Exemple #1
        private async Task _client_UserVoiceStateUpdated(SocketUser arg1, SocketVoiceState arg2, SocketVoiceState arg3)
            ulong GuildId   = 741794858339008602;
            ulong ChannelId = 741799885082329121;

            if (arg3.VoiceChannel.Id == ChannelId)
                IVoiceChannel voiceChannel = await bot.GetGuild(GuildId).CreateVoiceChannelAsync("Nothing");

                IVoiceChannel channel = bot.GetGuild(GuildId).GetVoiceChannel(ChannelId);
                await voiceChannel.ModifyAsync(x =>
                    x.Name       = arg1.Username;
                    x.Position   = bot.GetGuild(741794858339008602).GetVoiceChannel(741799885082329121).Position + 1;;
                    x.CategoryId = 741799684624089138;

                IUser a = arg1;
                await voiceChannel.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(a, OverwritePermissions.AllowAll(voiceChannel));

                CreatedId = channel.Id;
                var user = bot.GetGuild(GuildId).GetUser(arg1.Id);
                await user.ModifyAsync(User =>
                    User.ChannelId = voiceChannel.Id;
Exemple #2
            public async Task _limit([Summary("User Count")] int count)
                try {
                    if (!bonfires.ContainsKey(Context.User.DiscriminatorValue))
                        await ReplyAsync($"**{Context.User.Username}**, you have not lit a bonfire. You can light one with `!bonfire [name]`");


                    if (count < 1 || count > 99)
                        await ReplyAsync($"**{Context.User.Username}**, please provide a valid limit (1-99). You can remove your user limit with `!bonfire limit clear`");


                    Action <VoiceChannelProperties> setLimit = delegate(VoiceChannelProperties vcp) {
                        vcp.UserLimit = count;

                    IVoiceChannel channel = await Context.Guild.GetVoiceChannelAsync(bonfires[Context.User.DiscriminatorValue]);

                    await channel.ModifyAsync(setLimit);
                    await ReplyAsync($"{Emotes.Bonfire} **{Context.User.Username}**, your flame has been tended.");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync(e.ToString());
Exemple #3
        private void OnTimer(Object source, ElapsedEventArgs e, IGuild guild)
            IVoiceChannel channel = guild.GetVoiceChannelAsync(720008031198380162).Result as IVoiceChannel;
            Random        nr      = new Random();

            channel.ModifyAsync(prop => prop.Position = nr.Next(0, guild.GetChannelsAsync().Result.Count));
Exemple #4
        public async Task PublicChannel(string name, int users = 0)
            //Add code making this command only work in VC or VC_2.
            if ((Context.User as SocketGuildUser).VoiceChannel == null)
                await ReplyAsync("You must be in a voice channel to use this command.");


            if (users <= 2 && users != 0)
                await ReplyAsync("The channel must allow for three or more users.");


            IVoiceChannel[] voiceChannels = (await Context.Guild.GetVoiceChannelsAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)).ToArray();

            string channelName = voiceChannels.FindVoiceChannelName(name.ToLower(), false);

            if (channelName == "invalid")
                await ReplyAsync("Channel type is invalid! Check Rules and Info for a full list.");


            Globals.deleteGuard = true;

            await ReplyAsync("Creating channel " + name + " for user " + Context.User.Mention + ". Just a moment, please!");

            IVoiceChannel createdChannel = await Context.Guild.CreateVoiceChannelAsync(channelName);

            if (users != 0)
                await createdChannel.ModifyAsync(x =>
                    x.UserLimit = users;

            await(Context.User as IGuildUser).ModifyAsync(x =>
                x.Channel = new Optional <IVoiceChannel>(createdChannel);

            await Task.Delay(200);

