private static long calculateMainCableLength(Point[] locations)
            long largestXCoordinate = locations.Max(location => location.X);
            long smallestXCoordinate = locations.Min(location => location.X);

            return largestXCoordinate - smallestXCoordinate;
Exemple #2
        public void TestMethod1()
            int nBuildings = 3;

            Point[] buildings = new Point[nBuildings];

            //buildings[0] = new Point(-5,-3);
            //buildings[1] = new Point(-9, 2);
            //buildings[2] = new Point(3, -4);

            buildings[0] = new Point(1, 2);
            buildings[1] = new Point(0, 0);
            buildings[2] = new Point(2, 2);

            int widthDistance = buildings.Max(_ => _.X) - buildings.Min(_ => _.X);

            var average = buildings.Average(_ => _.Y);

            var yPos = (long) buildings.Select(p => new Tuple<int, double>(p.Y, Math.Abs(p.Y - average))).OrderBy(_ => _.Item2).First().Item1;
            var dist = buildings.Select(p => Math.Abs((p.Y - yPos))).Sum();

             var totalDistance = (long)widthDistance + dist;

 static void Main(string[] args)
     Point[] a = new Point[] {
         new Point()
             X = 0, Y = 3
         new Point()
             X = 1, Y = 3
         new Point()
             X = 2, Y = 1
         new Point()
             X = 3, Y = 1
         new Point()
             X = 1, Y = 2
     var max  = a.Max(p1 => p1.Y);
     var min  = a.Min(p1 => p1.Y);
     var maxY = a.Where(p => p.Y == max).ToArray();
     var minY = a.Where(p => p.Y == min).ToArray();
Exemple #4
        private static void AddTextures(ObjectTemplate template, Map map, MapInfo info, TileInfo blockedTileInfo, Point position, float?rotation, Point origin)
            float width  = template.Tiles.Width * Map.TileWidth;
            float height = template.Tiles.Height * Map.TileWidth;

            Point[] corners = new Point[]
                new Point(position.X - origin.X, position.Y - origin.Y),
                new Point(position.X - origin.X, position.Y - origin.Y + height),
                new Point(position.X - origin.X + width, position.Y - origin.Y + height),
                new Point(position.X - origin.X + width, position.Y - origin.Y)

            if (rotation.HasValue)
                for (int i = 0; i < corners.Length; i++)
                    corners[i] = corners[i].Rotate(position, rotation.Value);

            var bottomLeft = map.PositionToCoordinates(new Point(corners.Min(c => c.X), corners.Min(c => c.Y)));
            var topRight   = map.PositionToCoordinates(new Point(corners.Max(c => c.X), corners.Max(c => c.Y)));

            for (int x = bottomLeft.X; x <= topRight.X; x++)
                for (int y = bottomLeft.Y; y <= topRight.Y; y++)
                    if (map.Tiles.CheckCoordinates(x, y))
                        Point positionInTemplate = map.CoordinatesToPosition(new Coordinates(x, y));

                        if (rotation.HasValue)
                            positionInTemplate = positionInTemplate.Rotate(position, -rotation.Value);

                        positionInTemplate = positionInTemplate - position + origin;

                        var coordinates = template.Map.PositionToCoordinates(positionInTemplate);
                        if (template.Tiles.CheckCoordinates(coordinates.X, coordinates.Y))
                            if (template.Tiles[coordinates.X, coordinates.Y].Impassable)
                                info.Tiles[x, y] |= blockedTileInfo;

                            Texture texture = template.Tiles.GetTexture(coordinates.X, coordinates.Y);
                            if (texture.Name != ObjectTemplate.TextureTemplate)
                                texture = new Texture(texture.Name, texture.BlocksPerRow);
                                texture = map.Tiles.AddTexture(texture);
                                info.TextureData[x, y] = texture;
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates mid point between two points
        /// </summary>
        public static Point MidPoint(this Point point, Point other)
            //var distance = point.DistanceVector(other);
            var deltaX = System.Math.Abs(point.X - other.X);
            var deltaY = System.Math.Abs(point.Y - other.Y);
            var min    = point.Min(other);

            return(new Point(min.X + (deltaX / 2), min.Y + (deltaY / 2)));
            //return new Point(min.X + (distance.X / 2), min.Y + (distance.Y / 2));
Exemple #6
        public PatternDrawingParameters GenerateDrawingParameters(double offsetX, double offsetY)
            int angleCount = Angles.Length;
            int pcs        = angleCount + 2;

            Point[] points = new Point[angleCount + 2];
            double  line   = LineLengths[0];
            double  lastX  = offsetX;
            double  lastY  = offsetY;
            Point   tmp;
            double  vecDiff = 0;

            points[0] = new Point(offsetX, offsetY);
            points[1] = new Point(offsetX, offsetY + line);
            if (pcs >= 3)
                double t_angle = 3.1415926 / 180 * (Angles[0]);
                tmp       = new Point();
                line      = LineLengths[1];
                tmp.X     = points[1].X + line * Math.Sin(t_angle);
                tmp.Y     = points[1].Y - line * Math.Cos(t_angle);
                points[2] = tmp;
                vecDiff   = 180 - Angles[0];
            for (int i = 3; i < pcs; i++)
                vecDiff = Angles[i - 2] - (180 - vecDiff);
                double t_angle = 3.1415926 / 180 * (vecDiff);
                tmp       = new Point();
                line      = LineLengths[i - 1];
                tmp.X     = points[i - 1].X + line * Math.Sin(t_angle);
                tmp.Y     = points[i - 1].Y + line * Math.Cos(t_angle);
                points[i] = tmp;
            double minX = points.Min(p => p.X);
            double minY = points.Min(p => p.Y);

            minX = offsetX - minX;
            minY = offsetY - minY;
            return(new PatternDrawingParameters(
                       (from p in points select new Point(p.X + minX, p.Y + minY)).ToArray()
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a polygon shape from the specified points.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="points">The points.</param>
 public Polygon(Point[] points)
     // Set the location.
     this.location = points.Min();
     // Set the size.
     this.size = new Size(points.Max().Subtract(this.location));
     // Set the points.
     this.points = new Point[points.Length];
     for (int index = 0; index < points.Length; index++)
         this.points[index] = points[index].Subtract(this.location);
    public void rotate()
        var matrix = new Matrix();

        matrix.RotateAt(theAngle, center);
        gw.Transform = matrix;
        // Get the 4 corner points of myRect2.
        Point p1 = new Point(myRect2.X, myRect2.Y),
              p2 = new Point(myRect2.X + myRect2.Width, myRect2.Y),
              p3 = new Point(myRect2.X, myRect2.Y + myRect2.Height),
              p4 = new Point(myRect2.X + myRect2.Width, myRect2.Y + myRect2.Height);

