Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Deletes a WorkItem used in a Scenario test.
 /// TODO: Replace with remove WorkItem client method when it exists.
 /// </summary>
 public static void DeleteWorkItem(BatchAccountContext context, string workItemName)
     if (HttpMockServer.Mode == HttpRecorderMode.Record)
         using (IWorkItemManager wiManager = context.BatchOMClient.OpenWorkItemManager())
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes the specified WorkItem
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The account to use</param>
        /// <param name="workItemName">The name of the WorkItem to delete</param>
        /// <param name="additionBehaviors">Additional client behaviors to perform</param>
        public void DeleteWorkItem(BatchAccountContext context, string workItemName, IEnumerable <BatchClientBehavior> additionBehaviors = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(workItemName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("workItemName");

            using (IWorkItemManager wiManager = context.BatchOMClient.OpenWorkItemManager())
                wiManager.DeleteWorkItem(workItemName, additionBehaviors);
        private static void AddWork(IBatchClient client)
            using (IWorkItemManager wm = client.OpenWorkItemManager())
                //The toolbox contains some helper mechanisms to ease submission and monitoring of tasks.
                IToolbox toolbox = client.OpenToolbox();

                // to submit a batch of tasks, the TaskSubmissionHelper is useful.
                ITaskSubmissionHelper taskSubmissionHelper = toolbox.CreateTaskSubmissionHelper(wm, Program.PoolName);

                // workitem is uniquely identified by its name so we will use a timestamp as suffix
                taskSubmissionHelper.WorkItemName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERNAME") + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss");

                Console.WriteLine("Creating work item: {0}", taskSubmissionHelper.WorkItemName);

                // add 2 quick tasks. Tasks within a job must have unique names
                taskSubmissionHelper.AddTask(new CloudTask("task1", "hostname"));
                taskSubmissionHelper.AddTask(new CloudTask("task2", "cmd /c dir /s"));

                //Commit the tasks to the Batch Service
                IJobCommitUnboundArtifacts artifacts = taskSubmissionHelper.Commit() as IJobCommitUnboundArtifacts;

                // TaskSubmissionHelper commit artifacts returns the workitem and job name
                ICloudJob job = wm.GetJob(artifacts.WorkItemName, artifacts.JobName);

                Console.WriteLine("Waiting for all tasks to complete on work item: {0}, Job: {1} ...", artifacts.WorkItemName, artifacts.JobName);

                //We use the task state monitor to monitor the state of our tasks -- in this case we will wait for them all to complete.
                ITaskStateMonitor taskStateMonitor = toolbox.CreateTaskStateMonitor();

                // blocking wait on the list of tasks until all tasks reach completed state
                bool timedOut = taskStateMonitor.WaitAll(job.ListTasks(), TaskState.Completed, new TimeSpan(0, 20, 0));

                if (timedOut)
                    throw new TimeoutException("Timed out waiting for tasks");

                // dump task output
                foreach (var t in job.ListTasks())
                    Console.WriteLine("Task " + t.Name + " says:\n" + t.GetTaskFile(Constants.StandardOutFileName).ReadAsString());

                // remember to delete the workitem before exiting
                Console.WriteLine("Deleting work item: {0}", artifacts.WorkItemName);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates Azure Storage with the required files, and
        /// submits the work item to the Azure Batch service.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task RunAsync()
            Console.WriteLine("Running with the following settings: ");

            //Upload resources if required.
            if (this.configurationSettings.ShouldUploadResources)
                Console.WriteLine("Splitting file: {0} into {1} subfiles",

                //Split the text file into the correct number of files for consumption by the mapper tasks.
                FileSplitter  splitter        = new FileSplitter();
                List <string> mapperTaskFiles = await splitter.SplitAsync(

                await this.UploadResourcesAsync(mapperTaskFiles);

            //Generate a SAS for the container.
            string containerSasUrl = Helpers.ConstructContainerSas(