            Globals.deleteGuard = false;
        public async Task UpdateVC(IVoiceChannel VC)
            int watchinPos = VC.Guild.GetVoiceChannelsAsync().Result.Where(chan => chan.Name == "Watchin").FirstOrDefault().Position;

            if (watchinPos <= VC.Position)

            string defaultVCName = $"Lobby {VC.Position + 1}";

            var users = await VC.GetUsersAsync().FirstOrDefault();

            if (users.Count == 0 && VC.Name == defaultVCName)

            string newName = users.Count == 0 ? defaultVCName : users.First().Game?.Name ?? defaultVCName;

            if (newName != "Lobby")
                foreach (IGuildUser user in users)
                    if (user.IsBot)
                    if (user.Game?.Name != newName)
                        newName = defaultVCName;

            if (!(char.IsUpper(newName[0])))
                newName = Char.ToUpperInvariant(newName[0]) + newName.Remove(0, 1);

            void ChangeVCName(VoiceChannelProperties properties) => properties.Name = newName;

            await VC.ModifyAsync(new Action <VoiceChannelProperties>(ChangeVCName));
Exemple #6
        public async Task <Task> RunElevator(IGuild guild)
            Random nr = new Random();

            while (!elevatorStop)
                // Hook up the Elapsed event for the timer.
                IVoiceChannel channel = guild.GetVoiceChannelAsync(720008031198380162).Result as IVoiceChannel;
                foreach (var cat in guild.GetCategoriesAsync().Result)
                    for (int i = 0; i < cat.Guild.GetChannelsAsync().Result.Count; i++)
                        await Task.Delay(1000);

                        channel.ModifyAsync(prop => { prop.Position = i; prop.CategoryId = cat.Id; }).Wait();
Exemple #7
            public async Task noLimit()
                try {
                    if (!bonfires.ContainsKey(Context.User.DiscriminatorValue))
                        await ReplyAsync($"**{Context.User.Username}**, you have not lit a bonfire. You can light one with `!bonfire [name]`");


                    IVoiceChannel channel = await Context.Guild.GetVoiceChannelAsync(bonfires[Context.User.DiscriminatorValue]);

                    Action <VoiceChannelProperties> removeLimit = delegate(VoiceChannelProperties vcp) {
                        vcp.UserLimit = null;
                    await channel.ModifyAsync(removeLimit);
                    await ReplyAsync($"{Emotes.Bonfire} **{Context.User.Username}**, your bonfire has been kindled.");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync(e.ToString());
        public async Task <RuntimeResult> Setup(int count = 3)
            IRole role = Context.Guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == TTTService.RoleName);

            if (role == null)
                role = await Context.Guild.CreateRoleAsync(TTTService.RoleName, isMentionable : false);
            var existing = Context.Guild.VoiceChannels.Count(x => x.Name.StartsWith("ttt-"));
            ICategoryChannel category = Context.Guild.CategoryChannels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "TTT");

            if (category == null)
                category = await Context.Guild.CreateCategoryChannelAsync("TTT");

                await category.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(Context.Guild.EveryoneRole, Program.NoPerms);

                await category.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(role, Program.ReadPerms);
            for (int i = 0; i < (count * count); i++)
                IVoiceChannel vc = Context.Guild.VoiceChannels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.StartsWith($"ttt-{i}"));
                if (vc == null)
                    vc = await Context.Guild.CreateVoiceChannelAsync($"ttt-{i}", x =>
                        x.CategoryId = category.Id;
                var invites = await vc.GetInvitesAsync();

                IInvite invite = invites.FirstOrDefault();
                if (invite == null)
                    invite = await vc.CreateInviteAsync(maxAge : null, maxUses : 1, isTemporary : true);
                await vc.ModifyAsync(x => x.Name = $"ttt-{i}-{invite.Code}");
            return(Success("Server has been setup for tic tac toe."));
Exemple #9
        public async Task _bonfire([Summary("Name"), Remainder()] string name)
            try {
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
                    await ReplyAsync($"**{Context.User.Username}**, please provide a bonfire name.");


                if (bonfires.ContainsKey(Context.User.DiscriminatorValue))
                    Action <VoiceChannelProperties> rename = delegate(VoiceChannelProperties vcp) {
                        vcp.Name = name;
                    IVoiceChannel userChannel = await Context.Guild.GetVoiceChannelAsync(bonfires[Context.User.DiscriminatorValue]);

                    await userChannel.ModifyAsync(rename);
                    await ReplyAsync($"**{Context.User.Username}**, your bonfire has been renamed to {name}.");


