshes", subMeshes.Count));
                    SubMesh[] subMeshList = new SubMesh[subMeshes.Count];
                    subMeshes.Values.CopyTo(subMeshList, 0);
                    for (int j = 0; j < subMeshes.Count; j++)
                        SubMesh subMesh = subMeshList[j];

                        Compiler.VerboseOutput(string.Format(" + Submesh {0}:", j + 1));
                        Compiler.VerboseOutput(string.Format("    + Material:  {0}", materials[subMesh.MaterialId]));
                        Compiler.VerboseOutput(string.Format("    + Texture:   {0}", textures[subMesh.TextureId]));
                        Compiler.VerboseOutput(string.Format("    + Vertices:  {0}", subMesh.VertexList.Count));
                        Compiler.VerboseOutput(string.Format("    + Triangles: {0}", subMesh.IndexList.Count / 3));

                    Compiler.VerboseOutput(string.Format("Creating part data for binary object file..."));

                    RealGeometryPart part = new RealGeometryPart();

                    //----- part info ----------

                    RealVector4 boundsMin;
                    RealVector4 boundsMax;

                    if (aseFile[i].Name.ToUpper().StartsWith("BASE_"))

                    string resolvedName = ResolveRealNameForce(aseFile[i].Name);

                    part.PartInfo.Hash        = RealHash(resolvedName);
                    part.PartInfo.PartName    = new FixedLenString(resolvedName);
                    part.PartInfo.ShaderCount = (byte)materials.Count;
                    part.PartInfo.Shaders     = new uint[materials.Count];
                    for (int j = 0; j < materials.Count; j++)
                        string matName = materials[j] as string;
                        if (matName.StartsWith("0x"))
                            part.PartInfo.Shaders[j] = uint.Parse(matName.Substring(2), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                            part.PartInfo.Shaders[j] = RealHash(matName);

                    part.PartInfo.TextureCount = (byte)textures.Count;
                    part.PartInfo.Textures     = new uint[textures.Count];
                    for (int j = 0; j < textures.Count; j++)
                        string texName = textures[j] as string;
                        if (texName.StartsWith("0x"))
                            part.PartInfo.Textures[j] = uint.Parse(texName.Substring(2), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                            part.PartInfo.Textures[j] = RealHash(ResolveRealName(texName));

                    part.PartInfo.Transform.m = aseFile[i].Transform.Matrix;

                     * part.PartInfo.Transform.m = new float[16];
                     * part.PartInfo.Transform.m[0] = 1.0f;
                     * part.PartInfo.Transform.m[5] = 1.0f;
                     * part.PartInfo.Transform.m[10] = 1.0f;
                     * part.PartInfo.Transform.m[15] = 1.0f;

                    part.PartInfo.TriangleCount = aseFile[i].Mesh.FaceList.Count;

                    part.PartInfo.Unk1 = 0x00400018;
                    part.PartInfo.Unk2 = 0x000EA550;
                    part.PartInfo.Unk3 = 0x000EA550;

                    part.PartInfo.Unk4_MW = 0;
                    part.PartInfo.Unk5_MW = 1;
                    part.PartInfo.Unk6_MW = part.PartInfo.TriangleCount;

                    //----- part data ----------

                    part.PartData.Flags = 0x000080 + /* 0x000100 */ +0x004000 /* + 0x010000*/;

                    part.PartData.GroupCount = subMeshList.Length;
                    part.PartData.Groups     = new RealShadingGroup[subMeshList.Length];

                    int indexOffset = 0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < subMeshList.Length; j++)
                        SubMesh subMesh = subMeshList[j];
                        part.PartData.Groups[j] = new RealShadingGroup();

                        boundsMin = new RealVector4();
                        boundsMax = new RealVector4();
                        if (subMesh.VertexList.Count > 0)
                            RealVector3 v = ((RealVertex)subMesh.VertexList[0]).Position;
                            boundsMin.x = v.x;
                            boundsMin.y = v.y;
                            boundsMin.z = v.z;
                            boundsMax   = boundsMin;
                        for (int k = 1; k < subMesh.VertexList.Count; k++)
                            RealVector3 v = ((RealVertex)subMesh.VertexList[k]).Position;
                            if (v.x > boundsMax.x)
                                boundsMax.x = v.x;
                            if (v.y > boundsMax.y)
                                boundsMax.y = v.y;
                            if (v.z > boundsMax.z)
                                boundsMax.z = v.z;
                            if (v.x < boundsMin.x)
                                boundsMin.x = v.x;
                            if (v.y < boundsMin.y)
                                boundsMin.y = v.y;
                            if (v.z < boundsMin.z)
                                boundsMin.z = v.z;
                        part.PartData.Groups[j].BoundsMax = new RealVector3(boundsMax.x, boundsMax.y, boundsMax.z);
                        part.PartData.Groups[j].BoundsMin = new RealVector3(boundsMin.x, boundsMin.y, boundsMin.z);

