        // GET: Display a list ofstreamable  media assets 
        public async Task<ActionResult> Index()
            //Initializing a model
            MediaLibraryModel model = new MediaLibraryModel();
            model.VideoList = new List<Tuple<IAsset, ILocator, Uri>>();
            model.IsCurrentUserMemberOfAdminGroup = IsAdminUser();
            model.JwtToken = GetJwtSecurityToken();
            if (model.JwtToken == null)
                return View(model);

                CloudMediaContext cloudMediaContext = Factory.GetCloudMediaContext();

                IStreamingEndpoint streamingEndPoint = cloudMediaContext.StreamingEndpoints.FirstOrDefault();
                model.StreamingEndPoint = streamingEndPoint;

                // Find 30-day read-only access policy. 
                string streamingPolicy = "30d Streaming policy";
                var accessPolicy = cloudMediaContext.AccessPolicies.Where(c => c.Name == streamingPolicy).FirstOrDefault();

                //Locate all files with smooth streaming Manifest
                ListExtensions.ForEach(cloudMediaContext.Files.Where(c => c.Name.EndsWith(".ism")), file =>
                    //skip all assets where DynamicEncryption can't be applied
                    if (file.Asset.Options != AssetCreationOptions.None)

                    ILocator originLocator = null;

                    //Display only assets which associated with streaming 30 day policy
                    if (accessPolicy != null)
                        originLocator = file.Asset.Locators.Where(c => c.AccessPolicyId == accessPolicy.Id && c.Type == LocatorType.OnDemandOrigin).FirstOrDefault();

                    //If no policy has been found we are storing nulls in a model
                    Tuple<IAsset, ILocator, Uri> item = new Tuple<IAsset, ILocator, Uri>(file.Asset, originLocator, originLocator != null ? new Uri(originLocator.Path + file.Name) : null);


                return View(model);
            catch (Exception ex)

                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
                return View(model);