Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create explosion with blast
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="loc"></param>
        /// <param name="mag"></param>
        public void MakeExplosion(Vector2 loc, float size)
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                if (TGPAContext.Instance.Cheatcodes.IsKawaii)
                    AddParticle(new HeartWave(loc, RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(-100f, 100f, -100f, 100f),
                                              RandomMachine.GetRandomFloat(size / 2, size * 2),
                                              RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4)));
                    AddParticle(new Smoke(loc, RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(-100f, 100f, -100f, 100f),
                                          0.40f, .40f, .40f, 1f,
                                          RandomMachine.GetRandomFloat(size / 2, size * 2),
                                          RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4)));

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                AddParticle(new Fire(loc, RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(-80f, 80f, -80f, 80f),
                                     size, RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4)));

            //AddParticle(new Shockwave(loc, true, 25f));
            //AddParticle(new Shockwave(loc, false, 10f));

            ////Shake screen
            //QuakeManager.SetBlast(1f, loc);
Exemple #2
        public void MakeFireFlash(Vector2 loc, Vector2 traj, bool smoke)
            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                AddParticle(new MuzzleFlash(loc + (traj * (float)i) * 0.0001f + RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(-5f, 5f, -5f, 5f),
                                            traj / 5f,
                                            (20f - (float)i) * 0.06f,

                AddParticle(new MuzzleFlash(loc + (traj * (float)i) * 0.0001f + RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(-1f, 1f, -1f, 1f),
                                            traj / 5f,
                                            (5f - (float)i) * 0.06f,

            if (smoke)
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    AddParticle(new Smoke(loc, RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(-10f, 10f, -10f, 0f),
                                          0f, 0f, 0f, 0.25f,
                                          RandomMachine.GetRandomFloat(0.25f, 1.0f),
                                          RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4)));
            public SnowballLauncherShot(Vector2 loc, Weapon wpn, double angle, SpriteEffects _flip) :
                     Rectangle.Empty,       //Sprite
                     new Vector2(250, 250), //Speed
                     Vector2.One,           //Scale
                     _flip, wpn, angle, true)
                this.visualRotation = 0f;

                if (RandomMachine.GetRandomFloat(0, 1) > 0.59f)
                    this.sRect = new Rectangle(768, 895, 107, 105);
                    this.sRect = new Rectangle(893, 891, 124, 116);

                float newScale = RandomMachine.GetRandomFloat(0.3f, 1.2f);

                this.Scale = new Vector2(newScale, newScale);

                int newSpeed = RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(250, 450);

                this.speed = new Vector2(newSpeed, newSpeed);

                this.hitbox = new CircleHitbox(this, true, 2f);

                this.Destructable = true;
                this.Points       = 250;
                this.Hp           = 15;
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Create customizable explosion
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="loc"></param>
        /// <param name="mag"></param>
        public void MakeCircularExplosion(Vector2 loc, float size, int precision)
            for (int i = 0; i < precision; i++)
                if (TGPAContext.Instance.Cheatcodes.IsKawaii)
                    AddParticle(new HeartWave(loc, RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(loc, size),
                                              RandomMachine.GetRandomFloat(1f, 1.5f),
                                              RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4)));
                    AddParticle(new Smoke(loc, RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(loc, size),
                                          0.40f, .40f, .40f, 1f,
                                          RandomMachine.GetRandomFloat(1f, 1.5f),
                                          RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4)));

            for (int i = 0; i < precision; i++)
                AddParticle(new Fire(loc, RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(-(size - 20), size - 20, -(size - 20), size),
                                     1f, RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4)));
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Create explosion
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="loc"></param>
        /// <param name="mag"></param>
        public void MakeExplosionWithoutQuake(Vector2 loc)
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (TGPAContext.Instance.Cheatcodes.IsKawaii)
                    AddParticle(new HeartWave(loc, RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(-100f, 100f, -100f, 100f),
                                              RandomMachine.GetRandomFloat(1f, 1.5f),
                                              RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4)));
                    AddParticle(new Smoke(loc, RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(-100f, 100f, -100f, 100f),
                                          0.40f, .40f, .40f, 1f,
                                          RandomMachine.GetRandomFloat(1f, 1.5f),
                                          RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4)));

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                AddParticle(new Fire(loc, RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(-80f, 80f, -80f, 80f),
                                     1f, RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4)));

            //AddParticle(new Shockwave(loc, true, 25f));
            //AddParticle(new Shockwave(loc, false, 10f))
Exemple #6
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            if (!targetFound)
                Pattern = null;