            //Set up the Batch Service credentials used to authenticate with the Batch Service.
            BatchCredentials batchCredentials = new BatchCredentials(

            using (IBatchClient batchClient = BatchClient.Connect(this.configurationSettings.BatchServiceUrl, batchCredentials))
                using (IWorkItemManager workItemManager = batchClient.OpenWorkItemManager())
                    //Create the unbound work item in local memory.  An object which exists only in local memory (and not on the Batch Service) is "unbound".
                    string workItemName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERNAME") + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss");

                    ICloudWorkItem unboundWorkItem = workItemManager.CreateWorkItem(workItemName);

                    // Construct the work item properties in local memory before commiting them to the Batch Service.

                    //Allow enough VMs in the pool to run each mapper task, and 1 extra to run the job manager.
                    int numberOfPoolVMs = 1 + this.configurationSettings.NumberOfMapperTasks;

                    //Define the pool specification for the pool which the work item will run on.
                    IPoolSpecification poolSpecification = new PoolSpecification()
                        TargetDedicated = numberOfPoolVMs,
                        VMSize          = "small",
                        //You can learn more about os families and versions at:
                        OSFamily        = "4",
                        TargetOSVersion = "*"

                    //Use the auto pool feature of the Batch Service to create a pool when the work item is created.
                    //This creates a new pool for each work item which is added.
                    IAutoPoolSpecification autoPoolSpecification = new AutoPoolSpecification()
                        AutoPoolNamePrefix = "TextSearchPool",
                        KeepAlive          = false,
                        PoolLifeTimeOption = PoolLifeTimeOption.WorkItem,
                        PoolSpecification  = poolSpecification

                    //Define the execution environment for this work item -- it will run on the pool defined by the auto pool specification above.
                    unboundWorkItem.JobExecutionEnvironment = new JobExecutionEnvironment()
                        AutoPoolSpecification = autoPoolSpecification

                    //Define the job manager for this work item.  This job manager will run when any job is created and will submit the tasks for
                    //the work item.  The job manager is the executable which manages the lifetime of the job
                    //and all tasks which should run for the job.  In this case, the job manager submits the mapper and reducer tasks.
                    string jobManagerCommandLine = string.Format("{0} -JobManagerTask", Constants.TextSearchExe);
                    List <IResourceFile> jobManagerResourceFiles = Helpers.GetResourceFiles(containerSasUrl, Constants.RequiredExecutableFiles);
                    const string         jobManagerTaskName      = "JobManager";

                    unboundWorkItem.JobSpecification = new JobSpecification()
                        JobManager = new JobManager()
                            ResourceFiles = jobManagerResourceFiles,
                            CommandLine   = jobManagerCommandLine,

                            //Determines if the job should terminate when the job manager process exits
                            KillJobOnCompletion = false,

                            Name = jobManagerTaskName

                        //Commit the unbound work item to the Batch Service.
                        Console.WriteLine("Adding work item: {0} to the Batch Service.", unboundWorkItem.Name);
                        await unboundWorkItem.CommitAsync(); //Issues a request to the Batch Service to add the work item which was defined above.

                        // Wait for the job manager task to complete.

                        //An object which is backed by a corresponding Batch Service object is "bound."
                        ICloudWorkItem boundWorkItem = await workItemManager.GetWorkItemAsync(workItemName);

                        //Wait for the job to be created automatically by the Batch Service.
                        string boundJobName = await Helpers.WaitForActiveJobAsync(boundWorkItem);

                        ICloudTask boundJobManagerTask = await workItemManager.GetTaskAsync(

                        TimeSpan maxJobCompletionTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);

                        IToolbox          toolbox = batchClient.OpenToolbox();
                        ITaskStateMonitor monitor = toolbox.CreateTaskStateMonitor();
                        bool timedOut             = await monitor.WaitAllAsync(new List <ICloudTask> {
                        }, TaskState.Completed, maxJobCompletionTimeout);

