protected override void ExecuteCmdlet()
            var officeManagementApiToken = OfficeManagementApiToken.AcquireToken(TenantId, ClientId, ClientSecret);

        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to get a token for the provided audience
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tokenAudience">Audience to try to get a token for</param>
        /// <param name="roles">The specific roles to request access to (i.e. Group.ReadWrite.All). Optional, will use default groups assigned to clientId if not specified.</param>
        /// <returns><see cref="GenericToken"/> for the audience or NULL if unable to retrieve a token for the audience on the current connection</returns>
        internal GenericToken TryGetToken(TokenAudience tokenAudience, string[] roles = null)
            GenericToken token = null;

            // Validate if we have a token already
            if (AccessTokens.ContainsKey(tokenAudience))
                // We have a token already, ensure it is still valid
                token = AccessTokens[tokenAudience];

                if (token.ExpiresOn > DateTime.Now)
                    // Token is still valid, ensure we dont have specific roles to check for or the requested roles to execute the command are present in the token
                    if (roles == null || roles.Length == 0 || roles.Any(r => token.Roles.Contains(r)))

                    if (roles != null)
                        // Requested role was not part of the access token, throw an exception explaining which application registration is missing which role
                        throw new PSSecurityException($"Access to {tokenAudience} failed because the app registration {ClientId} in tenant {Tenant} is not granted {(roles.Length != 1 ? "any of " : string.Empty)}the permission{(roles.Length != 1 ? "s" : string.Empty)} {string.Join(", ", roles).TrimEnd(new[] { ',', ' ' })}");

                // Token was no longer valid, proceed with trying to create a new token

            // We do not have a token for the requested audience yet or it was no longer valid, try to create (a new) one
            switch (tokenAudience)
            case TokenAudience.MicrosoftGraph:
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Tenant))
                    if (Certificate != null)
                        token = GraphToken.AcquireToken(Tenant, ClientId, Certificate);
                    else if (ClientSecret != null)
                        token = GraphToken.AcquireToken(Tenant, ClientId, ClientSecret);

            case TokenAudience.OfficeManagementApi:
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Tenant))
                    if (Certificate != null)
                        token = OfficeManagementApiToken.AcquireToken(Tenant, ClientId, Certificate);
                    else if (ClientSecret != null)
                        token = OfficeManagementApiToken.AcquireToken(Tenant, ClientId, ClientSecret);

            case TokenAudience.SharePointOnline:
                // This is not a token type we can request on demand

            if (token != null)
                // Managed to create a token for the requested audience, add it to our collection with tokens
                AccessTokens[tokenAudience] = token;

            // Didn't have a token yet and unable to retrieve one