Exemple #1
    public static bool IsOverlappingVertical(NavQuad a, NavQuad b, float widthOverlap, float heightOverlap)
        Vector3 aHalf = a.scale * 0.5f;
        Vector3 bHalf = b.scale * 0.5f;

        Vector3 aMin = a.position - aHalf;
        Vector3 aMax = a.position + aHalf;

        Vector3 bMin = b.position - bHalf;
        Vector3 bMax = b.position + bHalf;

        // check y
        if ((aMax.y - bMin.y) >= heightOverlap && (bMax.y - aMin.y) >= heightOverlap)
            // check x or z
            if (a.scale.x > a.scale.z && b.scale.x > b.scale.z)
                return((aMax.x - bMin.x) >= widthOverlap && (bMax.x - aMin.x) >= widthOverlap);
            else if (a.scale.z > a.scale.x && b.scale.z > b.scale.x)
                return((aMax.z - bMin.z) >= widthOverlap && (bMax.z - aMin.z) >= widthOverlap);
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException();
Exemple #2
    public void Walk()
        NavQuad startNavQuad = Services.MapManager.GetNavQuadClosestToPosition(startingLocation);
        NavQuad endNavQuad   = Services.MapManager.GetNavQuadClosestToPosition(endLocation);

        path = AStarSearch.ShortestPath(startNavQuad, endNavQuad, false);
Exemple #3
    public static List <NavQuad> ShortestPath(NavQuad start, NavQuad goal, bool raw)
        List <NavQuad> path = new List <NavQuad>();
        Dictionary <NavQuad, NavQuad> cameFrom  = new Dictionary <NavQuad, NavQuad>();
        Dictionary <NavQuad, float>   costSoFar = new Dictionary <NavQuad, float>();
        NavQuad estimatedClosestQuad            = start;

        PriorityQueue <NavQuad> frontier = new PriorityQueue <NavQuad>();

        frontier.Enqueue(start, 0);
        cameFrom[start]  = start;
        costSoFar[start] = 0;

        while (frontier.Count > 0)
            NavQuad current = frontier.Dequeue();
            if (Heuristic(current, goal) < Heuristic(estimatedClosestQuad, goal))
                estimatedClosestQuad = current;
            if (current == goal)
            foreach (NavQuad next in current.neighbors)
                if (!next.IsImpassable())
                    float newCost;
                    if (raw)
                        newCost = costSoFar[current] + 1;
                        newCost = costSoFar[current] + next.movementCost;

                    if (!costSoFar.ContainsKey(next) || newCost < costSoFar[next])
                        costSoFar[next] = newCost;
                        float priority = newCost + Heuristic(next, goal);
                        frontier.Enqueue(next, priority);
                        cameFrom[next] = current;
        NavQuad pathNode = estimatedClosestQuad;

        while (pathNode != start)
            pathNode = cameFrom[pathNode];

 private List <NavQuad> GetList(NavQuad quad)
     if (!quadsTolinks.ContainsKey(quad))
         quadsTolinks.Add(quad, new List <NavQuad>());
Exemple #5
        private NavLink(NavQuad from, NavQuad to, Position2 point0, Position2 point1)
            this.From = from;
            this.To = to;

            this.P0 = point0;
            this.P1 = point1;

            this.Distance = (from.Center - to.Center).Length;
    public void AddLink(NavQuad a, NavQuad b)
        var aList = GetList(a);

        if (!aList.Contains(b))
 private IEnumerable <NavQuad> GetAdjacentNodesForIslandSearch(NavQuad node)
     foreach (var adj in GetList(node))
         if (GetList(adj).Contains(node))
             yield return(adj);
 public NavigationIsland GetIslandFromQuad(NavQuad quad)
     if (quadsToIslands.TryGetValue(quad, out var island))
Exemple #9
    public static List <NavQuad> FindAllAvailableGoals(NavQuad start, float movementAvailable, bool raw)
        List <NavQuad> availableGoals = new List <NavQuad>();

        if (movementAvailable == 0)
        Dictionary <NavQuad, NavQuad> cameFrom  = new Dictionary <NavQuad, NavQuad>();
        Dictionary <NavQuad, float>   costSoFar = new Dictionary <NavQuad, float>();