                        Console.WriteLine("Done waiting for job manager task.");

                        await boundJobManagerTask.RefreshAsync();

                        //Check to ensure the job manager task exited successfully.
                        await Helpers.CheckForTaskSuccessAsync(boundJobManagerTask, dumpStandardOutOnTaskSuccess : true);

                        if (timedOut)
                            throw new TimeoutException(string.Format("Timed out waiting for job manager task to complete."));
                    catch (AggregateException e)
                            (innerE) =>
                            //We print all the inner exceptions for debugging purposes.
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine("Hit unexpected exception: {0}", e.ToString());
                        //Delete the work item.
                        //This will delete the auto pool associated with the work item as long as the pool
                        //keep alive property is set to false.
                        if (this.configurationSettings.ShouldDeleteWorkItem)
                            Console.WriteLine("Deleting work item {0}", workItemName);

                        //Note that there were files uploaded to a container specified in the
                        //configuration file.  This container will not be deleted or cleaned up by this sample.
        /// <summary>
        /// Submit a large number of tasks to the Batch Service.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">The batch client.</param>
        private static void SubmitLargeNumberOfTasks(IBatchClient client)
            const int taskCountToCreate = 5000;

            // In order to simulate a "large" task object which has many properties set (such as resource files, environment variables, etc)
            // we create a big environment variable so we have a big task object.
            char[] env = new char[2048];
            for (int i = 0; i < env.Length; i++)
                env[i] = 'a';

            string envStr = new string(env);

            using (IWorkItemManager wm = client.OpenWorkItemManager())
                //Create a work item
                string workItemName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERNAME") + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss");
                Console.WriteLine("Creating work item {0}", workItemName);
                ICloudWorkItem cloudWorkItem = wm.CreateWorkItem(workItemName);
                cloudWorkItem.JobExecutionEnvironment = new JobExecutionEnvironment()
                    PoolName = PoolName
                };                                                                                           //Specify the pool to run on


                //Wait for an active job
                TimeSpan maxJobCreationTimeout  = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(90);
                DateTime jobCreationStartTime   = DateTime.Now;
                DateTime jobCreationTimeoutTime = jobCreationStartTime.Add(maxJobCreationTimeout);

                cloudWorkItem = wm.GetWorkItem(workItemName);

                Console.WriteLine("Waiting for a job to become active...");
                while (cloudWorkItem.ExecutionInformation == null || cloudWorkItem.ExecutionInformation.RecentJob == null)
                    if (DateTime.Now > jobCreationTimeoutTime)
                        throw new Exception("Timed out waiting for job.");

                string jobName = cloudWorkItem.ExecutionInformation.RecentJob.Name;
                Console.WriteLine("Found job {0}. Adding task objects...", jobName);

                //Generate a large number of tasks to submit
                List <ICloudTask> tasksToSubmit = new List <ICloudTask>();
                for (int i = 0; i < taskCountToCreate; i++)
                    ICloudTask task = new CloudTask("echo" + i.ToString("D5"), "echo");

                    List <IEnvironmentSetting> environmentSettings = new List <IEnvironmentSetting>();
                    environmentSettings.Add(new EnvironmentSetting("envone", envStr));

                    task.EnvironmentSettings = environmentSettings;

                BatchClientParallelOptions parallelOptions = new BatchClientParallelOptions()
                    //This will result in at most 10 simultaneous Bulk Add requests to the Batch Service.
                    MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 10

                Console.WriteLine("Submitting {0} tasks to work item: {1}, job: {2}, on pool: {3}",

                Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

                //Use the AddTask overload which supports a list of tasks for best AddTask performence - internally this method performs an
                //intelligent submission of tasks in batches in order to limit the number of REST API calls made to the Batch Service.
                wm.AddTask(cloudWorkItem.Name, jobName, tasksToSubmit, parallelOptions);


