Exemple #1
        public MapCircle CreateColoredCircle(Brush fill, Brush stroke, Brush overlay)
            var content = new MapCircle();
            var frame   = new Ellipse
                Width  = 28,
                Height = 28,
                Fill   = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent)
            var ellipse = new Ellipse
                Fill            = fill,
                Stroke          = stroke,
                StrokeThickness = 3,
                Width           = 22,
                Height          = 22

            content.PointerEntered  += (sender, args) => frame.Fill = overlay;
            content.PointerExited   += (sender, args) => frame.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent);
            content.PointerCanceled += (sender, args) => frame.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent);
        void AddCircles()
            var circle1 = new MapCircle
                MapPoint.MapPointWithGeoCoord(37.537094, 127.005470), // center
                500,                                                  // radius
                Color.Argb(128, 255, 0, 0),                           // strokeColor
                Color.Argb(128, 0, 255, 0)                            // fillColor

            circle1.Tag = 1234;
            var circle2 = new MapCircle
                MapPoint.MapPointWithGeoCoord(37.551094, 127.019470), // center
                1000,                                                 // radius
                Color.Argb(128, 255, 0, 0),                           // strokeColor
                Color.Argb(128, 255, 255, 0)                          // fillColor

            circle2.Tag = 5678;

            // 지도뷰의 중심좌표와 줌레벨을 Circle이 모두 나오도록 조정.
            MapPointBounds[] mapPointBoundsArray = { circle1.Bound, circle2.Bound };
            MapPointBounds   mapPointBounds      = new MapPointBounds(mapPointBoundsArray);
            int padding = 50; // px

            mMapView.MoveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.NewMapPointBounds(mapPointBounds, padding));
        public void CircleRayCasting_ShouldReturnNull_WhenInOppositeDirection()
            // arrange
            MapCircle circle = new MapCircle(1, 0, 1);
            Ray       ray    = new Ray(-3, 0, -1, 0);

            // act
            Trace trace = RayCast.CheckBulletTrace(ray, circle);

            // assert
        public void CircleRayCasting_ShouldReturnHitPosition_2()
            // arrange
            MapCircle circle = new MapCircle(10, 10, 1);
            Ray       ray    = new Ray(20, 10, -1, 0);

            // act
            Trace trace = RayCast.CheckBulletTrace(ray, circle);

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(trace.Position, new Vector2(11, 10));
        public LuaMapCircle AddCircle(LuaPoint geoLoc, double radius, LuaColor strokeColor, LuaColor fillColor)
            Map map = ((Map)view);

            MapCircle mc = new MapCircle();

            LuaMapCircle lmc = new LuaMapCircle(mc);

        protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs <Map> e)

            if (e.OldElement != null)

            if (e.NewElement != null)
                var formsMap = (CustomMap)e.NewElement;
                circle = formsMap.circle;
        public void CircleRayCasting_ShouldReturnHitPosition_1()
            // arrange
            MapCircle circle = new MapCircle(10, 10, 1);
            Ray       ray    = new Ray(0, 0, 1, 1);

            // act
            Trace trace = RayCast.CheckBulletTrace(ray, circle);

            // assert

            var     c = Math.Sqrt(2) / 2;
            Vector2 expectedPosition = circle.Position - new Vector2(c, c);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedPosition.X, trace.Position.X, 1e-6);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedPosition.Y, trace.Position.Y, 1e-6);
        public static Trace CheckBulletTrace(Ray ray, MapCircle circle)
            Vector2 h  = Vector2.Subtract(circle.Position, ray.Origin);
            var     lf = Vector2.Dot(ray.Direction, h);
            var     s  = (circle.RadiusSquared) - Vector2.Dot(h, h) + (lf * lf); // s=r^2-h^2+lf^2

            if (s < 0.0 || lf < 0.0)
                return(null);                     // no intersection points ?
            s = (float)Math.Sqrt(s);              // s=sqrt(r^2-h^2+lf^2)

            s = (lf < s && lf + s >= 0) ? -s : s; // S1 behind A ? AND S2 before A ? -> swap S1 <-> S2

            Vector2 position = ray.Origin + Vector2.Multiply(ray.Direction, lf - s);
            Vector2 normal   = Vector2.Normalize(circle.Position - position);

            return(new Trace(position, ray.Origin, circle, normal));
        public static bool CheckIntersection(MapRect b, MapCircle s)
            var x = Math.Abs(s.Position.X - b.Position.X);
            var y = Math.Abs(s.Position.Y - b.Position.Y);

            if (x > b.Width / 2 + s.Radius ||
                y > b.Height / 2 + s.Radius)

            if (x <= b.Width / 2 || y <= b.Height / 2)

            var cornerDistance_sq = Math.Pow(x - b.Width / 2, 2) + Math.Pow(y - b.Height / 2, 2);

            return(cornerDistance_sq <= s.RadiusSquared);
Exemple #10
        protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs <Map> e)

                if (e.OldElement != null)

                if (e.NewElement != null)
                    var formsMap = (CustomMap)e.NewElement;
                    circle = formsMap.Circle;
            } catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        public MapObject CheckAnyIntersectionWithWorld(MapCircle s)
            // Check intersection with all map objects
            foreach (MapObject obj in _mapState.MapObjects)
                bool intersects = false;
                if (obj is MapRect)
                    intersects = Intersection.CheckIntersection((MapRect)obj, s);
                else if (obj is MapCircle)
                    intersects = Intersection.CheckIntersection((MapCircle)obj, s);

                if (intersects)