        Queue <NavQuad> frontier = new Queue <NavQuad>();

        cameFrom[start]  = start;
        costSoFar[start] = 0;

        while (frontier.Count > 0)
            NavQuad current = frontier.Dequeue();
            if (costSoFar[current] <= movementAvailable)
                if (current != start)
                foreach (NavQuad next in current.neighbors)
                    if (!next.IsImpassable() || raw)
                        float newCost;
                        if (raw)
                            newCost = costSoFar[current] + 1;
                            newCost = costSoFar[current] + next.movementCost;
                        if (!costSoFar.ContainsKey(next) || newCost < costSoFar[next])
                            costSoFar[next] = newCost;
                            cameFrom[next] = current;
Exemple #10
    public NavQuad GetNavQuadClosestToPosition(Vector3 pos)
        NavQuad closestNavQuad = null;
        float   closestDist    = Mathf.Infinity;

        foreach (NavQuad nq in navQuads)
            if (Vector3.Distance(nq.position, pos) < closestDist)
                closestNavQuad = nq;
                closestDist    = Vector3.Distance(nq.position, pos);
    public NavQuad GetQuadForPosition(Vector3 position)
        NavQuad bestQuad         = null;
        float   bestQuadDistance = Mathf.Infinity;

        foreach (var quad in quadsTolinks.Keys)
            if (quad.ContainsPoint(position, out float f))
                if (f >= 0 && f < bestQuadDistance)
                    (bestQuadDistance, bestQuad) = (f, quad);
Exemple #12
        public void Generate()
            var navMesh = new NavMesh(this.game);

            var intersectionMap     = new Dictionary <Intersection, MergedIntersection>();
            var intersectionSideMap = new Dictionary <MergedIntersection, Game.Street[]>();
            var intersectionQuadMap = new Dictionary <MergedIntersection, NavQuad>();

            foreach (var mergedIntersection in this.game.GetList <MergedIntersection>())
                var streets = new Game.Street[4];

                foreach (var street in mergedIntersection.Streets)
                    var thisNode = mergedIntersection
                                   .Intersections.First(i => i == street.Node1 || i == street.Node2);
                    var otherNode = street.OtherNode(thisNode);

                    var diff = otherNode.Position - thisNode.Position;

                    if (diff.X == 0.U())
                        streets[diff.Y > 0.U() ? Block.Side.North : Block.Side.South] = street;
                    else if (diff.Y == 0.U())
                        streets[diff.X > 0.U() ? Block.Side.East : Block.Side.West] = street;
                        throw new Exception("");

                var padding = 0.3.U();

                var cornerSW = getIntersectionCorner(streets, Block.Corner.SouthWest);
                var cornerSE = getIntersectionCorner(streets, Block.Corner.SouthEast);
                var cornerNW = getIntersectionCorner(streets, Block.Corner.NorthWest);
                var cornerNE = getIntersectionCorner(streets, Block.Corner.NorthEast);

                var navQuad = new NavQuad(
                    cornerSW + new Difference2(padding, padding),
                    cornerSE + new Difference2(-padding, padding),
                    cornerNW + new Difference2(padding, -padding),
                    cornerNE + new Difference2(-padding, -padding)


                intersectionSideMap.Add(mergedIntersection, streets);
                intersectionQuadMap.Add(mergedIntersection, navQuad);

                foreach (var intersection in mergedIntersection.Intersections)
                    intersectionMap.Add(intersection, mergedIntersection);

            foreach (var mergedIntersection in this.game.GetList <MergedIntersection>())
                var intersectionQuad = intersectionQuadMap[mergedIntersection];

                foreach (var street in mergedIntersection.Streets
                         .Where(s => mergedIntersection.Intersections.Contains(s.Node1)))
                    var side = (Block.Side)Array.IndexOf(intersectionSideMap[mergedIntersection], street);

                    var quad1 = intersectionQuad;
                    var quad2 = intersectionQuadMap[intersectionMap[street.Node2]];

                    if (side == Block.Side.East || side == Block.Side.West)
                        if (side == Block.Side.East)
                            Do.Swap(ref quad1, ref quad2);