        Point[] pts = new Point[] { p1, p2, p3, p4 };
        // Rotate the 4 points.
        // Update rotatedRect2 with those rotated points.
        rotatedRect2.X      = pts.Min(pt => pt.X);
        rotatedRect2.Y      = pts.Min(pt => pt.Y);
        rotatedRect2.Width  = pts.Max(pt => pt.X) - pts.Min(pt => pt.X);
        rotatedRect2.Height = pts.Max(pt => pt.Y) - pts.Min(pt => pt.Y);
Exemple #9
        public void DrawPath(Color color, int width, Point[] points)
            // todo: handle points.Length <= 1

            var relativePoints = new Point[points.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < relativePoints.Length; i++)
                var point = points[i];
                relativePoints[i] = new Point(point.X + offset.X, point.Y + offset.Y);

            if (color.IsFullyOpaque())
                DrawOpaquePathGDI(color, width, relativePoints);

            int minX = relativePoints.Min(p => p.X) - width;
            int minY = relativePoints.Min(p => p.Y) - width;
            int maxX = relativePoints.Max(p => p.X) + width;
            int maxY = relativePoints.Max(p => p.Y) + width;

            for (int i = 0; i < relativePoints.Length; i++)
                var point = relativePoints[i];
                relativePoints[i] = new Point(point.X - minX, point.Y - minY);

                new Rectangle(minX, minY, maxX - minX + 1, maxY - minY + 1),
                color.A, true,
                canvas => canvas.DrawOpaquePathGDI(color, width, relativePoints)
        public void FindStartingVector_WhenCall_ReturnIndexVector()
            Point[] points = new Point[5] {
                new Point(new double[] { 2, 3 }),
                new Point(new double[] { 3, 2 }),
                new Point(new double[] { 1, 2 }),
                new Point(new double[] { 5, 5 }),
                new Point(new double[] { 2, 2 })

            Point result = points.Min();

            Assert.AreEqual(points[2], result);
Exemple #11
            public Point Minimum(Expression <Func <double, double> > expression, double A, double B, int itersCount)
                var fun = expression.Compile();

                double F(double x) => fun.Invoke(x);

                var points   = new Point[itersCount + 1].Select(xv => new Point()).ToArray();
                var minimums = new Point[itersCount].Select(xv => new Point()).ToArray();

                points[0] = new Point(A, F(A));
                points[1] = new Point(B, F(B));

                minimums[0] = CalculateNext(points[0], points[1]);

                int indexOfMinimum = 0, iter, stepi;

                for (iter = 2; iter <= itersCount; iter++)
                    var ymin = minimums.Min(t => t.Y);
                    indexOfMinimum = minimums.ToList().Select(xv => xv.Y).ToList().IndexOf(ymin);

                    for (stepi = 1; stepi <= (iter - indexOfMinimum - 1); stepi++)
                        points[iter - stepi + 1] = points[iter - stepi].Copy();

                    points[indexOfMinimum + 1].X = minimums[indexOfMinimum].X;

                    points[indexOfMinimum + 1].Y = F(points[indexOfMinimum + 1].X);

                    for (stepi = 1; stepi <= (iter - indexOfMinimum - 1); stepi++)
                        minimums[iter - stepi] = minimums[iter - stepi - 1].Copy();

                    minimums[indexOfMinimum] = CalculateNext(points[indexOfMinimum], points[indexOfMinimum + 1]);

                    minimums[indexOfMinimum + 1] = CalculateNext(points[indexOfMinimum + 1], points[indexOfMinimum + 2]);
                    if (points[indexOfMinimum].X == 0.0)
                    Console.WriteLine($"[{iter}] {points[indexOfMinimum]}");
        protected void InternalSetCanvasPosition(Point p)
            CurrentCanvasPosition = p.Min(new Point(0, 0)).Max(
                new Point(
                    this.CurrentLocation.Width - this.CurrentCanvasSize.X,
                    this.CurrentLocation.Height - this.CurrentCanvasSize.Y

            if (this.CurrentLocation.Height > CurrentCanvasSize.Y)
                this.CurrentCanvasPosition.Y = (this.CurrentLocation.Height - this.CurrentCanvasSize.Y) / 2;

            if (this.CurrentLocation.Width > CurrentCanvasSize.X)
                this.CurrentCanvasPosition.X = (this.CurrentLocation.Width - this.CurrentCanvasSize.X) / 2;

  , CurrentCanvasPosition.Y);
  , CurrentCanvasPosition.Y);
        public static Bitmap ToBitmap(Point[] sequence)
            if (sequence.Length == 0)
                return null;

            int xmax = (int)sequence.Max(x => x.X);
            int xmin = (int)sequence.Min(x => x.X);

            int ymax = (int)sequence.Max(x => x.Y);
            int ymin = (int)sequence.Min(x => x.Y);

            int width = xmax - xmin;
            int height = ymax - ymin;

            Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(width + 16, height + 16);

            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);

            for (int i = 1; i < sequence.Length; i++)
                int x = (int)sequence[i].X - xmin;
                int y = (int)sequence[i].Y - ymin;
                int p = (int)Accord.Math.Tools.Scale(0, sequence.Length, 0, 255, i);

                int prevX = (int)sequence[i - 1].X - xmin;
                int prevY = (int)sequence[i - 1].Y - ymin;

                using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(255 - p, 0, p)))
                using (Pen pen = new Pen(brush, 16))
                    pen.StartCap = LineCap.Round;
                    pen.EndCap = LineCap.Round;
                    g.DrawLine(pen, prevX, prevY, x, y);

            return bmp;
Exemple #14
		private IEnumerable<Shape> _addSerieAsBezier(Point[] points, bool animate = true)
            if (points.Length < 2) return Enumerable.Empty<Shape>();
			var addedFigures = new List<Shape>();

