Exemple #1
        public static HPatternSettings Get(KBModel model)
            PatternSettings current = PatternSettings.Get(model, HPatternPattern.Definition);
            HPatternSettings cached = model.GetPropertyValue<HPatternSettings>(k_ModelProperty);

            if (cached == null || cached.VersionId != current.VersionId)
                cached = new HPatternSettings(current);
                cached.VersionId = current.VersionId;
                model.SilentSetPropertyValue(k_ModelProperty, cached);

            return cached;
        public override KBObjectNameKey GetParentObject(KBModel model, OldInstanceFile instanceFile)
            XmlElement transactionElement = (XmlElement)instanceFile.Document.SelectSingleNode("/instance/transaction");
            if (transactionElement != null)
                string trnName = transactionElement.GetAttribute("name");
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(trnName))
                    trnName = ConvertReferenceToName(trnName);
                    return new KBObjectNameKey(model, ObjClass.Transaction, trnName);

            return null;
Exemple #3
        private HTemplate getTemplate(WebPanel webp, KBModel model)
            string chave = "";
            bool expire = false;
            if (webp == null)
                return null;
                chave = webp.Guid.ToString();

            if (mModelCache == null || model == null || !mModelCache.Guid.Equals(model.Guid) || mModelCache.VersionId != model.VersionId || mVersionId != model.VersionId)
                mVersionId = model.VersionId;
                mModelCache = model;
                expire = true;
            else if (!webp.IsCurrentVersion)
                expire = true;

            if (mTemplates.ContainsKey(chave))
                if (expire == false)
                    CacheVersion cv = mTemplates[chave];
                    if (!cv.Objeto.IsCurrentVersion)
                        cv.Objeto = webp;
                        cv.Template = new HTemplate(webp.WebForm.EditableContent);
                    return cv.Template.Clone();

            HTemplate template = new HTemplate(webp.WebForm.EditableContent);
            mTemplates.Add(chave, new CacheVersion(webp,template));
            return template.Clone();
Exemple #4
 public HTemplate getTemplate(WebPanel webp, ObjTemplate defaultName, KBModel model)
     HTemplate temp = getTemplate(webp, model);
     if (temp == null)
         temp = getTemplate(WebPanel.Get(model, defaultName.ToString()), model);
         if (temp == null && defaultName == ObjTemplate.PromptTemplate)
             temp = getTemplate(WebPanel.Get(model, ObjTemplate.SelectionTemplate.ToString()), model);
     if (temp == null)
         throw new Artech.Packages.Patterns.PatternException("Template (" + defaultName.ToString() + ") not found!");
     return temp;
Exemple #5
        public static void ObjectsWINWEB()
            IKBService kbserv = UIServices.KB;
            KBModel    design = kbserv.CurrentModel;
            SpecificationListHelper helper = new SpecificationListHelper(design.Environment.TargetModel);

            string title      = "KBDoctor - Objects called win y web";
            string outputFile = Functions.CreateOutputFile(kbserv, title);

            IOutputService output = CommonServices.Output;


            KBDoctorXMLWriter writer = new KBDoctorXMLWriter(outputFile, Encoding.UTF8);

            writer.AddTableHeader(new string[] { "Name", "Value", "Observation" });
            foreach (KBObject obj in kbserv.CurrentModel.Objects.GetAll())
                if (obj is Procedure || obj is Transaction)
                    output.AddLine("Procesing up " + obj.Name);
                    IEnumerable <int> generatorTypes = GetObjectGenerators(obj.Key);

                    string objNamePrior = "";
                    int    count        = 0;
                    foreach (int genType in generatorTypes)
                        count += 1;
                    if (count > 1)
                        KBObjectCollection objColl = new KBObjectCollection();
                        string             mainss  = "";

                        output.AddLine("Procesing down " + obj.Name);
                        foreach (EntityReference reference in obj.GetReferences())
                            KBObject objRef = KBObject.Get(obj.Model, reference.To);
                            if ((objRef != null) && (objRef is WorkPanel || objRef is WebPanel) && (reference.ReferenceType == ReferenceType.Hard)) //&& (objRef.TypeDescriptor.Name != "MasterPage") )
                                if (objNamePrior != obj.Name)
                                    string callTree = "";
                                    mainss = MainsOf(obj, objColl, callTree);
                                writer.AddTableData(new string[] { Functions.linkObject(obj), Functions.linkObject(objRef), mainss });
                                objNamePrior = obj.Name;


            bool success = true;

            output.EndSection(title, success);
Exemple #6
        public static void KBInterfaces()
            IKBService kbserv = UIServices.KB;
            KBModel    design = kbserv.CurrentModel;
            SpecificationListHelper helper = new SpecificationListHelper(design.Environment.TargetModel);

            string outputFile = kbserv.CurrentKB.UserDirectory + @"\kbdoctor.KBInterfaces.html";

            if (File.Exists(outputFile))

            string         titulo = "KBDoctor - KB Interfaces";
            IOutputService output = CommonServices.Output;


            KBDoctorXMLWriter writer = new KBDoctorXMLWriter(outputFile, Encoding.UTF8);

            writer.AddTableHeader(new string[] { "Object", "Variable", "Type", "mains" });

            foreach (KBObject obj in kbserv.CurrentModel.Objects.GetAll())
                if (obj != null)
                    output.AddLine("Procesing  " + obj.Name);

                    IEnumerable <int> generatorTypes = KbStats.GetObjectGenerators(obj.Key);

                    string             objNamePrior = "";
                    KBObjectCollection objColl      = new KBObjectCollection();
                    string             tipo         = "";

                    string mainss = "";

                    foreach (EntityReference reference in obj.GetReferences())
                        KBObject objRef = KBObject.Get(obj.Model, reference.To);

                        if (objRef != null)
                            if (objRef is ExternalObject)
                                tipo = "External Object:" + objRef.GetPropertyValueString("ExoType");
                                writer.AddTableData(new string[] { Functions.linkObject(obj), Functions.linkObject(objRef), tipo, mainss });
                                if (objRef is MissingKBObject)
                                    tipo = "Missing Object";
                                    writer.AddTableData(new string[] { Functions.linkObject(obj), Functions.linkObject(objRef), tipo, mainss });

                    string sourceWOComments = Functions.ExtractComments(Functions.ObjectSourceUpper(obj));

                    sourceWOComments = sourceWOComments.Replace("\t", " ");

                    AddLineKBInterfazSource(writer, obj, "SHELL ", "CMD.", sourceWOComments, mainss);
                    AddLineKBInterfazSource(writer, obj, "JAVA ", "CMD.", sourceWOComments, mainss);
                    AddLineKBInterfazSource(writer, obj, "CSHARP ", "CMD.", sourceWOComments, mainss);
                    AddLineKBInterfazSource(writer, obj, "SQL ", "CMD.", sourceWOComments, mainss);

