Exemple #1
        // Handles single clicking on a widget
        public void OnAirTap(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            RaycastHit hit;
            Camera     cam = Camera.main;

            if (Physics.Raycast(cam.transform.position, cam.transform.forward, out hit, 1000))
                // Will start/stop the metronome on a single
                if (hit.collider.gameObject.name == "MetronomeOptionsButton")
                    MetronomeUtility m = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <MetronomeUtility>();
                    m.isPlaying = !m.isPlaying;
                    // Will play the currently selected tone and vibrate the tuning fork
                else if (hit.collider.gameObject.name == "TunerOptionsButton")
                    NoteButtonActions[] nbas = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <NoteButtonActions>();
                    foreach (NoteButtonActions nba in nbas)
                        if (nba.isButtonBig)
                else if (hit.collider.gameObject.name == "SheetMusicOptionsButton")
                    // Play or pause the music
                    SheetMusicScript sms = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <SheetMusicScript>();
                    if (sms.isPlaying)
Exemple #2
 private void OnVoiceCommand(object sender, SpeechManager.EventInfo e)
     if (e.word == "start metronome")
         MetronomeUtility m = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <MetronomeUtility>();
         m.isPlaying = true;
         // Will play the currently selected tone and vibrate the tuning fork
     else if (e.word == "pause metronome")
         MetronomeUtility m = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <MetronomeUtility>();
         m.isPlaying = false;
     else if (e.word == "show menu")
         RaycastHit hit;
         Camera     cam = Camera.main;
         if (Physics.Raycast(cam.transform.position, cam.transform.forward, out hit, 1000))
             // Case for clicking the options button for the metronome widget. Opens the menu buttons.
             if (hit.collider.gameObject.name == "MetronomeOptionsButton" && !base.isButtonGroupActive("MainMetronomeButtons"))
                 // Variable that reflects whether or not the main metronome buttons are active
                 bool areButtonsActive = base.isButtonGroupActive("MainMetronomeButtons");
                 // Sets the main menu buttons as active if they are inactive or inactive if they are active
                 base.toggleActive("MainMetronomeButtons", !areButtonsActive);
                 // You always want to turn the sub menu buttons off when activating the main menu buttons.
                 // Either you are clicking the main menu buttons open and the sub ones should dissapear, or you're hiding the main menu buttons and therefore the sub buttons.
                 base.toggleActive("SubChangeStyleMenu", false);
                 base.toggleActive("SubChangeTempo", false);
                 // Animates the main menu buttons, second parameter indicates if you are setting them visible or invisible
                 base.animateByTag("MainMetronomeButtons", !areButtonsActive);
                 // Case for clicking the options button for the tuner widget. Opens the menu buttons.
             else if (hit.collider.gameObject.name == "TunerOptionsButton" && !base.isButtonGroupActive("MainTunerButtons"))
                 // Variable that reflects whether or not the main tuner buttons are active
                 bool areButtonsActive = base.isButtonGroupActive("MainTunerButtons");
                 // Sets the main menu buttons as active if they are inactive or inactive if they are active
                 base.toggleActive("MainTunerButtons", !areButtonsActive);
                 // Animates the main menu buttons, second parameter indicates if you are setting them visible or invisible
                 base.animateByTag("MainTunerButtons", !areButtonsActive);
             else if (hit.collider.gameObject.name == "SheetMusicOptionsButton" && !base.isButtonGroupActive("MainSheetMusicButtons"))
                 // Variable that reflects whether or not the main tuner buttons are active
                 bool areButtonsActive = base.isButtonGroupActive("MainSheetMusicButtons");
                 // Sets the main menu buttons as active if they are inactive or inactive if they are active
                 base.toggleActive("MainSheetMusicButtons", !areButtonsActive);
                 // Animates the main menu buttons, second parameter indicates if you are setting them visible or invisible
                 base.animateByTag("MainSheetMusicButtons", !areButtonsActive);
     else if (e.word == "start music")
         SheetMusicScript sms = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <SheetMusicScript>();
         if (!sms.isPlaying)
     else if (e.word == "pause music")
         SheetMusicScript sms = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <SheetMusicScript>();
         if (sms.isPlaying)
     else if (e.word == "play tone")
         NoteButtonActions[] nbas = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <NoteButtonActions>();
         foreach (NoteButtonActions nba in nbas)
             if (nba.isButtonBig)