                        var navQuad = new NavQuad(quad2.SE, quad1.SW, quad2.NE, quad1.NW);

                        NavLink.CreatePair(navQuad, quad1, quad1.SW, quad1.NW);
                        NavLink.CreatePair(navQuad, quad2, quad2.SE, quad2.NE);

                    else if (side == Block.Side.South || side == Block.Side.North)
                        if (side == Block.Side.South)
                            Do.Swap(ref quad1, ref quad2);

                        var navQuad = new NavQuad(quad1.NW, quad1.NE, quad2.SW, quad2.SE);

                        NavLink.CreatePair(navQuad, quad1, quad1.NW, quad1.NE);
                        NavLink.CreatePair(navQuad, quad2, quad2.SW, quad2.SE);

Exemple #13
    public void SetAdjacentBoundry(NavCellBoundry adjacent, NavMeshGenerationSettings settings)
        if (adjacent == null)
            connections      = null;
            islandsToIslands = null;
            lock (adjacentBoundryCalculationLock) lock (adjacent.adjacentBoundryCalculationLock)
                    // set adjacent connection
                    this.connectedBoundry     = adjacent;
                    adjacent.connectedBoundry = this;

                    // create maps for algorithm
                    Dictionary <NavQuad, List <int> > thisToThatMap = new Dictionary <NavQuad, List <int> >();
                    Dictionary <NavQuad, List <int> > thatToThisMap = new Dictionary <NavQuad, List <int> >();

                    Dictionary <NavigationIsland, List <NavigationIsland> > thisToThatIslands
                        = new Dictionary <NavigationIsland, List <NavigationIsland> >();
                    Dictionary <NavigationIsland, List <NavigationIsland> > thatToThisIslands
                        = new Dictionary <NavigationIsland, List <NavigationIsland> >();

                    // intialize maps
                    foreach (var quad in this.quads)
                        thisToThatMap.Add(quad, new List <int>());
                    foreach (var quad in adjacent.quads)
                        thatToThisMap.Add(quad, new List <int>());

                    // The multiplication by 0.999999 helps combat floating point rounding errors
                    float requiredWidth  = settings.orientation.VoxelSize * 0.5f;
                    float requiredHeight = settings.crouchHeightInVoxels * settings.orientation.VoxelSize * 0.5f;

                    for (int i = 0; i < quads.Length; i++)
                        NavQuad thisQuad = quads[i];

                        for (int j = 0; j < adjacent.quads.Length; j++)
                            NavQuad otherQuad = adjacent.quads[j];

                            if (NavQuad.IsOverlappingVertical(thisQuad, otherQuad, requiredWidth, requiredHeight))
                                float aHeight = thisQuad.position.y - thisQuad.scale.y * 0.5f;
                                float bHeight = otherQuad.position.y - otherQuad.scale.y * 0.5f;

                                if (settings.CanClimbTo(aHeight, bHeight))
                                else if (settings.CanDropTo(aHeight, bHeight))

                                if (settings.CanClimbTo(bHeight, aHeight))
                                else if (settings.CanDropTo(bHeight, aHeight))

                    connections          = thisToThatMap.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value.ToArray());
                    adjacent.connections = thatToThisMap.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value.ToArray());

                    // link this boundries islands to that boundries islands
                    foreach (var quad in this.quads)
                        var thisIsland = boundryQuadsToIslands[quad];