                    ObjectsVariablesExternal(obj, writer, mainss);
                    if (obj is Transaction || obj is WebPanel)
                        UserControlUsageCheck(obj, writer, mainss);


            bool success = true;

            output.EndSection(titulo, success);
Exemple #7
        private static void GenerateKBObjectGraph(string name, string fileName)
            IKBService       kbserv     = UIServices.KB;
            KBModel          model      = kbserv.CurrentModel;
            StreamWriter     scriptFile = new StreamWriter(fileName);
            IOutputService   output     = CommonServices.Output;
            StringCollection aristas    = new StringCollection();

            output.AddLine("Generating " + name);

            scriptFile.WriteLine("<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>");

            scriptFile.WriteLine("<gexf xmlns='http://www.gexf.net/1.2draft'  xmlns:viz='http://www.gexf.net/1.2draft/viz' ");
            scriptFile.WriteLine("     xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xsi:schemaLocation='http://www.gexf.net/1.2draft http://www.gexf.net/1.2draft/gexf.xsd' version = '1.2' > ");

            scriptFile.WriteLine("  <graph mode = 'static' defaultedgetype = 'directed' > ");
            scriptFile.WriteLine("<attributes class='node'> <attribute id='0' title = 'module' type = 'string' />  </attributes >");

            scriptFile.WriteLine("      <nodes>");

            string           objName = "";
            StringCollection nodos   = new StringCollection();

            foreach (KBObject obj in model.Objects.GetAll())
                if ((Functions.isRunable(obj) && ObjectsHelper.isGenerated(obj)) || (obj is Table))
                    objName = NombreNodo(obj);
                    string modulename = ModulesHelper.ObjectModuleName(obj);

                    if (!nodos.Contains(objName))
                        scriptFile.WriteLine("          <node id='" + objName + "' label='" + objName + "' >");
                        scriptFile.WriteLine("              <attvalues>  <attvalue for='0' value = '" + modulename + "' /> </attvalues>");
                        scriptFile.WriteLine("          </node>");

                    foreach (EntityReference r in obj.GetReferencesTo())
                        KBObject objRef = KBObject.Get(obj.Model, r.From);
                        if ((objRef != null) && (Functions.isRunable(objRef) || objRef is Table))

                            string objRefName = NombreNodo(objRef);
                            if (objName != objRefName)
                                String edge = " source='" + objRefName + "' target='" + objName + "' weight= '1.0' ";
                                if (!aristas.Contains(edge))
            scriptFile.WriteLine("      </nodes>");

            //Grabo las aristas
            scriptFile.WriteLine("      <edges>");

            int i = 0;

            foreach (String s in aristas)
                scriptFile.WriteLine("                     <edge id=" + i.ToString() + s + " />  ");
                i += 1;
            scriptFile.WriteLine("      </edges>");
            scriptFile.WriteLine("  </graph>");
Exemple #8
         * Dependencias Entrantes
         * Dependencias Salientes
         * IE = Salientes / (Entrantes + Salientes)
         #Componentes Conexos dentro del módulo.
         * Tiene dependencia cíclicla ?
         * Largo máximo de dependencias en la que participa.
         * El módulo tiene objetos públicos no referenciados por externos?

        public static void ListModulesStatisticsTotal()
            IKBService     kbserv      = UIServices.KB;
            IOutputService output      = CommonServices.Output;
            KBModel        kbmodel     = kbserv.CurrentModel;
            bool           success     = true;
            int            objInRoot   = 0;
            int            objInModule = 0;
            int            tblInRoot   = 0;
            int            tblInModule = 0;
            int            objTot      = 0;
            int            modules     = 0;
            string         title       = "KBDoctor - List Modules Statistics Total";

            //  string outputFile = Functions.CreateOutputFile(kbserv, title);
            //  KBDoctorXMLWriter writer = new KBDoctorXMLWriter(outputFile, Encoding.UTF8);
            //  writer.AddHeader(title);
            //  writer.AddTableHeader(new string[] { "Module", "Description", "Tables", "Public Tables", "Objects", "Public Obj", "Obj/Publ %", "In References", "Out References" });

            foreach (KBObject obj in kbserv.CurrentModel.Objects.GetAll())
                if (Functions.hasModule(obj))
                    objTot += 1;
                    if (obj is Table)
                        if (TablesHelper.TableModule(kbmodel, (Table)obj) == kbserv.CurrentModel.GetDesignModel().RootModule)
                            tblInRoot += 1;
                            tblInModule += 1;
                        if (obj.Module == kbserv.CurrentModel.GetDesignModel().RootModule)
                            objInRoot += 1;
                            objInModule += 1;

                        if (obj is Module)
                            modules += 1;
            int ratio = (objInRoot == 0) ? 0 : (objInModule * 100) / objInRoot;

            output.AddLine("# Objects: " + objTot + " in Module: " + objInModule.ToString() + " in Root: " + objInRoot.ToString());
            output.AddLine("% Modularization:  " + ratio.ToString());
            output.AddLine("# Tables in Module: " + tblInModule.ToString() + " in Root: " + tblInRoot.ToString());

            output.EndSection(title, success);

            //  Functions.AddLineSummary("moduleStats.txt", Resumen);
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Search and replace text in objects
        /// </summary>
        public static void SearchAndReplace() //SearchAndReplace()
            IKBService     kB     = UIServices.KB;
            IOutputService output = CommonServices.Output;

            string mensaje = "";
            string title   = "Search and replace";

            if (kB != null && kB.CurrentModel != null)
                PromptDescription pd;
                DialogResult      dr;
                mensaje = "Find";

                pd = new PromptDescription(mensaje);
                dr = pd.ShowDialog();
                if (dr == DialogResult.OK)
                    string txtfind = pd.Description;
                    mensaje = "Replace with";
                    pd      = new PromptDescription(mensaje);
                    dr      = pd.ShowDialog();
                    if (dr == DialogResult.OK)
                        string txtreplace = pd.Description;
                        SelectObjectOptions selectObjectOption = new SelectObjectOptions();
                        selectObjectOption.MultipleSelection = true;
                        KBModel kbModel = UIServices.KB.CurrentModel;

                        int objcambiados = 0;
                        int objtotales   = 0;
                        //SELECCIONO OBJETOS A BUSCAR
                        selectObjectOption.ObjectTypes.Add(KBObjectDescriptor.Get <Procedure>());
                        selectObjectOption.ObjectTypes.Add(KBObjectDescriptor.Get <Transaction>());
                        selectObjectOption.ObjectTypes.Add(KBObjectDescriptor.Get <WebPanel>());
                        selectObjectOption.ObjectTypes.Add(KBObjectDescriptor.Get <WorkPanel>());

