/// <summary>
        /// Collects all the vertiex and index information for the model
        /// </summary>
        public void ExtractVertexData()
            // only needed once per frame, at most
            if (AllData != null) return;

            AllData = new MeshPartData[mModel.Meshes.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < mModel.Meshes.Count; i++)
                AllData[i] = new MeshPartData(mModel.Meshes[i]);
Exemple #2
        public override NodeContent Import(string filename, ContentImporterContext context)
            JsonSerializer jsonSerializer = new JsonSerializer();
            JsonReader     jsonReader     = new JsonTextReader(new StreamReader(filename));

            jsonSerializer.MissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Ignore;
            jsonSerializer.NullValueHandling     = NullValueHandling.Ignore;
            jsonSerializer.Converters.Add(new G3DTypeConverter());

            // Deserialize the G3D file into our own data model
            ModelData jsonModelData = jsonSerializer.Deserialize <ModelData>(jsonReader);

            // We'll keep references to generated geometry to reference them later when
            // reading nodes and bones.
            Dictionary <string, MeshPartData>    meshPartDataCollection    = new Dictionary <string, MeshPartData>();
            Dictionary <string, MaterialContent> materialContentCollection = new Dictionary <string, MaterialContent>();
            Dictionary <string, MeshContent>     meshContentCollection     = new Dictionary <string, MeshContent>();

            // Root of the model
            string          rootContentName     = FilenameToName(filename);
            ContentIdentity rootContentIdentity = new ContentIdentity(filename, GetType().Name);
            NodeContent     rootContent         = new NodeContent
                Identity  = rootContentIdentity,
                Name      = rootContentName,
                Transform = Matrix.Identity

            // Loop through materials to import them
            foreach (MaterialData materialData in jsonModelData.materials)
                //SkinnedMaterialContent materialContent = new SkinnedMaterialContent()
                BasicMaterialContent materialContent = new BasicMaterialContent()
                    Name          = materialData.id,
                    Identity      = rootContentIdentity,
                    Alpha         = materialData.opacity,
                    SpecularPower = materialData.shininess,
                    DiffuseColor  = materialData.diffuse,
                    EmissiveColor = materialData.emissive,
                    SpecularColor = materialData.specular,

                if (materialData.textures != null)
                    foreach (TextureData textureData in materialData.textures)
                        ExternalReference <TextureContent> textureExternalReference = new ExternalReference <TextureContent>(textureData.fileName, rootContentIdentity);
                        materialContent.Textures.Add(textureData.id, textureExternalReference);

                materialContentCollection[materialData.id] = materialContent;

            // Read mesh data
            int meshIndex = 0;

            foreach (MeshData meshData in jsonModelData.meshes)
                meshData.id = "mesh_" + (meshIndex++);
                MeshContent meshContent = new MeshContent()
                    Name = meshData.id
                meshContentCollection.Add(meshData.id, meshContent);

                // Store the offset for every vertex channel contained in the mesh
                int vertexSize     = 0;
                int positionOffset = 0; // Cache the offset of the POSITION attribute as it will be used right next
                foreach (VertexAttribute attr in meshData.attributes)
                    attr.offset = vertexSize;
                    if (attr.usage == VertexAttribute.POSITION)
                        positionOffset = vertexSize;
                    vertexSize += attr.numComponents;

                // Store final vertex size (the amount of floats in the vertex array that correspond to
                // a single vertex with all it's attributes)
                meshData.vertexSize = vertexSize;

                // Adds vertex positions to mesh
                for (int i = 0; i < meshData.vertices.Length; i += vertexSize)
                    meshContent.Positions.Add(new Vector3(meshData.vertices[i + positionOffset]
                                                          , meshData.vertices[i + positionOffset + 1]
                                                          , meshData.vertices[i + positionOffset + 2]));

                // Keep a reference to all this mesh'es parts to later attach to materials
                foreach (MeshPartData part in meshData.parts)
                    part.parent = meshData;
                    meshPartDataCollection.Add(part.id, part);

            // Loop through nodes to associate geometry with material
            foreach (NodeData nodeData in jsonModelData.nodes)
                if (nodeData.parts != null && nodeData.parts.Length > 0)
                    foreach (NodePartData nodePartData in nodeData.parts)
                        MaterialContent equivalentMaterial    = materialContentCollection[nodePartData.materialId];
                        MeshPartData    equivalentMeshPart    = meshPartDataCollection[nodePartData.meshPartId];
                        MeshContent     equivalentMeshContent = meshContentCollection[equivalentMeshPart.parent.id];

                        // Build geometry data (collection of primitives) for that mesh part

                        // We only support triangles, other OpenGL types include triangle strips
                        // or triangle fans, we skip those types.
                        if (!"TRIANGLES".Equals(equivalentMeshPart.type))

                        // Here we create our mesh part (called GeometryContent in XNA)
                        // and save it for later in a named dictionary, since attatching
                        // this mesh part's material comes at a later stage
                        GeometryContent geometryContent = new GeometryContent
                            Name     = equivalentMeshPart.id,
                            Material = equivalentMaterial

                        // Adds position indices to this geometry and form our triangles
                        foreach (int vertexIndex in equivalentMeshPart.indices)
                            // If it's the first time we're adding this index, add it
                            // to the Vertices list.
                            if (!geometryContent.Indices.Contains(vertexIndex))

                            // Here we are composing triangles, each three indicies form a triangle.

                        // Adds vertex channels to this geometry content
                        foreach (VertexAttribute attr in equivalentMeshPart.parent.attributes)
                            switch (attr.usage)
                            case VertexAttribute.NORMAL:
                            case VertexAttribute.BINORMAL:
                            case VertexAttribute.TANGENT:
                            case VertexAttribute.COLOR:
                                Vector3[] vertexChannelData = AsVector3(vertexIndices, equivalentMeshPart.parent.vertices, equivalentMeshPart.parent.vertexSize, attr.offset);
                                geometryContent.Vertices.Channels.Add(VertexAttribute.GetXNAName(attr), vertexChannelData);

                            case VertexAttribute.BONE_WEIGHT:
                                //    Vector2[] vertexChannelData = AsVector2(vertexIndices, equivalentMeshPart.parent.vertices, equivalentMeshPart.parent.vertexSize, attr.offset);
                                //    geometryContent.Vertices.Channels.Add(VertexAttribute.GetXNAName(attr), vertexChannelData);

                            case VertexAttribute.TEX_COORD:
                                Vector2[] vertexChannelData = AsVector2(vertexIndices, equivalentMeshPart.parent.vertices, equivalentMeshPart.parent.vertexSize, attr.offset);
                                geometryContent.Vertices.Channels.Add(VertexAttribute.GetXNAName(attr), vertexChannelData);