                //Chasing the player : build a move pattern on him
                MovePattern mp = new MovePattern();

                int rand = RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 1);

                Player p = TGPAContext.Instance.Player1;
                if ((rand == 0) && (TGPAContext.Instance.Player2 != null))
                    p = TGPAContext.Instance.Player2;


                if (location.X > (int)p.Location.X)
                    mp.AddPoint(new Point(-50, (int)p.Location.Y));
                    mp.AddPoint(new Point(TGPAContext.Instance.ScreenWidth + 100, (int)p.Location.Y));
                Pattern = mp;

                targetFound = true;

        public Rock(Vector2 loc, Vector2 scroll, Bonus bonus, MovePattern pattern, SpriteEffects flip, String[] flags) :
            base(loc, scroll, bonus, pattern, flags, flip,
                 Rectangle.Empty, //Source sprite
                 Vector2.Zero,    //Speed
            hp     = 3;
            points = 1000;

            this.icon = RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 3);
            if (this.icon == 3)
                this.icon = 1;                 //HACK
            sRect     = new Rectangle(0 + (128 * icon), 0, 128, 128);
            dRect     = ComputeDstRect(sRect);
            speedYBis = 0f;

            if (this.icon != 2)
                visualRotation = 0f;

            UseRotationWhenDrawing = true;
            this.hitbox     = new CircleHitbox(this, true, 2f);
            this.Background = true;
Exemple #8
        public void MakeBullet(Vector2 loc, Vector2 traj, bool background, Vector4 smokeColor, float smokeSize)
            MakeBullet(loc, traj, background);

            AddParticle(new Smoke(loc, traj,
                                  smokeColor.X, smokeColor.Y, smokeColor.Z, smokeColor.W,
                                  RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4)), background);
 public override void TodoOnDeath()
     TGPAContext.Instance.ParticleManager.AddParticle(new Fire(
                                                          Location + RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(10.0f, 10.0f, -10.0f, 10.0f),
                                                          RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(-30.0f, 30.0f, -10.0f, -5.0f),
                                                          RandomMachine.GetRandomFloat(0.25f, 0.5f),
                                                          RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4)));;
        /// <summary>
        /// Caca are stuck on the ground until player fly around them. Then the caca enable its powerfull jetpack to hit the player.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameTime"></param>
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            if (!launching)
                //Check if player is near the caca
                bool p1 = Math.Abs(TGPAContext.Instance.Player1.DstRect.Center.X - location.X) < 130;

                bool p2 = false;

                if (TGPAContext.Instance.Player2 != null)
                    p2 = Math.Abs(TGPAContext.Instance.Player2.DstRect.Center.X - location.X) < 130;

                if (p1 || p2)
                    launching = true;

                    //Smile on caca's face
                    sRect.X = 128;

                    //Play a funny sound

            //Fly !
            if (launching)
                speedBis    -= 5;
                this.speed.Y = speedBis;

                float tempsEcoule  = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
                float deplacementY = (speed.Y * tempsEcoule);

                location.Y += deplacementY;

                Vector2 newLoc = Vectors.ConvertPointToVector2(DstRect.Center);

                //Little smoke contrail
                TGPAContext.Instance.ParticleManager.AddParticle(new Smoke(newLoc, RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(0f, 0f, 10f, 40f),
                                                                           0.30f, 0.30f, 0.30f, 1f,
                                                                           RandomMachine.GetRandomFloat(0.1f, .3f),
                                                                           RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4)), true);

                Fire f = new Fire(newLoc, RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(0f, 0f, 10f, 40f),
                                  0.25f, RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4));
                TGPAContext.Instance.ParticleManager.AddParticle(f, true);


            if (launching)
                this.speed.Y = speedBis;
Exemple #11
        public EsquimoWaveGun()
            : base(true)
            cooldown = 200.0f;
            name     = "EsquimoWaveGun";
            damage   = 1;
            ammo     = InfiniteAmmo;

            randomSpace = RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(100, 200);
Exemple #12
            public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
                this.Removable = false;

                if (hp > 0)
                    //Toxic smoke
                    foreach (Vector2 v in barrelsLoc)
                        Vector2 v2 = v + location;

                            new Smoke(v2, RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(2f, 10f, 0f, -150f),
                                      0.10f, 1f, 0.10f, 1f,
                                      RandomMachine.GetRandomFloat(2f, 3f),
                                      RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4))
                            , true);
                    Vector2 boomLoc = RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(dRect.Left, dRect.Right, dRect.Top, dRect.Bottom);
                    TGPAContext.Instance.ParticleManager.MakeExplosion(boomLoc, 20f);