                        foreach (KBObject obj in UIServices.SelectObjectDialog.SelectObjects(selectObjectOption))
                            objtotales += 1;
                            if ((objtotales % 100) == 0)
                                output.AddLine("Searching in " + objtotales + " objects ");

                            StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
                            using (TextWriter writer = new StringWriter(buffer))

                            string objxml    = buffer.ToString();
                            string newobjxml = objxml.Replace(txtfind, txtreplace, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

                            using (StringReader strReader = new StringReader(newobjxml))
                                using (XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(strReader))
                                    BLServices.KnowledgeManager.ImportInObject(reader, obj);
                            if (objxml != newobjxml)
                                    output.AddLine("Changed >> '" + txtfind + "' to '" + txtreplace + "' in object " + obj.Name);
                                    objcambiados += 1;
                                catch (Exception e)
                                    if (e.InnerException == null)
                                        output.AddErrorLine(e.Message + " - " + e.InnerException);
                        title = "Changed objects " + objcambiados.ToString();
                        output.EndSection(title, true);
Exemple #10
 internal static KBCategory MainCategory(KBModel model)
     return(KBCategory.Get(model, "Main Programs"));
 private void DeleteObjectAndReferences(KBModel model, List<KBObject> parents)
     parents.ForEach(p => parents.AddRange(model.Objects.GetAllChildren(p)));
Exemple #12
 public static void RemoveObjectsNotCalled(KBModel kbmodel, IOutputService output, out List <string[]> lineswriter)
     CleanKB.RemoveObjectsNotCalled(kbmodel, output, out lineswriter);
Exemple #13
        internal static void ModuleDependencies()

            IKBService     kbserv     = UIServices.KB;
            KBModel        kbModel    = UIServices.KB.CurrentModel;
            IOutputService output     = CommonServices.Output;
            bool           success    = true;
            int            objInRoot  = 0;
            int            objSinRoot = 0;
            string         title      = "KBDoctor - Module references";

            string            outputFile = Functions.CreateOutputFile(kbserv, title);
            KBDoctorXMLWriter writer     = new KBDoctorXMLWriter(outputFile, Encoding.UTF8);

            writer.AddTableHeader(new string[] { "Object", "Module", "Type", "Is referenced by" });

            KBObjectCollection objRefCollection = new KBObjectCollection();

            SelectObjectOptions selectObjectOption = new SelectObjectOptions();

            selectObjectOption.MultipleSelection = false;
            selectObjectOption.ObjectTypes.Add(KBObjectDescriptor.Get <Module>());
            Module module2 = new Module(kbModel);

            foreach (Module module in UIServices.SelectObjectDialog.SelectObjects(selectObjectOption))
                module2 = module;

                output.AddLine("Procesing " + module.Name + "....");

                foreach (KBObject obj in ModuleObjects(module))
                    foreach (EntityReference reference in obj.GetReferences())
                        KBObject objref = KBObject.Get(obj.Model, reference.To);
                        if (objref != null && objref.TypeDescriptor.Name != "Attribute" && objref.TypeDescriptor.Name != "MasterPage")
                            Module objrefModule = ((objref is Table) ? TablesHelper.TableModule(objref.Model, (Table)objref) : objref.Module);

                            if (objrefModule != module)
                                if (!(objref is Domain) && !(objref is Image) && !(objref is Theme) && !(objref is ThemeClass) &&
                                    !(objref is GeneratorCategory) && !(objref is KBCategory) && !(objref is SDT))
                                    bool contain = objRefCollection.Any(p => p.Guid == objref.Guid);
                                    if (!contain)
            string listObj = "";

            //Listo todos los objetos externos referenciados desde el modulo
            foreach (KBObject o in objRefCollection)
                listObj = "";
                //Armo lista de objetos de mi modulo que referencian al objeto externo
                foreach (EntityReference refe in o.GetReferencesTo())
                    KBObject objref = KBObject.Get(o.Model, refe.From);
                    if (objref != null)
                        Module objrefModule = ((objref is Table) ? TablesHelper.TableModule(objref.Model, (Table)objref) : objref.Module);
                        if (objrefModule == module2)
                            listObj += " " + Functions.linkObject(objref);
                Module oModule = ((o is Table) ? TablesHelper.TableModule(o.Model, (Table)o) : o.Module);
                writer.AddTableData(new string[] { Functions.linkObject(o), oModule.Name, o.TypeDescriptor.Name, listObj });
            output.EndSection(title, success);

Exemple #14
        private static void GenerateKBModuleGraph(string name, string fileName)
            IKBService       kbserv     = UIServices.KB;
            KBModel          model      = kbserv.CurrentModel;
            StreamWriter     scriptFile = new StreamWriter(fileName);
            IOutputService   output     = CommonServices.Output;
            StringCollection aristas    = new StringCollection();

            output.AddLine("Generating " + name);

            scriptFile.WriteLine("<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>");

            scriptFile.WriteLine("<gexf xmlns='http://www.gexf.net/1.2draft'  xmlns:viz='http://www.gexf.net/1.2draft/viz' ");
            scriptFile.WriteLine("     xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xsi:schemaLocation='http://www.gexf.net/1.2draft http://www.gexf.net/1.2draft/gexf.xsd' version = '1.2' > ");

            scriptFile.WriteLine("  <graph mode = 'static' defaultedgetype = 'directed' > ");
            scriptFile.WriteLine("<attributes class='node'> <attribute id='0' title = 'module' type = 'string' />  </attributes >");

            scriptFile.WriteLine("      <nodes>");

            foreach (Module mdl in Module.GetAll(model))

                string modulename = mdl.Name;

                scriptFile.WriteLine("          <node id='" + mdl.Name + "' label='" + mdl.Description + "' >");
                scriptFile.WriteLine("              <attvalues>  <attvalue for='0' value = '" + mdl.Name + "' /> </attvalues>");
                scriptFile.WriteLine("          </node>");

                foreach (KBObject obj in mdl.GetAllMembers())
                    if (obj is Procedure || obj is Table)
                        foreach (EntityReference r in obj.GetReferences())
                            KBObject objRef = KBObject.Get(obj.Model, r.To);
                            if ((objRef != null) && (Functions.isRunable(objRef) || objRef is Table) && modulename != ModulesHelper.ObjectModuleName(objRef))

                                String edge = "          <edge id='XXXX' source='" + modulename + "' target='" + ModulesHelper.ObjectModuleName(objRef) + "' />  ";
                                if (!aristas.Contains(edge))
            scriptFile.WriteLine("      </nodes>");

