Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        ///   Starts the event processor.  In case it's already running, nothing happens.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A task to be resolved on when the operation has completed.</returns>
        public async Task StartAsync()
            if (RunningTask == null)
                await RunningTaskSemaphore.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (RunningTask == null)
                        RunningTaskTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();


                        var partitionIds = await InnerClient.GetPartitionIdsAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                        await Task.WhenAll(partitionIds
                                           .Select(partitionId =>
                            var partitionContext  = new PartitionContext(InnerClient.EventHubName, ConsumerGroup, partitionId);
                            var checkpointManager = new CheckpointManager(partitionContext, Manager, Identifier);

                            var partitionProcessor = PartitionProcessorFactory(partitionContext, checkpointManager);

                            var partitionPump = new PartitionPump(InnerClient, ConsumerGroup, partitionId, partitionProcessor, Options);
                            PartitionPumps.TryAdd(partitionId, partitionPump);


                        RunningTask = RunAsync(RunningTaskTokenSource.Token);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        ///   Finds and tries to claim an ownership if this <see cref="EventProcessor{T}" /> instance is eligible to increase its ownership
        ///   list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="completeOwnershipEnumerable">A complete enumerable of ownership obtained from the stored service provided by the user.</param>
        /// <param name="activeOwnership">The set of ownership that are still active.</param>
        /// <returns>The claimed ownership. <c>null</c> if this instance is not eligible, if no claimable ownership was found or if the claim attempt failed.</returns>
        private async Task <PartitionOwnership> FindAndClaimOwnershipAsync(IEnumerable <PartitionOwnership> completeOwnershipEnumerable,
                                                                           IEnumerable <PartitionOwnership> activeOwnership)
            // Get a complete list of the partition ids present in the Event Hub.  This should be immutable for the time being, but
            // it may change in the future.

            var partitionIds = await InnerClient.GetPartitionIdsAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Create a partition distribution dictionary from the active ownership list we have, mapping an owner's identifier to the amount of
            // partitions it owns.  When an event processor goes down and it has only expired ownership, it will not be taken into consideration
            // by others.

            var partitionDistribution = new Dictionary <string, int>
                { Identifier, 0 }

            foreach (var ownership in activeOwnership)
                if (partitionDistribution.TryGetValue(ownership.OwnerIdentifier, out var value))
                    partitionDistribution[ownership.OwnerIdentifier] = value + 1;
                    partitionDistribution[ownership.OwnerIdentifier] = 1;

            // The minimum owned partitions count is the minimum amount of partitions every event processor needs to own when the distribution
            // is balanced.  If n = minimumOwnedPartitionsCount, a balanced distribution will only have processors that own n or n + 1 partitions
            // each.  We can guarantee the partition distribution has at least one key, which corresponds to this event processor instance, even
            // if it owns no partitions.

            var minimumOwnedPartitionsCount = partitionIds.Length / partitionDistribution.Keys.Count;
            var ownedPartitionsCount        = partitionDistribution[Identifier];

            // There are two possible situations in which we may need to claim a partition ownership.
            // The first one is when we are below the minimum amount of owned partitions.  There's nothing more to check, as we need to claim more
            // partitions to enforce balancing.
            // The second case is a bit tricky.  Sometimes the claim must be performed by an event processor that already has reached the minimum
            // amount of ownership.  This may happen, for instance, when we have 13 partitions and 3 processors, each of them owning 4 partitions.
            // The minimum amount of partitions per processor is, in fact, 4, but in this example we still have 1 orphan partition to claim.  To
            // avoid overlooking this kind of situation, we may want to claim an ownership when we have exactly the minimum amount of ownership,
            // but we are making sure there are no better candidates among the other event processors.

            if (ownedPartitionsCount < minimumOwnedPartitionsCount ||
                ownedPartitionsCount == minimumOwnedPartitionsCount && !partitionDistribution.Values.Any(partitions => partitions < minimumOwnedPartitionsCount))
                // Look for unclaimed partitions.  If any, randomly pick one of them to claim.

                var unclaimedPartitions = partitionIds
                                          .Except(activeOwnership.Select(ownership => ownership.PartitionId));

                if (unclaimedPartitions.Any())
                    var index = RandomNumberGenerator.Value.Next(unclaimedPartitions.Count());

                    return(await ClaimOwnershipAsync(unclaimedPartitions.ElementAt(index), completeOwnershipEnumerable).ConfigureAwait(false));

                // Only try to steal partitions if there are no unclaimed partitions left.  At first, only processors that have exceeded the
                // maximum owned partition count should be targeted.

                var maximumOwnedPartitionsCount = minimumOwnedPartitionsCount + 1;

                var stealablePartitions = activeOwnership
                                          .Where(ownership => partitionDistribution[ownership.OwnerIdentifier] > maximumOwnedPartitionsCount)
                                          .Select(ownership => ownership.PartitionId);

                // Here's the important part.  If there are no processors that have exceeded the maximum owned partition count allowed, we may
                // need to steal from the processors that have exactly the maximum amount.  If this instance is below the minimum count, then
                // we have no choice as we need to enforce balancing.  Otherwise, leave it as it is because the distribution wouldn't change.

                if (!stealablePartitions.Any() && ownedPartitionsCount < minimumOwnedPartitionsCount)
                    stealablePartitions = activeOwnership
                                          .Where(ownership => partitionDistribution[ownership.OwnerIdentifier] == maximumOwnedPartitionsCount)
                                          .Select(ownership => ownership.PartitionId);

                // If any stealable partitions were found, randomly pick one of them to claim.

                if (stealablePartitions.Any())
                    var index = RandomNumberGenerator.Value.Next(stealablePartitions.Count());

                    return(await ClaimOwnershipAsync(stealablePartitions.ElementAt(index), completeOwnershipEnumerable).ConfigureAwait(false));

            // No ownership was claimed.