                IVoiceChannel newChannel = await Context.Guild.CreateVoiceChannelAsync(name);

                bonfires.Add(Context.User.DiscriminatorValue, newChannel.Id);
                IReadOnlyCollection <ICategoryChannel> categories = await Context.Guild.GetCategoriesAsync();

                Action <VoiceChannelProperties> action = delegate(VoiceChannelProperties vcp) {
                    vcp.CategoryId = categories.Where(y => y.Name.ToLower().Equals("voice channels")).First().Id;
                await newChannel.ModifyAsync(action);
                await ReplyAsync($"{Emotes.Bonfire} **{Context.User.Username}**, your bonfire has been lit.");

                await DeleteIfStillEmpty(newChannel);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync(e.ToString());
            // The actual code which connects our name determinant function to renaming the channel.
            // I didn't want to make the function which determines the name async, as it's more of a utility,
            // so all of the async work is done here.
            public static async Task UpdateVoiceChannel(IVoiceChannel Channel)
                // If the setting is off - don't bother
                if (!Settings.GetGuildSetting <bool>(Channel.Guild, "RenameVoiceChannels"))
                // Don't mess with the AFK channel. Nobody plays games in it anyway...hence AFK
                if (Channel.Id == Channel.Guild.AFKChannelId)
                string NewName = GetVoiceChannelName(await Channel.GetUsersAsync().Flatten());

                try {
                    await Channel.ModifyAsync(x => x.Name = NewName);
                catch (Exception e) {
                    // If my checks haven't caught someone trying to (most likely) change the voice channel name to something
                    // that it shouldn't be, then we can handle that to avoid crashing the bot
                    AuxillaryLogger.Log(LogSeverity.Error, "VoiceChannelRename",
                                        $"Failed to change the voice channel's name to: {NewName} ({e.ToString()}: {e.Message})");
Exemple #11
        public async Task Channel(string vChannelTypeArg, int numberOfUsers = 0)
            //Add code making this command only work in VC or VC_2.
            if ((Context.User as SocketGuildUser).VoiceChannel == null)
                await ReplyAsync("You must be in a voice channel to use this command.");


#if !DEBUG
            if (!Context.Channel.Id.EqualsMulti(Program.ChannelIds.Voice, Program.ChannelIds.Voice2, Program.ChannelIds.Mod))
                await ReplyAsync("Please use this command in the voice chat channels!");


            if (numberOfUsers <= 2 && numberOfUsers != 0)
                await ReplyAsync("The channel must allow for three or more users.");


            if (Globals.vcCreators.ContainsKey(Context.User.Id))
                await ReplyAsync("You already created " + Globals.vcCreators[Context.User.Id] + "! Leave that channel before making a new one.");


            vChannelTypeArg = vChannelTypeArg.ToLower();

            if (!vChannelTypeArg.EqualsMulti("general", "discussion", "chill", "comfort", "stream", "karaoke", "gaming", "drawing"))
                await ReplyAsync("Invalid channel type!");


            string vChannelType = "General";
            int    defaultUsers = 0;

            switch (vChannelTypeArg)
            case "general":
                vChannelType = "General";

            case "discussion":
                vChannelType = "Discussion";
                defaultUsers = 20;

            case "chill":
                vChannelType = "Chill Cafe";
                defaultUsers = 6;

            case "comfort":
                vChannelType = "Comfort";
                defaultUsers = 4;

            case "stream":
                vChannelType = "Stream";
                defaultUsers = 15;

            case "karaoke":
                vChannelType = "Karaoke";
                defaultUsers = 15;

            case "gaming":
                vChannelType = "Gaming";
                defaultUsers = 15;

            case "drawing":
                vChannelType = "Drawing";
                defaultUsers = 15;

            case "event":
                vChannelType = "Event";

            IVoiceChannel[] voiceChannels = (await Context.Guild.GetVoiceChannelsAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)).ToArray();

            int loop          = 0;
            int channelNumber = 1;

            while (loop < 2)
                foreach (var voiceChannel in voiceChannels)
                    if (voiceChannel.Name == vChannelType + " " + channelNumber.ToString())
                        loop = 0;


            string channelName = vChannelType + " " + channelNumber.ToString();