            //Grabo las aristas
            scriptFile.WriteLine("      <edges>");

            int i = 0;

            foreach (String s in aristas)
                string s2 = s.Replace("XXXX", i.ToString());
                scriptFile.WriteLine("          " + s2);
                i += 1;
            scriptFile.WriteLine("      </edges>");
            scriptFile.WriteLine("  </graph>");
Exemple #15
        internal static void ListTableInModules()
            IKBService kbserv = UIServices.KB;
            KBModel    model  = kbserv.CurrentModel.GetDesignModel();

            string         title  = "KBDoctor - List tables in modules";
            IOutputService output = CommonServices.Output;


            string outputFile = Functions.CreateOutputFile(kbserv, title);

            KBDoctorXMLWriter writer = new KBDoctorXMLWriter(outputFile, Encoding.UTF8);

            writer.AddTableHeader(new string[] {
                "Name", "Description", "Visibility", "Best", "Best Module", "Modules", "Transaction", "Trn(NoGenerate)", "Referenced Modules", "Referenced"

            SelectObjectOptions selectObjectOption = new SelectObjectOptions();

            selectObjectOption.MultipleSelection = true;
            selectObjectOption.ObjectTypes.Add(KBObjectDescriptor.Get <Module>());
            foreach (KBObject module in UIServices.SelectObjectDialog.SelectObjects(selectObjectOption))
                foreach (Table t in Table.GetAll(module.Model))

                    if (TablesHelper.TableModule(module.Model, t) == module)
                        string objNameLink = Functions.linkObject(t);

                        output.AddLine("Processing... " + t.Name);

                        int countAttr     = 0;
                        int countKeyAttr  = 0;
                        int widthKey      = 0;
                        int width         = 0;
                        int widthVariable = 0;
                        int widthFixed    = 0;

                        ObjectVisibility objVisibility = TableVisibility(t);
                        KBObject         trnBest       = GenexusBLServices.Tables.GetBestAssociatedTransaction(model, t.Key);
                        Module           mdlTrnBest    = trnBest.Module;

                        string        trnGen   = "";
                        string        trnNoGen = "";
                        List <string> mdlList  = new List <string>();
                        foreach (Transaction trn in t.AssociatedTransactions)

                            string trnstr = Functions.linkObject(trn) + "(" + ((trn.IsPublic) ? "Public" : "Private") + ") <br/> ";
                            if (trn.GetPropertyValue <bool>(Properties.TRN.GenerateObject))
                                trnGen += trnstr;
                                trnNoGen += trnstr;

                            if (!mdlList.Contains(trn.Module.Name))

                        IList <KBObject> objList = (from r in model.GetReferencesTo(t.Key, LinkType.UsedObject)
                                                    where r.ReferenceType == ReferenceType.WeakExternal // las referencias a tablas que agrega el especificador son de este tipo
                                                                                                        //where ReferenceTypeInfo.HasUpdateAccess(r.LinkTypeInfo)
                                                    select model.Objects.Get(r.From)).ToList();

                        IList <KBObject> objList2 = objList.Where(r => r.Module != mdlTrnBest).ToList();

                        string objListQNames = null;
                        objList2.ToList().ForEach(v => objListQNames += " " + Functions.linkObject(v));

                        List <string> mdlReferencedList = new List <string>();
                        foreach (KBObject o in objList)
                            if (!mdlReferencedList.Contains(o.Module.Name))

                        string mdlListstr           = String.Join(" ", mdlList.ToArray());
                        string mdlReferencedListstr = String.Join(" ", mdlReferencedList.ToArray());

                        writer.AddTableData(new string[] {
                            objNameLink, t.Description, objVisibility.ToString(), trnBest.QualifiedName.ToString(), mdlTrnBest.Name,
                            mdlListstr, trnGen, trnNoGen, mdlReferencedListstr, objListQNames


            bool success = true;

            output.EndSection(title, success);
Exemple #16
        private static string[] ModuleStats(Module mdl)
            IOutputService output = CommonServices.Output;

            IKBService kbserv  = UIServices.KB;
            KBModel    kbModel = UIServices.KB.CurrentModel;
            string     listPubObjNotReferenced  = "";
            string     listPirvateObjReferenced = "";
            string     ListobjOutsideModuleAccessPrivateTable = "";

            foreach (KBObject obj in mdl.GetAllMembers())
                string aux = "";
                bool   isReferencedFromOutside = IsReferencedFromOutside(mdl, obj, out aux);

                ObjectVisibility objVisibility = RecoverObjectVisibility(obj);

                if (objVisibility == ObjectVisibility.Public && Functions.isRunable(obj) && !(obj is Transaction))
                    if (!isReferencedFromOutside)
                        listPubObjNotReferenced += Functions.linkObject(obj) + " ";

                // Por un error de GX, no se listan los SDT pues todos quedan como publicos aunque esten marcados como privados.
                if (objVisibility == ObjectVisibility.Private && isReferencedFromOutside && !(obj is SDT) && !(obj is Folder))
                    listPirvateObjReferenced += Functions.linkObject(obj) + " ";

            string objOutsideModuleAccessPrivateTable = "";
            string objUpdateOutsideModuleList         = "";
            string objToMove = "";
            //Hago lo mismo para las tablas del modulo.

            IList <KBObject> tblList = (from r in Table.GetAll(kbModel)
                                        where TablesHelper.TableModule(kbModel, r) == mdl
                                        select kbModel.Objects.Get(r.Key)).ToList();

            foreach (Table tbl in tblList)
                string           tableName  = tbl.Name;
                ObjectVisibility visibility = TableVisibility(tbl);

                bool TableReferencedFromOutside = IsReferencedFromOutside(mdl, (KBObject)tbl, out objOutsideModuleAccessPrivateTable);

                if (TableReferencedFromOutside && (visibility == ObjectVisibility.Private))
                    ListobjOutsideModuleAccessPrivateTable += objOutsideModuleAccessPrivateTable + "<BR>" + Environment.NewLine;
                if (!TableReferencedFromOutside && (visibility == ObjectVisibility.Public))
                    listPubObjNotReferenced += Functions.linkObject((KBObject)tbl) + " ";

                string objUpdateOutsideModuleListTable = "";
                foreach (KBObject objUpdateOutsideModule in TablesHelper.ObjectsUpdateTableOutsideModule(kbModel, tbl))
                    objUpdateOutsideModuleListTable += Functions.linkObject(objUpdateOutsideModule) + " ";
                if (objUpdateOutsideModuleListTable != "")
                    objUpdateOutsideModuleList += tbl.Name + "  (" + objUpdateOutsideModuleListTable + ")<BR>";

                //Veo los objetos que referencian alguna tabla desde fuera del modulo, si tienen alguna tabla de otro modulo
                //Si son todas de mi modulo, lo pongo en la lista de los objetos a mover a mi modulo.

