public void UnpackInternal(IAbsoluteFilePath sourceFile, IAbsoluteDirectoryPath outputFolder,
                                   bool overwrite      = false, bool fullPath = true, bool checkFileIntegrity = true,
                                   ITProgress progress = null)
            if (sourceFile == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sourceFile));
            if (outputFolder == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(outputFolder));

            var ext     = sourceFile.FileExtension;
            var options = new ExtractionOptions {
                PreserveFileTime = true

            if (fullPath)
                options.ExtractFullPath = true;
            if (overwrite)
                options.Overwrite = true;
            using (var archive = GetArchiveWithGzWorkaround(sourceFile, ext))
                UnpackArchive(outputFolder, overwrite, archive, options, sourceFile);
            public virtual string Gzip(IAbsoluteFilePath file, IAbsoluteFilePath dest = null,
                bool preserveFileNameAndModificationTime = true, ITProgress status = null) {
                Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(file != null);

                var defDest = (file + ".gz").ToAbsoluteFilePath();
                if (dest == null)
                    dest = defDest;

                var cmd = $"-f --best --rsyncable --keep \"{file}\"";
                if (!preserveFileNameAndModificationTime)
                    cmd = "-n " + cmd;


                var startInfo =
                    new ProcessStartInfoBuilder(Common.Paths.ToolPath.GetChildFileWithName("gzip.exe"), cmd) {
                        WorkingDirectory = file.ParentDirectoryPath

                var srcSize = file.FileInfo.Length;
                ProcessExitResultWithOutput ret;
                var predictedSize = srcSize*DefaultPredictedCompressionRatio;
                using (StatusProcessor.Conditional(defDest, status, (long) predictedSize))
                    ret = ProcessManager.LaunchAndGrabTool(startInfo, "Gzip pack");
                if (Path.GetFullPath(dest.ToString()) != Path.GetFullPath(defDest.ToString()))
                    FileUtil.Ops.MoveWithRetry(defDest, dest);

                return ret.StandardOutput + ret.StandardError;
 internal StatusProcessor(IAbsoluteFilePath dest, ITProgress status, long predictedSize)
     _dest          = dest;
     _status        = status;
     _predictedSize = predictedSize;
     _startTime     = DateTime.UtcNow;
     _timer         = new TimerWithElapsedCancellationOnExceptionOnly(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250),
 static async Task CopyAsyncInternal(IAbsoluteFilePath source, IAbsoluteFilePath destination,
                                     bool overwrite = true, ITProgress status = null)
     using (
         var sourceStream = File.Open(source.ToString(), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
         using (var destinationStream = File.Create(destination.ToString()))
             using (new StatusProcessor(destination, status, source.FileInfo.Length))
                 await sourceStream.CopyToAsync(destinationStream).ConfigureAwait(false);
     CopyTimestamps(source, destination);
        public void UnpackInternal(IAbsoluteFilePath sourceFile, IAbsoluteDirectoryPath outputFolder,
            bool overwrite = false, bool fullPath = true, bool checkFileIntegrity = true,
            ITProgress progress = null) {
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(sourceFile != null);
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(outputFolder != null);

            var ext = sourceFile.FileExtension;
            var options = new ExtractionOptions {PreserveFileTime = true};
            if (fullPath)
                options.ExtractFullPath = true;
            if (overwrite)
                options.Overwrite = true;
            using (var archive = GetArchiveWithGzWorkaround(sourceFile, ext))
                UnpackArchive(outputFolder, overwrite, archive, options, sourceFile);
 public void UnpackGzip(IAbsoluteFilePath sourceFile, IAbsoluteFilePath destFile, ITProgress progress = null) {
     using (var archive = GZipArchive.Open(sourceFile.ToString())) {
         try {
             TryUnpackArchive(destFile, progress, archive);
         } catch (ZlibException ex) {
             if ((ex.Message == "Not a valid GZIP stream.") || (ex.Message == "Bad GZIP header.")
                 || (ex.Message == "Unexpected end-of-file reading GZIP header.")
                 || (ex.Message == "Unexpected EOF reading GZIP header.")) {
                 var header = TryReadHeader(sourceFile);
                 throw new CompressedFileException(
                     $"The archive appears corrupt: {sourceFile}. Header:\n{header}", ex);
            public virtual void Unpack(IAbsoluteFilePath sourceFile, IAbsoluteDirectoryPath outputFolder,
                bool overwrite = false, bool fullPath = true, bool force7z = false, bool checkFileIntegrity = true,
                ITProgress progress = null) {
                Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(sourceFile != null);
                Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(outputFolder != null);