			Point[] cp1, cp2;
			BezierSpline.GetCurveControlPoints(points, out cp1, out cp2);

			var lines = new PathSegmentCollection();
			var areaLines = new PathSegmentCollection {new LineSegment(points[0], true)};
			var l = 0d;
			for (var i = 0; i < cp1.Length; ++i)
				lines.Add(new BezierSegment(cp1[i], cp2[i], points[i + 1], true));
				areaLines.Add(new BezierSegment(cp1[i], cp2[i], points[i + 1], true));
				//it would be awesome to use a better formula to calculate bezier lenght
				l += Math.Sqrt(
				               Math.Pow(Math.Abs(cp1[i].X - cp2[i].X), 2) +
				               Math.Pow(Math.Abs(cp1[i].Y - cp2[i].Y), 2));
				l += Math.Sqrt(
				               Math.Pow(Math.Abs(cp2[i].X - points[i + 1].X), 2) +
				               Math.Pow(Math.Abs(cp2[i].Y - points[i + 1].Y), 2));
			//aprox factor, it was calculated by aproximation.
			//the more line is curved, the more it fails.
			l = l * .65;
			areaLines.Add(new LineSegment(new Point(points.Max(x => x.X), ToPlotArea(Chart.Min.Y, AxisTags.Y)), true));
			var f = new PathFigure(points[0], lines, false);
			var fa = new PathFigure(new Point(points.Min(x => x.X), ToPlotArea(Chart.Min.Y, AxisTags.Y)), areaLines, false);
			var g = new PathGeometry(new[] {f});
			var ga = new PathGeometry(new[] {fa});

		    var path = new Path
		        Stroke = Stroke,
		        StrokeThickness = StrokeThickness,
		        Data = g,
		        StrokeEndLineCap = PenLineCap.Round,
		        StrokeStartLineCap = PenLineCap.Round,
		        StrokeDashOffset = l,
		        StrokeDashArray = new DoubleCollection {l, l},
		        ClipToBounds = true
		    var patha = new Path
		        StrokeThickness = 0,
		        Data = ga,
		        Fill = Fill,
		        ClipToBounds = true


		    var draw = new DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames
		        BeginTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0),
		        KeyFrames = new DoubleKeyFrameCollection
		            new SplineDoubleKeyFrame
		                KeyTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1),
		                Value = l
		            new SplineDoubleKeyFrame
		                KeyTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(750),
		                Value = 0

			Storyboard.SetTarget(draw, path);
			Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(draw, new PropertyPath(Shape.StrokeDashOffsetProperty));
			var sbDraw = new Storyboard();
			var animated = false;
			if (!Chart.DisableAnimation)
				if (animate)
					animated = true;
			if (!animated) path.StrokeDashOffset = 0;
			return addedFigures;
Exemple #15
        private void captureImageGrabberEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
                Mat m = new Mat();

                imgInput = m.ToImage <Bgr, Byte>();
                var imgGray = imgInput.Convert <Gray, byte>().Clone(); //Конвертируем в оттенки серого

                imgGray._EqualizeHist();                               // выравниваем ярксоть (только для черно-белого изображения)

                imgGray._SmoothGaussian(1);                                                                                                           //гауусовский фильтр

                VectorOfRect faces = new VectorOfRect(faceFrontalDetector.DetectMultiScale(imgGray, 1.1, 3, new Size(100, 100), new Size(300, 300))); //находим все лица
                if (faces.Size > 0)
                    Rectangle[] facesRect = faces.ToArray();// приводим вектор к фигуре

                    Array.Sort(facesRect, new Comparison <Rectangle>(CompareShapes));  //сортировка по высоте

                    VectorOfVectorOfPointF landmarks = new VectorOfVectorOfPointF();

                    bool success = facemark.Fit(imgGray, faces, landmarks);//находим точки лица

                    double k = (double)faces[0].Width / imgGray.Width;

                    double s = (matrixCam * avarageFaceSize) / k;

                    PointF[] h = landmarks[0].ToArray();//преобразовываем в массив точек

                    //var point = h.Select(p => new Point(Convert.ToInt32(p.X), Convert.ToInt32(p.Y)));

                    Point[] rightEye = new Point[6];
                    rightEye[0].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[36].X));
                    rightEye[0].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[36].Y));
                    rightEye[1].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[37].X));
                    rightEye[1].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[37].Y));
                    rightEye[2].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[38].X));
                    rightEye[2].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[38].Y));
                    rightEye[3].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[39].X));
                    rightEye[3].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[39].Y));
                    rightEye[4].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[40].X));
                    rightEye[4].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[40].Y));
                    rightEye[5].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[41].X));
                    rightEye[5].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[41].Y));

                    var rightEyeMinimalPoint = rightEye.First(x => x.Y == rightEye.Max(y => y.Y));
                    var rightEyeMaximalPoint = rightEye.First(x => x.Y == rightEye.Min(y => y.Y));

                    Point[] leftEye = new Point[6];
                    leftEye[0].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[42].X));
                    leftEye[0].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[42].Y));
                    leftEye[1].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[43].X));
                    leftEye[1].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[43].Y));
                    leftEye[2].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[44].X));
                    leftEye[2].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[44].Y));
                    leftEye[3].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[45].X));
                    leftEye[3].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[45].Y));
                    leftEye[4].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[46].X));
                    leftEye[4].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[46].Y));
                    leftEye[5].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[47].X));
                    leftEye[5].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[47].Y));

                    var leftEyeMinimalPoint = leftEye.First(x => x.Y == leftEye.Max(y => y.Y));
                    var leftEyeMaximalPoint = leftEye.First(x => x.Y == leftEye.Min(y => y.Y));

                    imgInput.DrawPolyline(leftEye, true, new Bgr(Color.Blue), 1);
                    imgInput.DrawPolyline(rightEye, true, new Bgr(Color.Blue), 1);