                foreach (KBObject objreadOutsideModule in TablesHelper.ObjectsReadTableOutsideModule(tbl))
                    if (ListModulesOfReferencedTables(objreadOutsideModule).Count == 1)
                        objToMove += Functions.linkObject(objreadOutsideModule) + "; ";

            string[] mdlStats = new string[] { Functions.linkObject(mdl), listPubObjNotReferenced, listPirvateObjReferenced, ListobjOutsideModuleAccessPrivateTable, objUpdateOutsideModuleList, objToMove };

Exemple #17
        private static string[] ModuleStats2(Module mdl)
            IOutputService output = CommonServices.Output;

            IKBService kbserv  = UIServices.KB;
            KBModel    kbModel = UIServices.KB.CurrentModel;

             * Dependencias Entrantes
             * Dependencias Salientes
             * IE = Salientes / (Entrantes + Salientes)
             #Componentes Conexos dentro del módulo.
             * Tiene dependencia cíclicla ?
             * Largo máximo de dependencias en la que participa.
             * El módulo tiene objetos públicos no referenciados por externos?

            int cantobj     = 0;
            int cantobjmain = 0;
            int cantobjPub  = 0;
            int cantInRef   = 0;
            int cantOutRef  = 0;

            foreach (KBObject obj in mdl.GetAllMembers())
                cantobj += 1;
                string aux = "";
                bool   isReferencedFromOutside = IsReferencedFromOutside(mdl, obj, out aux);

                ObjectVisibility objVisibility = RecoverObjectVisibility(obj);

                if (Functions.isRunable(obj))
                    if (objVisibility == ObjectVisibility.Public)
                        cantobjPub += 1;

                    if (!isReferencedFromOutside)
                        cantInRef += 1;;

            //Hago lo mismo para las tablas del modulo.

            IList <KBObject> tblList = (from r in Table.GetAll(kbModel)
                                        where TablesHelper.TableModule(kbModel, r) == mdl
                                        select kbModel.Objects.Get(r.Key)).ToList();

            int cntTables       = 0;
            int cntPublicTables = 0;

            foreach (Table tbl in tblList)
                cntTables += 1;

                string           tableName  = tbl.Name;
                ObjectVisibility visibility = TableVisibility(tbl);

                if (visibility == ObjectVisibility.Public)
                    cntPublicTables += 1;

                string objOutsideModuleAccessPrivateTable = "";
                bool   TableReferencedFromOutside         = IsReferencedFromOutside(mdl, (KBObject)tbl, out objOutsideModuleAccessPrivateTable);

                if (TableReferencedFromOutside)
                    cantInRef += 1;;

            int rel = (cantobj == 0 ? 0 : (cantobjPub * 100) / cantobj);

            string[] mdlStats = new string[] { Functions.linkObject(mdl), mdl.Description, cntTables.ToString(), cntPublicTables.ToString(), cantobj.ToString(), cantobjPub.ToString(), rel.ToString() + " %", cantInRef.ToString(), cantOutRef.ToString() };

Exemple #18
 public static void RemoveAttributesWithoutTable(KBModel kbmodel, IOutputService output, out List <string[]> lineswriter)
     CleanKB.RemoveAttributesWithoutTable(kbmodel, output, out lineswriter);
Exemple #19
        internal static void RemoveObjectsNotCalled(KBModel kbmodel, IOutputService output, out List <string[]> lineswriter)
            int    callers;
            string remove    = "";
            bool   continuar = true;

            lineswriter = new List <string[]>();
                continuar = false;
                foreach (KBObject obj in kbmodel.Objects.GetAll())
                    ICallableObject callableObject = obj as ICallableObject;
                    if ((callableObject != null) | (obj is Artech.Genexus.Common.Objects.Attribute)
                        | obj is Artech.Genexus.Common.Objects.Table | obj is Domain | obj is ExternalObject | obj is Image | obj is SDT)
                        callers = 0;
                        foreach (EntityReference reference in obj.GetReferencesTo(LinkType.UsedObject))
                            callers = callers + 1;

                        if (callers == 0)
                            if ((obj is Transaction) | obj is Table | obj is Artech.Genexus.Common.Objects.Attribute | obj is Domain | obj is Image)
                                remove = "";
                                remove = "<a href=\"gx://?Command=fa2c542d-cd46-4df2-9317-bd5899a536eb;RemoveObject&guid=" + obj.Guid.ToString() + "\">Remove</a>";
                            string objNameLink    = Utility.linkObject(obj);
                            string isMainstr      = (Utility.isMain(obj) ? "Main" : string.Empty);
                            string isGeneratedstr = (Utility.isGenerated(obj) ? "Yes" : string.Empty);
                            if (!Utility.isMain(obj))
                                if (remove != "")
                                        output.AddLine("REMOVING..." + obj.Name);
                                        remove      = "REMOVED!";
                                        objNameLink = obj.Name;
                                        continuar   = true;
                                    catch (Exception e) { };
                                lineswriter.Add(new string[] { obj.TypeDescriptor.Name, objNameLink, remove, isGeneratedstr, isMainstr });
                            if ((obj is Transaction) && (obj.GetPropertyValue <bool>(Artech.Genexus.Common.Properties.TRN.GenerateObject)))
                                    obj.SetPropertyValue(Artech.Genexus.Common.Properties.TRN.GenerateObject, false);
                                    CleanObject(obj, output);
                                catch (Exception e) { };
            } while (continuar);
Exemple #20
 public static void CleanKBObjects(KBModel kbmodel, IOutputService output)
     CleanKB.CleanObjects(kbmodel, output);
        private void AddFilterAttribute(FilterElement filterElement, KBModel model, string name, string description, Domain domain, string defaultValue)
            FilterAttributeElement filterAttElement = filterElement.AddFilterAttribute(name);
            filterAttElement.Description = description;
            filterAttElement.Domain = domain;
            filterAttElement.Default = defaultValue;

            PropertiesObject underlying = (domain != null ? (PropertiesObject)domain : (PropertiesObject)Gx.Attribute.Get(model, name));
            if (underlying != null && underlying.GetPropertyValue<int>(Properties.ATT.ControlType) == Properties.ATT.ControlType_Values.ComboBox)
                filterAttElement.AllValue = true;
Exemple #22
        public static void RenameAttributesAndTables()
            string message = "This option rename Objects (attributes, tables and objects) to significant name length. " +
                             Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Do you have KB BACKUP? ";
            const string caption = "ATTENTION!!";
            var          result  = MessageBox.Show(message, caption,

            // If the no button was pressed ...
            if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
                IKBService kbserv = UIServices.KB;
                KBModel    model  = kbserv.CurrentKB.DesignModel;

                int ATTNAME_LEN = model.GetPropertyValue <int>("ATTNAME_LEN");
                int TBLNAME_LEN = model.GetPropertyValue <int>("TBLNAME_LEN");
                int OBJNAME_LEN = model.GetPropertyValue <int>("OBJNAME_LEN");

                string            title      = "KBDoctor - Rename Objects to significant name length";
                string            outputFile = Functions.CreateOutputFile(kbserv, title);
                KBDoctorXMLWriter writer     = new KBDoctorXMLWriter(outputFile, Encoding.UTF8);
                writer.AddTableHeader(new string[] { "Type", "Object", "Description" });