                var ext = sourceFile.FileExtension;
                if (force7z ||
                    SevenzipArchiveFormats.Any(x => ext.Equals(x, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) {
                    using (var extracter = new SevenZipExtractor(sourceFile.ToString()))
                        UnpackArchive(sourceFile, outputFolder, overwrite, checkFileIntegrity, extracter);
                } else {
                    var options = fullPath ? ExtractOptions.ExtractFullPath : ExtractOptions.None;
                    using (var archive = GetArchiveWithGzWorkaround(sourceFile, ext))
                        UnpackArchive(outputFolder, overwrite, archive, options);
                private async Task OnlyCopyIfHashMisMatch(IAbsoluteFilePath source, IAbsoluteFilePath destination,
                                                          ITProgress status)
                    if (
                            () => HashEncryption.MD5FileHash(source) != HashEncryption.MD5FileHash(destination))
                        await CopyAsyncInternal(source, destination, true, status).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    .Info("Source and destination files equal. Source: {0}, Destination: {1}", source,
Exemple #9
            private static void HandleExtractionDestination(FileInfoWithData <State> f, IAbsoluteFilePath c,
                                                            ITProgress s)
                var tmpFile = (c + ".six-tmp").ToAbsoluteFilePath();

                if (Common.Flags.Verbose)
                        $"Decompressing {f.DownloadInfo.LocalFilePath} to {c} (for {string.Join(", ", f.Destinations)})");
                Tools.Compression.Gzip.UnpackSingleGzip(f.DownloadInfo.LocalFilePath, tmpFile, s);
                if (Tools.HashEncryption.SHA1FileHash(tmpFile) != f.Data.Checksum)
                    throw new ChecksumException("The checksum does not match");
Exemple #10
                public Task CopyAsync(IAbsoluteFilePath source, IAbsoluteFilePath destination, bool overwrite = true,
                                      bool checkMd5 = false, ITProgress status = null)
                    if (FileUtil.ComparePathsEqualCase(source.ToString(), destination.ToString()))
                        throw new ArgumentException("Source and destination paths cannot be equal");
                    var destinationExists = destination.Exists;

                    if (!overwrite && destinationExists)
                        throw new IOException("destination file exists " + destination);
                    if (!checkMd5 || !destinationExists)
                        return(CopyAsyncInternal(source, destination, overwrite, status));
                    return(OnlyCopyIfHashMisMatch(source, destination, status));
        private static void TryUnpackArchive(IAbsoluteFilePath destFile, ITProgress progress, GZipArchive archive)
            var entry = archive.Entries.First();

            if (progress != null)
                var startTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                archive.CompressedBytesRead += (sender, args) => {
                    double prog = args.CompressedBytesRead / (float)archive.TotalSize;
                    if (prog > 1)
                        prog = 1;
                    var totalMilliseconds = (DateTime.UtcNow - startTime).TotalMilliseconds;
                        totalMilliseconds > 0 ? (long?)(args.CompressedBytesRead / (totalMilliseconds / 1000.0)) : null,
                        prog * 100);
            progress?.Update(null, 100);
            public virtual string GzipStdOut(IAbsoluteFilePath inputFile, IAbsoluteFilePath outputFile = null,
                bool preserveFileNameAndModificationTime = true, ITProgress status = null) {
                Contract.Requires<ArgumentException>(inputFile != null);

                if (outputFile == null)
                    outputFile = (inputFile + ".gz").ToAbsoluteFilePath();

                var cmd = $"-f --best --rsyncable --keep --stdout \"{inputFile}\" > \"{outputFile}\"";
                if (!preserveFileNameAndModificationTime)
                    cmd = "-n " + cmd;

