Exemple #1
    private void xxtj()
//        string sql = string.Format(@"select u.*,z.编码,z.客户名称,z.所属工业园,z.所属房产,z.合同开始时间,z.合同结束时间 from sq8szxlx.user_sf_zb u left join sq8szxlx.zpgl z on
//	        u.合同编号=z.编码 where u.缴费状态='已缴费' and not (z.所属工业园 is null)");
        string select = "select u.*,z.编码,z.客户名称,z.所属工业园,z.所属房产,z.合同开始时间,z.合同结束时间 ";
        string from   = " from sq8szxlx.user_sf_zb u left join sq8szxlx.zpgl z on u.合同编号=z.编码 ";

        string where = string.Format(@" where u.日期年='{0}' and u.日期月='{1}' and u.缴费状态='已缴费' and not (z.所属工业园 is null) ", Request.Params["nian"], Request.Params["yue"]);
        if (Common.hasValue(Request.Params["iField"]))
            where += string.Format(" and z.客户名称 like '%{0}%'", Request.Params["iField"]);
        if (Common.hasValue(Request.Params["gyy"]))
            where += string.Format(" and z.所属工业园='{0}'", Request.Params["gyy"]);
        if (Common.hasValue(Request.Params["gyy_lx"]))
            where += string.Format(" and z.房产类型='{0}'", Request.Params["gyy_lx"]);
        // 2. 获取总数
        //string count = DBHelper.GetVar("select count(*) " + from + where).ToString();
        //if (count == null) return;
        // 3. 获取数据
        //string sql = string.Format(@"{0} {1} {2} and u.id not in (select top {3} u.id {1} {2}) order by u.日期年,u.日期月,日期日",
        //   select, from, where, Request.Params["start"]);

        string sql = select + from + where;

        ResultObject user_sf_zb = DBHelper.GetResult(sql);
        JSONArray    ja         = new JSONArray();

        for (int i = 0; i < user_sf_zb.Count; i++)
            RowObject  row = user_sf_zb[i];
            JSONObject jo  = new JSONObject();
            jo.Add("序号", i + 1);
            jo.Add("编码", row["编码"].ToString());
            jo.Add("客户名称", row["客户名称"].ToString());
            jo.Add("所属工业园", row["所属工业园"].ToString());
            jo.Add("所属房产", row["所属房产"].ToString());
            jo.Add("合同开始时间", row["合同开始时间"].ToString());
            jo.Add("合同结束时间", row["合同结束时间"].ToString());
            jo.Add("月份", row["日期月"].ToString());
            jo.Add("费用", row["总费用"].ToString());
Exemple #2
    private void edit_gdxfx()
        string    responseError = "{success: false}";
        string    sql1          = string.Format("select * from sq8szxlx.zpgl where id='{0}'", Request.Params["id"]);
        RowObject r1            = DBHelper.GetRow(sql1);

        if (r1 == null)
        string gyy_mc = r1["所属工业园"].ToString();
        string fclx   = r1["房产类型"].ToString();
        string htbh   = r1["编码"].ToString();

        string sql2 = string.Format("select * from sq8szxlx.gyy_lb_fclx_lb_xflx where 工业园名称='{0}' and 房产类型='{1}' order by 序号 asc",
                                    gyy_mc, fclx);
        ResultObject r2 = DBHelper.GetResult(sql2);
        JSONArray    ja = new JSONArray();
        int          i  = 1;

        foreach (RowObject item in r2)
            JSONObject jo = new JSONObject();

            string    xfxm = item["消费项目"].ToString();
            string    rq   = r1["合同开始时间"].ToString();
            string    sql3 = string.Format("select * from sq8szxlx.zpgl_lx_lb where 合同编号='{0}' and 消费项目='{1}'", htbh, xfxm);
            RowObject r3   = DBHelper.GetRow(sql3);
            string    sql4 = string.Format("select * from sq8szxlx.user_sf_lb where 合同编号='{0}' and 收费项目='{1}' and  日期='{2}'", htbh, xfxm, rq);
            RowObject r4   = DBHelper.GetRow(sql4);