                IOutputService output = CommonServices.Output;

                foreach (KBObject obj in kbserv.CurrentModel.Objects.GetAll())
                    Boolean SaveObj = false;
                    if ((obj is Artech.Genexus.Common.Objects.Attribute) && (obj.Name.Length > ATTNAME_LEN))
                        output.AddLine("RENAMING ATTRIBUTE " + obj.Name + " to " + obj.Name.Substring(0, ATTNAME_LEN));
                        obj.Name = obj.Name.Substring(0, ATTNAME_LEN);
                        SaveObj  = true;
                        if (((obj is Table) || (obj is Index)) && (obj.Name.Length > TBLNAME_LEN))
                            output.AddLine("RENAMING TABLE/INDEX " + obj.Name + " to " + obj.Name.Substring(0, TBLNAME_LEN));
                            obj.Name = obj.Name.Substring(0, TBLNAME_LEN);
                            SaveObj  = true;
                            if ((obj.Name.Length > OBJNAME_LEN) && ObjectsHelper.isGeneratedbyPattern(obj))
                                output.AddLine("RENAMING OBJECT " + obj.Name + " to " + obj.Name.Substring(0, OBJNAME_LEN));
                                obj.Name = obj.Name.Substring(0, OBJNAME_LEN);
                                SaveObj  = true;
                    if (SaveObj)
                        string attNameLink = Functions.linkObject(obj);
                        writer.AddTableData(new string[] { attNameLink, obj.Description, obj.TypeDescriptor.Name });
                        catch (Exception e)
                            output.AddLine("ERROR saving  .. " + obj.Name + " - " + e.Message);

                bool success = true;
                output.EndSection(title, success);
Exemple #23
        public static string ResolveDescription(KBModel model, Artech.Genexus.Common.Objects.Attribute att, Domain dom, string desc)
            int pigual = desc.IndexOf("=");
            int tipo = 0;
            Artech.Genexus.Common.Objects.Attribute a = null;
            if (att != null)
                a = att;
            if (pigual >= 0)
                int posf = desc.IndexOf(".ContextualTitle");
                if (posf >= 0)
                    tipo = 1;
                    posf = desc.IndexOf(".ColumnTitle");
                    if (posf >= 0)
                        tipo = 2;
                        posf = desc.IndexOf(".Title");
                        if (posf >= 0)
                            tipo = 3;
                            posf = desc.IndexOf(".Description");
                            if (posf >= 0)
                                tipo = 4;

                if (posf >= 0)
                    if (a==null) {
                        string nome = desc.Substring(pigual+1, (posf - pigual - 1));
                        a = Artech.Genexus.Common.Objects.Attribute.Get(model, nome);
                    if (a == null)
                        if (dom != null)
                            return dom.Description;
                        switch (tipo)
                            case 1:
                                return a.ContextualTitleProperty;
                            case 2:
                                return a.ColumnTitle;
                            case 3:
                                return a.Title;
                            case 4:
                                return a.Description;
            return desc;
Exemple #24
        public static void ObjectsReferenced()
            // Object with parm() rule without in: out: or inout:
            IKBService     kbserv = UIServices.KB;
            IOutputService output = CommonServices.Output;
            string         title  = "KBDoctor - Object referenced by object ";

            string outputFile = Functions.CreateOutputFile(kbserv, title);

            KBDoctorXMLWriter writer = new KBDoctorXMLWriter(outputFile, Encoding.UTF8);

            SelectObjectOptions selectObjectOption = new SelectObjectOptions();

            selectObjectOption.MultipleSelection = false;
            KBModel            kbModel          = UIServices.KB.CurrentModel;
            KBObjectCollection objRefCollection = new KBObjectCollection();

            foreach (KBObject obj in UIServices.SelectObjectDialog.SelectObjects(selectObjectOption))

                if (obj != null)
                    title += obj.Name + "-" + obj.Description;
                    writer.AddTableHeader(new string[] { "Object", "Description", "Commit on Exit", "Update DB?", "Commit in Source", "Do Commit", "Timestamp", "Last Update" });

                    MarkReachables(output, obj, objRefCollection);

            string commitOnExit       = "";
            string commitInSource     = "";
            string UpdateInsertDelete = "";
            string doCommit           = "";

            foreach (KBObject objRef in objRefCollection)
                if (objRef is Procedure)
                    object aux = objRef.GetPropertyValue("CommitOnExit");
                    if (aux != null)
                        commitOnExit = aux.ToString() == "Yes" ? "YES" : " ";
                    UpdateInsertDelete = ObjectUpdateDB(objRef)?"YES":"";

                    Procedure prc = (Procedure)objRef;
                    if (Functions.ExtractComments(prc.ProcedurePart.Source.ToString().ToUpper()).Contains("COMMIT"))
                        commitInSource = "YES";
                        commitInSource = "";

                    if (((commitOnExit == "YES") && (UpdateInsertDelete == "YES")) || (commitInSource == "YES"))
                        doCommit = "YES";
                        doCommit = "";

                    writer.AddTableData(new string[] { Functions.linkObject(objRef), objRef.Description, commitOnExit, UpdateInsertDelete, commitInSource, doCommit, objRef.Timestamp.ToString(), objRef.LastUpdate.ToString() });


            bool success = true;

            output.EndSection(title, success);

Exemple #25
        private static void GenerateKBObjectEdgesTxt(string name, string fileName)
            IKBService kbserv = UIServices.KB;
            KBModel    model  = kbserv.CurrentModel;
            Graph      g      = new Graph();

            Module rootModule = kbserv.CurrentModel.GetDesignModel().RootModule;

            IOutputService   output  = CommonServices.Output;
            StringCollection aristas = new StringCollection();

            output.AddLine("Generating " + name);

            Dictionary <string, Tuple <int, string> > dictionary = new Dictionary <string, Tuple <int, string> >();
            Dictionary <int, int> initialpartition = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            // Dictionary<string, Tuple<int,string>> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, Tuple<int,string>>();

            Dictionary <string, int>    NameToId     = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            Dictionary <string, string> NameToModule = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            Dictionary <int, string>    IdToName     = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            Dictionary <int, string>    IdToModule   = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            Dictionary <int, EntityKey> IdToKey      = new Dictionary <int, EntityKey>();

            int objId = 0;

            foreach (KBObject obj in model.Objects.GetAll())
                if (Functions.hasModule(obj) || (obj is Module))
                    string objName    = NombreNodo(obj);
                    string modulename = ModulesHelper.ObjectModuleName(obj);

