Exemple #1
        public void Search(NavigationGraphNode startNode, NodeGoalBounds nodeGoalBounds)
            //TODO: Implement the algorithm that calculates the goal bounds using a dijkstra
            //Given that the nodes in the graph correspond to the edges of a polygon, we won't be able to use the vertices of the polygon to update the bounding boxes

            NodeRecord StartNode = NodeRecordArray.GetNodeRecord(startNode);

            StartNode.StartNodeOutConnectionIndex = -1;
            int OpenSize = Open.All().Count;

            while (OpenSize > 0)
                NodeRecord currentNode = Open.GetBestAndRemove();
                if (currentNode.StartNodeOutConnectionIndex != -1)

                //Initialize start node edge colors:
                var outConnections = currentNode.node.OutEdgeCount;
                for (int i = 0; i < outConnections; i++)
                    this.ProcessChildNode(currentNode, currentNode.node.EdgeOut(i), i);
                OpenSize = Open.All().Count;
        public void Search(NavigationGraphNode startNode, NodeGoalBounds nodeGoalBounds)
            NodeRecord startNodeRecord = this.NodeRecordArray.GetNodeRecord(startNode);

            startNodeRecord.node   = startNode;
            startNodeRecord.gValue = 0f;

            while (this.Open.CountOpen() > 0)
                NodeRecord Node = this.Open.GetBestAndRemove();
                if (Node.id != -1 && nodeGoalBounds.connectionBounds.Length > Node.id)

                for (int i = 0; i < Node.node.OutEdgeCount; i++)
                    ProcessChildNode(Node, Node.node.EdgeOut(i), i);

        public void Search(NavigationGraphNode startNode, NodeGoalBounds nodeGoalBounds)

            NodeRecord startNodeRecord = this.NodeRecordArray.GetNodeRecord(startNode);

            startNodeRecord.gValue = 0;
            startNodeRecord.fValue = 0;
            startNodeRecord.parent = null;
            startNodeRecord.StartNodeOutConnectionIndex = 0;

            while (true)
                if (this.Open.CountOpen() == 0)

                NodeRecord currNode = this.Open.GetBestAndRemove();

                int nOutConnections = currNode.node.OutEdgeCount;
                for (int i = 0; i < nOutConnections; i++)
                    this.ProcessChildNode(currNode, currNode.node.EdgeOut(i), i);
            //TODO: Implement the algorithm that calculates the goal bounds using a dijkstra
            //Given that the nodes in the graph correspond to the edges of a polygon, we won't be able to use the vertices of the polygon to update the bounding boxes
        public void Search(NavigationGraphNode startNode, NodeGoalBounds nodeGoalBounds)
            this.StartNode      = startNode;
            this.NodeGoalBounds = nodeGoalBounds;

            // we fill the initial childNodes with start edge indexes,
            // and add them to the open list. the start node is added to closed list

            var closed = this.Closed.All();

            var openCount = this.Open.CountOpen();

            while (openCount > 0)
                var currentNode = this.Open.GetBestAndRemove();


                for (var i = 0; i < currentNode.node.OutEdgeCount; i++)
                    ProcessChildNode(currentNode, currentNode.node.EdgeOut(i), currentNode.StartNodeOutConnectionIndex);

                openCount = this.Open.CountOpen();
        protected override void ProcessChildNode(NodeRecord parentNode, NavigationGraphEdge connectionEdge, int edgeIndex)
            NodeGoalBounds nodeBounds = this.GoalBoundingTable.table [parentNode.node.NodeIndex];


            if (nodeBounds == null)
                base.ProcessChildNode(parentNode, connectionEdge, edgeIndex);
                if (nodeBounds.connectionBounds.Length - 1 < edgeIndex)
                    base.ProcessChildNode(parentNode, connectionEdge, edgeIndex);
                else if (nodeBounds.connectionBounds [edgeIndex].PositionInsideBounds(this.GoalPosition))
                    base.ProcessChildNode(parentNode, connectionEdge, edgeIndex);
Exemple #6
        protected override void ProcessChildNode(NodeRecord parentNode, NavigationGraphEdge connectionEdge, int edgeIndex)
            //TODO: Implement this method for the GoalBoundingPathfinding to Work. If you implemented the NodeArrayAStar properly, you wont need to change the search method.
            //Fetching index of GoalBoundingTable
            NodeRecord     childNodeRecord = NodeRecordArray.GetNodeRecord(connectionEdge.ToNode);
            int            index           = childNodeRecord.node.NodeIndex;
            NodeGoalBounds nodeBounds      = GoalBoundingTable.table[index];

            if (nodeBounds == null) //Special check for some nodes that have null nodeBounds??? is NodeIndex correct or is the table malformed?
                base.ProcessChildNode(parentNode, connectionEdge, edgeIndex);

