Exemple #1
        public static void HSphere(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, int radius, byte type)
            List <Player.CopyPos> buffer = new List <Player.CopyPos>();

            for (short j = Convert.ToInt16(-radius); j <= radius; j = (short)(j + 1))
                if ((x + j) < 0 || (x + j) > p.level.width)
                for (short k = Convert.ToInt16(-radius); k <= radius; k = (short)(k + 1))
                    if ((y + k) < 0 || (y + k) > p.level.depth)
                    for (short m = Convert.ToInt16(-radius); m <= radius; m = (short)(m + 1))
                        if ((z + m) < 0 || (z + m) > p.level.length)
                        short maxValue = (short)Math.Sqrt((double)(((j * j) + (k * k)) + (m * m)));
                        if (maxValue < (radius + 1) && maxValue >= (radius - 1))
                                ushort x2 = (ushort)(x + j);
                                ushort y2 = (ushort)(y + k);
                                ushort z2 = (ushort)(z + m);
                                if (x2 <= p.level.width && y2 <= p.level.depth && z2 <= p.level.length)
                                    byte that = p.level.GetTile((ushort)(x + j), (ushort)((y + k)), (ushort)(z + m));
                                    if (that != 7)
                                        Player.CopyPos temp = new Player.CopyPos();
                                        temp.x    = (ushort)(x + j);
                                        temp.y    = (ushort)(y + k);
                                        temp.z    = (ushort)(z + m);
                                        temp.type = type;
                                        //p.level.Blockchange(p, (ushort)(x + j), (ushort)((y + k)), (ushort)(z + m), type);
                            catch { }
            if (buffer.Count > p.group.maxBlocks)
                Player.SendMessage(p, "You tried HSphering " + buffer.Count + " blocks, your limit is " + p.group.maxBlocks); buffer = null; return;
            buffer.ForEach(delegate(Player.CopyPos pos) { p.level.Blockchange(p, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, pos.type); });
            buffer = null;
Exemple #2
        public static void Valcano(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, int height, int radius)
            //foreach (Player p in Player.players) if (p.level == l) p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, 0);
            List <Player.CopyPos> buffer = new List <Player.CopyPos>();
            double origionalhypotenuse   = sqrt((height * height) + (radius * radius));

            for (short k = 0; k <= height; k = (short)(k + 1))
                if ((y + k) < 0 || (y + k) > p.level.depth)
                for (short j = Convert.ToInt16(-radius); j <= radius; j = (short)(j + 1))
                    if ((x + j) < 0 || (x + j) > p.level.width)
                    for (short m = Convert.ToInt16(-radius); m <= radius; m = (short)(m + 1))
                        if ((z + m) < 0 || (z + m) > p.level.length)

                        int ox = x;
                        int oy = y;
                        int oz = z;

                        int cx = (x + j);
                        int cy = (y + k);
                        int cz = (z + m);

                        double currentheight = height - k;

                        double currentradius;
                        if (currentheight == 0)
                            currentradius = (double)((double)radius * (double)((double)currentheight / (double)height));
                            int absx = Math.Abs(j);
                            int absz = Math.Abs(m);

                            double pointradius = sqrt((absx * absx) + (absz * absz));

                            if (pointradius <= currentradius && pointradius >= (currentradius - 1))
                                byte ctile = p.level.GetTile((ushort)cx, (ushort)cy, (ushort)cz);
                                if (ctile == 0)
                                    Player.CopyPos temp = new Player.CopyPos();
                                    temp.x    = (ushort)cx;
                                    temp.y    = (ushort)cy;
                                    temp.z    = (ushort)cz;
                                    temp.type = Block.grass;
                                    //p.level.Blockchange(p, (ushort)cx, (ushort)cy, (ushort)cz, Block.grass);
                            else if (pointradius <= currentradius)
                                byte ctile = p.level.GetTile((ushort)cx, (ushort)cy, (ushort)cz);
                                if (ctile == 0)
                                    Player.CopyPos temp = new Player.CopyPos();
                                    temp.x    = (ushort)cx;
                                    temp.y    = (ushort)cy;
                                    temp.z    = (ushort)cz;
                                    temp.type = Block.lava;
                                    //p.level.Blockchange(p, (ushort)cx, (ushort)cy, (ushort)cz, Block.lava);
            if (buffer.Count > p.group.maxBlocks)
                Player.SendMessage(p, "You tried Valcanoing " + buffer.Count + " blocks, your limit is " + p.group.maxBlocks); buffer = null; return;
            buffer.ForEach(delegate(Player.CopyPos pos) { p.level.Blockchange(p, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, pos.type); });
            buffer = null;
Exemple #3
        public static void HIPyramid(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, int height, int radius, byte block)
            //foreach (Player p in Player.players) if (p.level == l) p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, 0);
            List <Player.CopyPos> buffer = new List <Player.CopyPos>();