                        objId += 1;
                        NameToId.Add(objName, objId);
                        NameToModule.Add(objName, modulename);
                        IdToName.Add(objId, objName);
                        IdToModule.Add(objId, modulename);
                        IdToKey.Add(objId, obj.Key);
                    catch (Exception e)
                    {// output.AddWarningLine("Can't add : " + objName + " Exception: " + e.Message + " " + e.InnerException);

            foreach (KBObject obj in model.Objects.GetAll())
                string objName = "";

                if (Functions.hasModule(obj) || (obj is Module)) //((Functions.isRunable(obj) && ObjectsHelper.isGenerated(obj)) || (obj is Table))
                     * objName = NombreNodo(obj);
                     * string modulename = ModulesHelper.ObjectModuleName(obj);
                     * try
                     * {
                     *  objId += 1;
                     *  NameToId.Add(objName, objId);
                     *  NameToModule.Add(objName, modulename);
                     *  IdToName.Add(objId, objName);
                     *  IdToModule.Add(objId, modulename);
                     *  IdToKey.Add(objId, obj.Key);
                     * }
                     * catch (Exception e) { //output.AddWarningLine("Can't add : " + objName);
                     * };

                    //Tomo las referencias que no sean tablas.
                    foreach (EntityReference r in obj.GetReferencesTo())
                        KBObject objRef = KBObject.Get(obj.Model, r.From);
                        if ((objRef != null) && (Functions.isRunable(objRef)) || (objRef is Table))

                            string objRefName = NombreNodo(objRef);
                            if (objName != objRefName)
                                int    weight = ReferenceWeight(objRef, obj);
                                String edge   = objRefName + " " + objName;

                                if (!aristas.Contains(edge))
                                    GraboArista(g, NameToId, objRefName, objName, weight);

            foreach (int node in g.Nodes)
                string moduleName = IdToModule[node];
                int    moduleId   = NameToId[moduleName];
                initialpartition.Add(node, moduleId);

            output.AddLine("Before automatic modularization. TurboMQ = " + TurboMQ(g, initialpartition).ToString());

            //Empiezo modularizacion
            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
            // stopwatch.Restart();
            Dictionary <int, int> partition = Community.BestPartition(g);

            output.AddLine("BestPartition: " + stopwatch.Elapsed);
            var communities = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >();

            foreach (var kvp in partition)
                List <int> nodeset;
                if (!communities.TryGetValue(kvp.Value, out nodeset))
                    nodeset = communities[kvp.Value] = new List <int>();
                //    output.AddLine(kvp.Key.ToString() +"  "+kvp.Value);
            output.AddLine(communities.Count + " modules found");
            Dictionary <string, int> modu = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            int counter = 0;

            foreach (var kvp in communities)
                output.AddLine(String.Format("module {0}: {1} objects", counter, kvp.Value.Count));
                foreach (var objid in kvp.Value)
                    var objname  = IdToName[objid];
                    int cantidad = 0;
                    // output.AddLine("Module :" + counter.ToString() + " " + objname);
                    string pareja = IdToModule[objid] + " " + counter.ToString();
                    if (modu.ContainsKey(pareja))
                        modu[pareja] = modu[pareja] + 1;
                        modu.Add(pareja, 1);

                var sortedDict = from entry in modu orderby entry.Value descending select entry;

                //Cantidad de modulo nuevo y modulo viejo.
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> entry in sortedDict)
                    //   output.AddLine(entry.Key + " " + entry.Value.ToString());
                    Module m = new Module(model);
                    m.Name = entry.Key.Replace(" ", "_") + string.Format("_{0:yyyy_MM_dd_hh_mm_ss}", DateTime.Now);
                    m.Module = kbserv.CurrentModel.GetDesignModel().RootModule;

                    foreach (var objid in kvp.Value)
                        KBObject objToChange = KBObject.Get(model, IdToKey[objid]);
                        if (objToChange != null)
                            if (objToChange is Table)
                                    KBObject trnBest = GenexusBLServices.Tables.GetBestAssociatedTransaction(model, objToChange.Key);
                                    trnBest.Module = m;
                                catch (Exception e) { output.AddErrorLine(objToChange.Name + e.Message); }
                                    objToChange.Module = m;
                                catch (Exception e) { output.AddErrorLine(objToChange.Name + e.Message); }

Exemple #26
        public static void ReplaceNullsCompatible()
            IKBService     kbserv     = UIServices.KB;
            IOutputService output     = CommonServices.Output;
            string         title      = "KBDoctor - Replace attribute with Compatible with NO ";
            string         outputFile = Functions.CreateOutputFile(kbserv, title);


            KBDoctorXMLWriter writer = new  KBDoctorXMLWriter(outputFile, Encoding.UTF8);

            writer.AddTableHeader(new string[] { "Object", "Description", "Attribute", "Description", "PK / FK", "Nullable" });

            SelectObjectOptions selectObjectOption = new SelectObjectOptions();

            selectObjectOption.MultipleSelection = true;
            KBModel kbModel = UIServices.KB.CurrentModel;

            selectObjectOption.ObjectTypes.Add(KBObjectDescriptor.Get <Transaction>());

            foreach (KBObject obj in UIServices.SelectObjectDialog.SelectObjects(selectObjectOption))
                bool        saveObj = false;
                Transaction trn     = (Transaction)obj;
                if (trn != null)
                    foreach (TransactionLevel LVL in trn.Structure.GetLevels())
                        bool isLevelRemovable = true;

                        Table TBL = LVL.AssociatedTable;

                        foreach (TransactionAttribute a in LVL.Structure.GetAttributes())
                            writer.AddTableData(new string[] { Functions.linkObject(trn), trn.Description, Functions.linkObject(a), a.Attribute.Description, a.IsForeignKey.ToString(), a.IsNullable.ToString() });
                            if (!a.IsForeignKey && !a.IsKey && (a.IsNullable == TableAttribute.IsNullableValue.Compatible || a.IsNullable == TableAttribute.IsNullableValue.True))
                                a.IsNullable = TableAttribute.IsNullableValue.False;
                                saveObj      = true;
                    if (saveObj)
                        output.AddLine("Saving ." + trn.Name);


            bool success = true;

            output.EndSection(title, success);
Exemple #27
 public HPatternTemplate(KBModel model)
     : base(model)
     base.SetPropertyValue(Artech.Genexus.Common.Properties.WBP.GenerateObject, false);
Exemple #28
        private static void GenerateMDGGraph(string name, string fileName)
            IKBService       kbserv     = UIServices.KB;
            KBModel          model      = kbserv.CurrentModel;
            StreamWriter     scriptFile = new StreamWriter(fileName);
            IOutputService   output     = CommonServices.Output;
            StringCollection aristas    = new StringCollection();

