void FixedUpdate()
            if (_abortFixedUpdate)



                if (_singleStep)
                    FlightDriver.SetPause(true, postScreenMessage: false);
                Debug.Log("WAP: Exception occurred in FixedUpdate; stopping.");
                _abortFixedUpdate = true;
    private void FixedUpdate()
        headAngle       = Vector3.SignedAngle((head.transform.position - body.transform.position), Vector3.up, Vector3.forward);                                                         //Find angle of head compared to the body position
        headForceVector = -Vector2.Perpendicular(new Vector2(head.transform.position.x, head.transform.position.y) - new Vector2(body.transform.position.x, body.transform.position.y)); //Janky line of code that finds a vector perpendicular to the body offset

        //Calculate the speed in every case
        if (body.velocity.x > 0)
            bodySpeed = Vector3.Magnitude(new Vector3(body.velocity.x, body.velocity.y, 0f));
        if (body.velocity.x < 0)
            bodySpeed = -Vector3.Magnitude(new Vector3(body.velocity.x, body.velocity.y, 0f));
        if (body.velocity.x == 0)
            bodySpeed = 0f;

        //Update the PID controllers
        balancePid.Update(setPoint, headAngle, P, I, D, Time.fixedDeltaTime, maxOutput, minOutput);
        headAirPid.Update(setPoint, headAngle, 0.05f, 0f, 0.015f, Time.fixedDeltaTime, maxOutput, minOutput);

        //Debug.Log(-balancePid.Output()+"  "+headAngle+"  "+bodySpeed);
        if (body.IsTouchingLayers(-1) == true && Mathf.Abs(headAngle) < 80)       //If the body is touching anything, and is somewhat upright
            if (jump == 1)
            body.AddTorque(-balancePid.Output() * torque * Time.fixedDeltaTime * 10); //Add torque to the body according to PID outputs
        if (body.IsTouchingLayers(-1) == true && Mathf.Abs(headAngle) > 80)           //If the body is touching anything, and the head is not upright
            head.AddForce(new Vector2(0f, jump * recoveryForce));                     //If the jump button is pressed, add a recoveryForce to the head to return it to an upright position
        if (body.IsTouchingLayers(-1) == false && Mathf.Abs(headAngle) < 80)          //If the body isn't touching anything and the head is upright
            head.AddForce(headForceVector * -headAirPid.Output());                    //Add force to the head according to PID output