                var startInfo =
                    new ProcessStartInfoBuilder(Common.Paths.ToolPath.GetChildFileWithName("gzip.exe"), cmd) {
                        WorkingDirectory = Common.Paths.LocalDataPath
                var srcSize = inputFile.FileInfo.Length;
                ProcessExitResultWithOutput ret;
                var predictedSize = srcSize*DefaultPredictedCompressionRatio;
                using (StatusProcessor.Conditional(outputFile, status, (long) predictedSize))
                    ret = ProcessManager.LaunchAndGrabToolCmd(startInfo, "Gzip pack");
                return ret.StandardOutput + ret.StandardError;
 public virtual void Unpack(IAbsoluteFilePath sourceFile, IAbsoluteDirectoryPath outputFolder,
         bool overwrite = false, bool fullPath = true, bool checkFileIntegrity = true,
         ITProgress progress = null)
     _compressionUtil.UnpackInternal(sourceFile, outputFolder, overwrite, fullPath, checkFileIntegrity,
Exemple #14
 public static Task CopyAsync(this IAbsoluteFilePath src, IAbsoluteDirectoryPath destination,
                              bool overwrite = true,
                              bool checkMd5  = false, ITProgress status = null)
 Tools.FileUtil.Ops.CopyAsync(src, destination.GetChildFileWithName(src.FileName), overwrite, checkMd5,
Exemple #15
 private static Task HandleCopyFileInternal(IAbsoluteFilePath file, IAbsoluteFilePath dst, ITProgress status)
     if (Common.Flags.Verbose)
         MainLog.Logger.Info($"Copying {file} to {dst}");
     return(file.CopyAsync(dst, status: status));
 internal StatusProcessor(IAbsoluteFilePath dest, ITProgress status, long predictedSize) {
     _dest = dest;
     _status = status;
     _predictedSize = predictedSize;
     _startTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
     _timer = new TimerWithElapsedCancellationOnExceptionOnly(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250),
Exemple #17
 public virtual void Unpack(IAbsoluteFilePath sourceFile, IAbsoluteDirectoryPath outputFolder,
                            bool overwrite      = false, bool fullPath = true, bool checkFileIntegrity = true,
                            ITProgress progress = null)
 _compressionUtil.UnpackInternal(sourceFile, outputFolder, overwrite, fullPath, checkFileIntegrity,
            public virtual string Gzip(IAbsoluteFilePath file, IAbsoluteFilePath dest = null,
                                       bool preserveFileNameAndModificationTime       = true, ITProgress status = null)
                if (file == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(file));
                if (!(file.Exists))
                    throw new ArgumentException("file.Exists");

                var defDest = (file + ".gz").ToAbsoluteFilePath();

                if (dest == null)
                    dest = defDest;

                var cmd = $"-f --best --rsyncable --keep \"{file}\"";

                if (!preserveFileNameAndModificationTime)
                    cmd = "-n " + cmd;


                var startInfo =
                    new ProcessStartInfoBuilder(Common.Paths.ToolPath.GetChildFileWithName("gzip.exe"), cmd)
                    WorkingDirectory = file.ParentDirectoryPath

                var srcSize = file.FileInfo.Length;
                ProcessExitResultWithOutput ret;
                var predictedSize = srcSize * DefaultPredictedCompressionRatio;

                using (StatusProcessor.Conditional(defDest, status, (long)predictedSize))
                    ret = ProcessManager.LaunchAndGrabTool(startInfo, "Gzip pack");
                if (Path.GetFullPath(dest.ToString()) != Path.GetFullPath(defDest.ToString()))
                    FileUtil.Ops.MoveWithRetry(defDest, dest);