            //TODO: needs fix

            /* Check if the box of parent node in the direction of the childnode has goal within. Not working due to arrayIndexExceptions:
             * DataStructures.GoalBounding.Bounds b = nodeBounds.connectionBounds[edgeIndex];
             * if (!b.PositionInsideBounds(GoalPosition))
             * {
             *  this.DiscardedEdges++;
             *  return;
             * }
            base.ProcessChildNode(parentNode, connectionEdge, edgeIndex);
        public void Search(NavigationGraphNode startNode, NodeGoalBounds nodeGoalBounds)
            NodeRecord startNodeRecord = this.NodeRecordArray.GetNodeRecord(startNode);

            startNodeRecord.StartNodeOutConnectionIndex = -1;
            startNodeRecord.fValue = 0;
            startNodeRecord.parent = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < startNode.OutEdgeCount; i++)
                NodeRecord nodeChildRecord = this.NodeRecordArray.GetNodeRecord(startNode.EdgeOut(i).ToNode);
                nodeChildRecord.parent = startNodeRecord;
                nodeChildRecord.StartNodeOutConnectionIndex = i;
                nodeChildRecord.fValue = (startNodeRecord.node.Position - nodeChildRecord.node.Position).magnitude;



            while (this.Open.CountOpen() > 0)
                var bestRecord = this.Open.GetBestAndRemove();
                for (int i = 0; i < bestRecord.node.OutEdgeCount; i++)
                    this.ProcessChildNode(bestRecord, bestRecord.node.EdgeOut(i), i);
                nodeGoalBounds.connectionBounds [bestRecord.StartNodeOutConnectionIndex].UpdateBounds(bestRecord.node.Position);
 public DijkstraSearchThread(NavigationGraphNode startNode, NodeGoalBounds bounds, GoalBoundsDijkstraMapFlooding dijkstra, GoalBoundingTable goalBoundingTable, int index)
     this.startNode         = startNode;
     this.bounds            = bounds;
     this.dijkstra          = dijkstra;
     this.goalBoundingTable = goalBoundingTable;
     this.index             = index;
    private static void CalculateGoalBounds()
        //get the NavMeshGraph from the current scene
        NavMeshPathGraph navMesh = GameObject.Find("Navigation Mesh").GetComponent <NavMeshRig>().NavMesh.Graph;

        //this is needed because RAIN AI does some initialization the first time the QuantizeToNode method is called
        //if this method is not called, the connections in the navigationgraph are not properly initialized
        navMesh.QuantizeToNode(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), 1.0f);

        var dijkstra = new GoalBoundsDijkstraMapFlooding(navMesh);

        GoalBoundingTable goalBoundingTable = new GoalBoundingTable();
        var nodes = GetNodesHack(navMesh);

        goalBoundingTable.table = new NodeGoalBounds[nodes.Count];

        NodeGoalBounds auxGoalBounds;

        //calculate goal bounds for each edge
        for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++)
            if (nodes[i] is NavMeshEdge)
                //initialize the GoalBounds structure for the edge
                auxGoalBounds = new NodeGoalBounds
                    connectionBounds = new Assets.Scripts.IAJ.Unity.Pathfinding.DataStructures.GoalBounding.Bounds[nodes[i].OutEdgeCount]

                for (int j = 0; j < nodes[i].OutEdgeCount; j++)
                    auxGoalBounds.connectionBounds[j] = new Assets.Scripts.IAJ.Unity.Pathfinding.DataStructures.GoalBounding.Bounds();

                if (i % 10 == 0)
                    float percentage = (float)i / (float)nodes.Count;
                    EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("GoalBounding precomputation progress", "Calculating goal bounds for each edge", percentage);