                    ////for (int i = 0; i < h.Length; ++i)
                    ////    mas[i].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[i].X));
                    ////    mas[i].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[i].Y));

                    //imgInput.Draw(h[37], new Bgr(Color.Blue), 2);

                    //imgInput.Draw(new CircleF(mas[41], 10), new Bgr(Color.Gray), 1);

                    //imgInput.DrawPolyline(mas, true, new Bgr(Color.Blue), 2);

                    //////if (success)
                    //////    facesRect = faces.ToArray();
                    //////    for (int i = 0; i < facesRect.Length; i++)
                    //////    {
                    //////        imgInput.Draw(facesRect[0], new Bgr(Color.Blue), 2);
                    //////        FaceInvoke.DrawFacemarks(imgInput, landmarks[i], new Bgr(Color.Blue).MCvScalar);

                    //////    }
                    //////    //return imgInput;
                    //return null;

                    //int cropHeight = (int)Math.Round(facesRect[0].Height * 0.5, 0);

                    //Rectangle eyesAreaRec = new Rectangle(facesRect[0].X, (int)Math.Round(facesRect[0].Y * 1.4), facesRect[0].Width, cropHeight);

                    //for (int i = 0; i < facesRect.Length; i++)
                    //    imgInput.Draw(facesRect[0], new Bgr(Color.Blue), 2);
                    //    //FaceInvoke.DrawFacemarks(imgInput, landmarks[i], new Bgr(Color.Blue).MCvScalar);


                    //imgInput.Draw(eyesAreaRec, new Bgr(Color.Blue), 2);

                    Invoke(new Action(() =>
                        if (faces.Size > 0)
                            faceSizePixelEdit.Text   = faces[0].Size.Height.ToString();
                            camLengthEdit.Text       = s.ToString();
                            arcScaleComponent1.Value = faces[0].Size.Height;

                            if (rightEyeMaximalPoint.Y > 0 && rightEyeMinimalPoint.Y > 0)
                                rightEyeEdit.Text = Convert.ToString(rightEyeMinimalPoint.Y - rightEyeMaximalPoint.Y);
                    //faceSizePixelEdit.Text = Convert.ToString(k);
                    generalBox.Image = imgInput;
                else if (faces.Size == 0)
                    //faces = new VectorOfRect(faceProfilDetector.DetectMultiScale(imgGray));
                    generalBox.Image = imgInput;

                //VectorOfRect faces = new VectorOfRect(faceDetector.DetectMultiScale(grayImage));
                //VectorOfVectorOfPointF landmarks = new VectorOfVectorOfPointF();

                //bool success = facemark.Fit(grayImage, faces, landmarks);
                //PointF[][] f = landmarks.ToArrayOfArray();
                //if (success)
                //    Rectangle[] facesRect = faces.ToArray();
                //    for (int i = 0; i < facesRect.Length; i++)
                //    {
                //        imgInput.Draw(facesRect[0], new Bgr(Color.Blue), 2);
                //        FaceInvoke.DrawFacemarks(imgInput, landmarks[i], new Bgr(Color.Blue).MCvScalar);

                //    }
                //    return imgInput;
                //return null;

                //if (faces.Length > 0)
                //    faceSizePixelEdit.Text = Convert.ToString(faces[0].Size.Height * faces[0].Size.Width);
                //faceSizePixelEdit.Text = faces[0].Size.Height.ToString();

                //////var imgGray = imgInput.Convert<Gray, byte>().Clone();
                //////Rectangle[] faces = classifierFace.DetectMultiScale(imgGray, 1.1, 4);
                //////foreach (var face in faces)
                //////    imgInput.Draw(face, new Bgr(0, 0, 255), 2);

                //////    imgGray.ROI = face;
                //////    Rectangle[] eyes = classifierEye.DetectMultiScale(imgGray, 1.1, 4);
                //////    foreach (var eye in eyes)
                //////    {
                //////        var ec = eye;
                //////        ec.X += face.X;
                //////        ec.Y += face.Y;
                //////        imgInput.Draw(ec, new Bgr(0, 255, 0), 2);
                //////    }


                //imageInput =
                //pictureBox1.Image = m.ToImage<Bgr, byte>().Bitmap;
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #16
        private void imageGraberCapture(object sender, EventArgs e)
                #region Получение кадра и массива лиц

                Mat m = new Mat();

                Image <Bgr, Byte> inputImage = m.ToImage <Bgr, Byte>();
                var imgGray = inputImage.Convert <Gray, Byte>().Clone();                                                           //Конвертируем в оттенки серого
                imgGray._EqualizeHist();                                                                                           //выравниваем яркость
                imgGray._SmoothGaussian(1);                                                                                        //убираем шумы

                VectorOfRect faces = new VectorOfRect(faceFrontalDetector.DetectMultiScale(imgGray, 1.05, 5, new Size(120, 120))); //находим все лица


                if (faces.Size > 0)
                    Rectangle[] facesRect = faces.ToArray(); // приводим вектор к фигуре

                    facesRect.OrderBy(ob => ob.Height);      //сортировка по высоте

                    VectorOfVectorOfPointF landmarks = new VectorOfVectorOfPointF();

                    bool success = facemark.Fit(imgGray, faces, landmarks); //находим точки лица

                    #region Анализ расстояния до пользователя

                    double k = ((double)faces[0].Height) / imgGray.Height;

                    currentDistance = (2.5 * avarageFaceSize) / k;