                return(ret.StandardOutput + ret.StandardError);
 public void UnpackGzip(IAbsoluteFilePath sourceFile, IAbsoluteFilePath destFile, ITProgress progress = null)
     using (var archive = GZipArchive.Open(sourceFile.ToString())) {
         try {
             TryUnpackArchive(destFile, progress, archive);
         } catch (ZlibException ex) {
             if ((ex.Message == "Not a valid GZIP stream.") || (ex.Message == "Bad GZIP header.") ||
                 (ex.Message == "Unexpected end-of-file reading GZIP header.") ||
                 (ex.Message == "Unexpected EOF reading GZIP header."))
                 var header = TryReadHeader(sourceFile);
                 throw new CompressedFileException(
                           $"The archive appears corrupt: {sourceFile}. Header:\n{header}", ex);
Exemple #20
 public static void Unpack(this IAbsoluteFilePath src, IAbsoluteDirectoryPath outputFolder,
                           bool overwrite = false, bool fullPath = true, bool checkFileIntegrity = true, ITProgress progress = null)
 => Tools.Compression.Unpack(src, outputFolder, overwrite, fullPath, checkFileIntegrity, progress);
 private static void TryUnpackArchive(IAbsoluteFilePath destFile, ITProgress progress, GZipArchive archive) {
     var entry = archive.Entries.First();
     if (progress != null) {
         var startTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
         archive.CompressedBytesRead += (sender, args) => {
             double prog = args.CompressedBytesRead/(float) archive.TotalSize;
             if (prog > 1)
                 prog = 1;
             var totalMilliseconds = (DateTime.UtcNow - startTime).TotalMilliseconds;
                 totalMilliseconds > 0 ? (long?) (args.CompressedBytesRead/(totalMilliseconds/1000.0)) : null,
     progress?.Update(null, 100);
 public virtual string GzipAuto(IAbsoluteFilePath inputFile, IAbsoluteFilePath outputFile = null,
     bool preserveFileNameAndModificationTime = true, ITProgress status = null) {
     if (inputFile.ToString().EndsWith(".gz", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
         return GzipStdOut(inputFile, outputFile, preserveFileNameAndModificationTime, status);
     return Gzip(inputFile, outputFile, preserveFileNameAndModificationTime, status);
Exemple #23
 public StatusWrapper(ITProgress wrapped, Action <double, long?> act)
     _wrapped = wrapped;
     _act     = act;
 public static IDisposable Conditional(IAbsoluteFilePath dest, ITProgress status, long predictedSize)
     => (status == null) || (predictedSize == 0) ? null : new StatusProcessor(dest, status, predictedSize);
 public virtual string GzipAuto(IAbsoluteFilePath inputFile, IAbsoluteFilePath outputFile = null,
                                bool preserveFileNameAndModificationTime = true, ITProgress status = null)
     if (inputFile.ToString().EndsWith(".gz", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
         return(GzipStdOut(inputFile, outputFile, preserveFileNameAndModificationTime, status));
     return(Gzip(inputFile, outputFile, preserveFileNameAndModificationTime, status));
Exemple #26
 public static Task CopyAsync(this IAbsoluteFilePath src, IAbsoluteFilePath destination,
                              bool overwrite = true,
                              bool checkMd5  = false, ITProgress status = null)
 => Tools.FileUtil.Ops.CopyAsync(src, destination, overwrite, checkMd5, status);
 public void UnpackSingleGzip(IAbsoluteFilePath sourceFile, IAbsoluteFilePath destFile,
                              ITProgress progress = null)
     _compressionUtil.UnpackGzip(sourceFile, destFile, progress);
 public static Task CopyAsync(this IAbsoluteFilePath src, IAbsoluteDirectoryPath destination,
         bool overwrite = true,
         bool checkMd5 = false, ITProgress status = null)
     Tools.FileUtil.Ops.CopyAsync(src, destination.GetChildFileWithName(src.FileName), overwrite, checkMd5,
 public static IDisposable Conditional(IAbsoluteFilePath dest, ITProgress status, long predictedSize)
 => (status == null) || (predictedSize == 0) ? null : new StatusProcessor(dest, status, predictedSize);
 public static Task CopyAsync(this IAbsoluteFilePath src, IAbsoluteFilePath destination,
         bool overwrite = true,
         bool checkMd5 = false, ITProgress status = null)
     => Tools.FileUtil.Ops.CopyAsync(src, destination, overwrite, checkMd5, status);
            public virtual string GzipStdOut(IAbsoluteFilePath inputFile, IAbsoluteFilePath outputFile = null,
                                             bool preserveFileNameAndModificationTime = true, ITProgress status = null)
                if (!(inputFile != null))
                    throw new ArgumentException("inputFile != null");
                if (!(inputFile.Exists))
                    throw new ArgumentException("inputFile.Exists");

                if (outputFile == null)
                    outputFile = (inputFile + ".gz").ToAbsoluteFilePath();

                var cmd = $"-f --best --rsyncable --keep --stdout \"{inputFile}\" > \"{outputFile}\"";

                if (!preserveFileNameAndModificationTime)
                    cmd = "-n " + cmd;

                var startInfo =
                    new ProcessStartInfoBuilder(Common.Paths.ToolPath.GetChildFileWithName("gzip.exe"), cmd)
                    WorkingDirectory = Common.Paths.LocalDataPath
                var srcSize = inputFile.FileInfo.Length;
                ProcessExitResultWithOutput ret;
                var predictedSize = srcSize * DefaultPredictedCompressionRatio;

                using (StatusProcessor.Conditional(outputFile, status, (long)predictedSize))
                    ret = ProcessManager.LaunchAndGrabToolCmd(startInfo, "Gzip pack");
                return(ret.StandardOutput + ret.StandardError);
 public static void Unpack(this IAbsoluteFilePath src, IAbsoluteDirectoryPath outputFolder,
         bool overwrite = false, bool fullPath = true, bool checkFileIntegrity = true, ITProgress progress = null)
     => Tools.Compression.Unpack(src, outputFolder, overwrite, fullPath, checkFileIntegrity, progress);
Exemple #33
            public void UnpackSingleGzip(IAbsoluteFilePath sourceFile, IAbsoluteFilePath destFile,
                ITProgress progress = null) {
                using (var archive = GZipArchive.Open(sourceFile.ToString())) {
                    if (progress != null) {
                        archive.CompressedBytesRead += (sender, args) => {
                            double prog = (args.CompressedBytesRead/(float) archive.TotalSize);
                            if (prog > 1)
                                prog = 1;
                            progress.Progress = prog*100;
                    var entry = archive.Entries.First();

 public void UnpackSingleGzip(IAbsoluteFilePath sourceFile, IAbsoluteFilePath destFile,
     ITProgress progress = null) {
     _compressionUtil.UnpackGzip(sourceFile, destFile, progress);