                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        boomLoc = RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(TGPAContext.Instance.TitleSafeArea.Left, TGPAContext.Instance.TitleSafeArea.Right, TGPAContext.Instance.TitleSafeArea.Top, TGPAContext.Instance.TitleSafeArea.Bottom);

                            new Smoke(boomLoc, RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(2f, 10f, 0f, -150f),
                                      0.10f, 1f, 0.10f, 1f,
                                      RandomMachine.GetRandomFloat(30f, 70f),
                                      RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4))
                            , true);

                    this.location.Y += 0.25f;
                    this.location.X += this.deltaX;
                    this.deltaX      = -this.deltaX;

                    if (TGPAContext.Instance.Map.Ended == Map.EndMode.None)
                        TGPAContext.Instance.Player1.SetRumble(new Vector2(0.7f, 0.7f));

                        if (TGPAContext.Instance.Player2 != null)
                            TGPAContext.Instance.Player2.SetRumble(new Vector2(0.7f, 0.7f));
Exemple #13
            public Sapin2(Vector2 location, float sc)
                : base(location, 18, new Rectangle(371, 1343, 551, 493), false)
                this.Scale  = new Vector2(sc, sc);
                this.Hitbox = new SquareHitbox(this, new Vector2(0.9f, 0.2f));

                int rand = RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 2);

                if (rand == 1)
                    this.Flip = SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally;
            public EarLaserWeapon()
                : base(true)
                cooldown  = 150.0f;
                name      = "EarLaserWeapon";
                damage    = 1;
                ammo      = InfiniteAmmo;
                fireAngle = Math.PI;

                fireDirectionDelta = RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(-1, 1);
                fireDirectionDelta = (fireDirectionDelta == -1) ? -0.20f : 0.20f;
                randomHole         = RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(3, 6);
                currentShot        = 0;
        private void Launch()
            for (int i = 0; i < RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(1, 4); i++)
                BadGuy rock = new Rock(new Vector2(RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, TGPAContext.Instance.ScreenWidth + 1), 0), Vector2.Zero, null, null, SpriteEffects.None, null);
                rock.Location -= new Vector2(0, rock.DstRect.Height);

                float f = RandomMachine.GetRandomFloat(0.5f, 2.25f);
                rock.Scale = new Vector2(f, f);
                rock.HP    = (int)(rock.HP * f) + 1;

        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            Vector2 loc = Vectors.ConvertPointToVector2(DstRect.Center);

            //Add Smoke and fire
            TGPAContext.Instance.ParticleManager.AddParticle(new Smoke(loc, RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(-1f, 1f, -2f, 2f),
                                                                       0.30f, 0.30f, 0.30f, 1f,
                                                                       RandomMachine.GetRandomFloat(0.01f, .03f),
                                                                       RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4)), true);

            Fire f = new Fire(loc, RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(-1f, 1f, -2f, 2f),
                              0.25f, RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4));

            TGPAContext.Instance.ParticleManager.AddParticle(f, true);

        public override List <Shot> Fire(Vector2 location)
            List <Shot> newTirs = new List <Shot>();

            Vector2 newLoc = location;

            newTirs.Add(new CowLauncherWeaponShot(newLoc, this, Math.PI / 2, this.Flip));

            for (int i = 0; i < RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(2, 7); i++)
                newLoc.X += 60;
                newLoc.Y -= 50;
                newTirs.Add(new CowLauncherWeaponShot(newLoc, this, Math.PI / 2, this.Flip));

Exemple #18
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            //Aim a player
            int rand = RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 1);

            if ((rand == 0) && (TGPAContext.Instance.Player2 != null))
                fireAngle = Angles.GetAngle(Vectors.ConvertPointToVector2(armDst.Center), Vectors.ConvertPointToVector2(TGPAContext.Instance.Player2.DstRect.Center));
                fireAngle = Angles.GetAngle(Vectors.ConvertPointToVector2(armDst.Center), Vectors.ConvertPointToVector2(TGPAContext.Instance.Player1.DstRect.Center));

            fireAngle -= (float)(Math.PI / 2);

        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            Vector2 jetpackLoc = new Vector2(location.X + 70, location.Y + 60);
            Vector2 direction  = (flips == SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally ? new Vector2(-1, 1) : Vector2.One);