                    #region Анализ яркости

                    imageBrightList = FrameBright(imgGray.Clone(), facesRect[0]);

                    if ((imageBrightList[1] - imageBrightList[0]) > 55)
                        currentBright = 10;
                    else if ((imageBrightList[1] - imageBrightList[0]) > 45 && (imageBrightList[1] - imageBrightList[0]) < 55)
                        currentBright = 20;
                    else if ((imageBrightList[1] - imageBrightList[0]) > 35 && (imageBrightList[1] - imageBrightList[0]) < 45)
                        currentBright = 35;
                    else if ((imageBrightList[1] - imageBrightList[0]) > 25 && (imageBrightList[1] - imageBrightList[0]) < 35)
                        currentBright = 50;
                    else if ((imageBrightList[1] - imageBrightList[0]) > 15 && (imageBrightList[1] - imageBrightList[0]) < 25)
                        currentBright = 70;
                    else if ((imageBrightList[1] - imageBrightList[0]) > 10 && (imageBrightList[1] - imageBrightList[0]) < 15)
                        currentBright = 85;
                    else if ((imageBrightList[1] - imageBrightList[0]) > 5 && (imageBrightList[1] - imageBrightList[0]) < 10)
                        currentBright = 95;

                    //currentBright = (int)(((100.0/255)*imageBrightList[0]) + 0.5);


                    #region Глазной анализатор

                    PointF[] h = landmarks[0].ToArray();//преобразовываем в массив точек

                    Point[] rightEye = new Point[6];
                    rightEye[0].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[36].X));
                    rightEye[0].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[36].Y));
                    rightEye[1].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[37].X));
                    rightEye[1].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[37].Y));
                    rightEye[2].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[38].X));
                    rightEye[2].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[38].Y));
                    rightEye[3].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[39].X));
                    rightEye[3].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[39].Y));
                    rightEye[4].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[40].X));
                    rightEye[4].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[40].Y));
                    rightEye[5].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[41].X));
                    rightEye[5].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[41].Y));

                    var rightEyeMinimalPoint = rightEye.First(x => x.Y == rightEye.Max(y => y.Y));
                    var rightEyeMaximalPoint = rightEye.First(x => x.Y == rightEye.Min(y => y.Y));

                    Point[] leftEye = new Point[6];
                    leftEye[0].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[42].X));
                    leftEye[0].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[42].Y));
                    leftEye[1].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[43].X));
                    leftEye[1].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[43].Y));
                    leftEye[2].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[44].X));
                    leftEye[2].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[44].Y));
                    leftEye[3].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[45].X));
                    leftEye[3].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[45].Y));
                    leftEye[4].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[46].X));
                    leftEye[4].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[46].Y));
                    leftEye[5].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[47].X));
                    leftEye[5].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[47].Y));

                    var leftEyeMinimalPoint = leftEye.First(x => x.Y == leftEye.Max(y => y.Y));
                    var leftEyeMaximalPoint = leftEye.First(x => x.Y == leftEye.Min(y => y.Y));

                    if (rightEyeMaximalPoint.Y > 0 && rightEyeMinimalPoint.Y > 0 && leftEyeMaximalPoint.Y > 0 && leftEyeMinimalPoint.Y > 0)
                        double bufer;

                        inputImage.DrawPolyline(leftEye, true, new Bgr(Color.Red), 2);
                        inputImage.DrawPolyline(rightEye, true, new Bgr(Color.Red), 2);

                        bufer = rightEyeMinimalPoint.Y - rightEyeMaximalPoint.Y;

                        double kk = ((double)bufer) / imgGray.Height;

                        curentRightEye = (currentDistance * kk) / 2.5; //в сантиметрах

                        if (curentRightEye > heightOpenRightEye)
                            curentRightEye = heightOpenRightEye;
                        else if (curentRightEye < heightCloseRightEye * chit)
                            curentRightEye = heightCloseRightEye;

                        curentLeftEye = curentRightEye;
                        curentLeftEye  = heightCloseRightEye;
                        curentRightEye = heightCloseRightEye;

                    double?buffer = ((100 / (heightOpenLeftEye - heightCloseLeftEye)) * (curentRightEye - heightCloseLeftEye));


                    Invoke(new Action(() =>
                        if (faces.Size > 0)
                            //brightGaugComponent.Value = (float)60;
                            distanceGaugComponent.Value = (float)currentDistance;

                            //график света
                            linearScaleMarkerComponent3.Value   = (float)currentBright;
                            linearScaleRangeBarComponent2.Value = (float)currentBright;

                            //lengthEdit.Text = test.ToString();
                            //faceSizeEdit.Text = curentRightEye.ToString();

                            //график глаза
                            linearScaleRangeBarComponent3.Value = (float)buffer;
                            linearScaleMarkerComponent4.Value   = (float)buffer;
                            //linearScaleRangeBarComponent1.Value = 60;

                    inputImage.Draw(faces[0], new Bgr(Color.Green), 1);

                    generalTabBox.Image = inputImage;
                else if (faces.Size == 0)
                    //faces = new VectorOfRect(faceProfilDetector.DetectMultiScale(imgGray));
                    generalTabBox.Image = inputImage;

            catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #17
        public static void CustomizeMultiPolygon(this IFixture fixture)
            fixture.Customize <Polygon>(customization =>
                                        customization.FromFactory(generator =>
                var polygonCount = generator.Next(1, 4);
                var polygons     = new NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Polygon[polygonCount];
                for (var polygonIndex = 0; polygonIndex < polygonCount; polygonIndex++)
                    var offsetX = 10.0 * polygonIndex;
                    var offsetY = 10.0 * polygonIndex;

                    var shell = new NetTopologySuite.Geometries.LinearRing(
                        new []
                        new NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Point(offsetX, offsetY).Coordinate,
                        new NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Point(offsetX, offsetY + 5.0).Coordinate,
                        new NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Point(offsetX + 5.0, offsetY + 5.0).Coordinate,
                        new NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Point(offsetX + 5.0, offsetY).Coordinate,
                        new NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Point(offsetX, offsetY).Coordinate

