Exemple #1
    private void Awake()
        _selectionPanel.go = _selectionPanelGO;
        _results           = new int[(int)Mathf.Pow(2, _variableCount.value)];
        _outputs           = new MultiCellElement[_outputCount.value];
        _mainCamera.go     = this.gameObject;
        _grid = new Grid(100, 100, 5, Vector3.zero);
        InputHandler.instance.floatingText = _floatingText;
        _mainGrid.grid = _grid;
        GameObject empty = Resources.Load <GameObject>("Prefabs/emptyCube");

        _filler.go = empty;
        for (int i = 0; i < _width; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < _height; j++)
                GameObject tempObj = Placer.PlaceObject(_grid, empty, i, j);
        int offSetX = _startingPointGo.GetComponent <GridElement>().size.x;
        int offSetY = _startingPointGo.GetComponent <GridElement>().size.y;

        for (int i = 0; i < _variableCount.value; i++)
            GameObject tempMCE = Placer.PlaceMultiCellObject(_grid, _startingPointGo, _startingpoints[i].x, _startingpoints[i].y, _filler.go);
            if (tempMCE.GetComponentInChildren <TMP_Text>())
                tempMCE.GetComponentInChildren <TMP_Text>().text = ((Charge)i + 1).ToString();

            Vector2Int tempVecOutgoingSocket = new Vector2Int(_startingpoints[i].x + offSetX, _startingpoints[i].y);
            GameObject tempObj = Placer.PlaceObject(_grid, _outGoingSocket, _startingpoints[i].x + offSetX, _startingpoints[i].y);

            tempMCE.GetComponent <MultiCellElement>().AddToList(tempMCE.GetComponent <MultiCellElement>().outgoingSockets, tempVecOutgoingSocket);
            tempMCE.GetComponent <MultiCellElement>().outgoingSocketObjects.Add(tempObj.GetComponent <OutGoingSocket>());
        for (int j = 0; j < _outputCount.value; j++)
            GameObject tempMCE = Placer.PlaceMultiCellObject(_grid, _endPointGo, _endPoints[j].x, _endPoints[j].y, _filler.go);
            if (tempMCE.GetComponentInChildren <TMP_Text>())
                tempMCE.GetComponentInChildren <TMP_Text>().text = j.ToString();
            Vector2Int tempVecIncomingSocket = new Vector2Int(_endPoints[j].x - 1, _endPoints[j].y);
            GameObject tempObj = Placer.PlaceObject(_grid, _incomingSocket, tempVecIncomingSocket.x, tempVecIncomingSocket.y);
            tempObj.GetComponent <SocketOfGridElement>().coordsToTarget = new Vector2Int(_endPoints[j].x, _endPoints[j].y);
            tempObj.GetComponent <SocketOfGridElement>().targetGo       = tempMCE;
            tempMCE.GetComponent <MultiCellElement>().AddToList(tempMCE.GetComponent <MultiCellElement>().incomingSockets, tempVecIncomingSocket);
            _outputs[j] = tempMCE.GetComponent <MultiCellElement>();
Exemple #2
     * Method to handle left-mouse clicks. These can lead to various cases, depending on the clicked Object in the scene.
     * @param   context Context of the Actionevent. In this case the method is triggered by leftclick. The information about the event are not used further.
    private void LeftClickPC(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
        // First, cast a ray from the camera through the mouse-cursor and check for hits.
        Ray        ray = _camera.go.GetComponent <Camera>().ScreenPointToRay(Mouse.current.position.ReadValue());
        RaycastHit hit;

        // If an object was hit, check various cases.
        if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
            // Get the coordinates of the hit object in the grid.
            Vector2Int temp = _mainGrid.grid.GetCoordinate(hit.point);

            // If the hit object in the grid is a multiCellElement, show it's truthtable in the selection UI-Panel and return.
            if (_mainGrid.grid.GetObjFromCoordinate(temp).GetComponent <MultiCellElement>())
                FillSelectionResultTable(_mainGrid.grid.GetObjFromCoordinate(temp).GetComponent <MultiCellElement>());
            // If anything else was hit, hide the selection UI-panel.