            jo.Add("id", item["id"]);
            jo.Add("编号", i);
            jo.Add("消费项目", xfxm);
            jo.Add("消费类型", item["消费类型"]);
            jo.Add("值", (r3 == null) ? item["值"] : r3["值"]);
            jo.Add("倍率", (r3 == null) ? item["倍率"] : r3["倍率"]);
            jo.Add("损耗", (r3 == null) ? item["损耗"] : r3["损耗"]);
            jo.Add("滞纳金", (r3 == null) ? item["滞纳金"] : r3["滞纳金"]);
            jo.Add("前期读数", item["消费类型"].ToString() == "动态" ? r4["读数"] : "-");
            jo.Add("说明", (r3 == null) ? item["说明"] : r3["说明"]);
            jo.Add("读数导入", (r4 != null && r4["录入状态"].ToString() == "已录入") ? "√" : "×");
            jo.Add("项目导入", (r4 != null && r4["值"] != "") ? "√" : "×");
        Response.Write(string.Format("{{'success': true, 'data':{0}}}", JSONConvert.SerializeArray(ja)));
Exemple #3
        protected void JSCall(string method, params object[] argv)
            // JSONObject jObj = new JSONObject();
            JSONArray param = new JSONArray();

            foreach (object o in argv)
            //jObj.Add("Cmd", method);
            // jObj.Add("Param", argv);
            string script = string.Format("{0}({1})", method, JSONConvert.SerializeArray(param));

            BackgroundWorker JSCallWorker = new BackgroundWorker();

            JSCallWorker.DoWork             += new DoWorkEventHandler(JSCallWorker_DoWork);
            JSCallWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(JSCallWorker_RunWorkerCompleted);
Exemple #4
    private void fltj()
        string gyy      = Request.Params["gyy"];
        string gyy_fclx = Request.Params["gyy_lx"];
        string gyy_xfxm = Request.Params["xfxm"];
        string nian     = Request.Params["nian"];
        string yue      = Request.Params["yue"];
        bool   xfxtj    = Request.Params["xfxtj"] == "true"?true:false;

        // 1. 查询工业园
        string sql = string.Format("select * from sq8szxlx.gyy_lb ");

        if (Common.hasValue(gyy))
            sql = string.Format("select * from sq8szxlx.gyy_lb where 工业园名称='{0}'", gyy);
        string       where_fclx = Common.hasValue(gyy_fclx) ? string.Format(" and z.房产类型='{0}'", gyy_fclx) : "";
        string       where_xfxm = Common.hasValue(gyy_xfxm) ? string.Format(" and u.收费项目='{0}'", gyy_xfxm) : "";
        string       where_nian = Common.hasValue(nian) ? string.Format(" and u.日期年='{0}'", nian) : "";
        string       where_yue  = Common.hasValue(yue) ? string.Format(" and u.日期月='{0}'", yue) : "";
        ResultObject gyy_lb     = DBHelper.GetResult(sql);