                    var holes = new[]     // points are enumerated counter clock wise
                        new NetTopologySuite.Geometries.LinearRing(
                            new NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Point(offsetX + 1.0, offsetY + 2.0).Coordinate,
                            new NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Point(offsetX + 2.0, offsetY + 2.0).Coordinate,
                            new NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Point(offsetX + 2.0, offsetY + 3.0).Coordinate,
                            new NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Point(offsetX + 1.0, offsetY + 3.0).Coordinate,
                            new NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Point(offsetX + 1.0, offsetY + 2.0).Coordinate
                        new NetTopologySuite.Geometries.LinearRing(
                            new NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Point(offsetX + 3.0, offsetY + 1.0).Coordinate,
                            new NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Point(offsetX + 4.0, offsetY + 1.0).Coordinate,
                            new NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Point(offsetX + 4.0, offsetY + 2.0).Coordinate,
                            new NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Point(offsetX + 3.0, offsetY + 2.0).Coordinate,
                            new NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Point(offsetX + 3.0, offsetY + 1.0).Coordinate
                    polygons[polygonIndex] = new NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Polygon(shell, holes);

                var linearRings = polygons
                                  .SelectMany(polygon => new[] { polygon.Shell }.Concat(polygon.Holes))
                var parts  = new int[linearRings.Length];
                var points = new Point[polygons.Sum(polygon => polygon.Shell.NumPoints + polygon.Holes.Sum(hole => hole.NumPoints))];
                var offset = 0;
                for (var ringIndex = 0; ringIndex < linearRings.Length; ringIndex++)
                    var linearRing   = linearRings[ringIndex];
                    parts[ringIndex] = offset;
                    for (var pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < linearRing.NumPoints; pointIndex++)
                        var point = linearRing.GetPointN(pointIndex);
                        points[offset + pointIndex] = new Point(point.X, point.Y);
                    offset += linearRing.NumPoints;

                var boundingBox = new BoundingBox2D(
                    points.Min(p => p.X),
                    points.Min(p => p.Y),
                    points.Max(p => p.X),
                    points.Max(p => p.Y)
                return(new Polygon(boundingBox, parts, points));
Exemple #18
 public void MinReturnsTheMinimumOfTwoPoints(
     double expectedRow, double expectedColumn, double rowA, double columnA, double rowB, double columnB)
     Assert.Equal(new Point(expectedRow, expectedColumn), Point.Min(new Point(rowA, columnA), new Point(rowB, columnB)));
Exemple #19
        public void GenerateRamp(Map map, Point start, Point end, float halfWidth, float radius)
            var random = RandomOffsetSeed.HasValue ? new Random(RandomOffsetSeed.Value) : null;

            var   primaryAxisVector = (end - start);
            float length            = primaryAxisVector.VectorLength();

            Coordinates startCoordinates = map.PositionToCoordinates(start);
            Coordinates endCoordinates   = map.PositionToCoordinates(end);

            byte startHeight      = map.HeightMap[startCoordinates.X, startCoordinates.Y];
            byte endHeight        = map.HeightMap[endCoordinates.X, endCoordinates.Y];
            int  heightDifference = endHeight - startHeight;

            float halfLength = length / 2f;

            var normal          = new Point(primaryAxisVector.Y, -primaryAxisVector.X) / length;;
            var halfWidthVector = normal * (halfWidth + radius);
            var center          = start + (primaryAxisVector / 2);

            var v = primaryAxisVector / length * radius;

            Point[] corners = new Point[]
                start - v + halfWidthVector,
                start - v - halfWidthVector,
                end + v + halfWidthVector,
                end + v - halfWidthVector

            var primaryAxis   = new Line(start, end);
            var secondaryAxis = new Line(center + halfWidthVector, center - halfWidthVector);

            var min = map.PositionToCoordinates(new Point(corners.Min(p => p.X), corners.Min(p => p.Y)));
            var max = map.PositionToCoordinates(new Point(corners.Max(p => p.X), corners.Max(p => p.Y)));

            Grid <byte> heights = new Grid <byte>(max.X - min.X, max.Y - min.Y);

            for (int x = 0; x < heights.Width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < heights.Height; y++)
                    var coordinates = new Coordinates(min.X + x, min.Y + y);

                    if (!CheckCoordinates(coordinates, map.HeightMap))

                    var point = map.CoordinatesToPosition(coordinates);
                    var pointOnPrimaryAxis   = primaryAxis.NearestPointOnLine(point);
                    var pointOnSecondaryAxis = secondaryAxis.NearestPointOnLine(point);

                    var nx = point - pointOnPrimaryAxis;
                    var ny = point - pointOnSecondaryAxis;

                    float dx = nx.VectorLength();
                    float dy = ny.VectorLength();

                    byte height;

                    if (dx <= halfWidth && dy <= halfLength)
                        height = (byte)(startHeight + (heightDifference * (pointOnPrimaryAxis - start).VectorLength() / length));
                        Point pointOnBorder = center;
                        if (dx > 0f)
                            pointOnBorder += (nx / dx) * System.Math.Min(dx, halfWidth);
                        if (dy > 0f)
                            pointOnBorder += (ny / dy) * System.Math.Min(dy, halfLength);

                        var borderToTarget       = point - pointOnBorder;
                        var borderToTargetLength = borderToTarget.VectorLength();

                        if (borderToTargetLength > radius)
                            height = (byte)map.HeightMap[coordinates.X, coordinates.Y];
                            var target            = pointOnBorder + (borderToTarget / borderToTargetLength * radius);
                            var targetCoordinates = map.PositionToCoordinates(target);

                            height = (byte)(startHeight + (heightDifference * (pointOnPrimaryAxis - start).VectorLength() / length));
                            byte targetHeight = map.HeightMap[targetCoordinates.X, targetCoordinates.Y];

                            float weight = borderToTargetLength / radius;
                            if (RandomOffsetSeed.HasValue)
                                weight *= 1f + (random.Next(6) - 3) * 0.01f;
                            weight = (float)((System.Math.Tanh(((weight * 2) - 1) * piOverTwo) + range) / (2 * range));
                            height = (byte)(height + (targetHeight - height) * weight);

                    heights[x, y] = height;

            for (int x = 0; x < heights.Width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < heights.Height; y++)
                    map.HeightMap[min.X + x, min.Y + y] = heights[x, y];
                    //map.Tiles[min.X + x, min.Y + y].Impassable = true;
Exemple #20
        private IEnumerable<Shape> _addSerieAsBezier(Point[] points, bool animate = true)
            if (points.Length < 2) return Enumerable.Empty<Shape>();
            var addedFigures = new List<Shape>();