            for (short k = 0; k <= height; k = (short)(k + 1))
                if ((y + k) < 0 || (y + k) > p.level.depth)
                for (short j = Convert.ToInt16(-radius); j <= radius; j = (short)(j + 1))
                    if ((x + j) < 0 || (x + j) > p.level.width)
                    for (short m = Convert.ToInt16(-radius); m <= radius; m = (short)(m + 1))
                        if ((z + m) < 0 || (z + m) > p.level.length)

                        int ox = x;
                        int oy = y;
                        int oz = z;

                        int cx = (x + j);
                        int cy = (y + k);
                        int cz = (z + m);

                        double currentheight = k;

                        double currentradius;
                        if (currentheight == 0)
                            currentradius = (double)((double)radius * (double)((double)currentheight / (double)height));
                            int absx = Math.Abs(j);
                            int absz = Math.Abs(m);

                            if (absx > currentradius || absz > currentradius)
                            if (absx < (currentradius - 1) && absz < (currentradius - 1))

                            byte ctile = p.level.GetTile((ushort)cx, (ushort)cy, (ushort)cz);
                            if (ctile == 0)
                                Player.CopyPos temp = new Player.CopyPos();
                                temp.x    = (ushort)cx;
                                temp.y    = (ushort)cy;
                                temp.z    = (ushort)cz;
                                temp.type = block;
                                //p.level.Blockchange(p, (ushort)cx, (ushort)cy, (ushort)cz, block);
            if (buffer.Count > p.group.maxBlocks)
                Player.SendMessage(p, "You tried HIPyramiding " + buffer.Count + " blocks, your limit is " + p.group.maxBlocks); buffer = null; return;
            buffer.ForEach(delegate(Player.CopyPos pos) { p.level.Blockchange(p, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, pos.type); });
            buffer = null;
            if ((y + height) <= p.level.depth)
                p.level.Blockchange(p, x, (ushort)(y), z, block);
        public static void Volcano(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, int height, int radius)
            //foreach (Player p in Player.players) if (p.level == l) p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, 0);
            List<Player.CopyPos> buffer = new List<Player.CopyPos>();
            //double originalhypotenuse = sqrt((height * height) + (radius * radius));

            for (short k = 0; k <= height; k = (short)(k + 1))
                if ((y + k) < 0 || (y + k) > p.level.depth) continue;
                for (short j = Convert.ToInt16(-radius); j <= radius; j = (short)(j + 1))
                    if ((x + j) < 0 || (x + j) > p.level.width) continue;
                    for (short m = Convert.ToInt16(-radius); m <= radius; m = (short)(m + 1))
                        if ((z + m) < 0 || (z + m) > p.level.length) continue;

                    //	int ox = x;
                    //	int oy = y;
                    //	int oz = z;

                        int cx = (x + j);
                        int cy = (y + k);
                        int cz = (z + m);

                        double currentheight = height - k;

                        double currentradius;
                        if (currentheight == 0)
                        { }
                            currentradius = (double)((double)radius * (double)((double)currentheight / (double)height));
                            int absx = Math.Abs(j);
                            int absz = Math.Abs(m);

                            double pointradius = sqrt((absx * absx) + (absz * absz));

                            if (pointradius <= currentradius && pointradius >= (currentradius - 1))
                                ushort ctile = p.level.GetTile((ushort)cx, (ushort)cy, (ushort)cz);
                                if (ctile == 0)
                                    Player.CopyPos temp = new Player.CopyPos();
                                    temp.x = (ushort)cx;
                                    temp.y = (ushort)cy;
                                    temp.z = (ushort)cz;
                                    temp.type = Block.grass;
                                    //p.level.Blockchange(p, (ushort)cx, (ushort)cy, (ushort)cz, Block.grass);
                            else if (pointradius <= currentradius)
                                ushort ctile = p.level.GetTile((ushort)cx, (ushort)cy, (ushort)cz);
                                if (ctile == 0)
                                    Player.CopyPos temp = new Player.CopyPos();
                                    temp.x = (ushort)cx;
                                    temp.y = (ushort)cy;
                                    temp.z = (ushort)cz;
                                    temp.type = Block.lava;
                                    //p.level.Blockchange(p, (ushort)cx, (ushort)cy, (ushort)cz, Block.lava);