            //Add fire to his jetpack ! Aïe Caramba !
            TGPAContext.Instance.ParticleManager.AddParticle(new Smoke(jetpackLoc, RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(3f, 7f, 10f, 40f) * direction,
                                                                       0.30f, 0.30f, 0.30f, 1f,
                                                                       RandomMachine.GetRandomFloat(0.1f, .3f),
                                                                       RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4)), true);

            Fire f = new Fire(jetpackLoc, RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(10f, 10f, 10f, 40f) * direction,
                              0.25f, RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4));

            TGPAContext.Instance.ParticleManager.AddParticle(f, true);

        public LanceTrucShot(Vector2 loc, LanceTruc wpn, double angle, SpriteEffects _flip) :
                 Rectangle.Empty,             //Sprite
                 new Vector2(550.0f, 450.0f), //Speed
                 Vector2.One,                 //Scale
                 _flip, wpn, angle, false)
            //Random item between 12 ones (each one = 128*128 sprite)
            int x = RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 768) / 128;
            int y = RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 256) / 128;

            sRect      = new Rectangle(128 * x, 742 + (128 * y), 128, 128);
            this.Scale = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
            bounce     = true;
            ttl        = 7000f;

            UseRotationWhenDrawing = true;
Exemple #21
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            fireCooldown -= (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds;

            if (fireCooldown <= 0f) //Reduce flame effect for performance issues
                fireCooldown = 25f;

                //Flame effect
                Fire f = new Fire(this.location + RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(5f, -5.0f, -10.0f, 10.0f),
                                  RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(-5.0f, 5.0f, -2.0f, 2.0f),
                                  RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4));
                f.Additive = false;

Exemple #22
        public override List <Shot> Fire(Vector2 location)
            List <Shot> newTirs = new List <Shot>();

            float fireAngle = 0.0f;
            int   rand      = RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 1);

            if ((rand == 0) && (TGPAContext.Instance.Player2 != null))
                fireAngle = Angles.GetAngle(location, Vectors.ConvertPointToVector2(TGPAContext.Instance.Player2.DstRect.Center));
                fireAngle = Angles.GetAngle(location, Vectors.ConvertPointToVector2(TGPAContext.Instance.Player1.DstRect.Center));

            fireAngle += (float)(Math.PI + RandomMachine.GetRandomFloat(Math.PI / 8, -Math.PI / 8));

            newTirs.Add(new PingouinLauncherWeaponShot(location, this, -fireAngle, this.Flip));
Exemple #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Update angle to aim player
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameTime"></param>
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            Vector2 tmplocation = location - structureLinkPoint;

            Vector2 firstReactorLoc  = tmplocation + firstReactorRelativeLoc;
            Vector2 secondReactorLoc = tmplocation + secondReactorRelativeLoc;

            int rand = RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 1);

            if ((rand == 0) && (TGPAContext.Instance.Player2 != null))
                fireAngle = Angles.GetAngle(this.Location, Vectors.ConvertPointToVector2(TGPAContext.Instance.Player2.DstRect.Center));
                fireAngle = Angles.GetAngle(this.Location, Vectors.ConvertPointToVector2(TGPAContext.Instance.Player1.DstRect.Center));

            //Jetpacks for plateform
            TGPAContext.Instance.ParticleManager.AddParticle(new Smoke(firstReactorLoc, RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(-4f, 4f, 10f, 40f),
                                                                       0.30f, 0.30f, 0.30f, 1f,
                                                                       RandomMachine.GetRandomFloat(0.1f, .3f),
                                                                       RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4)), true);

            Fire f = new Fire(firstReactorLoc, RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(-10f, 10f, 10f, 40f),
                              0.25f, RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4));

            TGPAContext.Instance.ParticleManager.AddParticle(f, true);

            TGPAContext.Instance.ParticleManager.AddParticle(new Smoke(secondReactorLoc, RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(-4f, 4f, 10f, 40f),
                                                                       0.30f, 0.30f, 0.30f, 1f,
                                                                       RandomMachine.GetRandomFloat(0.1f, .3f),
                                                                       RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4)), true);

            f = new Fire(secondReactorLoc, RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(-10f, 10f, 10f, 40f),
                         0.25f, RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4));
            TGPAContext.Instance.ParticleManager.AddParticle(f, true);

Exemple #24
        public PoulpiZombie(Vector2 loc, Vector2 scroll, Bonus bonus, MovePattern pattern, SpriteEffects flip, String[] flags) :
            base(loc, scroll, bonus, pattern, flags, flip,
                 new Rectangle(0, 0, 322, 251), //Source sprite
                 new Vector2(35.0f, 35.0f),     //Speed
                 new Vector2(0.25f, 0.25f),
                 null                           //No weapon, it's a zombie
            hp         = 12;
            points     = 200;
            Difficulty = 10;

            this.ttl = 60000;

