Exemple #1
        private Task WorksBeforeAndAfterServerRestart(Func <Context, IContentSession, ContentHash, Task> requestFunc)
            // Scenario must be unique for different test cases to avoid getting CacheException like:
            // BuildXL.Cache.ContentStore.Exceptions.CacheException : Shutdown event name=[InProcessServiceRequestsWorkAcrossServerRestartTestsDEBUGDEBUG] already exists
            Scenario += Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            return(RunSessionTestAsync(ImplicitPin.None, async(context, session) =>
                // Put some random content for requests that want to use it.
                var r1 = await session.PutRandomAsync(context, ContentHashType, false, ContentByteCount, Token).ShouldBeSuccess();

                // Pin the content - this should survive the server restart.
                await session.PinAsync(context, r1.ContentHash, Token).ShouldBeSuccess();

                // Make sure request works before restarting the server.
                await requestFunc(context, session, r1.ContentHash);

                ITestServiceClientContentStore store = ((TestServiceClientContentSession)session).Store;
                await store.RestartServerAsync(context);

                // Make sure request works after restarting the server.
                await requestFunc(context, session, r1.ContentHash);