        JSONArray ja = new JSONArray();
        int       k  = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < gyy_lb.Count; i++)
            RowObject row    = gyy_lb[i];
            string    gyy_mc = row["工业园名称"].ToString();
            string    fclx   = Common.hasValue(gyy_fclx) ?gyy_fclx:"(全部)";
            string    xfxm   = Common.hasValue(gyy_xfxm) ? gyy_xfxm : "(全部)";
            string    yf     = Common.hasValue(yue) ? yue : "(全部)";
            if (xfxtj && !Common.hasValue(gyy_xfxm))
                // 查询工业园所有消费项
                sql = string.Format(" select distinct 消费项目 as sfxm from sq8szxlx.zpgl_lx_lb where 房产类型='厂房' and 所属工业园='{0}'", gyy_mc);
                ResultObject zpgl_lx_lb = DBHelper.GetResult(sql);
                for (int j = 0; j < zpgl_lx_lb.Count; j++) //详细统计
                    RowObject row2 = zpgl_lx_lb[j];
                    where_xfxm = string.Format(" and u.收费项目='{0}'", row2["sfxm"]);
                    string     sql_sf = string.Format(@"select sum(u.费用) as total from sq8szxlx.user_sf_lb u left join sq8szxlx.zpgl z on 
	                u.合同编号=z.编码 left join sq8szxlx.user_sf_zb zb on zb.合同编号=u.合同编号 and zb.日期年=u.日期年 and zb.日期月=u.日期月  where zb.缴费状态<>'未缴费' and z.所属工业园='{0}' {1} {2} {3} {4}"    , gyy_mc, where_fclx, where_xfxm, where_nian, where_yue);
                    object     total  = DBHelper.GetVar(sql_sf);
                    JSONObject jo     = new JSONObject();
                    jo.Add("序号", k);
                    jo.Add("工业园名称", gyy_mc);
                    jo.Add("房产类型", fclx);
                    jo.Add("消费项目", row2["sfxm"]);
                    jo.Add("月份", yf);
                    jo.Add("费用", Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(total), 0));
                // 2. 查询合同
                string     sql_sf = string.Format(@"select sum(u.费用) as total from sq8szxlx.user_sf_lb u left join sq8szxlx.zpgl z on 
	                u.合同编号=z.编码 left join sq8szxlx.user_sf_zb zb on zb.合同编号=u.合同编号 and zb.日期年=u.日期年 and zb.日期月=u.日期月 where zb.缴费状态<>'未缴费' and z.所属工业园='{0}' {1} {2} {3} {4}"    , gyy_mc, where_fclx, where_xfxm, where_nian, where_yue);
                object     total  = DBHelper.GetVar(sql_sf);
                JSONObject jo     = new JSONObject();
                jo.Add("序号", i + 1);
                jo.Add("工业园名称", gyy_mc);
                jo.Add("房产类型", fclx);
                jo.Add("消费项目", xfxm);
                jo.Add("月份", yf);
                jo.Add("费用", Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(total), 0));
Exemple #5
    private void list_zb()
        RowObject r = DBHelper.GetRow(string.Format(@"select * from sq8szxlx.zpgl where 编码='{0}'", Request.Params["htbh"]));

        if (r == null)

        int       year1  = Int32.Parse(r["合同开始时间_年"].ToString());
        int       year2  = Int32.Parse(r["合同结束时间_年"].ToString());
        int       month1 = Int32.Parse(r["合同开始时间_月"].ToString());
        int       month2 = Int32.Parse(r["合同结束时间_月"].ToString());
        int       no     = 1;
        JSONArray ja     = new JSONArray();

        for (int i = year1; i <= year2; i++)
            int j = 1;
            if (i == year1)
                j = month1;
            int j_max = 12;
            if (i == year2)
                j_max = month2;

            for (; j <= j_max; j++)
                JSONObject jo = new JSONObject();
                jo.Add("序号", no);
                // 读取总表数据
                string sql = string.Format(@"select * from sq8szxlx.user_sf_zb where 合同编号='{0}' and 日期年='{1}' and 日期月='{2}' order by id desc",
                                           Request.Params["htbh"], i, j);
                r = DBHelper.GetRow(sql);
                jo.Add("年份月份", string.Format("{0}/{1}", i, j));
                if (r != null)
                    jo.Add("id", r["id"]);
                    jo.Add("单据编号", r["单据编号"]);
                    jo.Add("总费用", (r["总费用"] is DBNull)?0: Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(r["总费用"]), 0));
                    jo.Add("缴费金额", r["缴费金额"]);
                    jo.Add("余额", r["余额"]);
                    jo.Add("录入状态", r["录入状态"]);
                    jo.Add("缴费状态", r["缴费状态"]);
                    jo.Add("单据编号", "-");
                    jo.Add("总费用", "-");
                    jo.Add("缴费金额", "-");
                    jo.Add("余额", "-");
                    if (i == DateTime.Now.Year && j == DateTime.Now.Month)
                        jo.Add("录入状态", "未录入");
                        jo.Add("缴费状态", "未缴费");
                    else if (i > DateTime.Now.Year || (i == DateTime.Now.Year && j > DateTime.Now.Month))
                        jo.Add("录入状态", "不能录入");
                        jo.Add("缴费状态", "不能缴费");
                        jo.Add("录入状态", "未录入");
                        jo.Add("缴费状态", "未缴费");
        string ret = JSONConvert.SerializeArray(ja);