Exemple #12
        public void ShouldNotAllowPassingThroughWalls()
            // Arrange
            var r       = _player.Radius;
            var mapRect = new MapRect(0, r * 2, 2, 2);

            var config = new Config();

            // Act
            for (int i = 1; i <= 200; i++)

                var playerObject = new MapCircle(_player.Position, _player.Radius);
                Assert.IsFalse(Intersection.CheckIntersection(playerObject, mapRect));

            // Assert
            Assert.AreNotEqual(_player.Position.Y, 0);
            Assert.AreEqual(_player.Position.Y, mapRect.Position.Y - (mapRect.Height / 2) - _player.Radius, config.IntersectionInterval);
Exemple #13
        private void mapViewer_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            int x = mapViewer.ControlToMapX(e.X);
            int y = mapViewer.ControlToMapY(e.Y);

            if (m_SettingPoint)
                xNumericUpDown.Value = x;
                yNumericUpDown.Value = y;
                zNumericUpDown.Value = mapViewer.GetMapHeight(new Point(x, y));

                MapCircle circle = new MapCircle(3, new Point(x, y), mapViewer.Map, Color.White);
                MapCross  cross  = new MapCross(5, Color.White, new Point(x, y), mapViewer.Map);


                // Make color of button normal
                //ButtonSet.BackColor = SystemColors.Control;

                // Make location defined
                //((Loc)TreeCat.SelectedNode.Tag).IsDefined = true;
                //((Loc)TreeCat.SelectedNode.Tag).X = x;
                //((Loc)TreeCat.SelectedNode.Tag).Y = y;
                //((Loc)TreeCat.SelectedNode.Tag).Z = Map.GetMapHeight( new Point( x,y ) );

                // End setting action
                m_SettingPoint = false;

                //IsModified = true;


            mapViewer.Center = new Point(x, y);
        public Vector2 CalculatePossibleMovementVector(Player player, Vector2 speedvector, out double spareLength)
            spareLength = 0;
            if (speedvector.IsDegenerated())

            // Variables used to calculate speed vector
            var offset                = 0d;
            var speedVectorLength     = speedvector.Length();
            var speedVectorNormalized = speedvector.Normalize();
            var currentPrecision      = speedVectorLength / 2d;

                // Create moved sphere
                var checkPosition = player.Position + (speedVectorNormalized * (offset + currentPrecision));

                // Check for intersection
                var validationObject   = new MapCircle(checkPosition, player.Radius);
                var intersectionObject = CheckAnyIntersectionWithWorld(validationObject);

                // Update new position and offset
                if (intersectionObject == null) // No object found, increase offset
                    offset += currentPrecision;

                currentPrecision /= 2.0;
            } // Do this as long as we reach desired precision
            while (currentPrecision * 2 >= _config.IntersectionInterval);

            spareLength = speedVectorLength - offset;
            return(speedVectorNormalized * offset);
 public static bool CheckIntersection(MapCircle s1, MapCircle s2)
     return(DistanceSquared(s1.Position, s2.Position) <= Math.Pow(s1.Radius + s2.Radius, 2));
 public static bool CheckIntersection(MapCircle s, MapRect b)
     return(CheckIntersection(b, s));
  * (Ignore)
 public LuaMapCircle(MapCircle circle)
     this.circle = circle;
        private void mapViewer_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            int x = mapViewer.ControlToMapX(e.X);
            int y = mapViewer.ControlToMapY(e.Y);

            if ( m_SettingPoint )
                xNumericUpDown.Value = x;
                yNumericUpDown.Value = y;
                zNumericUpDown.Value = mapViewer.GetMapHeight(new Point(x, y));

                MapCircle circle = new MapCircle( 3, new Point( x, y ), mapViewer.Map, Color.White );
                MapCross cross = new MapCross( 5, Color.White, new Point( x, y ), mapViewer.Map );


                // Make color of button normal
                //ButtonSet.BackColor = SystemColors.Control;

                // Make location defined
                //((Loc)TreeCat.SelectedNode.Tag).IsDefined = true;
                //((Loc)TreeCat.SelectedNode.Tag).X = x;
                //((Loc)TreeCat.SelectedNode.Tag).Y = y;
                //((Loc)TreeCat.SelectedNode.Tag).Z = Map.GetMapHeight( new Point( x,y ) );

                // End setting action
                m_SettingPoint = false;

                //IsModified = true;


            mapViewer.Center = new Point(x, y);
        private void Map_MouseDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
            int x = Map.ControlToMapX( e.X );
            int y = Map.ControlToMapY( e.Y );

            if ( SettingPoint )
                // Get a new point
                InX.Text = x.ToString();
                InY.Text = y.ToString();
                InZ.Text = Map.GetMapHeight( new Point( x, y ) ).ToString();

                MapCircle circle = new MapCircle( 3, new Point( x, y ), Map.Map, Color.White );
                MapCross cross = new MapCross( 5, Color.White, new Point( x, y ), Map.Map );

                Map.AddDrawObject( circle );
                Map.AddDrawObject( cross );

                // Make color of button normal
                ButtonSet.BackColor = SystemColors.Control;

                // Make location defined
                ((Loc)TreeCat.SelectedNode.Tag).IsDefined = true;
                ((Loc)TreeCat.SelectedNode.Tag).X = x;
                ((Loc)TreeCat.SelectedNode.Tag).Y = y;
                ((Loc)TreeCat.SelectedNode.Tag).Z = Map.GetMapHeight( new Point( x,y ) );

                // End setting action
                SettingPoint = false;

                IsModified = true;


            Map.Center = new Point( x, y );