            Globals.deleteGuard = true;

            await ReplyAsync("Creating channel " + channelName + " for user " + Context.User.Mention + ". Just a moment, please!");

            Globals.vcCreators[Context.User.Id] = channelName;

            IVoiceChannel createdChannel = await Context.Guild.CreateVoiceChannelAsync(channelName);

            int finalUserLimit = 0;

            if (numberOfUsers == 0)
                if (defaultUsers > 0)
                    finalUserLimit = defaultUsers;
                finalUserLimit = numberOfUsers;

            await createdChannel.ModifyAsync(x =>
                x.UserLimit = finalUserLimit;

            await(Context.User as IGuildUser).ModifyAsync(x =>
                x.Channel = new Optional <IVoiceChannel>(createdChannel);

            await Task.Delay(200);

            Globals.deleteGuard = false;
Exemple #12
        public async Task Setup()
            var guild = GetGuild();

            ulong categoryId;

            IRole         deadRole = null;
            ITextChannel  general = null, mafia = null, dead = null;
            IVoiceChannel vc = null;

            if (guild.CategoryChannels.Any(x => x.Name == "Mafia"))
                var category = guild.CategoryChannels.First(x => x.Name == "Mafia");
                categoryId = category.Id;
                general    = category.Channels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "general" &&
                                                              x is ITextChannel) as ITextChannel;
                mafia = category.Channels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "mafia" &&
                                                         x is ITextChannel) as ITextChannel;
                dead = category.Channels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "dead" &&
                                                        x is ITextChannel) as ITextChannel;
                vc = category.Channels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Voice" &&
                                                      x is IVoiceChannel) as IVoiceChannel;
                deadRole = guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Dead");
                var category = await guild.CreateCategoryChannelAsync("Mafia");

                categoryId = category.Id;

            if (general == null)
                general = await GetGuild().CreateTextChannelAsync("general");

                await general.ModifyAsync(x => x.CategoryId = categoryId);

            if (mafia == null)
                mafia = await GetGuild().CreateTextChannelAsync("mafia");

                await mafia.ModifyAsync(x => x.CategoryId = categoryId);

            if (dead == null)
                dead = await GetGuild().CreateTextChannelAsync("dead");

                await dead.ModifyAsync(x => x.CategoryId = categoryId);

            if (vc == null)
                vc = await GetGuild().CreateVoiceChannelAsync("Voice");

                await vc.ModifyAsync(x => x.CategoryId = categoryId);

            if (deadRole == null)
                deadRole = await GetGuild().CreateRoleAsync("Dead");

                await deadRole.ModifyAsync(x => x.Position = 0);

                await deadRole.ModifyAsync(x => x.Hoist = true);

            await general.SendMessageAsync("Mafia is setup! Create a lobby with `-create`.");
        private static async Task UpdateClockChannels()
            DateTime utcNow  = DateTime.UtcNow;
            DateTime estNow  = TimeConverter.UtcToEst(utcNow);
            DateTime cstNow  = TimeConverter.UtcToCst(utcNow);
            DateTime mstNow  = TimeConverter.UtcToMst(utcNow);
            DateTime pstNow  = TimeConverter.UtcToPst(utcNow);
            DateTime nzstNow = TimeConverter.UtcToNzst(utcNow);

            IVoiceChannel estChannel  = _client.GetChannel(815729186673131561) as IVoiceChannel;
            IVoiceChannel cstChannel  = _client.GetChannel(815729295556739073) as IVoiceChannel;
            IVoiceChannel mstChannel  = _client.GetChannel(815729373659136061) as IVoiceChannel;
            IVoiceChannel pstChannel  = _client.GetChannel(815729434715357236) as IVoiceChannel;
            IVoiceChannel nzstChannel = _client.GetChannel(818611936220282970) as IVoiceChannel;

            if (estChannel != null)
                await estChannel.ModifyAsync(x =>
                    x.Name = $"{GetClockEmoji(estNow)} {estNow.ToString("hh:mm tt")} EST";

                await Task.Delay(1000);
                Logger.Error("Unable to locate the EST Clock Chanel");