            Point[] cp1, cp2;
            BezierSpline.GetCurveControlPoints(points, out cp1, out cp2);

            var lines = new PathSegmentCollection();
            var areaLines = new PathSegmentCollection { new LineSegment(points[0], true) };
            var l = 0d;
            for (var i = 0; i < cp1.Length; ++i)
                lines.Add(new BezierSegment(cp1[i], cp2[i], points[i + 1], true));
                areaLines.Add(new BezierSegment(cp1[i], cp2[i], points[i + 1], true));
                l += GetBezierLength(new [] { points[i], cp1[i], cp2[i], points[i + 1] });
            l *= 1.05;
            l /= StrokeThickness;
            var lastP = Chart.Invert
                ? new Point(ToDrawMargin(Chart.Min.X, AxisTags.X), points.Min(x => x.Y))
                : new Point(points.Max(x => x.X), ToDrawMargin(Chart.Min.Y, AxisTags.Y));
            areaLines.Add(new LineSegment(lastP, true));
            var f = new PathFigure(points[0], lines, false);
            var aOrigin = Chart.Invert
                ? new Point(ToDrawMargin(Chart.Min.X, AxisTags.X), points.Max(x => x.Y))
                : new Point(points.Min(x => x.X), ToDrawMargin(Chart.Min.Y, AxisTags.Y));
            var fa = new PathFigure(aOrigin, areaLines, false);
            var g = new PathGeometry(new[] { f });
            var ga = new PathGeometry(new[] { fa });

            var path = new Path
                Stroke = Stroke,
                StrokeThickness = StrokeThickness,
                Data = g,
                StrokeEndLineCap = PenLineCap.Round,
                StrokeStartLineCap = PenLineCap.Round,
                StrokeDashOffset = l,
                StrokeDashArray = new DoubleCollection { l, l },
                ClipToBounds = true
            var patha = new Path
                StrokeThickness = 0,
                Data = ga,
                Fill = Fill,
                ClipToBounds = true



            var draw = new DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames
                BeginTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0),
                KeyFrames = new DoubleKeyFrameCollection
                    new SplineDoubleKeyFrame
                        KeyTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1),
                        Value = l
                    new SplineDoubleKeyFrame
                        KeyTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(750),
                        Value = 0

            Storyboard.SetTarget(draw, path);
            Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(draw, new PropertyPath(Shape.StrokeDashOffsetProperty));
            var sbDraw = new Storyboard();
            var animated = false;
            if (!Chart.DisableAnimation)
                if (animate)
                    animated = true;
            if (!animated) path.StrokeDashOffset = 0;
            return addedFigures;
Exemple #21
        private void MoveVertices()
            if (_visualizationAlgorithm != VisualizationAlgorithm.ChargesAndSprings)


            if (!IsAnimationSuspended)
                var coordsDeltas = new Point[_vertices.Count];

                // Считаем действующие на вершины силы
                for (var i = 0; i < _vertices.Count; ++i)
                    var vi     = _vertices[i];
                    var fx     = 0.0;
                    var fy     = 0.0;
                    var deltaI = new Point(0.0, 0.0);
                    for (var j = 0; j < _vertices.Count; ++j)
                        if (j == i)
                        var vj = _vertices[j];

                        var distanceIj = Distance(vi, vj);

                        var ex = (vi.ModelX - vj.ModelX) / distanceIj;
                        var ey = (vi.ModelY - vj.ModelY) / distanceIj;
                        fx += G * ex / Math.Pow(distanceIj, 2);
                        fy += G * ey / Math.Pow(distanceIj, 2);

                        if (this[vi, vj] != null || this[vj, vi] != null)
                            fx -= K * (distanceIj - L) * ex;
                            fy -= K * (distanceIj - L) * ey;
                            fx -= K * (distanceIj - L) * ex / 2;
                            fy -= K * (distanceIj - L) * ey / 2;

                        deltaI.X += fx * TICK_INTERVAL;
                        deltaI.Y += fy * TICK_INTERVAL;
                    coordsDeltas[i] = deltaI;

                var newPositions = new Point[_vertices.Count];
                for (var i = 0; i < _vertices.Count; ++i)
                    var vi     = _vertices[i];
                    var deltaI = coordsDeltas[i];
                    newPositions[i].X = vi.ModelX + deltaI.X;
                    newPositions[i].Y = vi.ModelY + deltaI.Y;

                var scaleFactor = GetScaleFactor();

                // Подравниваем, чтобы картинка оставалась в центре
                var minX = newPositions.Min(p => p.X) * scaleFactor;
                var minY = newPositions.Min(p => p.Y) * scaleFactor;
                var maxX = newPositions.Max(p => p.X) * scaleFactor;
                var maxY = newPositions.Max(p => p.Y) * scaleFactor;

                var graphCenter  = new Point((maxX + minX) / 2, (maxY + minY) / 2);
                var layoutCenter = new Point(LayoutRoot.ActualWidth / 2, LayoutRoot.ActualHeight / 2);

                var deltaX = layoutCenter.X - graphCenter.X;
                var deltaY = layoutCenter.Y - graphCenter.Y;

                for (var i = 0; i < newPositions.Length; ++i)
                    newPositions[i].X += deltaX / scaleFactor;
                    newPositions[i].Y += deltaY / scaleFactor;

                // Запускаем анимацию
                for (var i = 0; i < _vertices.Count; ++i)
                    var vi = _vertices[i];
                    if (vi.Equals(CapturedVertex))
                    var targetPositionI = newPositions[i];

                    var xiAnimation = SilverlightHelper
                                      .GetStoryboard(vi, "ModelX", targetPositionI.X, ANIMATION_INTERVAL, null);
                    var yiAnimation = SilverlightHelper
                                      .GetStoryboard(vi, "ModelY", targetPositionI.Y, ANIMATION_INTERVAL, null);
                    var scaleAnimation = SilverlightHelper
                                         .GetStoryboard(vi, "ScaleFactor", scaleFactor, ANIMATION_INTERVAL, null);

