Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by the engine when a player needs to make a bet.
        /// Derived classes must place player betting logic in overriden implementation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="player">The current player which needs to bet</param>
        /// <param name="action">The player betting action which contains the current betting restrictions</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The action must be used to notify the engine of the player action. In the derived implementation take notice to
        /// the action <see cref="PlayerBettingAction.IsAllInMode"/>, <see cref="PlayerBettingAction.CanRaise"/> and
        /// <see cref="PlayerBettingAction.RaiseAmount"/> (which holds the minimal raise amount at first)
        /// </remarks>
        public void WaitPlayerBettingAction(Player player, PlayerBettingAction action)
            Player safeCopy = GetSafePlayer(player);

            forEachBut(player, (cur) => cur.NotifyPlayerIsThinking(safeCopy));
            PlayerBettingAction result = waitAction <PlayerBettingAction>(player, (cur) => cur.WaitPlayerBettingAction(player, action));

            // if the request failed, fold the player
            if (result == null)
                // pass the response back to the action
                switch (result.Action)
                case BetAction.CheckOrCall: action.Call(); break;

                case BetAction.Fold: action.Fold(); break;

                case BetAction.Raise: action.Raise(result.RaiseAmount); break;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by the client when a bet decision should be made.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="player">The automated player.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="action">The betting action which must be modified to pass the client response</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The limit strategy looks at the hand value first. If it is low,
        /// the player will fold when the money needed to bet is below the limit. When the hand value is high, the player will call for
        /// the first couple of times and will raise for the rest
        /// </remarks>
        public override void Bet(Player player, PlayerBettingAction action)
            // check to see the player hand
            Hand hand = client.GetBestHand(player.Cards);

            // the hand good, call at first and raise near the end.
            if (hand.Family.FamilyValue > 3)
                if (synchTimes < 5)
            else // the hand is bad, watch for the limit
                if (action.CallAmount > 0 && player.Money - action.CallAmount < preparedLimit)
Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Called by the client when a bet decision should be made.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="player">The automated player.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="action">The betting action which must be modified to pass the client response</param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Looks at the current bet and folds if the bet amount will reduce the player money below the deined limit.
 /// </remarks>
 public override void Bet(Player player, PlayerBettingAction action)
     if (action.CallAmount > 0 && player.Money - action.CallAmount < preparedLimit)
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by the client to get the current player betting action. Derived classes must implement it and respond with a
        /// proper action
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="player">The player which needs to bet</param>
        /// <param name="action">The action to use to pass the player response</param>
        public void WaitPlayerBettingAction(Player player, PlayerBettingAction action)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}, would you like to:", player.Name);
            // the index which will be the fold action:
            int foldIndex = 3;

            if (!action.CanRaise)
                foldIndex = 2; // no "raise", fold will be in 2.
            if (action.CallAmount == 0)
                // no amount of money to call, only check
                Console.WriteLine("1. Check.");
            else if (action.IsAllInMode && action.CanRaise)
                // the action is all in, can't check or call less than the player amount of money
                Console.WriteLine("1. All In {0}$", player.Money);
                // no "raise" fold will be in 2
                foldIndex = 2;
                // there is an amount of money to call, print it:
                Console.WriteLine("1. Call {0}$", action.CallAmount);
            if (!action.IsAllInMode && action.CanRaise)
                // can raise, print the minimal amount
                Console.WriteLine("2. Raise {0}$", action.RaiseAmount);
            // can always fold:
            Console.WriteLine("{0}. Fold", foldIndex);
            if (!action.IsAllInMode && action.CanRaise)
                // when the player isn't forced to go "all in", it is the last option.
                Console.WriteLine("4. All In {0}$", player.Money);
            Console.WriteLine("Enter a choice number or another amount to RAISE");

            int option;

            // loop until a valid int is parsed
            while (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out option))
                Console.WriteLine("[only numbers]");

            // handle the user result:
            switch (option)
            case 1: action.Call(); break;

            case 2:     // fold or raise:
                if (foldIndex == 2)

            case 3: action.Fold(); break;

            case 4:    // raise or call:
                if (action.CanRaise)
                    action.Raise(player.Money - action.CallAmount);

                // verify other manual options
                if (option < action.CallAmount || !action.CanRaise)
                    // can't raise, or the raise amount is lower than the call amount. change the option to call.
                else if (option < action.RaiseAmount)
                    // validate an amount which is lower than the minimal raise.
                    option = action.RaiseAmount;

                // in any case of a raise, make sure not to raise an amount which exceeds the player money.
                if (option > player.Money - action.CallAmount)
                    option = player.Money - action.CallAmount;

                if (action.Action != BetAction.CheckOrCall)