            // If the player hasn't selected a specific object to place, start placing connections as long as the left-mouse button is held down.
            // This is done by changing input-behaviour to place a connection every frame, that the mouse has moved.
            // Either the player has already placed a connection-element, in that case only the input-behaviour has to be changed.
            // Otherwise, the connection-element has to be placed in the inventory.
            if (!selected.go)
                _inputs.Schaltnetz.PreviewBuilding.performed += PlaceConnection;
                selected.go = _connection.go;
            if (selected.go == _connection.go)
                _inputs.Schaltnetz.PreviewBuilding.performed += PlaceConnection;

            // If the player has something in the inventory, that is not null or a connection-element, takes this route.
            if (temp.x >= 0)
                // Check if the player still has to place incoming or outgoingsockets. If so, try to place the correct element on the clicked spot.
                // If there are no left sockets left to place, skip this part

                // If there are sockets to place, first the incoming, then the outgoing sockets are going to be placed.
                if (_incomingSocketsToPlace > 0 || _outgoingSocketsToPlace > 0)
                    if (_incomingSocketsToPlace > 0)
                        PlaceIncomingSocket(temp, tempTargetCoord, _filler.go);
                        // After placing the last incoming socket, change the element in the inventory for the next placement.
                        if (_incomingSocketsToPlace <= 0)
                            selected.go = _outgoingSocketPrefab;
                    // After all incoming sockets have been placed, place all outgoing sockets.
                        PlaceOutgoingSocket(temp, tempTargetCoord, _filler.go);
                        // When all outgoingsockets are placed, reset the inventory and unlock the selection.
                        if (_outgoingSocketsToPlace <= 0)
                            _selectionBlocked = false;
                            selected.go       = null;

                // This section handles the case, that the player wants to place an element, that is not a connection and has no sockets left to place.
                    // Variable used to store a reference to the newly placed element.
                    GameObject tempObj;

                    // Give the player auditive feedback about the placement.

                    // If the element in the inventory only is 1x1 gridcells big, just place it on the grid.
                    if (selected.go.GetComponent <GridElement>().size.x == 1 && selected.go.GetComponent <GridElement>().size.y == 1)
                        // Place the object and take a reference.
                        tempObj = Placer.PlaceObject(_mainGrid.grid, selected.go, temp.x, temp.y, _filler.go);
                    // Bigger elements need to be placed differently, since there can happen multiple conflicts while placing them on the grid.
                        // Place the object and take a reference.
                        tempObj = Placer.PlaceMultiCellObject(_mainGrid.grid, selected.go, temp.x, temp.y, _filler.go);

                        // Bigger elements get a text to identify them on the board. They get a Tag with the given name that is placed right above them.
                        if (tempObj.GetComponentInChildren <TMP_Text>())
                            tempObj.GetComponentInChildren <TMP_Text>().text = tempObj.GetComponent <MultiCellElement>().name;

                    // After placing an object, check if the object needs to have incoming or outgoing sockets. If so, set the counters and lock the selection.
                    // This way, the player will have to place all remaining sockets before being able to place more elements.
                    if (tempObj && (tempObj.GetComponent <GridElement>().incomingSocketCount > 0 || tempObj.GetComponent <GridElement>().outComingSocketCount > 0))
                        // Block the player from placing other elements, while having to place sockets.
                        _selectionBlocked = true;

                        // Save the coordinates of the newly placed object for when the incoming and outgoing sockets are being planced.
                        tempTargetCoord = temp;

                        // Increase the counter to show how many sockets need to be placed.
                        _incomingSocketsToPlace = tempObj.GetComponent <GridElement>().incomingSocketCount;
                        _outgoingSocketsToPlace = tempObj.GetComponent <GridElement>().outComingSocketCount;

                        // Start by placing incoming sockets by filling the inventory with an incoming socket.
                        selected.go = _incomingSocketPrefab;

                        // Update the preview, so the player can see where the element would be placed.