Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the function or operator name of this function call
        /// </summary>
        public static string GetFunction(this ParseTreeNode input)
            if (input.IsIntersection())
            if (input.IsUnion())
            if (input.IsBinaryOperation() || input.IsUnaryPostfixOperation())
            if (input.IsUnaryPrefixOperation())
            if (input.IsNamedFunction())
            if (input.IsExternalUDFunction())

            throw new ArgumentException("Not a function call", nameof(input));
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Change a C# parse tree to a F# AST
        /// </summary>
        public static FSharpTransform.Formula CreateFSharpTree(this ParseTreeNode input)
            if (input.IsParentheses())
                return(FSharpTransform.Formula.NewFunction("", ListModule.OfSeq(new [] { CreateFSharpTree(input.ChildNodes[0]) })));

            input = input.SkipToRelevant();

            switch (input.Type())
            case GrammarNames.FunctionCall:
            case GrammarNames.ReferenceFunctionCall:
            case GrammarNames.UDFunctionCall:
                var fname = input.GetFunction() + (input.IsNamedFunction()?"(":"");
                var args  = ListModule.OfSeq(input.GetFunctionArguments().Select(CreateFSharpTree));
                // Check for range
                if (fname == ":")
                return(FSharpTransform.makeFormula(fname, args));

            case GrammarNames.Reference:
                // ignore prefix
                return(CreateFSharpTree(input.ChildNodes.Count == 1 ? input.ChildNodes[0] : input.ChildNodes[1]));

            case GrammarNames.Cell:
                var L = new Location(input.Print());
                return(FSharpTransform.makeSuperCell(FSharpTransform.makeCell(L.Column, L.Row)));

            case GrammarNames.NamedRange:

            case TransformationRuleGrammar.Names.DynamicCell:
                //get variables from dynamic cell

            case TransformationRuleGrammar.Names.DynamicRange:
                var letter = input          // DynamicRange
                             .ChildNodes[0] // LowLetter

            case GrammarNames.Constant:
            case GrammarNames.Number:
            case GrammarNames.Text:
            case GrammarNames.Bool:
            case GrammarNames.Error:
            case GrammarNames.RefError:

            case TransformationRuleGrammar.Names.DynamicConstant:

                throw new ArgumentException($"Can't convert node type {input.Type()}", nameof(input));
 private static bool IsTargetFunction(ParseTreeNode node)
         // Not interested in not-functions
          // Or functions without arguments
          && node.ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes.Any() &&
           // Functions have an arrayasargument parameter
           || node.GetFunctionArguments().Any(n => n.SkipToRelevant().IsUnion())
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Get all the arguments of a function or operation
 /// </summary>
 public static IEnumerable <ParseTreeNode> GetFunctionArguments(this ParseTreeNode input)
     if (input.IsNamedFunction())
                .ChildNodes[1] // "Arguments" non-terminal
                .ChildNodes    // "Argument" non-terminals
                .Select(node => node.ChildNodes[0])
     if (input.IsBinaryOperation())
         return(new[] { input.ChildNodes[0], input.ChildNodes[2] });
     if (input.IsUnaryPrefixOperation())
         return(new[] { input.ChildNodes[1] });
     if (input.IsUnaryPostfixOperation())
         return(new[] { input.ChildNodes[0] });
     if (input.IsUnion())
     if (input.IsExternalUDFunction())
         return(input          // Reference
                .ChildNodes[1] // UDFunctionCall
                .ChildNodes[1] // Arguments
                .ChildNodes    // Argument non-terminals
                .Select(node => node.ChildNodes[0])
     throw new ArgumentException("Not a function call", nameof(input));
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Pretty-print a parse tree to a string
        /// </summary>
        public static string Print(this ParseTreeNode input)
            // For terminals, just print the token text
            if (input.Term is Terminal)

            // (Lazy) enumerable for printed children
            var children = input.ChildNodes.Select(Print);
            // Concrete list when needed
            List <string> childrenList;

            // Switch on non-terminals
            switch (input.Term.Name)
            case GrammarNames.Formula:
                // Check if these are brackets, otherwise print first child
                return(IsParentheses(input) ? $"({children.First()})" : children.First());

            case GrammarNames.FunctionCall:
            case GrammarNames.ReferenceFunctionCall:
            case GrammarNames.UDFunctionCall:
                childrenList = children.ToList();

                if (input.IsNamedFunction())
                    return(string.Join("", childrenList) + ")");

                if (input.IsBinaryOperation())
                    // format string for "normal" binary operation
                    string format = "{0} {1} {2}";
                    if (input.IsIntersection())
                        format = "{0} {2}";
                    else if (input.IsBinaryReferenceOperation())
                        format = "{0}{1}{2}";

                    return(string.Format(format, childrenList[0], childrenList[1], childrenList[2]));

                if (input.IsUnion())
                    return($"({string.Join(",", childrenList)})");

                if (input.IsUnaryOperation())
                    return(string.Join("", childrenList));

                throw new ArgumentException("Unknown function type.");

            case GrammarNames.Reference:
                return(IsParentheses(input) ? $"({children.First()})" : string.Concat(children));