            if (cstChannel != null)
                await cstChannel.ModifyAsync(x =>
                    x.Name = $"{GetClockEmoji(cstNow)} {cstNow.ToString("hh:mm tt")} CST";

                await Task.Delay(1000);
                Logger.Error("Unable to locate the CST Clock Channel");

            if (mstChannel != null)
                await mstChannel.ModifyAsync(x =>
                    x.Name = $"{GetClockEmoji(mstNow)} {mstNow.ToString("hh:mm tt")} MST";

                await Task.Delay(1000);
                Logger.Error("Unable to locate the MST Clock Channel");

            if (pstChannel != null)
                await pstChannel.ModifyAsync(x =>
                    x.Name = $"{GetClockEmoji(pstNow)} {pstNow.ToString("hh:mm tt")} PST";

                await Task.Delay(1000);
                Logger.Error("Unable to locate the PST Clock Channel");

            if (nzstChannel != null)
                await nzstChannel.ModifyAsync(x =>
                    x.Name = $"{GetClockEmoji(nzstNow)} {nzstNow.ToString("hh:mm tt")} NZST";

                await Task.Delay(1000);
                Logger.Error("Unable to locate the NZST Clock Channel");
Exemple #14
        public static async Task ChannelPurge(IGuild guild)
            ITextChannel statusChannel = await guild.CreateTextChannelAsync("REE6 Channel Purge Progress", channel => channel.Position = 1);

            await statusChannel.SendMessageAsync("REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Channel Purge Operation Starting...");

            int categoryNum     = guild.GetCategoriesAsync().Result.Count;
            int textChannelNum  = guild.GetTextChannelsAsync().Result.Count;
            int voiceChannelNum = guild.GetVoiceChannelsAsync().Result.Count;

            // Purge Categories
            IUserMessage statusMessage = await statusChannel.SendMessageAsync("REEEEEEEEEE! Purging channel categories...");

            foreach (ICategoryChannel category in guild.GetCategoriesAsync().Result)
                await category.DeleteAsync();
            // Purge Text Channels
            await statusMessage.ModifyAsync(msg => msg.Content = "REEEEEEEEEE! Purging text channels...");

            foreach (ITextChannel channel in await guild.GetTextChannelsAsync())
                if (channel.Id == statusChannel.Id)
                await channel.SendMessageAsync("@everyone REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!");

                await channel.DeleteAsync();
            // Purge Voice Channels
            await statusMessage.ModifyAsync(msg => msg.Content = "REEEEEEEEEE! Purging voice channels...");

            foreach (IVoiceChannel channel in await guild.GetVoiceChannelsAsync())
                await channel.DeleteAsync();

            // Random for category separation
            Random random = new Random();

            // Recreate categories
            await statusMessage.ModifyAsync(msg => msg.Content = "Channel purge complete! Creating new channels...");

            statusMessage = await statusChannel.SendMessageAsync("REEEEEEEEEE! Creating categories...");

            ulong[] categoryIds = new ulong[categoryNum];
            for (int i = categoryNum; i > 0; i--)
                ICategoryChannel categoryChannel = await guild.CreateCategoryAsync("REEEEEEEEEE! categorEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!");

                categoryIds[categoryNum - i] = categoryChannel.Id;
            // Recreate Text Channels
            await statusMessage.ModifyAsync(msg => msg.Content = "REEEEEEEEEE! Creating text channels");

            for (int i = textChannelNum; i > 0; i--)
                ITextChannel textChannel = await guild.CreateTextChannelAsync("REEEEEEEEEE! text channelEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!");

                    ulong randomCategoryId = categoryIds[random.Next(categoryNum)];
                    await textChannel.ModifyAsync(channel => channel.CategoryId = randomCategoryId);
                    await textChannel.SendMessageAsync("This channel could not be put into a category");
            // Recreate Voice Channels
            await statusMessage.ModifyAsync(msg => msg.Content = "REEEEEEEEEE! Creating voice channels");