Exemple #22
        public static Point[] ConvexHull(Point[] points)
            if (points.Length < 3)
                throw new ArgumentException("At least 3 points reqired", "points");

            List<Point> hull = new List<Point>();

            // get leftmost point
            Point vPointOnHull = points.Where(p => p.X == points.Min(min => min.X)).First();

            Point vEndpoint;
                vEndpoint = points[0];

                for (int i = 1; i < points.Length; i++)
                    if ((vPointOnHull == vEndpoint)
                        || (Orientation(vPointOnHull, vEndpoint, points[i]) == -1))
                        vEndpoint = points[i];

                vPointOnHull = vEndpoint;
            while (vEndpoint != hull[0]);

            return hull.ToArray();
Exemple #23
        private void rebuildSwapchain()
            var sCaps = VkKhr.PhysicalDeviceExtensions.GetSurfaceCapabilitiesKhr(_vkPhysicalDevice, Surface);

            // Calculate the size of the images
            if (sCaps.CurrentExtent.Width != Int32.MaxValue)             // We have to use the given size
                Extent = sCaps.CurrentExtent;
            else             // We can choose an extent, but we will just make it the size of the window
                Extent = Point.Max(sCaps.MinImageExtent, Point.Min(sCaps.MaxImageExtent, _window.Size));

            // Calculate the number of images
            int imCount = sCaps.MinImageCount + 1;

            if (sCaps.MaxImageCount != 0)
                imCount = Math.Min(imCount, sCaps.MaxImageCount);
            _syncObjects.MaxInflightFrames = (uint)Math.Min(imCount, MAX_INFLIGHT_FRAMES);

            // Create the swapchain
            var oldSwapChain = _swapChain;

            VkKhr.SwapchainCreateInfoKhr cInfo = new VkKhr.SwapchainCreateInfoKhr(
                minImageCount: imCount,
                imageColorSpace: _surfaceFormat.ColorSpace,
                imageUsage: Vk.ImageUsages.ColorAttachment | Vk.ImageUsages.TransferDst,
                presentMode: _presentMode,
                oldSwapchain: oldSwapChain
            _swapChain = VkKhr.DeviceExtensions.CreateSwapchainKhr(_vkDevice, cInfo);

            // Destroy the old swapchain

            // Get the new swapchain images
            var imgs = _swapChain.GetImages();

            _swapChainImages = new SwapchainImage[imgs.Length];
            imgs.ForEach((img, idx) => {
                Vk.ImageViewCreateInfo vInfo = new Vk.ImageViewCreateInfo(
                    viewType: Vk.ImageViewType.Image2D,
                    components: default
                var view = img.CreateView(vInfo);
                _swapChainImages[idx] = new SwapchainImage {
                    Image           = img, View = view,
                    TransferBarrier = new Vk.ImageMemoryBarrier(
                        new Vk.ImageSubresourceRange(Vk.ImageAspects.Color, 0, 1, 0, 1),
                    PresentBarrier = new Vk.ImageMemoryBarrier(
                        new Vk.ImageSubresourceRange(Vk.ImageAspects.Color, 0, 1, 0, 1),

            // Perform the initial layout transitions to present mode
            var imb = new Vk.ImageMemoryBarrier(null, new Vk.ImageSubresourceRange(Vk.ImageAspects.Color, 0, 1, 0, 1),
                                                Vk.Accesses.TransferWrite, Vk.Accesses.ColorAttachmentRead, Vk.ImageLayout.Undefined, Vk.ImageLayout.PresentSrcKhr);

            _commandBuffer.CmdPipelineBarrier(Vk.PipelineStages.AllCommands, Vk.PipelineStages.AllCommands,
                                              imageMemoryBarriers: _swapChainImages.Select(sci => { imb.Image = sci.Image; return(imb); }).ToArray());
            _presentQueue.Submit(new Vk.SubmitInfo(commandBuffers: new[] { _commandBuffer }), _blitFence);
            _blitFence.Wait();             // Do not reset

            // Report
            LDEBUG($"Presentation swapchain rebuilt @ {Extent} " +
                   $"(F:{_surfaceFormat.Format}:{_surfaceFormat.ColorSpace==VkKhr.ColorSpaceKhr.SRgbNonlinear} I:{_swapChainImages.Length}:{_syncObjects.MaxInflightFrames}).");
            Dirty = false;
Exemple #24
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        bool inError = false;

        string[] xs = args[0].Replace("\"", string.Empty).Split(',');
        string[] ys = args[1].Replace("\"", string.Empty).Split(',');

        error |= (xs.Length != ys.Length);
        error |= (xs.Length < 3);

        // Checking data
        Point[] points = new Point[xs.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < points.Length && !error; i++)
            int x = 0, y = 0;

            error |= !(int.TryParse(xs[i], out x));
            error |= !(int.TryParse(ys[i], out y));

            points[i] = new Point {
                X = x, Y = y

        if (error)

        List <Point> convexHull = new List <Point>();

        // Algorithm start (Jarvis' Algorithm)
        int   minX     = points.Min(pt => pt.X);
        Point leftmost = points.First(pt => pt.X == minX);         // I don't care if there are more than one


        // Jarvis' Algorithm states that to determine the next point in the convex hull you need
        // to find the rightmost point, compared to the last one identified.
        // i.e. given P the last point and Q the one in exam, there is no point R in the remaining
        // set that creates a clockwise triangle PQR
        Point p          = leftmost;
        Point nextInHull = null;

        while (true)
            nextInHull = null;
            foreach (Point q in points)
                if (q == p)

                // if I find at least one point clockwise, then it's not the rightmost one
                if (points.Any(r =>
                    if (r == q || r == p)
                    return(IsClockwise(p, q, r));

                nextInHull = q;
                break;                 // I found the right one, just stop here

            if (nextInHull != leftmost)
                p = nextInHull;

        Console.WriteLine("Convex Hull:");
        foreach (Point pt in convexHull)
            Console.WriteLine("({0}, {1})", pt.X, pt.Y);