            case GrammarNames.Prefix:
                var ret = string.Join("", children);
                // The exclamation mark token is not included in the parse tree, so we have to add that if it's a single file
                if (input.ChildNodes.Count == 1 && input.ChildNodes[0].Is(GrammarNames.File))
                    ret += "!";

            case GrammarNames.ArrayFormula:
                return("{=" + children.ElementAt(1) + "}");

            case GrammarNames.StructuredReference:
                var sb           = new StringBuilder();
                var hashtable    = input.ChildNodes.Count >= 1 && input.ChildNodes[0].Is(GrammarNames.StructuredReferenceTable);
                var contentsNode = hashtable ? 1 : 0;
                childrenList = children.ToList();
                if (hashtable)

                if (hashtable && input.ChildNodes.Count == 1)
                    // Full table reference
                else if (input.ChildNodes[contentsNode].Is(GrammarNames.StructuredReferenceElement))


            // Terms for which to print all child nodes concatenated
            case GrammarNames.ArrayConstant:
            case GrammarNames.DynamicDataExchange:
            case GrammarNames.FormulaWithEq:
            case GrammarNames.File:
            case GrammarNames.StructuredReferenceExpression:
                return(string.Join("", children));

            // Terms for which we print the children comma-separated
            case GrammarNames.Arguments:
            case GrammarNames.ArrayRows:
            case GrammarNames.Union:
                return(string.Join(",", children));

            case GrammarNames.ArrayColumns:
                return(string.Join(";", children));

            case GrammarNames.ConstantArray:

                // If it is not defined above and the number of children is exactly one, we want to just print the first child
                if (input.ChildNodes.Count == 1)

                throw new ArgumentException($"Could not print node of type '{input.Term.Name}'." + Environment.NewLine +
                                            "This probably means the Excel grammar was modified without the print function being modified");
        /// <summary>
        /// Pretty-print a parse tree to a string
        /// </summary>
        public static string Print(this ParseTreeNode input)
            // For terminals, just print the token text
            if (input.Term is Terminal)

            // (Lazy) enumerable for printed childs
            var childs = input.ChildNodes.Select(Print);
            // Concrete list when needed
            List <String> childsL;

            // Switch on nonterminals
            switch (input.Term.Name)
            case GrammarNames.Formula:
                // Check if these are brackets, otherwise print first child
                return(IsParentheses(input) ? String.Format("({0})", childs.First()) : childs.First());

            case GrammarNames.FunctionCall:
            case GrammarNames.ReferenceFunctionCall:
            case GrammarNames.UDFunctionCall:
                childsL = childs.ToList();

                if (input.IsNamedFunction())
                    return(String.Join("", childsL) + ")");

                if (input.IsBinaryOperation())
                    // format string for "normal" binary operation
                    string format = "{0} {1} {2}";
                    if (input.IsIntersection())
                        format = "{0} {2}";
                    else if (input.IsBinaryReferenceOperation())
                        format = "{0}{1}{2}";

                    return(String.Format(format, childsL[0], childsL[1], childsL[2]));

                if (input.IsUnion())
                    return(String.Format("({0})", String.Join(",", childsL)));

                if (input.IsUnaryOperation())
                    return(String.Join("", childsL));

                throw new ArgumentException("Unknown function type.");

            case GrammarNames.Reference:
                /*if (IsParentheses(input) || IsUnion(input))
                 * {
                 *  return String.Format("({0})", childs.First());
                 * }
                 * childsL = childs.ToList();
                 * if (IsIntersection(input))
                 * {
                 *  return String.Format("{0} {1}", childsL[0], childsL[2]);
                 * }
                 * if (IsBinaryOperation(input))
                 * {
                 *  return String.Format("{0}{1}{2}", childsL[0], childsL[1], childsL[2]);
                 * }*/
                if (IsParentheses(input))
                    return(String.Format("({0})", childs.First()));

                return(String.Join("", childs));

            case GrammarNames.File:
                return(String.Format("[{0}]", childs.First()));

            case GrammarNames.Prefix:
                var ret = String.Join("", childs);
                // The exclamation mark token is not included in the parse tree, so we have to add that if it's a single file
                if (input.ChildNodes.Count == 1 && input.ChildNodes[0].Is(GrammarNames.File))
                    ret += "!";

            case GrammarNames.ArrayFormula:
                return("{=" + childs.ElementAt(1) + "}");

            case GrammarNames.DynamicDataExchange:
                childsL = childs.ToList();
                return(String.Format("{0}!{1}", childsL[0], childsL[1]));

            // Terms for which to print all child nodes concatenated
            case GrammarNames.ArrayConstant:
            case GrammarNames.FormulaWithEq:
                return(String.Join("", childs));

            // Terms for which we print the childs comma-separated
            case GrammarNames.Arguments:
            case GrammarNames.ArrayRows:
            case GrammarNames.Union:
                return(String.Join(",", childs));

            case GrammarNames.ArrayColumns:
                return(String.Join(";", childs));

            case GrammarNames.ConstantArray:
                return(String.Format("{{{0}}}", childs.First()));

                // If it is not defined above and the number of childs is exactly one, we want to just print the first child
                if (input.ChildNodes.Count == 1)
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Could not print node of type '{0}'.\nThis probably means the excel grammar was modified without the print function being modified", input.Term.Name));