private void Analyzer(SyntaxNodeAnalysisContext context)
            var mainConstrutor = new MethodInformation(
                args =>
                    if (args[0] == null)
                    new Uri(args[0].ToString());
            var constructorWithUriKind = new MethodInformation(
                "System.Uri.Uri(string, System.UriKind)",
                args =>
                if (args[0] == null)
                new Uri(args[0].ToString(), (UriKind)args[1]);

            var checker = new MethodChecker(context, Rule);

        private void Analyzer(SyntaxNodeAnalysisContext context)
            var method = new MethodInformation(
                args =>
                parseMethodInfo.Value.Invoke(null, new[] { args[0].ToString() });
            var checker = new MethodChecker(context, Rule);

        /// <summary>
        /// Start recording expectations for a method.
        /// They need to be recorded in order, from method with smallest identifier to largest.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="method">The 1-based cardinal for referring to methods in data emitted and instrumentation data collected.</param>
        /// <param name="file">The 1-based cardinal identifying a source file, as collected by the instrumentation.</param>
        /// <param name="snippet">
        /// A short snippet of code capturing the what you expect the span for this method to look like.
        /// It will be verified against the start of the actual method source span.
        /// If no snippet is passed in, then snippet validation will be disabled for the whole method (subsequent calls to <c>True</c> or <c>False</c>).
        /// </param>
        public MethodChecker Method(int method, int file, string snippet = null, bool expectBodySpan = true)
            AddConsoleExpectation($"Method {method}");
            AddConsoleExpectation($"File {file}");
            var result = new MethodChecker(this, noSnippets: snippet == null);

            // Most methods have a span that indicates that the method has been entered.
            if (expectBodySpan)
                result = result.True(snippet);

            if (snippet != null)
                _spanExpectations.Add(method, result);

        private static void Analyzer(SyntaxNodeAnalysisContext context)
            if (context.IsGenerated())
            var method = new MethodInformation(
                args =>
                if (!(args[0] is string))
                parseMethodInfo.Value.Invoke(null, new[] { args[0].ToString() });
            var checker = new MethodChecker(context, Rule);