            //IUserMessage voiceChannelFailsMessage = await statusChannel.SendMessageAsync("0 voice channels could not be put in a category");
            int voiceChannelFails = 0;

            for (int i = voiceChannelNum; i > 0; i--)
                IVoiceChannel voiceChannel = await guild.CreateVoiceChannelAsync("REEEEEEEEEE! voice channelEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!");

                    ulong randomCategoryId = categoryIds[random.Next(categoryNum)];
                    await voiceChannel.ModifyAsync(channel => channel.CategoryId = randomCategoryId);
                    //await voiceChannelFailsMessage.ModifyAsync(msg => msg.Content = voiceChannelFails + " voice channel(s) could not be put in a category.");

            await statusMessage.ModifyAsync(msg => msg.Content = "REEEEEEEEEE! Channel Purge Operation Complete!");

            await statusChannel.SendMessageAsync("Deleting channel in 3 seconds...");

            Timer terminate = new Timer(3000);

            terminate.AutoReset = false;
            terminate.Elapsed  += new ElapsedEventHandler(delegate(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { statusChannel.DeleteAsync(); });
        public async Task RoleLottery()
            IGuild       guild    = client.GetGuild(spiritBearGuildID) as IGuild;       // Spirit Bear Guild
            ITextChannel announce = await guild.GetSystemChannelAsync();                // Announcement channel

            IVoiceChannel voice = await guild.GetVoiceChannelAsync(434092857415041024); // The winner's voice channel

            IRole everyone        = guild.EveryoneRole;                                 // The everyone role
            IRole participantRole = guild.GetRole(411281455331672064);                  // The lottery role
            IRole winningRole     = guild.GetRole(335456437352529921);                  // The winning role
            // All users in the guild
            var users = await guild.GetUsersAsync();

            // All possible participants
            IEnumerable <IGuildUser> participants = users.Where(user => user.RoleIds.Any(roleID => roleID == participantRole.Id));
            // Everyone who currently has the winning role
            IEnumerable <IGuildUser> currentWinners = users.Where(user => user.RoleIds.Any(roleID => roleID == winningRole.Id));

            // Removes any current winner from the participants list
            participants.ToList().RemoveAll(participant => currentWinners.Any(currentWinner => participant == currentWinner));

            string msg = "Lottery:\n";

            // Adds who the role was removed from to the message
            msg += $"Took away {string.Join(", ", currentWinners.Select(user => user.Username))}\'s {winningRole.Name}\n";

            // Removes the winning role from anyone who currently has it
            foreach (var user in currentWinners)
                await user.RemoveRoleAsync(winningRole, new RequestOptions { AuditLogReason = $"Previous {winningRole.Name}" });

            // Randomly selects the winner
            IGuildUser winner = participants.ElementAt(rand.Next(0, participants.Count()));

            // Gives the winner their role
            await winner.AddRoleAsync(winningRole, new RequestOptions { AuditLogReason = $"The new {winningRole.Name} is in town" });

            // Edits the winner's voice channel name
            await voice.ModifyAsync((VoiceChannelProperties prop) =>
                prop.Name    = $"{winner.Username}\'s Executive Suite";
                prop.Bitrate = 64000;
            }, new RequestOptions { AuditLogReason = "Reset and rename" });

            // Resets permissions to their 'default' values
            await voice.SyncPermissionsAsync(new RequestOptions { AuditLogReason = "Reset permissions" });

            // Edits everyone role permission overwrites
            await voice.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(everyone,
                                                    new OverwritePermissions(manageChannel : PermValue.Deny, manageRoles : PermValue.Deny, connect : PermValue.Deny, moveMembers : PermValue.Deny),
                                                    new RequestOptions { AuditLogReason = "Reset permissions" });

            // Edits winner role permission overwrites
            await voice.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(winningRole,
                                                    new OverwritePermissions(connect : PermValue.Allow, moveMembers : PermValue.Allow, manageRoles : PermValue.Allow),
                                                    new RequestOptions { AuditLogReason = "Reset permssions" });

            msg += $"Participants: {string.Join(", ", participants.Select(participant => participant.Username))}\n";
            msg += $"This week's winner is: {winner.Mention}!";

            await(announce as ISocketMessageChannel).SendMessageAsync(msg);