            output.AddLine("Generating MDG " + name);

            string           objName = "";
            StringCollection nodos   = new StringCollection();

            foreach (KBObject obj in model.Objects.GetAll())
                bool includedInGraph = (Functions.isRunable(obj) && ObjectsHelper.isGenerated(obj)) || (obj is Table);
                if (includedInGraph)
                    objName = NombreNodo(obj);
                    string modulename = ModulesHelper.ObjectModuleName(obj);

                    if (!nodos.Contains(objName))
                        scriptFile.WriteLine("          <node id='" + objName + "' label='" + objName + "' >");
                        scriptFile.WriteLine("              <attvalues>  <attvalue for='0' value = '" + modulename + "' /> </attvalues>");
                        scriptFile.WriteLine("          </node>");

                    foreach (EntityReference r in obj.GetReferencesTo())
                        KBObject objRef = KBObject.Get(obj.Model, r.From);
                        if ((objRef != null) && (Functions.isRunable(objRef) || objRef is Table))

                            string objRefName = NombreNodo(objRef);
                            if (objName != objRefName)
                                String edge = " source='" + objRefName + "' target='" + objName + "' weight= '1.0' ";
                                if (!aristas.Contains(edge))
            scriptFile.WriteLine("      </nodes>");

            //Grabo las aristas
            scriptFile.WriteLine("      <edges>");

            int i = 0;

            foreach (String s in aristas)
                scriptFile.WriteLine("                     <edge id=" + i.ToString() + s + " />  ");
                i += 1;
            scriptFile.WriteLine("      </edges>");
            scriptFile.WriteLine("  </graph>");
Exemple #29
        public static void GenerateGraph()
            IKBService kbserv = UIServices.KB;
            string     title  = "KBDoctor - Generate Graph ";
            // {
            string outputFile = Functions.CreateOutputFile(kbserv, title);

            KBModel model       = kbserv.CurrentKB.DesignModel;
            int     ATTNAME_LEN = model.GetPropertyValue <int>("ATTNAME_LEN");
            int     TBLNAME_LEN = model.GetPropertyValue <int>("TBLNAME_LEN");
            int     OBJNAME_LEN = model.GetPropertyValue <int>("OBJNAME_LEN");

            IOutputService output = CommonServices.Output;

            output.StartSection("KBDoctor", title);

            KBDoctorXMLWriter writer = new KBDoctorXMLWriter(outputFile, Encoding.UTF8);

            writer.AddTableHeader(new string[] { "Check", "File" });

            string Check    = "";
            string Name     = "";
            string FileName = "";

            Check    = "MDGGraph";
            Name     = Functions.CleanFileName(Check);
            FileName = kbserv.CurrentKB.UserDirectory + @"\kbdoctor." + Name + ".mdg";
            GenerateMDGGraph2(Name, FileName);
            writer.AddTableData(new string[] { Check, Functions.linkFile(FileName) });

            Check    = "MDGMinimized";
            Name     = Functions.CleanFileName(Check);
            FileName = kbserv.CurrentKB.UserDirectory + @"\kbdoctor." + Name + ".mdg";
            GenerateMDGMinimized(Name, FileName);
            writer.AddTableData(new string[] { Check, Functions.linkFile(FileName) });

            Check    = "SILFile";
            Name     = Functions.CleanFileName(Check);
            FileName = kbserv.CurrentKB.UserDirectory + @"\kbdoctor." + Name + ".sil";
            GenerateSILFile(Name, FileName);
            writer.AddTableData(new string[] { Check, Functions.linkFile(FileName) });

             * Check = "KB Table Graph";
             * Name = Functions.CleanFileName(Check);
             * FileName = kbserv.CurrentKB.UserDirectory + @"\kbdoctor." + Name + ".gexf";
             * GenerateKBTableGraph(Name, FileName);
             * writer.AddTableData(new string[] { Check, Functions.linkFile(FileName) });
             * Check = "KB Object Graph";
             * Name = Functions.CleanFileName(Check);
             * FileName = kbserv.CurrentKB.UserDirectory + @"\kbdoctor." + Name + ".gexf";
             * GenerateKBObjectGraph(Name, FileName);
             * writer.AddTableData(new string[] { Check, Functions.linkFile(FileName) });
             * Check = "KB Object Edges txt";
             * Name = Functions.CleanFileName(Check);
             * FileName = kbserv.CurrentKB.UserDirectory + @"\kbdoctor." + Name + ".txt";
             * GenerateKBObjectEdgesTxt(Name, FileName);
             * writer.AddTableData(new string[] { Check, Functions.linkFile(FileName) });
             * Check = "KB Module Graph";
             * Name = Functions.CleanFileName(Check);
             * FileName = kbserv.CurrentKB.UserDirectory + @"\kbdoctor." + Name + ".gexf";
             * GenerateKBModuleGraph(Name, FileName);
             * writer.AddTableData(new string[] { Check, Functions.linkFile(FileName) });

            bool success = true;

            KBDoctor.KBDoctorOutput.EndSection(title, success);
            // }
            // catch
            // {
            //    bool success = false;
            //  KBDoctor.KBDoctorOutput.EndSection(title, success);
            // }
Exemple #30
 internal static void ResetCache(KBModel model)
Exemple #31
        public static IEnumerable <KBObject> GetObjects(KBModel model, string objects)
            Dictionary <EntityKey, bool> dictionary = new Dictionary <EntityKey, bool>();

            string[] array = objects.Split(new char[]
            for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                string text = array[i];
                if (text[0] == '@')
                    foreach (KBObject current in GetGXLObjects(model, text.Substring(1)))
                        if (!dictionary.ContainsKey(current.Key))
                            dictionary[current.Key] = true;
                            yield return(current);
                    IEnumerator <KBObject> enumerator = null;
                    string text2 = null;
                    string text3 = text;
                    int    num   = text.IndexOf(':');
                    if (num > 0)
                        text2 = text.Substring(0, num);
                        text3 = text.Substring(num + 1);
                    KBObject kBObject = null;
                    string[] array2   = text3.Split(new char[]
                    for (int j = 0; j < array2.Length; j++)
                        string name = array2[j];
                        if (text2 != null)
                            KBObjectDescriptor kBObjectDescriptor = KBObjectDescriptor.Get(text2);
                            if (kBObjectDescriptor != null)
                                kBObject = ObjectHelperGet(model, kBObjectDescriptor.Id, name);
                            kBObject = ObjectHelperGet(model, name);
                        if (kBObject != null && !dictionary.ContainsKey(kBObject.Key))
                            dictionary[kBObject.Key] = true;
                            yield return(kBObject);
                    array2   = null;
                    text2    = null;
                    kBObject = null;
                text = null;
            array = null;
            yield break;
            yield break;