            if (buffer.Count > p.group.maxBlocks) { Player.SendMessage(p, "You tried Valcanoing " + buffer.Count + " blocks, your limit is " + p.group.maxBlocks); buffer = null; return; }
            buffer.ForEach(delegate(Player.CopyPos pos) { p.level.Blockchange(p, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, pos.type); });
            buffer = null;
 public static void Sphere(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, int radius, ushort type)
     List<Player.CopyPos> buffer = new List<Player.CopyPos>();
     for (short j = Convert.ToInt16(-radius); j <= radius; j = (short)(j + 1))
         if ((x + j) < 0 || (x + j) > p.level.width) continue;
         for (short k = Convert.ToInt16(-radius); k <= radius; k = (short)(k + 1))
             if ((y + k) < 0 || (y + k) > p.level.depth) continue;
             for (short m = Convert.ToInt16(-radius); m <= radius; m = (short)(m + 1))
                 if ((z + m) < 0 || (z + m) > p.level.length) continue;
                 short maxValue = (short)Math.Sqrt((double)(((j * j) + (k * k)) + (m * m)));
                 if ((maxValue < (radius + 1)))
                         ushort x2 = (ushort)(x + j);
                         ushort y2 = (ushort)(y + k);
                         ushort z2 = (ushort)(z + m);
                         if (x2 <= p.level.width && y2 <= p.level.depth && z2 <= p.level.length)
                             ushort that = p.level.GetTile((ushort)(x + j), (ushort)((y + k)), (ushort)(z + m));
                             if (that != 7)
                                 Player.CopyPos temp = new Player.CopyPos();
                                 temp.x = (ushort)(x + j);
                                 temp.y = (ushort)(y + k);
                                 temp.z = (ushort)(z + m);
                                 temp.type = type;
                                 //p.level.Blockchange(p, (ushort)(x + j), (ushort)((y + k)), (ushort)(z + m), type);
                     catch { }
     if (buffer.Count > p.group.maxBlocks) { Player.SendMessage(p, "You tried Sphering " + buffer.Count + " blocks, your limit is " + p.group.maxBlocks); buffer = null; return; }
     buffer.ForEach(delegate(Player.CopyPos pos) { p.level.Blockchange(p, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, pos.type); });
     buffer = null;
        //For the pyramid commands, Radius still refers to the distance from the center point, but is axis independant, rather than a referance to both axes
        public static void Pyramid(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, int height, int radius, ushort block)
            //foreach (Player p in Player.players) if (p.level == l) p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, 0);
            List<Player.CopyPos> buffer = new List<Player.CopyPos>();
            for (short k = 0; k <= height; k = (short)(k + 1))
                if ((y + k) < 0 || (y + k) > p.level.depth) continue;
                for (short j = Convert.ToInt16(-radius); j <= radius; j = (short)(j + 1))
                    if ((x + j) < 0 || (x + j) > p.level.width) continue;
                    for (short m = Convert.ToInt16(-radius); m <= radius; m = (short)(m + 1))
                        if ((z + m) < 0 || (z + m) > p.level.length) continue;

                    /*	int ox = x;
                        int oy = y;
                        int oz = z;*/

                        int cx = (x + j);
                        int cy = (y + k);
                        int cz = (z + m);

                        double currentheight = height - k;

                        double currentradius;
                        if (currentheight == 0)
                        { }
                            currentradius = (double)((double)radius * (double)((double)currentheight / (double)height));
                            int absx = Math.Abs(j);
                            int absz = Math.Abs(m);

                            if (absx > currentradius) continue;
                            if (absz > currentradius) continue;

                            ushort ctile = p.level.GetTile((ushort)cx, (ushort)cy, (ushort)cz);
                            if (ctile == 0)
                                Player.CopyPos temp = new Player.CopyPos();
                                temp.x = (ushort)cx;
                                temp.y = (ushort)cy;
                                temp.z = (ushort)cz;
                                temp.type = block;
                                //p.level.Blockchange(p, (ushort)cx, (ushort)cy, (ushort)cz, block);

            if (buffer.Count > p.group.maxBlocks) { Player.SendMessage(p, "You tried Pyramiding " + buffer.Count + " blocks, your limit is " + p.group.maxBlocks); buffer = null; return; }
            buffer.ForEach(delegate(Player.CopyPos pos) { p.level.Blockchange(p, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, pos.type); });
            buffer = null;
            if ((y + height) <= p.level.depth)
                p.level.Blockchange(p, x, (ushort)(y + height), z, block);