Exemple #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Helper function for NewPlayerLocation function. Determines the player's new location when moving.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="loc">Vector containing the location of the player (x, y component) and the distance it will travel (z component).</param>
    /// <param name="dx">Change in x value when travelling.</param>
    /// <param name="dy">Change in y value when travelling.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private IntVector.IntVector3 NewPlayerLocationHelper(IntVector.IntVector3 loc, int dx, int dy)
        while (loc.x + dx >= 0 && loc.x + dx < width && loc.y + dy >= 0 && loc.y + dy < height) // check if new location is on the grid
            if (gridTiles[loc.x + dx][loc.y + dy].Type == Tile.TileType.Default ||              // stop on default and dark tiles
                gridTiles[loc.x + dx][loc.y + dy].Type == Tile.TileType.Dark)
                loc.x += dx;
                loc.y += dy;
                loc.z += 1;
            else if (gridTiles[loc.x + dx][loc.y + dy].Type == Tile.TileType.Ice)       // slide on ice tiles
                loc.x += dx;
                loc.y += dy;
                loc.z += 1;

                IntVector.IntVector2 tmp = new IntVector.IntVector2(loc.x, loc.y);
                if (gridTools.ContainsKey(tmp) && gridTools[tmp].CanRedirect())
            else       // stop before going onto blank tiles

Exemple #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Determines the location of the player after moving in a certain direction.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="d">Direction the player wants to move in.</param>
    /// <returns>A vector containing the expected new position of the player (x, y components),
    /// and the number of units the player has to move to get there (z component). </returns>
    public IntVector.IntVector3 NewPlayerLocation(Direction d)
        // default return vector is the current location with distance of 0
        IntVector.IntVector3 newLoc = new IntVector.IntVector3(playerCurrentLocation.x, playerCurrentLocation.y, 0);

        // check if the player can move and update the vector
        if (d == Direction.Up)
            newLoc = NewPlayerLocationHelper(newLoc, 0, 1);
        else if (d == Direction.Down)
            newLoc = NewPlayerLocationHelper(newLoc, 0, -1);
        else if (d == Direction.Left)
            newLoc = NewPlayerLocationHelper(newLoc, -1, 0);
        else if (d == Direction.Right)
            newLoc = NewPlayerLocationHelper(newLoc, 1, 0);

Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if the player can move in a certain direction. If they can, move them there.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="d">Direction the player will move in.</param>
 private void CheckMovement(Grid.Direction d)
     IntVector.IntVector3 newLoc = grid.NewPlayerLocation(d);
     if (newLoc.z > 0)
         isMoving = true;
         lastMove = d;
         StartCoroutine(Move(newLoc, d));
Exemple #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Smoothly moves the player to the given position.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="newLoc">Contains the new location for the player (x, y component) and the distance the player must travel (z component).</param>
    /// <param name="d">Direction the player is moving in.</param>
    private IEnumerator Move(IntVector.IntVector3 newLoc, Grid.Direction d)
        Vector2 startPos      = transform.localPosition;                       // start location
        Vector2 endPos        = new Vector2((float)newLoc.x, (float)newLoc.y); // end location
        float   moveTimer     = 0.0f;                                          // time elapsed during move
        float   moveTimeLimit = 0.12f * ((float)newLoc.z + 1);                 // total time to finish movement
        float   ratio         = 0.0f;                                          // lerp ratio
        float   unitCounter   = 0.0f;                                          // checks if player has moved a unit

        // move player
        while (ratio < 1.0f)
            if (!paused)
                if (reset)      // check if reset button was pressed
                    reset = false;

                float prev = ratio;
                moveTimer += Time.deltaTime;
                ratio      = moveTimer / moveTimeLimit;
                transform.localPosition = Vector2.Lerp(startPos, endPos, ratio);

                // check if we've moved a unit
                unitCounter += (ratio - prev) * ((float)newLoc.z);
                if (unitCounter >= 1.0f)
                    unitCounter -= 1.0f;

            yield return(null);

        // player no longer moving
        isMoving = false;

        // check if the puzzle is completed
        if (!extraMove)