                //run a Dijkstra mapflooding for each node
                dijkstra.Search(nodes[i], auxGoalBounds);

                goalBoundingTable.table[i] = auxGoalBounds;

        //saving the table to a binary file
        EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("GoalBounding precomputation progress", "Saving GoalBoundsTable to an Asset file", 100);
        goalBoundingTable.Save(Application.dataPath + "/Resources/", "GoalBoundingTable.dat");

        //saving the assets, this takes forever using Unity's serialization mechanism

Exemple #10
        protected override void ProcessChildNode(NodeRecord parentNode, NavigationGraphEdge connectionEdge, int edgeIndex)
            NodeGoalBounds goalBounds = this.GoalBoundingTable.table[parentNode.node.NodeIndex];

            if (goalBounds != null && goalBounds.connectionBounds.Length > edgeIndex)
                if (!goalBounds.connectionBounds[edgeIndex].PositionInsideBounds(this.GoalPosition))
            base.ProcessChildNode(parentNode, connectionEdge, edgeIndex);
Exemple #11
        public void Search(NavigationGraphNode startNode, NodeGoalBounds nodeGoalBounds)
            //TODO: Implement the algorithm that calculates the goal bounds using a dijkstra
            //Given that the nodes in the graph correspond to the edges of a polygon, we won't be able to use the vertices of the polygon to update the bounding boxes

            //Initialize starting node for Dijkstra
            NodeRecord StartNode = NodeRecordArray.GetNodeRecord(startNode);

            StartNode.gValue = 0;
            StartNode.StartNodeOutConnectionIndex = -1; // -1 corresponds to not having a "color". Valid indices will start at 0

            while (Open.CountOpen() > 0)
                NodeRecord currentNode = Open.GetBestAndRemove();


                //We don't fill out the starting position as it is colorless
                if (currentNode.StartNodeOutConnectionIndex != -1)
                    var outFillConnections = currentNode.node.OutEdgeCount;

                    Vector3 edgePosition;
                    //Update the bounding box with all positions of EdgeOuts of the current Node
                    for (int i = 0; i < outFillConnections; i++)
                        edgePosition = currentNode.node.EdgeOut(i).ToNode.Position;
                        nodeGoalBounds.connectionBounds[currentNode.StartNodeOutConnectionIndex].UpdateBounds(edgePosition); //update only the bound corresponding to the ConnectionIndex

                //Process Child Nodes
                var outConnections = currentNode.node.OutEdgeCount;
                for (int i = 0; i < outConnections; i++)
                    this.ProcessChildNode(currentNode, currentNode.node.EdgeOut(i), i);
        //cria rectangulos
        public void Search(NavigationGraphNode startNode, NodeGoalBounds nodeGoalBounds)
            //TODO: Implement the algorithm that calculates the goal bounds using a dijkstra
            //Given that the nodes in the graph correspond to the edges of a polygon, we won't be able to use the vertices of the polygon to update the bounding boxes

            // mete os vizinhos do no inicial. Inicializacao da lista
            var outConnections = startNode.OutEdgeCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < outConnections; i++)
                NavigationGraphEdge edge = startNode.EdgeOut(i);

                var childNode       = edge.ToNode;
                var childNodeRecord = this.NodeRecordArray.GetNodeRecord(childNode);
                //adicionar ao open

                //transformar em vector3 para inicializar cada rectangulo
                childNodeRecord.StartNodeOutConnectionIndex = i;

            //giro:  var startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

            //enquanto houver nos no conj open
            while (this.Open.CountOpen() > 0)
                NodeRecord bestNode = this.Open.GetBestAndRemove();

                //aumentar o rectangulo
                nodeGoalBounds.connectionBounds[bestNode.StartNodeOutConnectionIndex].UpdateBounds(bestNode.node.LocalPosition); //isto e a cor do rectangulo. falta updateBounds