            UseAnimation          = true;
            this.totalFrameNumber = 2;
            this.frameCooldown    = 500;
            this.spriteBox        = new Vector2(320, 256);
            this.currentFrame     = RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 1);
            this.hitbox           = new CircleHitbox(this, false, 2f);
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            if (!Dead)
                if (hp < 100)
                    Vector2 newLoc = location;
                    newLoc.X += 70;
                    newLoc.Y += 300;

                    TGPAContext.Instance.ParticleManager.AddParticle(new Smoke(newLoc, RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(-10f, 10f, 10f, 50f),
                                                                               0.60f, 0.60f, 0.60f, 1f,
                                                                               RandomMachine.GetRandomFloat(0.1f, .3f),
                                                                               RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4)), true);

                    Fire f = new Fire(newLoc, RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(-4f, 4f, 10f, 90f),
                                      0.25f, RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4));
                    TGPAContext.Instance.ParticleManager.AddParticle(f, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Don't want to chose a weapon ? Use this method, it will give you a random one
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A random WeaponType(or nothing if you are unlucky)</returns>
        public static Weapon GetRandomWeapon()
            int wpn = RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 9);

            if (wpn < 3)
                return(new MachineGun());
            else if (wpn < 6)
                return(new Flamethrower());
            else if (wpn < 9)
                return(new RocketLauncher());
            else if (wpn == 9)
                return(new Megabomb());

            return(new MachineGun());
Exemple #27
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            //Speed up !
            speed += Vector2.One * 10;

            if (TGPAContext.Instance.Cheatcodes.IsKawaii)
                TGPAContext.Instance.ParticleManager.AddParticle(new HeartWave(Vectors.ConvertPointToVector2(DstRect.Center), RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(-3f, 7f, -10f, 10f),
                                                                               RandomMachine.GetRandomFloat(0.1f, .2f),
                                                                               RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4)), true);
                TGPAContext.Instance.ParticleManager.AddParticle(new Smoke(Vectors.ConvertPointToVector2(DstRect.Center), RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(-3f, 7f, -10f, 10f),
                                                                           1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1f,
                                                                           RandomMachine.GetRandomFloat(0.1f, .2f),
                                                                           RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4)), true);

        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            double tmp = rotation;

            rotation = saveRotation;


            rotation  = tmp;
            rotation += 0.10f;

            //Fire and smoke
            Vector2 loc = Vectors.ConvertPointToVector2(DstRect.Center);

            TGPAContext.Instance.ParticleManager.AddParticle(new Smoke(loc, RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(3f, 5f, -5f, 5f),
                                                                       0.30f, 0.30f, 0.30f, 1f,
                                                                       RandomMachine.GetRandomFloat(0.01f, .03f),
                                                                       RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4)), true);

            Fire f = new Fire(loc, RandomMachine.GetRandomVector2(3f, 5f, -5f, 5f),
                              0.25f, RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 4));

            TGPAContext.Instance.ParticleManager.AddParticle(f, true);
        public Cow(Vector2 loc, Vector2 scroll, Bonus bonus, MovePattern pattern, SpriteEffects flip, String[] flags) :
            base(loc, scroll, bonus, pattern, flags, flip,
                 new Rectangle(0, 0, 250, 178), //Source sprite
                 Vector2.Zero,                  //Speed
            hp         = 17;
            points     = 1000;
            Difficulty = 1;

            this.Background = true;

            UseAnimation          = true;
            this.totalFrameNumber = 3;
            this.frameCooldown    = 2000;
            this.spriteBox        = new Vector2(256, 256);
            this.currentFrame     = RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 2);
            this.ttl = InfiniteTimeToLive;

            this.hitbox = new CircleHitbox(this, false, 2f);
Exemple #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Return a random position on the screen corner and borner
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Vector2 RandomScreenBorderPosition()
            int border = RandomMachine.GetRandomInt(0, 3);

            switch (border)
            case 0:
                return(new Vector2(1, RandomMachine.GetRandomFloat(0.2, 0.8)));

            case 1:
                return(new Vector2(RandomMachine.GetRandomFloat(0.2, 0.8), 1));

            case 2:
                return(new Vector2(0, RandomMachine.GetRandomFloat(0.2, 0.8)));

            case 3:
                return(new Vector2(RandomMachine.GetRandomFloat(0.2, 0.8), 0));