                Console.WriteLine("Submitted {0} tasks in {1}", taskCountToCreate, stopwatch.Elapsed);

                //Delete the work item to ensure the tasks are cleaned up
        /// <summary>
        /// Submit a work item with tasks which have dependant files.
        /// The files are automatically uploaded to Azure Storage using the FileStaging feature of the Azure.Batch client library.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client"></param>
        private static void AddWorkWithFileStaging(IBatchClient client)
            using (IWorkItemManager wm = client.OpenWorkItemManager())
                IToolbox toolbox = client.OpenToolbox();
                ITaskSubmissionHelper taskSubmissionHelper = toolbox.CreateTaskSubmissionHelper(wm, Program.PoolName);

                taskSubmissionHelper.WorkItemName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERNAME") + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss");

                Console.WriteLine("Creating work item: {0}", taskSubmissionHelper.WorkItemName);

                ICloudTask taskToAdd1 = new CloudTask("task_with_file1", "cmd /c type *.txt");
                ICloudTask taskToAdd2 = new CloudTask("task_with_file2", "cmd /c dir /s");

                //Set up a collection of files to be staged -- these files will be uploaded to Azure Storage
                //when the tasks are submitted to the Azure Batch service.
                taskToAdd1.FilesToStage = new List <IFileStagingProvider>();
                taskToAdd2.FilesToStage = new List <IFileStagingProvider>();

                // generate a local file in temp directory
                Process cur  = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
                string  path = Path.Combine(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP"), cur.Id.ToString() + ".txt");
                System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path, "hello from " + cur.Id.ToString());

                // add file as task dependency so it'll be uploaded to storage before task
                // is submitted and download onto the VM before task starts execution
                FileToStage file = new FileToStage(path, new StagingStorageAccount(Program.StorageAccount, Program.StorageKey, Program.StorageBlobEndpoint));
                taskToAdd2.FilesToStage.Add(file); // filetostage object can be reused


                IJobCommitUnboundArtifacts artifacts = null;
                bool errors = false;

                    //Stage the files to Azure Storage and add the tasks to Azure Batch.
                    artifacts = taskSubmissionHelper.Commit() as IJobCommitUnboundArtifacts;
                catch (AggregateException ae)
                    errors = true;
                    // Go through all exceptions and dump useful information
                    ae.Handle((x) =>
                        if (x is BatchException)
                            BatchException be = x as BatchException;
                            if (null != be.RequestInformation && null != be.RequestInformation.AzureError)
                                // Write the server side error information
                                if (null != be.RequestInformation.AzureError.Values)
                                    foreach (var v in be.RequestInformation.AzureError.Values)
                                        Console.Error.WriteLine(v.Key + " : " + v.Value);
                        // Indicate that the error has been handled

                // if there is no exception, wait for job response
                if (!errors)
                    List <ICloudTask> tasksToMonitorForCompletion = wm.ListTasks(artifacts.WorkItemName, artifacts.JobName).ToList();

                    Console.WriteLine("Waiting for all tasks to complete on work item: {0}, Job: {1} ...", artifacts.WorkItemName, artifacts.JobName);
                    client.OpenToolbox().CreateTaskStateMonitor().WaitAll(tasksToMonitorForCompletion, TaskState.Completed, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30));

                    foreach (ICloudTask task in wm.ListTasks(artifacts.WorkItemName, artifacts.JobName))
                        Console.WriteLine("Task " + task.Name + " says:\n" + task.GetTaskFile(Constants.StandardOutFileName).ReadAsString());

                Console.WriteLine("Deleting work item: {0}", artifacts.WorkItemName);
                wm.DeleteWorkItem(artifacts.WorkItemName); //Don't forget to delete the work item before you exit
Exemple #7
        public static void JobMain(string[] args)
            //Load the configuration
            TopNWordsConfiguration configuration = TopNWordsConfiguration.LoadConfigurationFromAppConfig();