                        // ensure map contains island
                        if (!thisToThatIslands.ContainsKey(thisIsland))
                            thisToThatIslands.Add(thisIsland, new List <NavigationIsland>());

                        // add link in map
                        var thisList = thisToThatIslands[thisIsland];

                        foreach (var other in GetConnectedQuads(quad))
                            // get islands
                            var otherIsland = adjacent.boundryQuadsToIslands[other];

                            if (!thisList.Contains(otherIsland))

                    // link that boundries islands to this boundries islands
                    foreach (var other in adjacent.quads)
                        var otherIsland = adjacent.boundryQuadsToIslands[other];

                        // ensure map contains island
                        if (!thatToThisIslands.ContainsKey(otherIsland))
                            thatToThisIslands.Add(otherIsland, new List <NavigationIsland>());

                        var otherList = thatToThisIslands[otherIsland];

                        foreach (var quad in adjacent.GetConnectedQuads(other))
                            // get islands
                            var thisIsland = boundryQuadsToIslands[quad];

                            // add link in map
                            if (!otherList.Contains(thisIsland))

                    this.islandsToIslands     = thisToThatIslands;
                    adjacent.islandsToIslands = thatToThisIslands;
Exemple #14
 public IEnumerable <NavQuad> GetConnectedQuads(NavQuad quad)
     if (connections != null)
         if (connections.TryGetValue(quad, out int[] adjacentIndicies))
Exemple #15
    void GenerateNavQuads()
        int quadsPerTileSqrt = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Sqrt(NavQuad.quadsPerTile));

        navQuads = new NavQuad[quadsPerTileSqrt * mapWidth, quadsPerTileSqrt *mapLength];

        //make NavQuads
        foreach (Tile tile in map)
            BoxCollider boxCol = tile.boxCol;
            for (int i = 0; i < quadsPerTileSqrt; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < quadsPerTileSqrt; j++)
                    Vector3 pos = new Vector3(
                        boxCol.bounds.min.x + (boxCol.bounds.size.x * ((float)i / quadsPerTileSqrt)),
                        boxCol.bounds.min.z + (boxCol.bounds.size.z * ((float)j / quadsPerTileSqrt)));
                    NavQuad navQuad = new NavQuad(pos);
                    int     x       = tile.coord.x * quadsPerTileSqrt + i;
                    int     y       = tile.coord.y * quadsPerTileSqrt + j;
                    navQuads[x, y] = (navQuad);

        //find all neighbors of each NavQuads
        for (int i = 0; i < quadsPerTileSqrt * mapWidth; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < quadsPerTileSqrt * mapLength; j++)
                // Debug.Log(i+", "+j+" "+navQuads[i, j]);
                navQuads[i, j].neighbors = new List <NavQuad>();
                if (i > 0)
                    navQuads[i, j].neighbors.Add(navQuads[i - 1, j]);
                if (i < quadsPerTileSqrt * mapWidth - 1)
                    navQuads[i, j].neighbors.Add(navQuads[i + 1, j]);
                if (j > 0)
                    navQuads[i, j].neighbors.Add(navQuads[i, j - 1]);
                if (j < quadsPerTileSqrt * mapLength - 1)
                    navQuads[i, j].neighbors.Add(navQuads[i, j + 1]);
                /* diagonals */
                if (i > 0 && j > 0)
                    navQuads[i, j].neighbors.Add(navQuads[i - 1, j - 1]);
                if (i > 0 && j < quadsPerTileSqrt * mapLength - 1)
                    navQuads[i, j].neighbors.Add(navQuads[i - 1, j + 1]);
                if (j > 0 && i < quadsPerTileSqrt * mapWidth - 1)
                    navQuads[i, j].neighbors.Add(navQuads[i + 1, j - 1]);
                if (i < quadsPerTileSqrt * mapWidth - 1 && j < quadsPerTileSqrt * mapLength - 1)
                    navQuads[i, j].neighbors.Add(navQuads[i + 1, j + 1]);
Exemple #16
 public static void CreatePair(NavQuad quad1, NavQuad quad2, Position2 point0, Position2 point1)
     quad1.Add(new NavLink(quad1, quad2, point0, point1));
     quad2.Add(new NavLink(quad2, quad1, point0, point1));
Exemple #17
        public void Generate()
            var navMesh = new NavMesh(this.game);