                //para ver as ligacoes do no que acabamos de ver
                var outConnections2 = bestNode.node.OutEdgeCount;
                for (int j = 0; j < outConnections2; j++)
                    this.ProcessChildNode(bestNode, bestNode.node.EdgeOut(j), bestNode.StartNodeOutConnectionIndex);
                // giro: this.MaxOpenNodes = Mathf.Max(this.Open.CountOpen(), this.MaxOpenNodes);
Exemple #13
        protected override void ProcessChildNode(NodeRecord parentNode, NavigationGraphEdge connectionEdge, int edgeIndex)
            //TODO: Implement this method for the GoalBoundingPathfinding to Work. If you implemented the NodeArrayAStar properly, you wont need to change the search method.
            //Fetching index of GoalBoundingTable
            int            index      = parentNode.node.NodeIndex;
            NodeGoalBounds nodeBounds = GoalBoundingTable.table[index];

            if (nodeBounds == null) //Special check for some nodes that have null nodeBounds.
                base.ProcessChildNode(parentNode, connectionEdge, edgeIndex);
            if (nodeBounds != null && nodeBounds.connectionBounds.Length > edgeIndex) // Special check for when bounds are not available for the node even if it exists.
                //Obtain the parent bound corresponding to the edgeIndex of the child.
                DataStructures.GoalBounding.Bounds b = nodeBounds.connectionBounds[edgeIndex];
                if (!b.PositionInsideBounds(GoalPosition))
            base.ProcessChildNode(parentNode, connectionEdge, edgeIndex);
        protected override void ProcessChildNode(NodeRecord parentNode, NavigationGraphEdge connectionEdge, int connectionIndex)
            NodeGoalBounds goalBound = GoalBoundingTable.table[parentNode.node.NodeIndex];

            if (goalBound != null && connectionIndex < goalBound.connectionBounds.Length)
                DataStructures.GoalBounding.Bounds bound = goalBound.connectionBounds[connectionIndex];
                if (bound.PositionInsideBounds(GoalNode.Position))
                    base.ProcessChildNode(parentNode, connectionEdge, connectionIndex);
                base.ProcessChildNode(parentNode, connectionEdge, connectionIndex);

Exemple #15
        public void Search(NavigationGraphNode startNode, NodeGoalBounds nodeGoalBounds)
            //TODO: Implement the algorithm that calculates the goal bounds using a dijkstra
            //Given that the nodes in the graph correspond to the edges of a polygon, we won't be able to use the vertices of the polygon to update the bounding boxes
            startNodeRecord = this.NodeRecordArray.GetNodeRecord(startNode);
            startNodeIndex  = startNodeRecord.node.NodeIndex;
            startNodeRecord.startNodeIndex = startNodeIndex;

            bool first = true;


            while (this.Open.CountOpen() > 0)
                bestNode = this.Open.GetBestAndRemove();

                if (!first)


                for (int i = 0; i < bestNode.node.OutEdgeCount; i++)
                    if (first)
                        this.ProcessChildNode(bestNode, bestNode.node.EdgeOut(i), i, nodeGoalBounds);
                        this.ProcessChildNode(bestNode, bestNode.node.EdgeOut(i), bestNode.StartNodeOutConnectionIndex, nodeGoalBounds);
                first = false;
        public void Search(NavigationGraphNode startNode, NodeGoalBounds nodeGoalBounds)

            StartNode = startNode;
            var startNodeRecord = this.NodeRecordArray.GetNodeRecord(startNode);

            startNodeRecord.gValue = 0;
            startNodeRecord.hValue = 0;
            startNodeRecord.fValue = F(startNodeRecord);

            var outConnectionsStart = startNodeRecord.node.OutEdgeCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < outConnectionsStart; i++)
                ProcessChildNode(startNodeRecord, startNodeRecord.node.EdgeOut(i), i);

                NavigationGraphNode childNode = startNodeRecord.node.EdgeOut(i).ToNode;
                var childNodeRecord           = this.NodeRecordArray.GetNodeRecord(childNode);

            while (Open.CountOpen() > 0)
                var bestNode = Open.GetBestAndRemove();
                //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Parent index: " + bestNode.StartNodeOutConnectionIndex);
                var outConnections = bestNode.node.OutEdgeCount;
                for (int i = 0; i < outConnections; i++)
                    ProcessChildNode(bestNode, bestNode.node.EdgeOut(i), bestNode.StartNodeOutConnectionIndex);
Exemple #17
        protected void ProcessChildNode(NodeRecord bestNode, NavigationGraphEdge connectionEdge, int connectionIndex, NodeGoalBounds nodeGoalBounds)
            //TODO: Implement this method that processes a child node. Then you can use it in the Search method above.
            var        childNode       = connectionEdge.ToNode;
            NodeRecord childNodeRecord = this.NodeRecordArray.GetNodeRecord(childNode);

