Exemple #1
        private void UpdateUsersAndSites(Instrument settings)
            if (settings.Type == DeviceType.GBPLS)   // GBPlus also has no sites or users.

            // Set the instrument's users.
            Master.Instance.SwitchService.Instrument.Users = settings.Users;

            if (settings.Type == DeviceType.MX6 || settings.Type == DeviceType.SC)
                // Calling setUsers on an MX6 instrument (tested with v4.10.02) will clear the active
                // user once the instrument is undocked if it is not reset.  Therefore, the active user
                // must always be set to avoid having to check if the users need to change on the
                // instrument in the first place.
                LogUpdate("ActiveUser", settings.ActiveUser, Master.Instance.SwitchService.Instrument.ActiveUser);
                Master.Instance.SwitchService.Instrument.ActiveUser = settings.ActiveUser;

            // Set the instrument's sites.
            Master.Instance.SwitchService.Instrument.Sites = settings.Sites;

            if (settings.Type == DeviceType.MX6 || settings.Type == DeviceType.SC)
                // Calling setSites on an MX6 instrument (tested with v4.10.02) will clear the active
                // site once the instrument is undocked if it is not reset.  Therefore, the active site
                // must always be set to avoid having to check if the sites need to change on the
                // instrument in the first place.
                LogUpdate("ActiveSite", settings.ActiveSite, Master.Instance.SwitchService.Instrument.ActiveSite);
                Master.Instance.SwitchService.Instrument.ActiveSite = settings.ActiveSite;

            // INS-8548 RHP v7.5 - override the instrument specific "User Security Level" multioption with instrument's Activer User's security level
            if (settings.Type == DeviceType.VPRO)
                if (settings.AccessLevel >= 0)
                    DeviceOption option = settings.Options.Find(op => op.Code.StartsWith("USL") && op.Enabled);
                    if (option != null)
                        // settings.AccessLevel is a nullable short and input may varry from 0 to 10.
                        // The Multi-option code mapptings are 0->USL0, 1 -> USL1 , and so on til 10->USLA. Hence the conversion ToString("X")
                        settings.Options.Add(new DeviceOption("USL" + (settings.AccessLevel ?? 0).ToString("X"), true));
                        LogUpdate("UserSecurityLevel", settings.AccessLevel, option.Code);