            var intersectionMap = new Dictionary<Intersection, MergedIntersection>();
            var intersectionSideMap = new Dictionary<MergedIntersection, Game.Street[]>();
            var intersectionQuadMap = new Dictionary<MergedIntersection, NavQuad>();

            foreach (var mergedIntersection in this.game.GetList<MergedIntersection>())
                var streets = new Game.Street[4];

                foreach (var street in mergedIntersection.Streets)
                    var thisNode = mergedIntersection
                        .Intersections.First(i => i == street.Node1 || i == street.Node2);
                    var otherNode = street.OtherNode(thisNode);

                    var diff = otherNode.Position - thisNode.Position;

                    if (diff.X == 0.U())
                        streets[diff.Y > 0.U() ? Block.Side.North : Block.Side.South] = street;
                    else if (diff.Y == 0.U())
                        streets[diff.X > 0.U() ? Block.Side.East : Block.Side.West] = street;
                        throw new Exception("");


                var padding = 0.3.U();

                var cornerSW = getIntersectionCorner(streets, Block.Corner.SouthWest);
                var cornerSE = getIntersectionCorner(streets, Block.Corner.SouthEast);
                var cornerNW = getIntersectionCorner(streets, Block.Corner.NorthWest);
                var cornerNE = getIntersectionCorner(streets, Block.Corner.NorthEast);

                var navQuad = new NavQuad(
                    cornerSW + new Difference2(padding, padding),
                    cornerSE + new Difference2(-padding, padding),
                    cornerNW + new Difference2(padding, -padding),
                    cornerNE + new Difference2(-padding, -padding)


                intersectionSideMap.Add(mergedIntersection, streets);
                intersectionQuadMap.Add(mergedIntersection, navQuad);

                foreach (var intersection in mergedIntersection.Intersections)
                    intersectionMap.Add(intersection, mergedIntersection);

            foreach (var mergedIntersection in this.game.GetList<MergedIntersection>())
                var intersectionQuad = intersectionQuadMap[mergedIntersection];

                foreach (var street in mergedIntersection.Streets
                         .Where(s => mergedIntersection.Intersections.Contains(s.Node1)))
                    var side = (Block.Side)Array.IndexOf(intersectionSideMap[mergedIntersection], street);

                    var quad1 = intersectionQuad;
                    var quad2 = intersectionQuadMap[intersectionMap[street.Node2]];

                    if (side == Block.Side.East || side == Block.Side.West)
                        if (side == Block.Side.East)
                            Do.Swap(ref quad1, ref quad2);

                        var navQuad = new NavQuad(quad2.SE, quad1.SW, quad2.NE, quad1.NW);

                        NavLink.CreatePair(navQuad, quad1, quad1.SW, quad1.NW);
                        NavLink.CreatePair(navQuad, quad2, quad2.SE, quad2.NE);

                    else if (side == Block.Side.South || side == Block.Side.North)
                        if (side == Block.Side.South)
                            Do.Swap(ref quad1, ref quad2);

                        var navQuad = new NavQuad(quad1.NW, quad1.NE, quad2.SW, quad2.SE);

                        NavLink.CreatePair(navQuad, quad1, quad1.NW, quad1.NE);
                        NavLink.CreatePair(navQuad, quad2, quad2.SW, quad2.SE);

Exemple #18
 public static float Distance(NavQuad a, NavQuad b)
Exemple #19
 public float Distance(NavQuad other)
     return(Vector3.Distance(position, other.position));
Exemple #20
 public static float Heuristic(NavQuad a, NavQuad b)
     return(NavQuad.Distance(a, b));