            if (childNodeRecord.startNodeIndex != startNodeIndex)
                childNodeRecord.status = NodeStatus.Unvisited;

            if (childNodeRecord == null)
                //this piece of code is used just because of the special start nodes and goal nodes added to the RAIN Navigation graph when a new search is performed.
                //Since these special goals were not in the original navigation graph, they will not be stored in the NodeRecordArray and we will have to add them
                //to a special structure
                //it's ok if you don't understand this, this is a hack and not part of the NodeArrayA* algorithm, just do NOT CHANGE THIS, or your algorithm will not work
                childNodeRecord = new NodeRecord
                    node   = childNode,
                    parent = bestNode,
                    status = NodeStatus.Unvisited

            if (childNodeRecord.status == NodeStatus.Closed)

            float g = bestNode.gValue + connectionEdge.Cost;
            float f = g;

            if (childNodeRecord.status == NodeStatus.Unvisited)
                ChangeNodeValues(childNodeRecord, 0, g, f, bestNode, connectionIndex);
            if (childNodeRecord.status == NodeStatus.Open && childNodeRecord.fValue > f)
                ChangeNodeValues(childNodeRecord, 0, g, f, bestNode, connectionIndex);
                this.NodeRecordArray.Replace(childNodeRecord, childNodeRecord);
    private static void CalculateGoalBounds()
        Debug.Log("Creating goalbounds table");
        DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
        //get the NavMeshGraph from the current scene
        NavMeshPathGraph navMesh = GameObject.Find("Navigation Mesh").GetComponent <NavMeshRig>().NavMesh.Graph;

        //this is needed because RAIN AI does some initialization the first time the QuantizeToNode method is called
        //if this method is not called, the connections in the navigationgraph are not properly initialized
        navMesh.QuantizeToNode(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), 1.0f);

        GoalBoundingTable goalBoundingTable = new GoalBoundingTable();
        var nodes = GetNodesHack(navMesh);

        goalBoundingTable.table = new NodeGoalBounds[nodes.Count];
        var dijkstra = new GoalBoundsDijkstraMapFlooding(nodes);

        NodeGoalBounds auxGoalBounds;

        //calculate goal bounds for each edge
        for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++)
            if (nodes[i] is NavMeshEdge)
                //initialize the GoalBounds structure for the edge
                auxGoalBounds = new NodeGoalBounds();
                auxGoalBounds.connectionBounds = new Assets.Scripts.IAJ.Unity.Pathfinding.DataStructures.GoalBounding.Bounds[nodes[i].OutEdgeCount];
                for (int j = 0; j < nodes[i].OutEdgeCount; j++)
                    auxGoalBounds.connectionBounds[j] = new Assets.Scripts.IAJ.Unity.Pathfinding.DataStructures.GoalBounding.Bounds();

                if (i % 10 == 0)
                    float percentage = (float)i / (float)nodes.Count;
                    EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("GoalBounding precomputation progress", "Calculating goal bounds for each edge", percentage);

                //run a Dijkstra mapflooding for each node
                dijkstra.Search(nodes[i], auxGoalBounds);

                goalBoundingTable.table[i] = auxGoalBounds;

        BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();

        if (File.Exists("Assets/GoalBoundingData/GoalBounding.dat"))

        FileStream file = File.Create("Assets/GoalBoundingData/GoalBounding.dat");

        bf.Serialize(file, goalBoundingTable);


        TimeSpan time = DateTime.Now - startTime;

        Debug.Log("Duration creating goalboundtable : " + time.ToString());
Exemple #19
 public void Search(NavigationGraphNode startNode, NodeGoalBounds nodeGoalBounds)
     //TODO: Implement the algorithm that calculates the goal bounds using a dijkstra
     //Given that the nodes in the graph correspond to the edges of a polygon, we won't be able to use the vertices of the polygon to update the bounding boxes