                        part.PartData.Groups[j].Length        = subMesh.IndexList.Count;
                        part.PartData.Groups[j].TextureIndex0 = (byte)subMesh.TextureId;
                        part.PartData.Groups[j].TextureIndex1 = (byte)subMesh.TextureId;
                        part.PartData.Groups[j].TextureIndex2 = (byte)subMesh.TextureId;
                        part.PartData.Groups[j].TextureIndex3 = (byte)subMesh.TextureId;
                        part.PartData.Groups[j].TextureIndex4 = (byte)subMesh.TextureId;
                        part.PartData.Groups[j].ShaderIndex0  = (byte)subMesh.MaterialId;

                        part.PartData.Groups[j].Unk1  = 0x4;
                        part.PartData.Groups[j].Flags = part.PartData.Flags;

                        part.PartData.Groups[j].VertexCount   = subMesh.VertexList.Count;
                        part.PartData.Groups[j].TriangleCount = subMesh.IndexList.Count / 3;

                        part.PartData.Groups[j].Offset = indexOffset;

                        indexOffset += subMesh.IndexList.Count;

                    // -- bit of partinfo here -- caclulate bounds
                    boundsMin = new RealVector4();
                    boundsMax = new RealVector4();
                    if (part.PartData.Groups.Length > 0)
                        RealVector3 v = part.PartData.Groups[0].BoundsMin;
                        boundsMin.x = v.x;
                        boundsMin.y = v.y;
                        boundsMin.z = v.z;
                        v           = part.PartData.Groups[0].BoundsMax;
                        boundsMax.x = v.x;
                        boundsMax.y = v.y;
                        boundsMax.z = v.z;
                    for (int j = 1; j < part.PartData.Groups.Length; j++)
                        RealVector3 v = part.PartData.Groups[j].BoundsMax;
                        if (v.x > boundsMax.x)
                            boundsMax.x = v.x;
                        if (v.y > boundsMax.y)
                            boundsMax.y = v.y;
                        if (v.z > boundsMax.z)
                            boundsMax.z = v.z;

                        v = part.PartData.Groups[j].BoundsMin;
                        if (v.x < boundsMin.x)
                            boundsMin.x = v.x;
                        if (v.y < boundsMin.y)
                            boundsMin.y = v.y;
                        if (v.z < boundsMin.z)
                            boundsMin.z = v.z;
                    part.PartInfo.BoundMax = boundsMax;
                    part.PartInfo.BoundMin = boundsMin;

                    // -- end --

                    part.PartData.IndexCount = indexOffset;
                    part.PartData.Indices    = new ushort[indexOffset];

                    int vertexOffset = 0;
                    indexOffset = 0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < subMeshList.Length; j++)
                        for (int k = 0; k < subMeshList[j].IndexList.Count; k++)
                            part.PartData.Indices[indexOffset++] = (ushort)((ushort)subMeshList[j].IndexList[k] + vertexOffset);
                        vertexOffset += subMeshList[j].VertexList.Count;

                    part.PartData.TriangleCount = indexOffset / 3;
                    part.PartData.Unk1          = 0x12;
                    part.PartData.VBCount       = 1;
                    part.PartData.Vertices      = new RealVertex[vertexOffset];

                    vertexOffset = 0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < subMeshList.Length; j++)
                        for (int k = 0; k < subMeshList[j].VertexList.Count; k++)
                            part.PartData.Vertices[vertexOffset++] = (RealVertex)subMeshList[j].VertexList[k];


                Compiler.VerboseOutput(" + Complete.");

            if (mountPointObjects.Count > 0)
                Compiler.VerboseOutput("Merging mount points into base parts...");
                if (basePartObjects.Count == 0)
                    Compiler.WarningOutput("Mount points provided without any base parts! Ignoring mount points.");
                    RealMountPoint[] mountPoints = new RealMountPoint[mountPointObjects.Count];
                    foreach (RealGeometryPart part in basePartObjects)
                        part.PartInfo.MountPoints = mountPoints;
                Compiler.VerboseOutput(" + Complete.");

            Compiler.VerboseOutput("Collecting part cross links...");

            geom.GeometryInfo.PartCount   = geom.PartCount;
            geom.GeometryInfo.Unk1        = 0x1D;
            geom.GeometryInfo.Unk2        = 0x80;
            geom.GeometryInfo.ClassType   = new FixedLenString("DEFAULT", 0x20);
            geom.GeometryInfo.RelFilePath = new FixedLenString("GEOMETRY.BIN", 0x38);

            Compiler.VerboseOutput("Data successfully collected.");