            StagingStorageAccount stagingStorageAccount = new StagingStorageAccount(

            IBatchClient client           = BatchClient.Connect(configuration.BatchServiceUrl, new BatchCredentials(configuration.BatchAccountName, configuration.BatchAccountKey));
            string       stagingContainer = null;

            //Create a pool (if user hasn't provided one)
            if (configuration.ShouldCreatePool)
                using (IPoolManager pm = client.OpenPoolManager())
                    //OSFamily 4 == OS 2012 R2
                    //You can learn more about os families and versions at:
                    ICloudPool pool = pm.CreatePool(configuration.PoolName, targetDedicated: configuration.PoolSize, osFamily: "4", vmSize: "small");
                    Console.WriteLine("Adding pool {0}", configuration.PoolName);

                using (IWorkItemManager wm = client.OpenWorkItemManager())
                    IToolbox toolbox = client.OpenToolbox();

                    //Use the TaskSubmissionHelper to help us create a WorkItem and add tasks to it.
                    ITaskSubmissionHelper taskSubmissionHelper = toolbox.CreateTaskSubmissionHelper(wm, configuration.PoolName);
                    taskSubmissionHelper.WorkItemName = configuration.WorkItemName;

                    FileToStage topNWordExe = new FileToStage(TopNWordsExeName, stagingStorageAccount);
                    FileToStage storageDll  = new FileToStage(StorageClientDllName, stagingStorageAccount);

                    string bookFileUri = UploadBookFileToCloudBlob(configuration, configuration.BookFileName);
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} uploaded to cloud", configuration.BookFileName);

                    for (int i = 1; i <= configuration.NumberOfTasks; i++)
                        ICloudTask task = new CloudTask("task_no_" + i, String.Format("{0} --Task {1} {2} {3} {4}",

                        //This is the list of files to stage to a container -- for each TaskSubmissionHelper one container is created and
                        //files all resolve to Azure Blobs by their name (so two tasks with the same named file will create just 1 blob in
                        //the TaskSubmissionHelper's container).
                        task.FilesToStage = new List <IFileStagingProvider>


                    //Commit all the tasks to the Batch Service.
                    IJobCommitUnboundArtifacts artifacts = taskSubmissionHelper.Commit() as IJobCommitUnboundArtifacts;

                    foreach (var fileStagingArtifact in artifacts.FileStagingArtifacts)
                        SequentialFileStagingArtifact stagingArtifact = fileStagingArtifact.Value as SequentialFileStagingArtifact;
                        if (stagingArtifact != null)
                            stagingContainer = stagingArtifact.BlobContainerCreated;
                            Console.WriteLine("Uploaded files to container: {0} -- you will be charged for their storage unless you delete them.",

                    //Get the job to monitor status.
                    ICloudJob job = wm.GetJob(artifacts.WorkItemName, artifacts.JobName);

                    Console.Write("Waiting for tasks to complete ...");
                    // Wait 1 minute for all tasks to reach the completed state
                    client.OpenToolbox().CreateTaskStateMonitor().WaitAll(job.ListTasks(), TaskState.Completed, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(20));

                    foreach (ICloudTask task in job.ListTasks())
                        Console.WriteLine("Task " + task.Name + " says:\n" + task.GetTaskFile(Constants.StandardOutFileName).ReadAsString());
                //Delete the pool that we created
                if (configuration.ShouldCreatePool)
                    using (IPoolManager pm = client.OpenPoolManager())
                        Console.WriteLine("Deleting pool: {0}", configuration.PoolName);

                //Delete the workitem that we created
                if (configuration.ShouldDeleteWorkItem)
                    using (IWorkItemManager wm = client.OpenWorkItemManager())
                        Console.WriteLine("Deleting work item: {0}", configuration.WorkItemName);

                //Delete the containers we created
                if (configuration.ShouldDeleteContainer)
                    DeleteContainers(configuration, stagingContainer);